Electra Takes Up the Slack

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Electra's mum goes into hospital, Electra helps dad out.
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"Let me help with the ironing," I said to mum. She was feeling a little 'under the weather', and I didn't think she ironed dad's clothes properly anyway. "I could do mine and dad's, that'll make life easier for you."

"Yes Lexy, thank you, that will help. If you have time you could dip into mine too, but if not it's fine. I just need to get ahead of it before I go into hospital."

My name is actually Electra, but only dad calls me that, everyone else calls me Lexy, but I love Electra, dad told me he picked that name, and that mum picked my second name which is Persephone. It's okay I suppose, Penny for short I guess, but no one ever uses my second name.

"I will see how I get on mum." I am not so cold as to not do mums, but my priority was to do dad's and to do it properly. Mum was due to go into hospital for a few days, and then when she comes out, she won't really be doing anything for a month, so it'll be down to me to look after dad. Dad had even made up the spare bed as he wouldn't be able to sleep with mum when she comes out in case he knocks her stitches, or something. They don't tell me everything.

I guess mum was having a hysterectomy, I didn't really know. I know that she was upset about it, and that they have said it absolutely isn't cancer, but they won't say what it is to me. I got the ironing board out and plugged in the iron and poured water into its reservoir. Whilst it was heating, I went and sorted through the laundry. I would do dad's shirts first, and then his trousers, then pants, then socks, then mine, and then, if time, mums.

I loved ironing dad's shirts, I liked to make sure I got the pleat on the back absolutely knife sharp, and that the collars didn't curl. When a shirt was done, I put it on a hanger with the opening facing left. I told dad last week that we needed to go to Ikea and buy some hangers, the ones he used were a terrible mix of plastic shop hangers, all different sizes and shapes, so annoying, so difficult to get the wardrobe looking good. In fact, I may just borrow mum's car and debit card and just go and buy them myself and then throw out all dad's awful plastic horrors.

When I had finished the ironing, I did mum's too, I took dad's up to their bedroom and started putting it away. Dad's wardrobe really was a mess. Shirts all on different hangers, some facing left, some facing right, and his sock and pant drawers were simply disasters, I don't know why mum let it get like this. I tipped dad's sock drawer onto the bed and started rolling his socks in pairs and putting them neatly back in the drawer, so much neater. His pants I folded, left side under, right side under and then the gusset under. They all fitted much better in his drawer now.

But the shirts. I decided that the best I could do, for now, was to have all the shirts facing the same way, and then I would sort them by hanger height. That took me the best part of twenty minutes, but I was so pleased when I had done. I looked in dad's other drawer, it had a scarf, a box fill of cufflinks, a few ties, which I rolled up neatly, and a box of condoms. Really? That surprised me, I wondered what he could want them for, it was unlikely to be for mum, as far as I knew she couldn't get pregnant anymore.

I did dinner whilst mum rested in the lounge, I wanted to make sure dad had a decent meal. I cooked some lamb mince, diced some carrots, and made some potato mash, assembled a quick shepherds pie and threw it in the oven to cook. It should be done in about an hour for when dad gets home. I went and sat with mum.

"Tea is all sorted mum," I said as I sat on the chair opposite the sofa that mum was on.

"Thank you sweetheart, I could have done something."

No mum, you probably couldn't. You don't seem to be able to look after yourself, never mind dad. "I know you could mum, but, well, I am going to be looking after dad for the next few weeks, so a bit of practice won't hurt me."

"I know darling. I am going in tomorrow, so your dad will be all over the place, if there are any leftovers, it might be worth saving them to reheat for him when he gets a minute."

"Yes mum." No mum, I will do him something fresh, I might grab the leftovers for my lunch, but I will do something proper for dad.

"It is going to be a bit mad for the next few weeks baby girl," dad said to me as he helped me with the washing up.

"It will be fine dad, I will look after you."

"I am sure you will poppet, but, well, I can't expect you to do everything."

"Dad, I can do everything for you that mum does, and as I am not broken, I can probably do more. There is nothing I can't do for you. You just worry about mum, I will worry about you." And I did mean everything, I would do anything for my dad.

"Thank you love."

