Death of a Master Ch. 08


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Sally shook her head, trying to fight the urge to plead for release. Deep breaths, or at least as deep as the corset allowed her, came from her as she pulled against the bindings and closed her eyes against the need. She snapped them open again when she heard Rachel. "Giggy, strip down and sit here, will you my pet?"

"I'd love to," the large woman answered. Sally watched, with a deer in the headlights expression, as Giggy removed her clothes and lay across Rachel's lap. As Rachel started to caress and tease Giggy, Valerie went back to work on Sally. Both slaves were fondled to the edge of their climaxes, but when Valerie stopped Sally from cumming, Rachel went on, giving Giggy an orgasm and encouraging her to be quite vocal about it.

"Keep your eyes open, Sally. Look at how Giggy is enjoying herself. I'll bet you want some of that for yourself, don't you?" Valerie pitched her voice with a lustful sneer, deliberately taunting Sally. Sally strained at her bindings without answering. She fought the desire to beg, plead for release. She groaned lightly as her arousal dipped back from the edge.

"You want to beg, don't you, slave." Valerie said, rather than asked. When Sally shook her head slightly, Valerie started caressing her again. This time, one of her hands made repeated trips from Sally's cunt to Valerie's mouth as Valerie made a big production in drinking Sally's juices with obvious relish. Sally no longer had the will to fight the arousal itself. Every bit of strength was being used to keep from pleading. Her arousal climbed again as her Mistress' skilled hands played her like a fine violin. This time, her ability to remain silent failed; small gasps of "Oh, God," escaping as she neared her crest and, "No!" in response to the cessation of Valerie's touch. Again, as Sally was forced back from her orgasm, Giggy reveled in hers, writhing and thanking her lover for the pleasure she was being given.

Tears leaked from Sally's eyes as Sally panted with need. Her eyes sought out her lover, looking for some sign of mercy in this increasingly unbearable torture. Valerie let her see none. Her smile was a wicked mix of lust and sadism. She leaned in and kissed Sally, driving her tongue into Sally's mouth; fucking her face with her own. Val's hands sought out pussy and nipple; roughly pinching and twisting at the sensitive bits of Sally's body. She broke the kiss and licked at Sally's face, tasting the salty mixture of tears and sweat. When Sally started to hump against Valerie's hand, Valerie let her go several seconds before pulling away.

Sally wailed in despair. Gone was any remembrance of asking for this. She was crying freely now. Her mind, though, continued to fight the battle she knew she was going to lose. She would beg; she would plead; she would sob unabashedly. Still, she fought her desires and needs; she fought her Mistress. Sally only knew that she needed to keep fighting; to hold out as long as possible. Rational thoughts about why were gone from her mind; she simply needed to keep fighting.

It took two more risings to near climax before Sally broke and started to plead for release. Sally begged. She promised anything and everything she could think of. When Valerie started driving her upwards yet again, she cried out thanks; only to sob uncontrollably when Valerie stopped short yet again. As her chest heaved in sobs to the limit of the corset, Valerie leaned in close and reminded her, "There will be no orgasms tonight, slave, not for you." As she continued to whisper her denials, Valerie caressed Sally again, not letting her arousal drop very far. She held her slave there, able to feel the edge of her climax but unable to reach it, until Sally stopped pleading and simply sobbed in acceptance of her fate. Wit a final kiss, Valerie whispered, "I love you, Sally. I love your willing suffering for me."

Valerie turned to Rachel and Giggy. Giggy was on the verge of passing out from several orgasms. Rachel gently slid her to the side and stood. "Take your slave home, Val. We'll clean up here." One hand came up to caress Valerie's face. "Are you going to be all right?"

Valerie nodded. "She's mine again, Rachel. I'll make her satisfy me and then spend the night in her cage."

"We should play sometime soon, Valerie. It's been too long."

"Yes, you're right. I'm not sure when, but soon, I promise."

Together they helped Sally dress and get to the car. Sally leaned against Valerie's shoulders as they drove home. Her body shook every once in a while with a suppressed sob; her arousal still strong even as it reduced from her body not being played with. At home, Valerie rode Sally's face hard, forcing Sally to give her three orgasms before locking her in her kennel, bound and unable to seek her own relief. As she petted her slaves hair, she nodded her head as Sally smiled in her exhaustion. "Yes, we both needed this," she thought to herself.

