DemonSEXoligy Ch. 03

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Ghosts of the past - An old comrade of Amanda reeks havoc.
9.1k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/21/2015
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***Prologue ***

After an intense battle with a man name Lord James Farlow Snr, Damian arose victorious; discovering an unearthly ability. Managing to recover an ancient book, that will help defeat the demon queen, Lilith; the group stumbled upon a Sarcophagus inside a museum basement, containing the body of Amanda, from when she was alive. Giving her the burial she deserves, Amanda felt lighter and regained some of her memories, however her name was still unknown.

The failure at the basement did not go well with Lilith, who used her powers to turn the disgraced Lord Farlow into a woman; after being 'used' by most of 'her' former underlings; Farlow was shipped out to one of the worse brothels in the planet, leaving his son as the next 'earth bound' leader of the Kane cult.

Long in the past, in the depths of Hal/Hell, a cavalry of horses rode towards a tower of demons. "The rebel's approach, general." Said a low ranking demon to his superior. The rebellion of tormented soul led by the demon usurper, Lilith; clashed against the ground demon's fortification. Lilith used her wings and flew up to the tower.

"Traitorous, whore." The demon general yelled out as they engaged in combat. Lilith slew the first demon, and then from the skies, came a warrior goddess, it was Amanda. Lilith moved out of the way as Amanda emitted a bright light; completely turning the demon general to dust. When the confrontation was over, Amanda landed, she donned shiny gold armour with a skirt as white as snow, the skirt had a huge portion missing from the front; exposing the gold armoured panty that she wore, and her body also had wings with white feathers and golden wing bones. On her head, she wore a blue and gold striped helmet that resembled an eagle's neck and head; the eagle's lower beak would rest on top of her head.

The goddess Amanda watched as Lilith landed in front of her. "Every day I am thankful that I chose you as my right hand woman." The demoness told Amanda, leaning in and kissing her.

"And every day I am glad those men stole my body and buried me in that golden tomb." Amanda replied. "Now I am your secret weapon." She added.

Lilith smiled. "Yes you are." Kissing her once more and grabbing a handful of her ass. To their side, a thick swirl of white smoke, materialised; taking the form of an Elf like demon with pale white skins. "My Mistresses, I appear at your service." The elf like creature bowed.

"This is Alp, he will help us infiltrate into the great halls of hell, where the dark one sits." Lilith introduced Amanda to the plump, hissing demon.

"He looks a bit short, to me." Amanda scoffed, at the annoyance of the creature.

"SHORT?! SHORT?! I am demon of carnal lust a desire." Alp literally went red with rage; his skin turned from milky white to red like blood.

"Shh, she didn't mean that." Lilith calmed down the Alp. "Perhaps if she saw you in action, she could see what a great contribution you can provide." Lilith suggested; whilst undoing the gold panties beneath Amanda's skirt.

"Wait, what?" Amanda said confused, as Lilith managed to expose her pussy. Lilith stood behind Amanda and spread her pussy lips. The Alp transformed into smoke, once more and entered Amanda's vagina. At first she did not feel anything, but then it struck up, causing her to fall to her knees, the orgasms rippled through her body. "Ahh, my—body, my—pussy." Amanda moaned. She could not control her movements; her hand went behind her and started to finger her ass. "What's happening?" She asked.

"Alp, can enter and travel through a person's body through their rectum or vagina, and control their body in a sexual manner." Lilith explained. "He can also transfer via sex." She added. At the end of the biological possession, Alp flew out of Amanda's mouth and reformed into a physical state; grinning and doing a victory jig.

"Am I big enough?" He asked Amanda, who did not reply to the question. Snatching back her panty, she flew off. "There are still four more towers to take." Amanda said before departing.

"I think that will be a yes." Lilith laughed as she too flew off.

***Ghosts of the past: Part I***

Damian (I)

On the balcony of the shared hotel room, Damian sat with his ear phones in, so if anyone caught a glimpse of him talking to his self, they would automatically assume that he was on his hands free, but it was not himself that he was talking to.

"So, how do you feel?" Amanda touched Damian's cheeks.

"I—I don't know. I can't remember anything I said." Damian stared into the sky. "I remember doing that that magic stuff, but not how I did it."

Amanda smiled and leaned back on her seemly empty chair. "Yeah, I know that feeling, I got some memories back from when I was fighting in hell."

"Oh." Replied Damian. "May I ask about them?" He added.