As I lay in my bed later I heard mum and dad talking and dad saying to mum that he and I would be fine, that I knew what to do, and that she wasn't to worry. Mum was saying, maybe but she can't do everything, and dad saying that I probably could. They talked a bit about the hospital, I could tell mum was upset. I wondered if she though a hysterectomy made her less of a woman? No idea, also, no idea what difference it would make, I hadn't heard them be intimate for months. Perhaps she was just sore down there? Either way, she wasn't taking care of dad.

I woke up early and threw my robe on and went down to the kitchen. Mum couldn't have any food today, so I made her a glass of water. For dad I made some toast and got the coffee ready for him for when he came down.

"Morning poppet" dad said as he came into the kitchen. "Nothing for mum."

"Morning dad" and I gave him a nice morning hug, I could tell he hadn't been taken care of, the lump pressing into me as I hugged him was testament to that, "coffee in a moment. There is some toast, do you want a poached egg with it?"

"Just toast love and then I will shoot off and get mum to the hospital. If all goes well her operation is this afternoon."

"I did mum a fresh glass of water in case she wanted to wet her whistle."

"Thank you, she might. Go up and see her, she would like that."

I went up and gave mum a hug, I couldn't help thinking that she could have helped dad out in some way, hand, mouth, something. Oh well.

"Have you got everything mum, phone earbuds, charger etc?"

"Yes love, and dad can probably bring in stuff if I need it." Yes mum he can run around after you because you couldn't be bothered to think of stuff.

"Yes, or I could borrow your car and bring it into you."

"Good idea love, I shan't be driving for the next month."

Many hugs and reassuring words later, they were gone. Dad would stay with her until they started the tests, then he would leave. He would go back in the morning and see her, they said he could have half an hour, and then he would have to leave until proper visiting time tomorrow evening.

I made Mum and Dad's bed and tidied their room, all the dirty, or unsure if dirty, went in the laundry basket, I would deal with it tomorrow whilst dad was visiting mum.

After tea, dad and I sat a watched an old film, 'Eyes Wide Shut' a bit of a nonsense film that I supposed in its day might have seemed erotic. Dad phoned the hospital, the operation was a success, mum was in recovery.

"I think I'll go up," Dad said.

"Ok, I will join you in a minute."

"What do you mean?"

"You are not being alone tonight, I will be up when I have tidied."

"I am not sure..."

"Dad, don't argue, go up, do your teeth and whatever and get into bed. I will be up in a few minutes."

Dad looked questioningly at me and then turned and went upstairs. I made sure everything was cleaned and tidied, that the doors were locked, and everything turned off and I went up.

In their ensuite I washed my teeth and then checked I was clean and not sweaty smelly. Left my clothes on the cabinet and went into the bedroom.

"Electra you have no clothes on."

"Well no dad, I am going to bed, I don't wear clothes in bed." I turned the bedroom light off and crossed the now darkened room to the bed. I slipped in on mum's side, turned to dad and gave him a kiss, "Night dad," and lay down next to him.

"This is wrong Electra" dad said.

"Fiddlesticks dad, I told you I would do anything mum could do, and more. Mum is not here, you are not sleeping alone, so I am here, now go to sleep, you will have a mad day tomorrow running back and forth to the hospital."

I lay there for a while, feigning sleep, I wanted dad to relax, but I pretended too well as I realised when I woke up. The clock said 02:12. I slipped over to dad and lay next to him, half on my side, my arm over his chest. I fell asleep again.

I awoke at 4:23. The bed was gently moving, dad was masturbating, or at least, he was playing with himself. Was he properly asleep I wondered. I left him to it and went back off.

I awoke later with dad gently moving my arm from him so he could get up. It was quite light, and I watched dad's bottom as he went to the ensuite. There is something about a man's bottom that just gets me all excited. I heard him have a wee and then the bowl filled, and I heard the sound of washing.

I lay back half awake, half dozing, I had slept so well, perhaps it was because I had been laying with my dad. Dad came back into the room, through my half-closed eyes I could see his nakedness. His penis hung down and swung back and forth as he walked, and his balls just seemed fixed between his thighs. I said nothing, I just let dad do what he needed to do.

Once dad was dressed, I made stretching and waking noises.

"Good morning dad, did you sleep well?"

"Yes baby girl I did thankyou."

"See, I said it was a good idea sleeping with you."

I sat up, the quilt falling down, reminding dad of my nakedness in case he had forgotten.

