Eric's Parting Gift Ch. 03


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We undressed and completed the rest of our walk nude. As we passed a couple going the other way on the sidewalk I noticed Cheryl didn't make eye contact. I stopped us a few steps later.

"Sweety, are you uncomfortable?"

"A little. I was OK with the others at dinner. I sorta know them."

"You are beautiful. You can be proud of the way you look. You belong to me. I would not have an ugly woman in my life as I have you. Your body, your mind, your spirit all are beautiful."

"I need to lose some weight."

"Did I say that?"


"Is that your body or is it mine?"

"It is yours."

"If it is fat it must be because I choose it to be fat. You choose to be as I like. If I recall you no longer have any opinion that differs from mine."

"I am sorry. I slipped backwards in my thinking. I will be careful about that."

"This slip cannot be tolerated. I must find a way to have you never forget whose body you live in. Perhaps while we are here I can find a way to have you remember."

"I will remember."

"Let's walk around some more. Cheryl when we meet people on the rest of our walk you will greet them and engage them. They are people who could be our friends if we get to know them. Hold your head up high and be proud of you. I am."

A few minutes later we found another couple walking. Cheryl got within about ten or twelve feet of them and smiled. The woman smiled and Cheryl said, "You have on a beautiful necklace. My I have a closer look?"

The woman was happy to show off the necklace and tell us that Jack, the man standing beside her, had given it to her that very day. He explained that they were at the resort to celebrate one year together as a couple. We congratulated them and moved on.

I saw a sign that said, "SPA." I followed it and found a large room with lots of stationary bikes, treadmills, free weights and machines.

"Sarah, don't you go to a gym like this at home?"

"Yes, it's in the same building as where I work. I spend lunch hours there three days a week."

"I would like you to take Cheryl here in the morning and have her do a good workout. At the end of the workout Cheryl you are to get on a treadmill and walk two miles. Agreed?"

"If it pleases you, yes, Honey."

"That will be part of your punishment for thinking so poorly of the woman I love."

"Thank you."

We had made a large circle and were very near our suite when we left the spa. We went inside and I locked the door. Sarah picked up a note from the floor and handed it to me, without reading it.

"It says, Please join us for breakfast at nine. It's signed Mike & Sue. That means we need to be in the workout room at seven. Sarah, please call for a wake up at 6:50 and let's get to bed."

The shower in our suite was like the one I hoped Frank was making for us at home. Big! We showered together without bumping into the walls and the water felt good. Not as good as Sarah and Cheryl felt, but good. Back in the bedroom I turned on the ceiling fan just high enough that the air moved. I moved to the middle of the bed and lie on my back. Cheryl got in on my right side and Sarah on my left. In moments I was asleep.

When the phone rang I sat up in bed, suddenly awake. Cheryl answered the phone and when the mechanical voice told her the time she said, "Thank you" and hung up.

I grabbed my razor, toothbrush and stuff. "We can shower and clean up after we work out. Grab your stuff and let's go." I stepped to the toilet and released my stream. As I peed my morning hard on wilted.

"Bye for now," Sarah said.

"I'm sure it will return sometime today."

We worked out from seven until eight. Under the direction of Sarah we did warm ups, stationary bike, weight machines, a rowing machine and a stair climber. When eight o'clock came I was glad to see it. The sweat rolled down my body and dripped on the floor. Cheryl was soaked as well but Sarah had the lightest sheen. Her workouts at home had her quite fit. Cheryl wiped off with a towel, walked to a treadmill and started walking.

"Most adults can walk about three and a half miles in an hour." Sarah said. "That is a mile in seventeen minutes."

"I'll be back to look at the treadmill gauge in twenty minutes." I said. I took Sarah by the hand and we went to the showers. Under a wide stream of water I soaped her and she soaped me. I embraced her and rubbed us together. We kissed and the hard on that had left returned. "Please suck me," I said.

She went to her knees and sucked all of my hard on into her mouth. She sucked like it was great pleasure for her. I wanted her right there in the shower and she had no qualms about giving me what I wanted. I lifted her to her feet and had her bend. I stepped behind her and she helped me enter her pussy from behind. She put her hands on the shower wall and pushed her ass back to meet my thrusts. With each thrust into her she said, "Thank you Nick. Thank you, Honey."

