Erectile Dysfunction Pt. 01


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I heard a sound close by in the hallway. Panicking, I shut the drawer. Peeping out the door to check the hallway was clear, I managed to return safely to what could soon be the two men in my life ... they were relaxing over an after-dinner port. Slightly tipsy, I plonked down ungracefully in a deep single lounge chair, my dress riding up, my legs splaying wide as I sat.

Our host, seated opposite, looked to not miss the large expanse of bare upper inner thigh skin I treated him to. I may be almost 60, but Rob and my girlfriends claim I still have a good pair of legs. On our short drive home, Rob enthused at my unintentional little show for Terry.

"He would have seen clear up to your panties," my husband exclaimed.

I'd had enough wine to prompt me to tease, "That's if I was wearing any."

"What, are you commando tonight?"

"NO, but maybe I removed them when I went to pee ... left them on his pillow?"

Rob nearly drove the car off the road, "WHAT? You DIDN'T?"

I burst out laughing, "Could have." I reached a hand over to his lap, "Oh damn, I thought that might have done it." Still no hard-on, even after my erotic suggestion, "No Rob, I'm messing with you, but imagine Terry's reaction if I had."

We nearly didn't ride home together. Around midnight, Rob suggested we should be going, and fuelled by the wine, I had this crazy momentary thought to embrace Rob's idea immediately by announcing, 'Rob, you should tell Terry about our plan now ... everyone could be a winner if I stay here tonight with him?'

My God, that would have lit up the room. If I'd got the wording right, there would have been no turning back ... no second guesses for Rob or me. He could have given me a goodnight kiss, handed me to Terry and walked out the front door alone. This new man's hard cock could have been inside me now. Instead, Rob and I were turning into the garage of our home.

I came so close to suggesting it, but fortunately a sudden jolt of reality held me back until I was again sober and rational.

The next day, Rob and I at last sat down to talk seriously about his plan. Having now met the man Rob described as perfect for me, I was now as impressed as Rob was when they first played golf together. Through the week, a yes was unthinkable to me, now I found myself assessing the merits and risks of Rob's idea. I would need some assurances from Rob. Had he fully thought the concept through? How certain was he that he wanted this for me?

What about repercussions? Most concerning, especially after meeting Terry ... what if a romance blossoms between us? Even after 36 years of marriage, am I strong enough to control my emotions, particularly if Terry gives me everything that Rob now can't?

"Rob..." I said firmly and straight faced, "we have to treat this simply as a business deal between Terry and us, intended only to satisfy my erotic needs."

I really love Rob. While his unique ability as a great lover has sustained our marriage all these years ... now I also see him as observant, thoughtful, considerate of me and my needs. He can recognise how distressed the failure of his erections has made me. How incredible that he can sacrifice our monogamous relationship, risk our marriage to see me again happy and satisfied.

By 5pm that Sunday afternoon, I made the significant, potentially dangerous, decision to allow Rob to put his plan to Terry ... to ask this nice man if he'd be interested in taking me to bed for the sole purpose of fucking my brains out.

Rob leaned over to kiss me passionately Smiling, he rose, "I'll go call him now."

"What, no Rob? Wouldn't it be better face-to-face?"

"I don't want to wait until Thursday at the club, it's much better to do it now, strike while the iron's hot."

"Am I akin to an iron now?"

"Well, you are hot most of the time."

"I thought you'd say I'm hot all the time. You know, when you first put this crazy plan to me, I couldn't see me ever being convinced. But you were so patient, giving me a whole week to mull it over without mentioning it again. Meeting Terry last night was the clincher, I think you picked well. And, thanks to your incredible generosity and selflessness, I'm now so close to having a hard cock inside me again. Oh, it makes me so wet darling. Don't call him yet ... take me to bed? What I want most right now is for you to go down on me ... more than anything in this world."

My Rob has always been a very obliging man. Without hesitation, he joined me in bed. I stripped naked and lay down, spreading my legs wide ... he positioned his face at my now very moist pussy, licking and sucking on my clit until I came powerfully. So you -- dear reader -- are asking, 'What's wrong with that, you orgasmed, isn't that enough?' No, it's not! For a woman who's lived and breathed great sex, nothing beats having a man on top of me, my arms and legs locked around him, with his hard cock furiously probing deeply in and out of me.