"Er, right Electra, I'll go and put the kettle on, let you dress in peace."

"It's okay dad, you don't have to rush off, I am just going to have a pee, get washed and throw my dress on."

"I'll put the kettle on," and dad rushed from the room. I smiled. I got up and went into the ensuite and sat and peed. I ran a bowl of warm water and washed and as I drip dried, I cleaned my teeth and then went across to my bedroom to get dressed.

I was going to simply put a dress on, but what dad didn't know is that I had worked on the dress especially. I had raised the hem so that it sat one inch below my crotch. I also put on the special pair of white pants that I had bought just for this occasion. They were two sizes too small, and they basically hugged me so tightly that they revealed everything. More camel foot than camel toe. I looked in my mirror. Nothing to see. I sat on the bed and looked. Everything to see, but nothing to actually see. Perfect.

"Right dad," I said as I walked into the kitchen. All dressed. Now then, shall I do you some breakfast?"

"Oh, yes, okay thank you, I am just going to phone the hospital, see how mum did overnight."

"Okay, good idea. Bacon or poached eggs?"

"Poached egg and a piece of toast please baby girl."

"Coming up." I ran the hot tap and filled a saucepan half full and put on the hob to come to the boil. 2 pieces of toast in the toaster, I would have one with a bit of marmite. When the water came to the boil, I added a little white vinegar and turned the heat down so that the water wasn't on a rolling ball, and then swirled the water. I gave an egg a really good shake and the cracked it and gently dropped it into the swirling water.

That would be 3 minutes, I set a timer with Alexa, and as the toast popped, I flicked the kettle on to make tea.

Dad came back just as everything was finished. I had drained the poached egg and placed it on the toast and put it before dad. "There you go, I will just pour the tea. What did the hospital say?"

"Thank you baby girl. Mum didn't have a good night. They have asked me not to go in this morning, I can go in this afternoon instead, but to ring first."

"Oh, okay, that is a bummer dad. Did they give you no more details? Just not a good night, whatever that means."

"No, but my guess is that the pain meds didn't really work enough."

"Poor mum." No one wants to see people in pain, that is for sure.

"What are you going to do today Electra?"

"I think I will sit in the lounge with my iPad for a bit. Do some clearing up, I may do yesterday's laundry." What I wanted to really know was what dad was going to do, so that I could exploit my clothes.

"I think I will also sit in the lounge a bit, I am a bit lost now I am not going to see mum."

"Okay, do you want another cup of tea bringing in?"

"Yes please baby girl."

I brought the kettle back to the boil and made dad another tea and took it through to him. I put all the dirty stuff in the sink and then went upstairs for my iPad. Back in the Lounge I made a deal of bending over and messing with the chair before I sat down. Dad should have had a really good view of my panties tightly stretched over my bottom, and also between my legs. I didn't know how much of my fanny he would have seen, but certainly some.

I sat down facing dad and made sure my knees were well apart and my feet together, leant back and browsed my iPad. What I was actually doing was watching dad with the camera on the iPad, and his eyes certainly seemed focussed on my crotch. Good. He had seen me in all my glory last night, today he would have to rely on his memory to fill in the pieces covered by my tight white panties. Dad coughed and then shuffled his bottom on the seat.

I looked up, "okay dad?" I asked.

"Yes," he nodded. I absentmindedly fiddled with my hem, pulling it higher up, and then pulling it back, just not as far back as before. I so wanted to stroke my fanny, but I dare not, dad would know something wasn't right if I did that. I used the zoom on the iPad and saw that dad had a bulge in his trousers. Good, at least he was human then, and my ploys were working.

I crossed and then uncrossed my legs and shuffled in my seat. The end result of which was that my dress was a little higher and more of my panties were exposed and my knees a little farther apart. I hoped dad was being treated to a good camel.

I stopped perving on my dad and went onto the internet and did a few searches on how to 'please your dad'. Not as many results as I expected. Out of interest I did a search on 'how to please your daughter', wow there were hundreds of times more results, I was amazed. I looked at a few and they were mostly links to pornography in one form or another.

"More tea dad, or would you prefer a coffee now?" I asked, and after I had his attention, I lipped backwards on the chair to reveal more of myself and then stood up, brushing my dress down straight as if there were nothing untoward. I was pleased to see that I still had dad's attention.