I saw the clock on a far wall and when the time was up for Cheryl on the treadmill I pulled out of Sarah and kissed her. I said, "Please don't cum until I get back with Cheryl and perhaps we can all cum together."

"Oh, Honey, I would like that."

At the treadmill I found a sweaty, huffing Cheryl. The readout screen of the treadmill read 1.000 miles and 16:44 min/sec. I did not hesitate. I hugged her and kissed her, telling her how proud and happy I was with what she had done. She still looked tired but smiled and seemed happy with what she had done. I told her that one mile was enough.

In the shower Sarah and I took care of Cheryl. We washed her, shampooed her hair and massaged her legs. When the clean was done I knelt and put one of Cheryl's legs on my shoulder, putting my face in her pussy. Sarah held her so she wouldn't fall and played with her breasts as I ate her. She peaked and screamed in mere minutes. We rinsed and left the shower.

I shaved and brushed my teeth then my hair. I remembered that Sarah liked to shave me and told her to remind me each morning and evening and she could shave me. Her smile was wide as I told her.

We carried towels to breakfast and wrapped ourselves as we entered the dining room. In our hugging ritual my towel fell to the floor three times. Sarah's and Cheryl's fell often as well.

As the French Toast was served Mike said, "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

"Rest. A long walk on the beach. A cool drink. Rubbing sunscreen on Angie." Franklyn said.

"Sounds good." Mike said. "And you three?"

"Rest. Sitting in the shade looking at the ocean and talking with each other and friends. Rubbing sunscreen on each other and friends. A cool drink or more. And, maybe a walk on the beach."

"Point to where you want to park and I'll arrange for lounges to be set up and service to reload the drinks." Mike said.

"Perhaps they would like alone time," Sue said to Mike.

"When we need to be alone, I can simply leave you on the beach or ask you to go. That is not a problem."

"Sarah, you and Cheryl seem to leave most of the talking to Nick." Sue leaned toward Sarah as she spoke.

"I'm sorry. I am a little slow sometimes about speaking. As I get to know you more I'm sure that will ease."

"Maybe later this afternoon the four of us ladies can go get a massage together. Give the boys a chance to talk boy stuff."

"Yeah! How about those Dodgers!" Franklin said loudly but with no enthusiasm. We politely laughed. Mike leaned towards me and said, "We could talk about the dinner conversation from last night." Franklyn nodded. I smiled.

Angie leaned to Franklyn, "I want to hear what is said in that conversation, too."

"Then let's get outside in the shade and talk."

We gathered up our stuff and wandered outside. I saw a place where we could see the ocean, it was grassy and shady. I pointed and Mike headed to a stack of plastic lounges. Two men who work at the resort met him there and soon we had seven lounges grouped together in the shade.

The same men brought us towels and we spread them on the lounges. As I sat I asked, "Mike tell me about your relationship with Sue, please."

"You want to know how we met and all that?"

"No. Well, maybe later. What I want to know is how you put together your relationship. What beliefs guide your decisions?"

Mike looked from me to Sue and back to me. "I... I have no idea how to answer."


"We were married in a Catholic church. I guess we have a Catholic marriage, sort of."

"Who makes the decisions?"

"We both do," Mike said. Sue nodded.

"Are there fights?"

"You mean with words not fists, don't you?"



"Tell me about the last one."

"It was about a new bikini." Sue said. "He didn't like the color."

"May I ask some questions?" They nodded.

"The bikini was for this trip?"


"Why would you want a new bikini?"

"To add a little spice to the trip."

"When you wear it is it for me to look at, specifically? If you had it on right now would you be using it to attract me?"

"No. I want Mike to like me in it."

"What is Mike's favorite color?"


"Why would the suit be anything but aqua?"

"Because I have five aqua bikini's already."

"Then you were not buying the new suit for Mike to look at. You were buying it for you to look at."

"I'm tired of aqua. I guess you're right. I bought it for me."

"The problem at the bottom of it all that caused the fight was that you weren't clear about what you were doing. Mike thought you were buying a bikini for him to look at. And, you were buying a color he doesn't like. You told yourself you wanted to wear it for Mike, but you were tired of aqua."