As Valerie rose to get ready for bed herself, she saw Susan looking in from the doorway. Val put her finger to her lips and joined her in the living room. "How was your night, Susan?"

"It was enjoyable. I was able to hook up with someone for some play. Nothing very intense, but some nice pain on my backside and a fucking of my throat."

"Do you need anything...?" Val asked, leaving the question open.

"No, I'm fine. Sometimes it's nice to just be used, you know?"

Valerie nodded. "Yeah, I know. I'm going to bed then. I...we had a good night. Sally suffered for me. She's mine again."

"That's good." Susan seemed to want to say something else, but merely added, "Have a good day at work"

In the morning, Valerie helped Sally out of her kennel. "Morning, Sally. How are you doing?"

"Mistress," she replied, trembling as she crawled out. Sally bent her head to Valerie's feet, kissing them as a few tears fell from her eyes. "Thank you, Mistress. I'm yours again, really yours."

Val crouched, her hand running through Sally's hair. "Yes you are love. I'm not going to tease you any more, but no orgasms today."

"Yes, Mistress. Do you want help showering?"

"Yes, dear. You're washing me this morning."

Sally seemed to soak in her service as Valerie had her doing every little thing in her preparations for work. While Valerie didn't seek such pampering on a regular basis, she reveled in it when she did demand it from Sally. Soon, Val was pulling into her parking space. As she exited her car, she saw that Mary was already there. With a shake of her head, she walked briskly to her own office.

"Good morning June. When's my first appointment?"

"Good morning, Ms. Burbon. You don't have anyone until 10:30, but you should probably leave yourself half an hour to go over the details beforehand."

"Thanks, June. I'm popping down to Mary's office. Do you know when she got in this morning?"

"Yes, Xavier let me know she arrived 20 minutes ago."

"Okay, that's a little better."

A minute later, Valerie walked into the outer area for Mary's office. "Xavier, is she with anyone?"

"No ma'am." Turning to the intercom, he buzzed in, saying, "Ms. Burbon to see you, Ms. Carstares."

At the tinny, "Send her in," Xavier rose and opened the door for Valerie.

Mary was tossing the remains of the fast food wrappers that recently contained her breakfast. Valerie noted that there weren't any visible bags under her eyes, but that her outfit seemed more wrinkled than normal; much like a suit that hadn't been ironed.

"How are you, Valerie?"

"That's what I was going to ask you. Have you been getting enough sleep?"

"Yes," came the sheepish reply. "It was either that or start oversleeping."

As Valerie sat down, she noted that Mary's shoes were visible under the desk, and that she wasn't wearing them.

"What about work? Are you letting Xavier do his job?"

"He's not given me much choice, actually. He came in earlier than normal and was already doing something I was going to take care of."

"Let me guess. It's something you would have done for Calvin." Mary nodded her head. "You'll have to thank him for that some time." Val leaned forward. "Mary, let him do the job you hired him for, so you can do the job you were promoted for. Now, what's with the clothes? Did your iron break?"

"No, I just don't have the time at home. There's too much to do, with the things I have to take home with me..." She held up her hand to stop Valerie's interruption. "No, I really had to. It was the proposal for the new pony of the month contest we're considering. Mr. Falstaff needed to be done by Monday. Anyway, there were just some things that weren't going to get done this last weekend."

"Okay, I understand. I was a new executive myself, and it takes time to establish your routine. I had Mike at the time, willing to take on a few more of the household responsibilities..." Valerie's voice trailed off as a thought tried to work it's way through her brain.

"I don't have anyone. I still have to do it all myself, even when there's extra from work. I haven't had the time to shop for groceries in over a...Val, are you okay?" Mary looked askance at the blank look on Valerie's face.

"You need a housekeeper," Valerie said, almost to herself rather than to Mary.

"Yeah, like that's going to happen. Someone I could trust to be honest and do a good job would be far too expensive." She sighed as she continued. "It would be nice though. I was on my feet so much, catching up on a weeks worth of cleaning that my feet haven't waited for the end of the day to start hurting. What I wouldn't give for a foot rub at the end of the day."

"Mary, what if you had a live in servant; someone who would deal with all your house work, cook, clean, all that stuff? What if you had someone living with you that would make sure that you never get a week behind in your shopping? What if you had someone who would do all that for free, because they needed to be able to do it?"

