Deep Undercover Ch. 03

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Sex, lies, deception--all is revealed and a traitor exposed.
19.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 11/02/2013
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Author's note: This is a work of fiction. All characters are fictitious and over the age of eighteen. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Chapter 3

"Sit down, Detectives," Captain Hendricks said. "Do either of you have any idea why I asked you to meet with me?"

"No." Detective Harris fidgeted with the files in his hand and refused to look Hendricks in the eye.

"Is this about our closed file reports?" Detective Espinoza asked. "I think I can explain that dip. As you know, we've both been in court testifying on the O'Mara prosecution. The Assistant State's Attorney has been monopolizing our time this month with briefings and strategy sessions. Every day she's had at least one us tied up until after midnight for two straight weeks. We haven't been out on the street as much as we'd like to be."

"That's not what I'm talking about." Hendricks took off his glasses and glared at Espinoza. "Cadet Alvarado hasn't reported to the Academy in over a week. Do either of you know anything about her absence?"

"No, sir," Harris answered.

"When did it become my responsibility to babysit cadets?" Espinoza sneered. "I have cases to close."

"It just seems rather suspicious to me that the very person you two recommended for this covert operation turned up missing a week before it was scheduled to take place."

"Then I suppose you made the correct decision when you elected not to approve it," Espinoza said.

"Cadet Alvarado did not impress me as the type that would drop out of the program just weeks before graduation," Hendricks countered. "I got the impression that she's made of sterner stuff than that."

"Maybe she had personal issues, you know?" Espinoza looked out the window. "Stuff at home. Boyfriend problems. Who knows?"

Harris' head snapped up. He shot a quick look at Espinoza and then bent his neck again.

"Is there something you want to add, Harris?"

"No, sir."

"Her instructors are baffled. She's near the top of her class, they tell me. Her phone goes straight to voice mail. It makes no sense. Unless she went out of town, for some unknown reason."

"We haven't spoken to her, Captain," Espinoza said.

"Run by her apartment. Talk to her family. Find out whatever you can and report back to me."

"Yes, sir." Harris looked up at Hendricks. His eyes were moist.

"Are we excused?" Espinoza asked.

"Get out of here."

* * * *

Dana sat in the stateroom on Las Casas' boat, picking at the plate of food in front of her. Las Casas was in the house meeting with his advisors, leaving her alone for the third consecutive evening.

After killing Crespo, Dana ran out of the house and holed herself up on the yacht. The twins took turns watching over her, but Dana refused to talk to them or anyone else. She cried herself to sleep that night, not even waking up when Las Casas joined her in the bed just before dawn. She awoke the next morning with his arms around her and his erection poking her in the back, but she did not respond and he did not press the issue.

Dana spent the next day alone on the yacht. The twins continued to check on her, but otherwise she was left alone. Plates of food were brought to her at mealtime, but she ate very little.

In the evening she asked Ana to bring her a bottle of champagne. Ana returned with a bottle of Dom Perignon, which Dana finished in less than an hour. She asked Micaela to bring her a second bottle, which she took with her to the hot tub. Ana found her an hour later, her chin resting on her chest and the empty bottle floating in the frothy water. Ana helped Dana out of the tub and dragged her limp body to the stateroom. The brunette removed Dana's bikini and put her to bed. Dana was snoring before Ana could turn off the lights.

Dana awoke the next day with Micaela sleeping at her side. Las Casas spent the night in the house, and left Micaela to watch over her. Dana spent most of that day in bed with the curtains drawn and the lights off. Her epic hangover was compounded by the gentle rocking of the boat. At one point she considered relocating to the house, but the searing pain she experienced when she tried to stand ended that thought.

It was late in the afternoon when she was finally able to sit up. She didn't stir when breakfast or lunch were brought to her, but by dinner time she was feeling hungry. The twins brought her a plate of churrasco, rice, and tostones. There was also bowl of diced fruit and a basket of bread. Dana picked at the churrasco, nibbled on the tostones, and ignored the rice and bread. She ate most of the fruit, leaving little for the twins.

"El Jefe says that if you don't come out of here by tomorrow morning, then we're supposed to drag you out," Micaela said.

Dana looked up from her food and saw Micaela glaring at her.

"Stop lying," Ana scolded.

"I'm ... not feeling well," Dana said.

"We know," Micaela said. "We heard you this morning puking in the head. How much did you drink last night?"