Amanda smirked. "Okay then, I remember that I had wings and wore an outfit that looked exactly like that goddess on at sarcophagus." She said, looking at the exact spot that Damian was staring at. "Hey, I should train you to harness your powers, it will make fighting demons an easier job" Amanda turned to Damian and smiled.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Damian replied.

"Okay, we can start this later on in the day. But, let's do a little fun spell, while we sit here." Amanda said, and looked to see if Damian was still following. "Okay follow me instructions."

"Erm, okay." Damian was unsure, but his decided to carry on, anyway.

Amanda cleared her throat. "Okay I want you to imagine a girl you have a deep desire for, and then say these words." Amanda again checked to see if Damian was following her. "Desiderium proiectio" Damian was silent for a while.

"Okay." Clearing this throat he closed his eyes, thinking of Samantha, naked with her tits bouncing up and down. "Desiderium proiectio" He said, opening his eyes. Nothing, there was no visible effect whatsoever.

"Oh err, this happens. Keep trying." Amanda was quick to recover Damian; who said nothing, but repeated the steps. Again, thinking of Samantha, her pale white skin and tattooed body. "Desiderium proiectio." Nothing again happened.

"Again." Amanda reminded Damian as he looked to her, and again he tried to do the spell, but this time he chose to think about Amanda; how her ghost would have looked in a body and how hot she still is without one. "Desiderium proiectio." Once more, nothing happened. Damian grew frustrated and decided to try a final time.

"Tabitha, that blonde, those huge tits and juicy ass in yoga pants." Damian thought to himself. "Desiderium proiectio." Damian had grown cynical the first three times, but now, he could not believe it. It front of his eyes were small fireworks of smoke, visible in day light; depicting, Tabitha, Amanda and Samantha nude. Though the images were crude and very basic, the subjects were very clear.

"Three? Wow, you be quite a stud." Amanda said, as she noted Damian's work. "With enough practise, you can see the desire of every human who feel the pleasure of lust." Amanda added.

"Even yours?" Damian asked.

Amanda smiled. "Will just have to see, won't we?"

Dominic (I)

"And I will see you later." The girl said; giggling. Dominic pulled his trousers back up; Sheathing his cock back into his boxer shorts. "Yeah see ya, Jane." Dominic replied. He closed the door, quickly before her roommates could see him; but no one in sight.

Jane was lying back in her bed; the blond cheer leader looked at her phone and decided to browse social media. As she flicked through the endless sea of selfies, motivation quotes and selfies with motivational quotes on top of them; the light started to flicker, before dying out completely. "For fuck sake, not again." She said to herself, before going on Facebook to post an angry rant.

A thin smoke entered her room, and crept up her bed, congealing near her pelvis area, waiting for the blonde to open up her legs, once more. When she did open her legs, the smoke entered her pussy, taking control of her every move.

"Huh?" She felt a sudden tingling sensation in her abdomen. "What the fuck, what am I doing?" She could not control her arms and hands, and yet they playing with her pussy. She felt waves of waves of pleasure wash over her body. "Ohhh ahh, I'm Cumming." She moaned during her unnatural orgasm.

Like a woman 'possessed' she lunged forward on her bed, on all fours she scrambled out of her room; completely naked. Gathering dirt underneath her feet, she still ran the hallways, her pussy dripping wet at each step she took. She saw Dominic walking by the elevator, next a woman in her early thirties.

"I'm so sorry." Jane yelled out as she jumped and landed right in front of the lady, the naked Jane planted a firm kiss on the woman's lips; grabbing hold of her with unearthly strength. Dominic stood confused and amazed, perhaps even aroused. Jane's tongue wrestled with the woman's and eventully sliped out.

"What the fuck are you doing?" The woman yelled out.

"Oh shit. Jane, stop." Dominic was taken out of this trance, and grabbed hold of Jane, but she wriggled free of his hold. On the four, Jane started to lick the woman's toes through her toeless shoe, while Jane herself was masturbating.

Her pussy spilled into the carpet as the disgusted woman watch Dominic wrench her away. "I'm so sorry." He told the lady as she broke free, and fled. "Please don't tell anyone." He said to her as she was almost gone from sight.

"Please Dominic, I can't control my body." Jane said to him, as she began to jerk her hips. "Oh , I'm cumming again." Her pussy erupted into Dominic's arms. Covering her face, Dominic, pick her up and began to double back to her room.

"Can't let anyone see this." He thought to himself.

Her room door was left slightly ajar, perfect for him to open with his foot and open fully. He lay the poor slut on the bed, she still tried to wriggle. "Good thing no one can see this, they may get the wrong impression." Dominic again thought to himself.