"Oh yes baby girl, a coffee would be nice. Whilst you make it, I shall ring the hospital and see how mum is doing."

That was sure to take his mind off me, what could I do I wondered, I was doing everything I could already. Whilst I was in the kitchen waiting for the machine to make the coffee I slipped my dress off, removed my bra, and put the dress back on. I had another little tug upwards of my panties too, can't be too tight I decided, now with added nipples.

I put my bra on the top of the washing machine ready to take up later, and finished making the coffee, adding frothed milk to complete. I carried the two coffees into the lounge, bending forwards to put my coffee on the table by my seat, and then turning to pass dad his.

"What did the hospital say dad?"

"That mum is still uncomfortable, they don't see any complications, the surgery went well, but that mum is just uncomfortable. They have said I can go in and see her though, so that is good."

"Excellent, do you want lunch first?"

"I think so baby girl," dad replied, his eyes were on my crotch.

"Okay dad, when we have drunk our coffee, I will go and make lunch. I don't want you wanting for anything, you know I can do anything for you that mum can do, anything."

I wondered if he would play those words in his mind and wonder if I really would, and if he really should. If he did, then the answers were yes and yes.

I stretched my arms backwards and made as if I yawned, it made my dress ride up a little and tightened it across my chest, making my nipples more pronounced. Through the supposedly closed eyes of my yawn I could see dad looking. When I relaxed back I could see the bulge.

"Tired baby girl? Did you not sleep well last night?"

"No dad, not tired and I slept brilliant with you last night. Sleeping with you gave me the best nights sleep." Innuendo, I wondered if it would play on his mind.

After lunch dad went to see mum. I knew how long I had to work before he got back. I went up to dad's bedroom and took my panties off, lay on the bed on his side. I started rubbing myself, playing with my clitoris and then a finger up and down my valley, and then pressing inside myself. I didn't want to make myself cum, the intention was to make myself very wet and then rub dad's pillow in my crotch. When we went to bed tonight, dad would get the aroma of my arousal.

I was feeling very aroused after my session on the bed, and toyed with the idea of getting myself off, Lord knew I needed it, but I restrained myself, I wanted dad to do it, not me. I put my panties back on and pulled them up tight and allowed one of my labia to escape. Well, that should get dad's attention when he got back.

I was sitting on the sofa when dad got back. I had used the selfie mode on the iPad to make sure that I was sitting exposed without it looking contrived.

"How was mum?" I asked when dad returned.

He walked into the lounge and sat down opposite me. He started to speak and then stumbled, perhaps he had seen something unexpected.

"Oh, er, yes Baby girl. She was pretty much out of it; her meds are quite strong and she is drifting in and out of sleep. The hospital people told me should be on those meds for a while, possibly after she comes home, so she will need a lot of looking after."

"No worries dad, we can do that, and I can take over when you go to work. No worries."

I did the faux stretch and yawn again, no way dad could not fail to notice. "Drink or anything dad?" I asked.

"No love. I might go and grab a shower; hospitals have an odd smell to them."

"Oh, okay dad."

I gave dad a few minutes then went up. He was in the shower in the ensuite, his bum still looked superb, and I could see he was working his cock. Was he thinking about me I wondered.

"Would you like me to wash your back dad, I know how difficult it can be to get it exfoliated properly."

Bless him, I think he nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Crumbs baby girl, I'm in the shower."

"Well yes dad, I can see that, hence me asking if you want me to wash your back."

"Er well, thank you for the offer, but I don't think that would be appropriate."

"Oh fiddlesticks dad, scoot forward I am coming in."

I pulled my dress and panties off and got into the shower behind dad.

"I don't think this" dad started to say.

"Hush dad, pass me the scrunchie, I am here now."

I took the scrunchie from dad and then the shower gel and started rubbing dad's back. I did across his shoulders and then down his sides, almost reaching his front as I did, and then I did his bum, making sure I got right into the crack.

"Right dad, turn around and rinse off, then I can give you a final rub."

"Er, I don't think..."

"Oh dad just turn around and rinse otherwise you'll get spots on your back."

Dad turned around, her eyes closed and his cock very hard and jutting forward.

"Good dad, just let the water run down and you can turn around again."

I managed to step forward just enough that dad's cock would press into my stomach. I said nothing about it, as far as dad was concerned, I was ignoring his 'situation' like a good girl should.