"I don't know," Dana answered. "Two bottles of champagne? Three? I'm not sure."

"First time you ever killed someone?" Ana extended her hand to rub Dana's arm.


"It gets easier," Micaela said.

"Have the two of you killed before?"

"Yes," Ana answered. She dropped her head and looked at the table, then peered out the window. "Several times. The first time was the hardest. Pulling the trigger was easy, but I froze when the body hit the ground. I would have been captured if my sister wasn't there to pull me out of it."

"Who was it?"

"A maggot," Micaela sneered.

"A party politician who was scheming with El General's rivals to discredit him," corrected Ana.

"The world is a better place without him." Micaela said. "El General would have been ruined if my sister hadn't eliminated him when she did."

"My sister is overstating things."

"And if it's any consolation, Lydia, Crespo deserved to die." Micaela looked deep into Dana's eyes. "El Jefe was going to kill him whether he talked or not. You did him a service and proved your loyalty at the same time."

"Then why is he still angry?"

"He's angry at the betrayal," Micaela said. "He and Crespo had a lot of history together. Las Casas was a small time dealer in Barranquilla when he recruited Crespo--a 13 year old street kid--as a mule. Twenty years later Las Casas is the biggest supplier in the Western Hemisphere and Crespo is his right hand man. Crespo's treachery was devastating."

"He's grateful for your intervention," Ana added.

"It doesn't seem that way."

"Then consider this," Micaela said. "Tomorrow you start training with us."


"You're being promoted from whore to security." Micaela smiled at Dana. "You'll get to guard his body in more ways than one."

Wonderful. Now I'll never get a chance to go home.

* * * *

Las Casas slipped into the stateroom and crept into bed without turning on the lights. He did his best to avoid waking Dana, but the effort was pointless. She was already awake.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Two-thirty. Did I wake you? I was trying not to disturb you."

"You didn't. I couldn't sleep."

"You're still upset. Would you like a sleeping pill?"

"No. I have to work through this."



"You did the right thing. If Crespo had gotten his hands on that gun, who knows what could have happened?"

"His hands were tied, Jorge."

"That made him even more dangerous. He's killed before under even more dire circumstances. He had the instincts of an animal. And you know, an animal is always most dangerous when cornered."

"Still, my first shot stopped him. I didn't have to kill him."

"If you hadn't, someone else would have had to. You finished what you started. I'm proud of you."

Las Casas wrapped an arm around Dana and pulled her body against his. She felt tears welling up in her eyes, and her throat seemed to develop a lump bigger than her fist. She turned her face into the pillow so that he wouldn't know she was crying.

"It's OK, Lydia, it's OK." Las Casas ran his fingers through Dana's hair. "You put down a rabid animal. You probably saved my life. I've never been more impressed by any woman than I was at that moment. I wanted to kiss you."

Dana turned her face toward Las Casas.

"Do you really mean that?" She struggled to force the words from her constricted throat.


Dana bent her neck downward. Her heart was racing, and she wasn't sure why. Conflicting emotions were swirling around inside her head. Las Casas' words and his gentle tone calmed her fears and eased her loneliness, but at the same time produced a new sensation that she couldn't identify. She sifted through her feelings until it struck her. Without realizing it, she had been longing for his approval. It wasn't enough that he had assigned the twins to watch over her and care for her basic needs. She needed more than his acknowledgment. She craved his attention. Deep inside, she was ecstatic that he had finally returned to her.

Dana raised her head and searched for Las Casas' face. She couldn't see well in the dark, but she could sense that his eyes were open and he was looking directly at her. She moved her face toward him. She brushed her lips against his mouth. Las Casas cradled her face in his hands and parted his lips just enough to taste her breath in his mouth. Dana slipped her tongue past his teeth. Las Casas inhaled sharply, then met her tongue with his own tentative probe. When she did not retreat, he shifted his weight and rolled his shoulder into Dana.

Dana realized he was trying to maneuver her onto her back, but instead of submitting, she placed her free hand on his shoulder and pushed.

"My turn," she whispered.

Las Casas resisted for a moment, but then gave in and rolled onto his back. Dana wasted no time climbing on top of him. She raised her ass off his groin, reached between her legs, and closed her fingers around his stiff shaft. Dana carefully lowered her crotch onto the tip of his bulbous cockhead. She immediately realized that she was not yet wet enough to accommodate the magnificent prick throbbing in her hand.