Searching the floor, Dominic found the t shirt and jeans that Jane was wearing prior to when they fucked. "Stay still." He said to her as her body began to flail.

"I can't, I don't have control of my body." Jane replied, frustrated and scared. Dominic wrestled with her to get the t-shirt on. After a few more flails and punches, Dominic managed to accomplish just that. Next were the jeans, Dom was meant with a barrage of kicks to the arms and chest; nothing he couldn't handle. While he was down there, he managed to get a good sight of her moist pussy, though it was dark, the juices reflected some lights from the electronic in the room.

Dominic picked Jane up once again; he gave up trying to dress the slut when the top of the Jeans met her bottom. Racing out of the room, he went straight for Damian; trying his best not to be seen.

Damian (II)

"Reci—recipit stultus,verba profertis" Damian dragged out and struggled to pronounce the spells, he read from the ancient book, with Amanda by his side.

"Try again, until you get it." She reminded him. A few hard knocks sounded at their door, Amanda sighed before she disappeared outside the room to see who it was, and then reappeared. "Open up, quickly!" She said to Damian. He rushed to the door and let Dominic speeding in; throwing Jane onto the bed.

"Something's happened to her." Dominic said; panting. "It's not normal." He added. Damian approached the girl, who had just started to masturbate, furiously.

"Help me." Her voice and body both said different things, Damian placed his hands her wrist, instantly she flicked him off, to shock him even more; she looked deep at Damian, as her entire eye turned white and then red.

"Fuck." Damian said as he stood still, turning to Amanda for guidance.

"Say, Ignius recedemus daemonium." Amanda said to Damian.

"Right." He nodded. "Ignius rece— recedemus daemonium, Ignius recedemus daemonium." His spells achieved nothing. The processed Jane stood up, and walked towards Damian, her fingered deep inside her pussy, grinning with her eyeballs completely red.

"The blood of the dark one, the blood of the old king, the goddess of old, all powerless" The voice that came out of Jane was not that of her own.

Damian took a deep breath, his Iris turned from olive to red. "That's right; I am the blood of the dark one." Damian pointed his palms towards the possessed girl. "Ignius recedemus daemonium." He did that spell again. This time, Jane stopped in her tracks and let out a huge stream of red smoke from her mouth; slowly collapsing, only to be caught by Dominic.

The smoke cloud formed around Amanda, and turned white. It started to whisper something to her, laughing and sniggering it disappeared.

"What was that?" Dominic asked.

"It was another demon, The Alp." Amanda said, as she observed Damian's eyes return to its normal hazel colour.

Jane fell asleep on the bed, as Amanda approached her, and placed her hands over the girl's forehead. "She will be okay, just get her plenty of water when she wake up, okay?" Amanda said to Dominic.

"So this Alp, who is he?" Damian asked.

Amanda took a deep breath in through her nostrils. "When I was fighting in hell, I met the Alp, he was a stealth master, turning into smoke and entering the enemies through their genitals or rectum." Amanda paused. "From there, he could have full control of their bodies for sexual tasks or to orgasm uncontrollably and spread from one person to another, through intercourse. A great advantage it gave us."

"And now we got a Sexually Transmitted Demon, in our mitts." Dominic joked.

"Ha, Yes Dom, Sexually Transmitted Demon." Amanda replied.

Amanda walked towards the book, "Let us study the books for a way to defeat the demon." Amanda said as she flicked the pages. Dominic and Damian both stood up and observed her. They saw a multitude of writing and illustrations on each page.

"That was some pretty sick, tricks you did there." Dominic said to Damian, who hung his head low, with his hand in his hair.

"Yeah after, that demon told me that I was related to some dark one, I just felt a surge of power." Damian said, shamefully. "I feel guilty, that it is the only way." He added. Amanda's attention was caught by this, Damian noticed. "Care to explain?" Damian said as he noticed Amanda.

"I will, after we find a way to vanquish the Alp permanently." Amanda explained.

Amanda (I)

As Amanda flicked through the pages, she was taken back to when she fought in Hell; the memories were so vivid when she stood near the book. She remembered how after they took the four stony towers from the Dark one's loyalist, her soldiers marched upon a demon's nest near the fire cliffs, overlooking the South quadrant of the world furnace.

The nest was full of winged demons, although Amanda could easily shine a light on them, to turn them to dust, she would still be at a disadvantage. The demons that nested there were much faster, and could scramble at the first instants of her.