I lay prone in our bed, pleasantly satisfied for now. I could vaguely hear Rob pick up his phone to make THE call, "Terry, Rob here. Yeah, thanks for last night, we had a great time, you really have mastered the cooking." A PAUSE WHILE ROB LISTENED.

"Oh wow, that's nice of you to say ... naturally I couldn't agree more. Yes, I am a lucky man and she is indeed a stunner. She'll be flattered when I pass on what you said. Actually Terry, you saying nice things about Evelyn makes it easier for me to broach this subject, the reason for my call. I, err ... that is, um, we have something that we both want to put to you. Can you listen to all I have to say before commenting? If you're overwhelmed when I've finished, you don't have to answer right away ... you can take time to think about it."

Rob turned his head to give me a warm smile. I gave him a nervous one back.

"Terry, I need to get very personal. I've been having big problems with my erections, my ageing cock has given up on me and I can't get hard any more. Medically, we've tried everything possible. Ev and I have had an amazing sex life ... I mean, hanging from the chandelier type stuff. We've gone at it wherever and whenever we could. My predicament has affected Evelyn badly, she misses penetrative sex big time and gets very distressed when I can only offer mister floppy. Of course, I do still use my fingers and go down on her too ... in fact, we did only a minute ago. But I've come to accept that, fingers aside, most women have to regularly have a solid hard cock up inside them. Terry, you might think it strange that we'd approach you to help ... I mean, we've only known you a very short time, but Ev and I both think you'd be perfect to help us, given you're alone now. In this roundabout way, I'm asking if Evelyn could come to you, err ... perhaps once a week, for you to give her what I no longer can?"

The silence in our bedroom was breathtaking as I watched Rob intently, hoping to see some reaction on his face to indicate Terry's response.

"No Terry, obviously the last thing either of us want is for you two to fall in love, we are still a loving couple in every other aspect. We are both conscious there's a risk in introducing a third party. I, and I'm sure Evelyn will too, appreciate you giving me that assurance. We both accept that for Evelyn to get what she is missing, it can't be mechanical Terry, there must be passion too. Ev is ok with kissing ... yes, tongues too, that's a given. Err, no we haven't discussed that, I'm not sure why. I'd need to check with her, but I can't see she'd have a problem with you suckling her tits ... err, breasts. That's something you two have in common, she doesn't like the word tits either."

I was relieved. From the half a conversation I could hear, it sounded like Terry wasn't rejecting me. Hearing my husband agree that Terry could suckle my breasts gave me an immediate tingling in my nipples.

Rob's look implied he was checking for my approval. Was I too quick in reassuring him, "Yes, breast sucking is fine."

"Oh, there you go Terry, Ev just nodded a yes to breasts. What? Oh yes, she is, she's here. No, no secrets between us Terry, that's the key to our marriage. This is my idea to see that my wife is content, but I wouldn't have approached you without her being totally on side. I suggested you as the guy we needed but I had to have her meet you last night to ensure she'd be comfortable with you. Obviously, you passed."

Again a long silence in the room while Rob listened to Terry explaining something.

"Yes, that was a concern for us, so it's good that you're up front with us. She will appreciate you revealing that. You're not out of practice, are you? Yeah, they do say it all comes back pretty quickly. So Terry, it sounds like you're on board then? Ev will be happy, so what day this week suits you for the first one? We're thinking two, maybe three hours tops ... should be enough. So, Tuesday ... err, hang on?"

Rob looked directly to me, "How would Tuesday be?"

"Ooh, that's a bit quick ... um, I wasn't expecting to start so soon, but I guess that's ok."

Wow, things were moving fast. Before last night, I had been so conflicted ... will I, won't I? Suddenly, after meeting him, it's all happening.

"Actually Terry," Rob was back to his phone conversation, "Tuesday works well. I'm out most of the day and while I'm totally on side for you and Ev to hook up, I think I'd prefer to be busy, not sitting at home thinking about you two going hard at it."