Dana paused and rubbed the head against her slit several times. Within seconds moisture was seeping from her channel and lubricating the thick head poised at the entrance to her vulva. She rubbed the head in the crease between her lips, and then slid the glistening head against her clit. She felt her skin getting warmer as little jolts of electricity made their presence known in the back of her brain.

"Mmmmmmm," Las Casas moaned.

The man's guttural tone snapped Dana out of her revery. She placed the swollen tip against her tight opening and lowered her weight onto Las Casas' cock. The head stretched her walls as it slid into her tunnel. She felt a familiar fullness that her body welcomed like a hot meal on a cold day. Dana placed her hands on Las Casas' chest and pushed up and down several times. With each descent, another inch of his thick shaft disappeared inside her body.

Once she had taken his entire cock, Dana lowered her chest to his. Her nipples pressed into his skin as her mouth once again searched for his lips. Dana brushed his long black hair from his forehead, and then kissed his chin, cheeks and nose. She pressed her lips hard against his mouth. Las Casas pulled her auburn hair away from her face and returned her kiss. She felt her heart racing as her body craved more of him.

Dana was reveling in the contact of her lips against Las Casas' mouth when she felt a ripple run through her torso. She squeezed her thighs together and felt Las Casas' cock throbbing in her tunnel. Quite by accident she discovered that her clit was pressed against his pubic bone, and the slightest movement caused a shockwave to run from her pussy to the center of her brain. Every time she flexed her thighs another jolt raced through her. Las Casas' groans told her that he was enjoying the experience almost as much as she was.

Dana continued squeezing, but she was having a difficult time maintaining her concentration. The feelings she was experiencing were unlike anything she had ever felt before. The temptation to slide her pussy up and down on Las Casas' voluminous cock was becoming unbearable. She wanted to prolong the experience and see how high she could fly, but the urge to rush to orgasm was irresistible.

Thirty more seconds was all that Dana could take. Her need for relief overcame her interest in seeing how long she could hover on the event horizon of an ever-ascending climax. She buried her face in Las Casas' neck and rode his cock like a jockey riding a race horse down the back stretch of the Kentucky Derby.

Her tight body sliding up and down the thick shaft, each moan that escaped her throat was louder and longer than the one preceding it. Her orgasm was approaching like brick wall, and she was racing toward it with her foot on the accelerator. Her body was on fire like a circuit carrying ten times the electrical current it was designed to handle. Her ass rose up and down, slamming onto Las Casas' groin. The meaty cock filled and then vacated her pussy over and over. Her skin tingled as her mind soared higher and higher.

"Oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ungh!"

Dana screamed when her body slammed into the wall. Stars exploded in her brain and she was unable to breathe. She wanted to peel off her skin but she could not stop pumping her hips. Every movement sent more ripples of pleasure cascading through her body. She saw every color all at once, and then everything went black.

She collapsed on Las Casas' chest. Her breathing resumed, but her heart continued racing. She tried to push up, but she did not have the strength to lift herself. She cradled his head and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you," she panted. "That was ... I can't describe it."

Dana hovered over Las Casas' face, leaving soft kisses on his cheeks, nose, and chin. When she reached his mouth she brushed her lips against his, then moved away when his lips parted. Las Casas responded by wrapping his arms around her back and then rolling his hips forward, pushing his cock another inch inside her.

"You--you're still hard." Dana's eyes bulged and her jaw hung open.


"But--didn't you cum?"

"It would be impolite for a man to cum before his lady."

"I'm your lady now? I thought I was your whore."

"A whore would never be allowed to look at me while we made love."

"Last week--"

"Last week you were my whore. Tonight you are my lady. Tomorrow--who knows?"

Dana leaned over and kissed Las Casas. She then rolled to the side, sliding off his cock and turning her back toward him. She tucked her knees against her chest and then reached behind for his arm.

"Hold me," she said.

Las Casas slid his arm over hers and pulled her toward him. His cock rested against the crack of her ass, but he made no move to enter her.

"Well?" she asked.

"Excuse me?"

"You're not finished yet."

Las Casas rolled his hips and adjusted his crotch so that the tip of his dick was pressed against moist Dana's lower lips.

"Not there," she said.

"I didn't think you liked it in your ass."

"You know that's what you want."

Dana rubbed her butt against his cock.