The Alp proved his worth at that time; he turned into smoke and entered a winged demoness, who fucked her comrades and in turn erupted the nest in an orgy, as they were distracted, Amanda and Lilith's forces attacked them, slaying all of the Dark one's loyalists in the nest and claiming their base. That Hellish day, a small demon caused more damage with far less effort, than Amanda ever could.

Damian (III)

"So anything on the Alp?" Dominic asked. Both Damian and Amanda gave a firm "No." Someone knocked at the door. "Oh, that's Tabitha and Sam. I texted them what happened." Dominic said as he went to the door. Damian looked at page that Amanda had spent time on reading.

"So what it true?" Tabitha approached, asking.

"Yeah, it's true. Some demon went inside Jane and made her go bat shit crazy." Damian told Tabitha.

"Brilliant, a Sexually Transmitted Demon." Tabitha replied and Samantha laughed.

"Oi, I thought of that first." Dominic snapped. Damian and Amanda were fixated on a set of four pages. Amanda looked Damian in his eyes. "Really?" Damian told her. "I think it will be easier if I could touch things." Amanda replied.

The other three students looked confused. "Wanna share?" Samantha asked. Amanda and Damian both took in a deep breath and looked at each other and then back that the students.

"Amanda found a ritual that can give her a temporary body." Damian watched as everyone look dumbfounded.

"What?" Tabitha asked.

Amanda was smiling up to this point, but decided to interrupt. "In the last days of the war, I found the dark lord's body maker, and I made myself a new body out of small quantities of atoms from others." Everyone gave the same confused look. "Okay, so imagine you all head pizzas and I took a slice from each of you, until I have my very own pizza." She continued.

"And—so where is this body?" Samantha asked.

"I had to hide it in my box, but I think I found a way to restore it." Amanda smiled.

"Go on." Dominic said, he's arms were folded and cross.

"I need a bath tub and Damian to read from the book." Amanda said, hoping that it will find its way to the others.

Jane began to moan and wake up, Dominic rushed to her and took out a bottle of water from the cooler, and he then picked up her and proceeds to leave out the door, careful not to hit her on anything. "Dominic, is that you? I had the weirdest dream." Jane spoked softly. "Yeah, just hang on. You will be on your feet in no time." He assured her.

As Dominic left the room, Amanda continued. "Okay so, I need a bath tub filled with lukewarm water, then we will drop the box in, and Damian can do his bit." The young warlock went to retrieve the box, and returned with it in his hands. "Okay, let's do this first but we need to tackle the Alp." He said.

"When I get a physical form, fighting demons will be easier." Amanda replied.

The bath water was warm, Damian made sure of that with his hands. "Here goes nothing." He mumbled as he gently dropped the twelve sided box into the tub. It created some bubbles in the water.

Dominic returned and entered the bathroom, with everyone in it. "How was she?" Tabitha questioned. "Well, she seems like she has a hangover now, but apart from that, she is fine." Dominic replied, everyone looked relieved to know the Jane was okay, but their attentions soon turned back to the box.

Amanda opened the book in front of Damian. "Okay Damian, it seems like you can only use your powers when you embrace who you are." Amanda lectured Damian.

"Who am I?" Damian replied.

"A descendant of the dark lord, that's where you get your powers from, but you is also pure in heart." Amanda went on. After hearing that, Damian closed his eyes and deep breath, before expelling it. "Okay Damian, Embrace who you are, pure at heart, warlock, descended of evil, prince of hell." Damian said to himself.

In his closed eyes, he saw a figure, standing in the distance, Silvery body with dark black wings and a red iris, he ancestor. Damian stood up and began to strip of his clothes, Tabitha and Dominic both looked away, Tabitha however did manage to get some sneaky peaks.

"Dude, really?" Dominic was not having any of it.

"It is necessary." Amanda said. "I think." By now, Damian was completely naked, his thick flaccid cock hung freely, his iris glowed red.

"Vas, tuum manifestes content. liberare corpus .vivat. ire paterentur in carne." Ask Damian was enchanting, the water began to sizzle and the box moved around the tub.

"Oh fuck, what's happening!" Dominic shouted, but it was what everyone else was thinking. Damian continued.

"Alligatus sanguine, lacrimam iusolubilibus, dimittimus corporis abrumpat." He paused. Amanda got up and tapped Samantha on the shoulder. After being tapped, she ran to the other room and got a small bottle of rose water, she began to pour it into the bath tab.