Death in the Desert Ch. 02

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Captured by the enemy, Zoe is determined to escape.
7.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/28/2022
Created 07/15/2014
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Sipping disconsolately at her bowl of thin soup, Captain Zoe wondered for the nth time how long she had been a prisoner of the Sunnie Army. Without a window or any other outside light source, it was impossible to determine how much time had passed. The gloomy cell and the isolation were beginning to wear her down and she felt even more defeated every day. She had not seen a living soul since her interrogation by Shivani and her cohorts and her ribs were still tender from where she'd been kicked.

A greater pain was in her heart knowing that the woman she loved had gone over to the enemy and betrayed her. She wondered if Shivani had been an enemy agent all along and had played her for a fool. Finishing the last of the soup, she placed the tin bowl by a slot at the bottom of the cell door where it would be retrieved and, after an interval, be refilled and slid back in. She hadn't had anything else to eat and was already feeling weaker from the poor diet and no exercise. Why didn't they just kill her and get it over with?

The sound of footsteps in the hall roused her from her gloomy reverie and she cried out in surprise when the cell door crashed open; the harsh light from the fluorescent bulbs lining the ceiling making her momentarily blind. She was lifted roughly from where she sat, placed on a gurney and wheeled briskly through a maze of hallways by two armed guards wearing surgical masks.

They finally stopped at a door that swung open at their approach, wheeled in and left there, the door closing behind her. Disoriented, she sat up and looked around. She was in what appeared to be an examination room, with various diagnostic machines, trays of instruments and rows of cabinets lining one wall. The walls, floor and ceiling were painted a soft green and various posters diagramming parts of the human body hung on the walls.

Abruptly a door opened and a figure dressed in surgical greens, masked, gloved and wearing a head covering strode into the room and said gruffly "Remove your clothing. I must examine you for diseases." Zoe dismounted from the gurney, slowly removed her now ragged uniform and stood naked as the person looked on impassively, then turned, took several instruments from a cart and began the examination, probing her various orifices and looking into her eyes and ears with a bright light. Zoe bore the examination with as much dignity as she could muster while seething inside wanting to punch this person out.

Zoe was startled when the person removed their gloves, turned her around, pressed against her back and began fondling her breasts and pussy. "What the fuck ..." Zoe began, in no mood to be assaulted.

"It's good to see you again, Zoe," said a familiar voice.

Zoe looked around to see that the masked and gowned figure was, in fact, Doc Anita who kissed her on the lips, then said, "You're looking hot, babe."

"Hera's tits!" Zoe exclaimed and they kissed and hugged happily. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm a prisoner like you. When the Sunnies found out I was a doctor, they put me to work in the hospital. When I found out you were here too, I asked to examine you saying you might have an infectious disease."

"Where were you captured? Did anyone else make it?"

"Yep, There's eight of us here that I know of. Shivvie's trying to find any others, but so far no luck."

"Shivvy? You mean Shivani that traitorous cunt? If I get near her I'm gonna kill her."

"You got it wrong, Zoe, she saved all our lives. She's a hero and she's risking her life mixing with the Sunnies while we figure out how to escape."

"I'm so fuckin' confused," Zoe said, "I thought she'd sold us out when she came into my cell all decked out in a Sunnie uniform spouting their garbage. She even let those goons beat on me."

"It couldn't be helped, babe. She had to see if you were okay and yet keep up a front so the Sunnies would believe her story."

"So what happened that you guys were captured and how did Shivani save you?"

"I'll explain in a minute. Here, put this exam robe on and sit down over there at that table. You want anything to eat?"

"What'cha got? All I've had is some soup."

"Hold on a minute." She went to the door, opened it, shouted something in a language Zoe didn't recognize, shut it and rejoined her at the small table.

"It's quite a tale," she began. "Shivvy and I were the only ones left alive when the HAPC we were in took a direct hit. We finally got out of the wreck and were wondering what to do next when Sue Lynn, Harriet and Wanda showed up. They'd been wandering around, found each other, then heard us talking and came over. We found Gloria, Margie and Janice, but no one else. The rest of the Company must have fought their way out and retreated or were KIA and in the wreckage."

"So how did Shivani save you guys?"

"It was the damndest thing. While we were out looking for survivors, she found a dead Sunnie officer without a mark on her. We figured it was a concussion. Shivvy stripped the body and took the gear back to our hideout we'd set up in a damaged HAPC. We knew the Sunnies would be sniffing around looking for survivors, weapons and ammo and we had nothing to fight with except the dead woman's pistol."