"We don't have to do this."

Dana reached back, grabbed his cock, and placed the head against her anus. She pushed her butt back against his cock. Her sphincter opened a fraction, allowing the tip to enter.

"Fuck my ass, Jorge. You know you want to."


"I'm offering myself to you. All of me."

Las Casas grabbed her hips and pushed forward. Dana's asshole opened just enough to take the head.

"More," she said.

Las Casas drew back and then pushed forward again. Another inch of cock penetrated her ass.

"Come on Papi, fuck my ass. We both know that's what you want."

Once again Las Casas drew his hips back and then pushed forward. His cock was halfway up in her tight ass. He repeated the process until his groin was pressed against her butt cheeks.

"Tomorrow I'll still be your lady," Dana growled, "and also your whore."

"Mmmmm. I like the sound of that."

Las Casas drew back and then thrust forward with more force.

"Ungh!" Dana grunted. "Easy. I'm still getting used to this."

"You asked for it."

"I want to fuck you the way you like it. But just because I'm giving you my ass doesn't mean I want you to destroy it."

Las Casas settled into a slower rhythm. He pulled his cock almost to the point of complete withdrawal, then pushed it back in an inch at a time. When his cock was completely buried in Dana's bowels he paused for a second, then repeated the motion.

"That's better," Dana purred.

"How does it feel?"

"It hurts--a little. Not nearly as bad as a week ago."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Of course not."

"But ... you just said ..."

"If I'm going to be your whore as well as your lady, I'm going to have to learn to get used to it."

"It's not necessary."

"Jorge, if you're not fucking my ass, you'll be burying that big cock in the twins. Or Maritza. Or Josefina. Or some other whore."

"You're ... jealous?"

"No!" Dana slapped his thigh. "Maybe a little. You're surprised?"

"I'm ... confused."

"Good. Stay that way."


"Jorge, stop talking. Pinch my nipples."

Las Casas wrapped his arms around Dana's torso. His hands sought out her nipples. His strong fingers closed around each of her nubs, pulling and stretching them away from her chest.

"Harder. Pinch them. Like this."

Dana put her hands over Las Casas fingers and squeezed with all her strength. A flash of pain shot from her nipples to her brain.

"Ungh!" she grunted. "Bite my neck."

Las Casas pushed her hair away with his nose, and then lowered his mouth to the back of her neck. He kissed and sucked, tasting the salty sweat coating her skin. He opened his mouth wider, and then pressed his teeth into the tender flesh just above the shoulder.


Las Casas closed his mouth. He felt her body squirm and gyrate as he bit her neck, pinched her nipples, and drove his cock into her ass--all at the same time.


Las Casas didn't know if she wanted more pressure on her nipples, her neck, or in her ass. He pinched and pulled on her nipples until he feared he was tearing them off. He closed his mouth on her neck, but relented when he tasted her blood on his tongue.

"Fuck me."

Las Casas drew back and then thrust forward with the force of a bull.

"Ungh! Gentle. Be gentle."

The contradictory instructions were maddening. The deliberate pace he was trying to establish in her ass was becoming impossible to maintain as he complied with her demand for more pressure on her nipples and neck. His brain was screaming at his body, urging him to abandon all restraint and pound her ass like a wild animal. His balls were ready to explode as he soared on the rails of an emotional and sensual roller coaster. Every second seemed to bring him closer to his goal, yet the goal seemed to be moving further away.

"Ungh! That's it. Pinch them--harder!"

Las Casas felt like his balls would explode--or his head--never before had he rode to such a height of pleasure without climaxing. Pleasure became agony and agony became ecstasy. The slower he fucked the higher he soared and the more frustrated he became. Every stroke ratcheted the sensation another notch yet brought him no closer to release. The only outlets for his frustration were pinching her nipples and biting her neck.

"Ungh! Now! Cum for me! Now!"

When her words hit his ears, Las Casas' last shred of self-control dissolved. He pulled his cock out and then thrust it into Dana's ass with all the force he could generate. His crotch slammed into her backside a dozen times before his mind exploded. The cum shot up from his balls and through his shaft, filling her ass with spurt after spurt of thick cream. He slowed his pace and delivered another dozen thrusts, each with less velocity than the one it preceded. Thirty seconds later he stopped moving. His flaccid cock slid out of her ass, followed a moment later by a stream of semen.