Mary gave a snort. "I'd be in heaven. But, be serious, Valerie. There's no one who would wait on me hand and foot for free, like some kind of sl..." Mary's mouth dropped open as she realized where Valerie was going. Shaking her head, she said, "No, Valerie. I can't do that. She can't expect that of me. I'm not bisexual or lesbian. I'm not a dominant. I'm certainly not sadistic. I like her but I can't be Susan's Mistress."

Valerie shook her head. "I don't think you'd have to be. I'd have to talk with her first, but I think all she'd want is to be of service to you. Her submissiveness, her masochism, she can meet those needs at Mephisto's, or even visiting Master or myself."

"I don't know, Valerie. I was trained by her when I first started, remember? She has serious slave needs."

"Yes, and maybe later she'll have to leave to have them met. But it's too early, I think, for her right now. For now, if all she did was to be your personal servant at home, would that help?"

"Well of course it would. I'd be able to relax at home and truly recover from the day." She added in a barely audible whisper, "And a foot rub at night wouldn't hurt either."

"Let me talk to Susan. I have to go. Think about it, will you?"

"Okay, I will. But, no sex, no BDSM. I have nothing against them, but they're not me."

Valerie's day was full. In spite of needing the day off, she still had to catch up on the things that needed her attention. Excellent secretaries such as June, with a talent for organizing and knowing just what was critical and what could be put off, are the primary reason executives are able to take time off like that. Valerie had no worries about falling behind on what needed to be done.

That evening, Valerie arrived just in time for dinner. A sense of normalcy had settled back into the house. Sally had put in a few more hours of work after dealing with her household responsibilities. Valerie could tell, however, that Susan was feeling antsy again, and suspected she knew the reason. Afterwards, while Sally was dealing with after dinner clean up, she sat next to Susan in the living room.

"Susan, what's bothering you?" she asked.

Susan looked at Valerie, surprise showing on her face. "Is it that obvious?"

"Perhaps not to just anyone, but I've known you for years and you've been living here for nearly a month." Valerie gave a wry smile. "I'd like to think that I wasn't totally blind to the people around me; especially the ones I care about."

Susan's head bowed in embarrassment. "Thank you, Valerie. As for what's bothering me, I'm not sure. I feel incomplete. The weekend with Fred and Daphne was great; it filled a need I hadn't realized I had. But, it's like it's already wearing off. Does that make sense?"

Valerie took hold of Susan's shoulders, her grip gentle yet firm. "Of course it does, Susan. They saw your need to serve others. That's been, I think, as much a part of your submission as the control, the sex, the hard use you've lived with, thrived with. You can get the pain, the use, the sex, all of that at Mephisto's. You can't get your service needs filled there; at least not very well."

"But, what can I do? I don't want to take that from Sally; she needs that as much as I do. I'm not ready to look for another owner. It's too soon. Maybe in a year or two."

"I know, that's all true. But, I think I know how we can kill two birds with one stone. Do you remember Mary Carstares?"

"Of course," Susan said with a smile. "She rescued me from having to be his secretary."

"She was promoted to Calvin's position."

"I'm glad for her. Calvin always spoke highly of her. She was very accepting of our play at the office too; especially for someone who isn't into the lifestyle herself."

"She's being overwhelmed by the job. She's putting in so much work that she's having to choose between getting things done at home or getting enough sleep. She needs someone to help her out at home."

"You think I should...Valerie, she won't have me as a slave?"

"Susan, she doesn't need a slave; certainly not like Calvin did. What she needs is someone to keep her house clean, fix her meals, do the shopping, maybe even give her backrubs at night. She needs someone to give her purely mundane, vanilla if you will, service; the very thing you're needing to be able to give."

Susan's mouth was open slightly as she processed Valerie's words. As she did, she felt strangely at peace with the idea. It simply felt right; much like going home with Fred and Daphne had on Friday. She realized that Calvin had liked Mary so much because they were very much alike in their approach to work. "Of course, she's overworked," Susan thought to herself. "She's doing just what my Master did. But he had me to take care of everything else." In a flash of inspiration, she realized what she had to do.

"Valerie, I think I have to serve her. In a way, it would be the last service I give Master. Calvin would want me to do this for her; to help her keep his magazine great."