"A woman was a Sunnie officer? I thought they thought women weren't fit for anything except cooking, cleaning and breeding."

"We, Shivvy that is, found out later that the Sunnie Army's hurtin' for officers, so they've started offerin' women commissions. They get all the grunts they need, but any guy with brains is hiding out from the conscription sweeps and joining the movement to end the war."

"HQ'd love to hear that. Too bad we can't make contact with those people and get a fifth column thing going in Sunnie territory."

"We're in touch with some of them here that allowed themselves to be conscripted so they could work from inside, but we're both still suspicious of the other, so we're movin' slow."

"So what did Shivani do with the uniform?"

"We kicked some ideas around like finding a serviceable vehicle and making a run for it, but then sure enough the Sunnies came sniffing around, so that idea was out. Shivvy got the idea to put on the uniform and we'd act like her prisoners and let the Sunnies capture us. She convinced them that we were all medics and we'd be more useful dead than alive. They bought it since they're way short on medical staff and here we are."

A knock on the door interrupted Anita's story and she went to see who it was. She returned in a moment carrying a tray with plates of sliced broiled Lamb, couscous, cheese and bread, a jug of water, a glass and silverware. Zoe ate ravenously while Anita continued her story.

"I've taught the others how to administer rudimentary medical treatments so they can get by while we figure out how to get out of here. We don't see much of Shivvy since she's up in officers' country, but she keeps in touch and lets us know what's going on. Words come down that there's a big offensive being planned and we figure that may be the time to make a break for it."

Zoe gobbled the last of the food, leaned back in her chair, belched and said "Damn that was good. Where do we go from here?"

"I'm having you placed in an isolation ward so your infection won't spread. You'll be fed and pretty much left alone. We'll keep you in the loop as to what our plans are."

"Sounds good to me; what's wrong with me anyway?"

"I'm telling 'em you're a Bubonic Plague carrier and you're highly contagious in case anyone comes snooping around. They're scared shitless of infectious diseases. I better get you isolated and get back to work."

They hugged and kissed, then she led Zoe off to a small room containing a bed, a table and chair, a foot locker, a half bath and a curtained window with bars. Zoe stripped, washed up in the sink and lay back on the bed. It certainly beat that damn cell. Soon she was asleep.


As the days passed uneventfully, one by one her captive comrades sneaked in to visit her. Hugs, kisses, laughter, tears and mutual affection were the orders of the day during each encounter. They also discussed goings on in the encampment and possible plans for escape. Then one afternoon, a person wearing surgical scrubs, a face mask and a head covering entered the room. Zoe sat up in her bed, wondering who this person was when a familiar voice said "Are you well, my love?"

"Shivani?" Zoe exclaimed.

Removing her mask and head covering, Shivani replied, "Yes, it is I, dear one. I have missed you so."

Zoe sprang from the bed and they embraced, kissing, hugging, falling back on the bed as they removed their clothing until they were naked and shivering with pent up desire. They kissed hungrily, fingering the others pussy until they were sopping wet between their legs, then scissoring together, they began a slow, grinding trib, sighing and moaning.

Given the state of their arousal and joy in being together once more, it wasn't long before they exploded in one orgasm after another until they were exhausted and lay together breathing heavily.

"Gods how I've dreamed of this moment," Shivani said as she rolled atop Zoe's muscular body.

"Me too," Zoe replied, wrapping her legs around Shivani's and caressing her firm buttocks, "It about killed me when I thought you'd gone over to the enemy."

"I felt every blow when you were struck that day in the cell," Shivani said sadly. "But it was vital that I maintained my masquerade in order to help you and the others."

"You saved us all, baby," Zoe replied, "I'm so damn proud of you."

"You would have done the same for me," Shivani said, kissing her.

"I want to taste you," Zoe purred, squeezing Shivani's butt, "Get up here and hump my face and fill my mouth with your thick, hot cum."

Shivani loved it when Zoe talked rough to her and quickly straddled her lover's head, lowering her gooey cunt onto Zoe's wiggling tongue, sighing in ecstasy as she was eaten out and fingered by the woman she loved.

Zoe was in heaven as Shivani's warm honey filled her mouth as she licked and sucked the woman's labial lips and clit and caressed deep between the sensitive pink walls with her tongue. Shivani's gasps and moans increased in volume and frequency as Zoe brought her ever nearer to a back arching climax.