Mike spoke up, "What we have here is a failure to communicate."

"Yes. If you make a deal between you, not a compromise, a deal, an agreement you can eliminate ever having a fight about clothes again."

"What agreement?" Angie wanted to know.

"I will dress to please my partner at all times."

"I like it!" Franklyn said.

"That means you, Franklyn, will toss out all those old shirts that Angie hates. You will wear what she likes, always. It means, Mike, that before you go anywhere you check with Sue about what you will wear. Can you agree to do that?"

"She gets final say about all my clothes?"

"Yes. When you get home she goes through your closet and your chest of drawers and if she doesn't like it, it's a rag."

"And, I get to do the same to her things?"


Angie had been smiling. She looked at Sarah and asked, "Do you have any clothes that Nick doesn't like?"

"No. Let me tell you a story, if I may." She looked at me and I smiled. "When Nick and I first got together we went to my house and I took everything out of my closet and showed it to him. If he liked it, I still have it. The rest I gave away to friends and to Cheryl."

"And I didn't take anything that Nick didn't like on me."

"Weren't there things you really liked that Nick didn't?" Angie looked worried.

"I love Nick. Why would I wear something that he doesn't like?"

"Because you like it!" Angie almost stood up.

"If my life is about pleasing me first, then I would still be living in the house where I met Nick, alone. My life isn't about me first. I'm actually not even second. I choose to make Nick first. I choose to make "us" second and I'm third."

"What about Cheryl?" Mike asked.

"Cheryl is a part of us. Just as my arm is a part of me, Cheryl is a part of us."

"Well put, Sweetheart." I said.

"Of course, you would say that! You win! They do everything to please you!"

"And, what do I do?"

"I don't know. What do you do?"

"It is my responsibility to see that they are healthy, happy, cared for, nurtured, challenged, planned for, and constantly aware that they are completely loved. I make sure the bills are paid, the health insurance is paid, our cars all work and are safe, there is money for food, clothes, vacations and whatever we need or want to do."

"Don't they work?"

"Yes. And, I manage things so that all our needs are met."

"I don't think I could turn over that much control to Franklyn or anyone." Angie said. She was sitting sideways on the lounge looking at me intently.

Cheryl spoke up. "Angie, what would happen if you decided to trust Franklyn completely?"

"He might..."

"No!" Cheryl interrupted. "Not what might he do. What would happen?"

"He'd make mistakes."

"You never have made mistakes, have you?"

"I have. But, they were my mistakes."

"Has Franklyn ever made a mistake since he has been with you?"


"Did you help him fix it, repair the damage, make restitution?"


"And sometimes did you make him wrong and call him an asshole?"


"When Nick makes a mistake he knows he can count on both of us to do anything we can to fix, repair or make restitution. We are that kind of family. I promised him I am not about making him an asshole. I'm all about having our lives work."

Franklyn looked at Angie and said, "I want to be the husband you can trust completely. I want to do for us what Nick does for his family. I cannot be that man alone. Can we work towards that kind of marriage?" Angie just looked at him. No anger. Thinking.

"Hey! It's lunch time." I said. "Here is what I want each of you to do. Go to the office or a housekeeping person and get a small trash bag. While we eat lunch each of you go to your rooms separately and take one thing from your spouse's suitcase that you don't like. It may be a color you don't think looks good on them, it doesn't fit well, it's old. Whatever. Put it in the bag and bring it back here. Don't look in your own suitcase to see what was taken. Don't talk about it. Just bring it back here. Deal?"

[Chapter 4 has been posted]

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gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 17 years ago
Interesting Story

I liked the dialogue about love not being an accident - it is an act of will. Interesting concept about living to please the other party(s). Adler would agree with you.

PEATBOGPEATBOGalmost 17 years ago

Yes, truly outstanding writing SCORPIO! Nick, Sarah and Cheryl have an idyllic relationship that we should, perhaps, envy. However, having been married for over 40 years to a wonderful woman, I must say that our relationship, based on equality, can not be compared to that of Nick and his 'wives'. Looking forward to Ch.04. Pete.

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