"What? No Terry, I am not a watcher, definitely not. You'll have no worries there, I'm happy for her to be with someone we can trust but I won't be asking questions when she returns home. I know how some would see this, I'm not a stereotypical cuckold in the porn sense, that's for sure. No kicks for me from this, just relief that Evelyn is going to get what she's missed." ANOTHER PAUSE. "Ok, so around one at your place on Tuesday. What more can I say buddy ... enjoy! You'll get to do it with a special lady, be good to her and for her. Ok, bye."

"Darling, I could only hear your end of the conversation. I assumed some of what he'd said from your answers, but tell me what I missed, what he said to you."

"Oh, he was only saying that he's had just one woman since his wife died two years ago. She was a 45-year-old divorcee, he conceded probably too young for him, but he said they really got into it over a torrid three months. Said he had to buy condoms for the first time so as not to get her pregnant. Apparently she was a top-flight lawyer in her own practice, couldn't afford another child at her age."

"Oh, so that explains the condoms. It's good, Terry sounds a very honest man."

"What do you mean that explains the condoms?"

"Oh Rob, I was a bit naughty last night. I was tipsy from the wine so after I'd had a pee, I had a peep in his bedroom. Saw a packet of condoms in his bedside table ... I wondered about them. So, he didn't admit to any other flings."

"No, said there was just her. I believe him, he's a straight-up guy, calls it as it is."

So, the deal was done and I was locked in for Tuesday. What emotion should I feel? That Sunday night, I was both excited and apprehensive. Days ago, I never expected I'd say yes. Until I met Terry ... does that make this dangerous?

What will I wear? I still have some sexy lingerie that I haven't worn for years, will it still fit me? More important, will it be appropriate? From what I gleaned from Rob's discussion with Terry, they agreed I'd get the full treatment, doing it as any loving couple would, with tongue kissing, not only on lips but breasts and nipples. And most important, a hard cock!

Fortunately, on Tuesday morning, Rob left the house around ten for his appointments in the city, allowing me quiet time to have a long soaking bath. He kissed me quite passionately as he left, his parting words, "Good luck Evelyn, be good."

Alone, I was free to lay out my sexy clothing options on the bed. Emerging from my long soaking bath, I towelled off and sat naked at my vanity, spraying the expensive perfume in strategic spots on my body. Everywhere that I might expect this man's could be, he would inhale my aromas.

I wound the years back, hopeful I would not appear mutton dressed as lamb to Terry, selecting a skimpy pair of panties, adding a black garter belt. I found a ladder-free pair of nylon stockings to complete the sexy ensemble. I chose a low-cut bra that would offer Terry easy access to my nipples ... that thought made my pussy wet. Finally, I covered the lingerie with a sleek short black dress that would be better suited to a nighttime date.

Was it all too much ... over the top? It was agreed hot sex will take place. Do I really need to dress sexual too? Am I pushing the envelope to make me too appealing?

I was ready early, before midday. It is only a 10-minute drive to Terry's house ... I'm not due there until one. I tried watching some daytime TV, but my nerves ensured I took nothing in. I began having second thoughts, is this wrong, am I being selfish in looking to another man to maintain my active sex life? Is it too late now to call and ask for a rain-check ... even cancel altogether?

The time ticked on. I came out in a cold sweat, should I shower again to freshen up? No, I couldn't go through all the preparation again, Terry will have to accept me as I am, sweat and all. At 12.50, I returned to the bedroom, checked myself from every angle in the full-length mirror ... even removed the dress to check how I'll look when he removes it. Is it too sexual? Would I be better in cotton panties and pantie hose?

No, not changing now! I grabbed my keys, went out to the car, so nervous that my hand was shaking apprehensively as I tried to insert the key in the ignition.

In no time at all, I was turning into Terry's street. Had to remember the number of his house. There it is, should I park on his drive? No, slow down, I'm here, brake now. What am I doing? That's his house, don't drive by. Oh, now I'm going to have to turn around at the end of the block to come back.

No, turn around. No, not this way! No, this road leads back to my house. Damn girl, turn the car around. Against my better judgement, it seems, I managed to turn the car around, found myself again on Terry's street. That's the house ... now, this time do it, pull up here. What is it?