She squealed in surprise when Zoe's fingers entered her pussy and puckered star and began frigging her holes while sucking on her throbbing clit. When she climaxed, her vision blurred and she shrieked with joy, grinding her pussy on Zoe's face, cumming again and again, finally rolling off and letting her lover catch her breath.

Zoe gulped and swallowed as much of Shivani's nectar as she could, breathing through her nose and holding her lovers ass cheeks in her strong hands, wanting Shivani to cum and cum as she dissolved in pleasure. She licked the last of the thick juices from her lips and cuddled her lover who lay shivering next to her, mewing from the intensity of her orgasms.

"Gods, that was wonderful," Shivani finally said, "You always make me cum so hard."

"I love making you cum," Zoe said, "You're so responsive when I fuck you."

"Now it's your turn," Shivani said throatily, "I've been dreaming of this moment."

She began to suck on Zoe's stiff nipples, laving them with her tongue, and then kissing her way down over her lover's firm stomach, circled her belly button and then reached her goal, a wonderfully gooey pussy dripping with juices. With a sigh of contentment, she licked and sucked the pink flesh with abandon, savoring the salty juices flowing into her mouth, her lover's moans and groans exciting her even further.

Zoe was losing her mind with lust, Shivani's skilled manipulations of her most sensitive of areas making her tremble and arch her hips, the better to offer her wet cunt to her lovers remorseless tongue. When Shivani pushed three bunched fingers deep inside her and began frigging her, she thought she would pass out from the sensations.

"Oh gods, yes, yeesss, fuck me, fuck me hard!" Zoe squealed and Shivani obliged, pumping her fingers between the pink cunt walls and sucking hard on her lover's engorged clit.

"Yes, yes, don't stop, I'm close, so close, I'm ... Eyeeeeee!" Zoe shrieked as her orgasm shook her like a leaf in the wind, cumming and cumming as Shivani finger fucked her, then with all her fingers, then her hand, wanting her lover to have as many orgasms as she could take in wave after wave of pleasure. Zoe cried out and then slumped on the bed, gasping for breath, saying "No more, please. No more." Shivani withdrew her cum covered hand, licked the juices from it, and then held Zoe in her arms until she calmed.

"Can you stay the night?" Zoe asked, expectantly.

"Unfortunately, I cannot. I told them I was going to worship at the Altar of the Sun Gods, yet even the most pious wouldn't remain there for that long. I had better leave."

"Gods, it was wonderful to be with you. How long are we stuck in this place anyway?"

"Hopefully, not long. Orders have come down to prepare for a major offensive within a week or two. The plan is to retake the territories that have been lost and conquer new ones. They are bringing in troops and equipment from everywhere. We need to escape in the confusion of the preparations and warn our people if we can."

They kissed and hugged, and then Shivani donned her uniform and protective gear and was gone. The aroma of Shivani's body clung to the rumpled and stained bed sheets arousing Zoe anew and she jilled off twice before falling asleep.


Ten days later, Zoe was finishing her breakfast when Anita entered the room wearing a green coverall and boots carrying a canvas bag and two knapsacks. She dropped the knapsacks, handed the bag to Zoe and said "Put these on, we're gettin' outta here."

Zoe dressed hurriedly in the same clothing as Anita, then, shouldering their backpacks, moved through the curiously deserted hospital, out the door and into the compound. There were a few people moving about, but not many. Striding briskly, they traveled between several buildings until they reached what appeared to be a garage or a barn. Ducking inside, Zoe's eyes adjusted to the dim light and what she saw surprised her. The vehicle was huge, with eight massive tires, armor plating and a gun mount on top; it looked like a tank on wheels.

"This is our ticket out of here," Anita said. "Isn't it a beauty?"

"It sure is," Zoe replied, fascinated. "What is it?"

"It's an Infantry Scouting Vehicle called a Stryker. It was developed in the late 20th Century and used for combat patrols and getting a squad of grunts to where the action was. That's a remote controlled gun mount on top with a 30mm cannon and a .50 cal. machine gun and there's a remote controlled 7.62 mm machine gun up front with a 70 degree traverse for the driver. It also has an A/P canister launcher and can hit 97 kph on the flat."

"Where'd it come from ...?" Zoe began when a side door opened and the other members of her company came running in.