"I think you're right, Susan. That's something he'd want you to do. Not only will that help his successor keep up The Pony's Paddock, but it would help you to move past his passing."

"Will Ms. Carstares let me?"

Valerie smiled at Susan's instinctive change in her referring to Mary. She truly had a slave's heart; a servant's heart. "Yes, as long as she knows there won't be any expectations of sex or BDSM from her, she will." After a few seconds, Valerie added, "I think she'll want to know that she's not keeping you from meeting those needs as well. She'll insist you take time off for play, I suspect."

"I won't have any problem with that. Now that I've begun to play again, I don't want to give it up."

"Good, I'll find out if you can talk with her tomorrow and give you a call. You two can work out the details between yourselves."

Val left Susan to join Sally in the kitchen. She sat on a stool and watched her lover do her chores. There was a palpable sense of contentment radiating from Sally as she worked. In the past, even though Sally was Valerie's slave, Valerie had shared the household chores with her; albeit with Sally doing the lion's share. Ever since Valerie had broken Sally two weeks ago, that had not been the case. There was a greater sense that Valerie was truly a slave owner now. Valerie had felt since that night a need to not be easy on Sally in her expectations. Sally had a matching need to be more fully the servant in their relationship.

Both women had, that night, realized that they were changing again. Now, Valerie was sure just what kind of change it was. The first time change had come to them, it had been Sally's need to be fully Valerie's slave; a submissive with no safe word. The couple was now moving into an even deeper version of that kind of relationship. Valerie knew that as the months progressed, she would consult with Sally less and less about decisions that affected them. Already, Sally was offering her opinions less; trusting Valerie more and more to do what was best for the two of them. Valerie also realized that she was becoming increasingly comfortable with taking on that responsibility.

When Sally was done, the three spent an hour watching TV, Sally sitting on the floor between Valerie's legs. Valerie would, occasionally, unconsciously run through Sally's hair, enjoying the feel of the locks sliding between her fingers. Sally would gently lean into each caress at first, then pull away slightly as Valerie's hand pulled back.

The next morning, Valerie stopped in at Mary's office. "Xavier, does Mary have any open appointments today?"

After a quick look at her schedule, he replied, "Yes, she's free between 1:00 and 3:00. Do you need to see her?"

"No, put Susan down for half an hour and then ring my home number and let her know when she's down for."

"Susan who, and it's about...?" he asked as he started to fill in a slot in the computer.

"Susan Thinkle. Mary knows her and, they need to work some personal things out."

Xavier hesitated and looked at Valerie with a questioning gaze. "Ms. Burbon, I'm not sure..."

Valerie blinked, then a sheepish look crawled onto her face. "Xavier, you're absolutely right. Check with Mary, she'll know what she needs to talk to Susan about and can give you the okay to schedule the appointment. My apologies; I was out of line."

"Thank you, Ms. Burbon. I'll check with her right away."

Valerie returned to her own office and settled into her day. After lunch, June buzzed her with a phone call. "Ms. Burbon, you have a phone call from Mr. Harris of Restrained Passions."

"Thank you, June, I'll take it in here." Picking up the phone, Valerie greeted him with, "Mr. Harris. It's a pleasure to here from you. How can Delgrasi help Restrained Pleasures."

The clearly enthused voice of Harris came through with some volume. "Ms. Burbon. I thought you'd like to know that the new ads are showing great results. Initial online sales of the adjustable frame are 20% over expectations."

"That is good news, Mr. Harris. I was sure they'd be popular, but apparently even I underestimated how much."

"Apparently there was a vast untapped market out there."

"Actually, that's not terribly surprising. Bondage frames have tended to be the more upscale parts of the BDSM toy list. Something inexpensive, relatively, and still sturdy would be an attractive draw to many lifestyle people. I wouldn't be surprised to see a few knock offs showing up in the near future."

"Oh, no doubt. But, anything that comes out quickly will suffer quality wise. We'll have a lock an anything worth owning for a while yet."

"Was there anything else I can help you with?"

"No, and I do have to get back to work. Good day, Ms. Burbon."

"Good day, Mr. Harris."

While Valerie was talking on the phone, Susan arrived at Mary's office. "Hello? I have a meeting with Ms. Carstares."