Why can't I bring myself to pull onto his driveway, step out of my car, walk up to the front door, ring the bell and, when it opens, step into this man's arms? How will he be dressed? In street clothes, say a casual shirt and slacks, or in a dressing gown under which he will most likely be stark naked with that cock hard like I want it. But is that what I really want? Oh my God, I am so conflicted.

I couldn't do it, couldn't stop my car at Terry's house to go inside to fornicate with this other man. I drove home, relieved but embarrassed, began searching for his phone number. I owed him an explanation, for me to tell him that I wasn't coming and why. I'd seen the erection tablets, Cialis in his bedside table. What if he's already taken one in anticipation of my arrival? I felt terrible for letting Terry down ... let alone me, and Rob I suppose. He was so generous to arrange this for my pleasure.

It wasn't until 2.30 that I thought of another place to find Terry's number ... ninety minutes after I was expected. Sure enough, I found it and called him. I was even a bundle of nerves in doing this, "Hi, um Terry, yes, it's Evelyn. Oh Terry, I am so sorry, I don't know how to explain myself, but I just couldn't do it. I drove by your house ... twice, but couldn't bring myself to stop the car outside. I am so sorry, so very sorry. I expect by tonight, I'll be regretting not coming to see you. I was just so nervous, I was hyperventilating. I really wanted this, especially after meeting you on Saturday. Rob described you as the perfect man for what I need and, after we met, I had to agree. Everything about you feels right ... but I have to somehow overcome this feeling that I'm cheating on Rob. Terry, you seem such a distinguished gentleman, I know you'd be good for me at this time."

Tears welled in my eyes.

"That's ok Evelyn. Needless to say, I'm extremely disappointed. I've been very lonely since Jean died. Rob's call on Sunday was a real pick-me-up, like you wouldn't believe. It gave me something to be excited about. You are such a beautiful mature woman and for Rob to call, out of the blue like that, and to offer me such an opportunity to make love to a woman like you was overwhelming. I couldn't believe my good fortune, and the trust you both put in me. I tried to express to Rob, and I hope my message got through, that while being intimate with you would be sensational, I'm realistic and I accept that it is simply a business arrangement, no strings attached. Never mind, it seems now it was too good to be true. Not my first disappointment in life, regrettably probably not my last either. I think I understand and thanks for calling to explain, I know that would have been hard."

I felt even worse. I could hear the complete disappointment in his voice and I realised it wasn't only about me, hot sex together would have been a tonic for this lonely man too. Hearing his smooth rich resonant voice again sent tingles through my body, plus a lot of regret. I'd blown it, how stupid was I to become that nervous? I almost asked if it would be too late to come around now. But I didn't, I apologised twice more and then hung up, allowing myself that basic feminine emotion ... I cried, actually sobbed. I had missed an opportunity to feel really good again.

Rob got home at four, he looked surprised to see me at home. I guess he expected his grand plan would work so well that Terry and I would still be at it three hours on. I had to confess my last-minute panic attack to him. He was very annoyed that I had let both myself and his buddy down, but he tempered that anger when he saw how distressed I was.

To be continued

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cpl8140cpl8140about 4 years ago

Ask a urologist which external pump he recommends. They work. You won't have quickies any more but they do work. (A lot simpler than an internal pump).

Ray RobertsRay Robertsabout 4 years ago
Trying to keep the wife happy ain't easy!

As another suffering reader with ED problems I really enjoyed your story. This was a well written, thought out, account of longtime married couples reality and the sexy but humorous addition of a stud to help solve at least the wife's sexual needs. The nervous finish of part 1 only heightened the delicacy of emotions attached to such extreme actions to help resolve this common problem, given that hubby was not driven by cuckolding thoughts of himself being involved.

I look forward to the continuation of the story and hope the author keeps up the good start of this story. I am willing to bet there will be a host of others waiting for further installments. Keep up the 5* quality.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
I can relate.

My ED problem is not as final as Rob's, but it can really make you doubt your masculinity. I really like the way this was written. The very proper english with the occasional pleasure passage, or hard cock thrown in makes it almost humorous and it would be if the situation wasn't so sad. Thank you for a sensitive, but humorous story. *****

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