"I wanna drive this beast," Sue Lynn proclaimed, hugging Zoe.

"I'm callin' dibs on the gunner's seat," Harriet said.

The others began conversing excitedly in low tones when Zoe said "Where's Shivani?"

"She said she'd be along," Gloria replied, "Something about a last minute staff meeting."

"Let's check this monster out," Margie said. She and Wanda went to the rear of the vehicle and walked up the loading ramp. "Hey," Wanda called, "You could hold a barn dance in here."

The door opened again and Shivani stumbled in, breathing heavily. Her uniform was disheveled and there was blood on one sleeve. "Holy shits, what happened, are you okay?" Wanda exclaimed, rushing over to her.

"I'm fine," Shivani replied as Zoe and the others went to her, "I had to silence a guard before he could give the alarm. I do not like taking lives, but it could not be helped."

"S'okay," Zoe said, "You did what you had to. What's goin' on with the Sunnies?"

"The assault begins in two hours. Right now, the various units are assembling in formations preparatory to moving out. We have an excellent chance of escaping in the confusion."

"Let's haul ass, then," Zoe replied, "Sue and Harriet, you're the crew, we're going for a ride."

Rolling the doors aside, everyone climbed in, the diesel engine roared into life and they lumbered into the midst of the barely controlled chaos in the compound. Men wearing red helmets, waving fluorescent orange batons, were doing their best to arrange the milling tanks, trucks, armored cars, missile launchers and tracked cannons into a semblance of order. Smaller vehicles darted about carrying men in uniform shouting commands that were virtually ignored only added to the confusion.

When the escapees' vehicle entered the melee, it had not gone far before a red helmeted man came running toward it waving his baton and shouting something at them.

"Hey Shivvy," Sue Lynn hollered over the rumble of the diesel, "What's this dude sayin'?"

Shivani went to the forward crew hatch, opened it, stuck her head and shoulders out, listened, shouted something back at the man and ducked back in. The man waved them on disgustedly and went back to shouting at other vehicles.

"What was that all about?" Zoe asked.

"He wanted to know which unit we were with," Shivani said, grinning, "I told him we were the Brigade Commanders vehicle on our way to pick him up at HQ."

"Let's find a way outta here," Harriet called down from the gunners' position. "There's a gate over there that looks like it leads outside. What about it, Zoe?"

"Any port in a storm, go for it."

"What'd that sign say?" Sue Lynn said as they smashed through the gate to which it was affixed. The Stryker lurched and then dropped up to the hull in garbage. Switching to all wheel drive, Sue Lynn slogged the vehicle through the pit of decomposing filth, the stench quickly becoming overwhelming inside the crew compartment.

"Oh my gods, this is enough to make a buzzard puke," Gloria moaned, holding a jacket over her nose and mouth trying to breathe and not smell anything. The others did likewise, fighting the urge to vomit and add to the noisome reek.

Diesel roaring, the Stryker churned through the festering piles of garbage, lurching from side to side like a boat in a choppy sea. Everyone was choking and gasping for breath, their eyes streaming from the noxious fumes. Abruptly, the vehicles wheels gained traction, the Stryker climbed out of the pit smashed a chain link fence flat and accelerated across solid ground away from the Sunnie compound.

"Aphrodite's golden bush!" Janice cried, "Can we open a window? I think I'm gonna puke."

Crew hatches, firing ports and the rear doors were opened and soon the rush of air blew out the last of the lingering stench as the rough ground scrubbed the huge tires clean.

"Head north, Sue," Zoe shouted, "Stay off the roads, we're less likely to be spotted."

Pitching and rolling over the uneven ground, the Stryker traveled ten, then fifteen, then twenty five miles while its occupants swayed in their canvas sling seats secured by lap belts, the noise of the engine making conversation impossible.

Shivani tugged at Zoe's sleeve to get her attention, shouting "What is that humming noise? It sounds like a million angry bees?"

"Oh shit," Zoe said, "I know that sound. Hey Harriet, swap seats with me, I need to see if that's what I think it is."

Clinging to hand holds, the maneuver was accomplished and Zoe flipped down the heads-up screen on the gunners' helmet giving her a 360 degree view of their surroundings and the sky above. High overhead, she saw a flight of Thunderhorse attack planes streaking south, no doubt to strafe, rocket and bomb the advancing Sunnie army. Then one plane peeled off from the formation and headed in their direction.