Extending the MILF List Ch. 17


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She screamed then. I was two-woman slick and slid into her; she encased me like we'd been machined to fit together. She screamed again when I pulled back and slammed more cock into her. Her hip joints poked against me like someone had padded a wrought iron frame. There was no give in her body except where it belonged and it gave and took with equal relish. I pulled out of her.

I thought that she should get on her back and by golly, she did! I don't think I said anything out loud but I really don't always keep track of what my mouth is saying. Stephanie lay down and then shimmied closer to her naked friend. God but I wanted them to kiss but they just lay looking up at me, touching at their shoulders only. When I didn't move, Stephanie moved her hand over a little and took hold of Meesa's.

"Fuck us." Stephanie whispered. "Hard."

"Okay." I said.

I moved between Meesa's legs and entered her. She accepted me into her black body. She groaned again.

"I want to come." She whispered, her voice taut like a guitar string.

"Me too." I growled. I lay down on her and had to open my eyes to verify she was really there. Except for the clasping eroticism of her pussy wrapped snuggly around my cock, it was tricky to know if she was there, she lay flat on the mattress. I rose up and drilled down into her. My cock pointed down and then was redirected and I had a vision of it popping off the top of her head. Eoww. I shook that image away. I grasped her little ass and pounded down into her. She let me.

I don't know what stopped my run for the roses but I suddenly remembered Stephanie. I broke stride, skidded to a halt. Meese mewled under me as I pulled out of her suddenly frothy pussy. Suddenly? I tried to remember if I'd stowed my cum in her or not. My head throbbed, the big one, and I remembered the vain attempt to come in her and the knock on the back of the head that followed. I pulled out of her all the way and moved between Stephanie's legs.

Staphanie's hand found my cock and directed me to her entrance. I found the little triangle of manicured shrubbery with the tip and knew I was aiming high. She didn't seem to mind, I think she was trying to write her name on her abdomen with my cock. The sensation made all the hairs on my neck stand up and do the wave.

"Jesus, just put it in."

She shivered.

"God I love it when a man wants me!" She sighed. To her credit, she took my suggestion, hell instruction or maybe actually it was a command, and put my cock against her pussy lips again. I rammed down. She opened up and I speared into her all the way to my balls. I swear I felt the floor on the end of my cock. She may have been slender but she was deep as a philosopher. I ground against her lank body and she jerked her hips sideways, back and forth, swishing my cock around inside her over and over. She groaned and exploded. Her hips whipped around and then surged up under me, lifting me off the mattress. They dropped and bobbed up, down and up, down and up while she gasped and panted against my chest. Her pussy worked me over like a chef with a tenderloin. I'd just get a nice tingle started and the little minx would buck up under me and interrupt the broadcast. I never got a whole sensation. Frustrated, I yanked my cock out of her before she knew I had a mind of my own.

I tumbled over between Meesa's legs and between the two of us we got the key into the hole and unlocked her box. I dropped into her. It felt like I stepped out of the side of an airplane into a rush of cold wind. Meesa was taller than Stephanie so when she kissed me, she didn't have to stretch or spindle me to make the connection. The kiss lit the fuse. I could feel it sizzling down my spine, sparking and hissing like a cat taking a bath. Then her voice broke around me, the voice, croaking against my lips.

"Come in me." She said, her voice so low it had none of the scary qualities that made me knock myself out. "Please, come in me!"

I turned out to be very amenable to her suggestion, very suggestible. My orgasm started over in the neighboring state and started rolling towards me. By the time it arrived it had such momentum, Meesa screamed. I lifted my ass at the last moment and slammed down into her just as my climax arrived with a whoosh and the thunder. I ground my pubic bone against hers and she quaked under me, shaking and twitching while I rabbit hunched between her lean legs. I kept trying to stop and breath but my body had been hijacked by the woman under me. I came aware of her hands on my ass, pulling at my cheeks, like she was breaking bread in a hurry. I felt air blowing up my skirt again, my kilt I mean. That overlaid my orgasm and seemed to attenuate it. By the time it ended I had forgotten the beginning. I felt like I'd been born coming and had no other meaningful moments left in my memory. I groaned softly as the last little puff of paper confetti fluttered out of me.

I collapsed on top of Meesa and she seemed to disappear under me, at least until she gasped and struggled to clear her face from my neck. She inhaled so hard I felt a breeze there passing by my ear. What weather we were having!

"I came!" The voice croaked. "I came."

"See! I told you he'd make you come. He fucked me like I was a feather duster." Stephanie spoke from her perspective, although I didn't have any idea what that really meant. I'd never even consider...hmmm. I levered myself off of Meesa. She lay under me, her black hair a riot of darkness beside her ebony face.

"Not many things in life live up to their billing but you did." She said, and then smiled. She reached up and patted my cheek. "You are the best! Just like Stephanie said. I didn't believe her but I should have known. If any girl knows cock, its her." The voice was gone! The rough rasp was replaced with a low, alto rumble without any of the menace from before. I supposed she just needed a little lubrication on her pipes. I was happy to oblige.

A stray thought wobbled between my ears. I needed to call Jeb and pick up the collars. I needed the collar before I took Jeb over to meet his wife and her new mistress. Suddenly, I was impatient to get there and see if I had actually managed to fit the pieces of the Wills puzzle into place. I grunted and sat back on my heels. The urgency of the thought clung to me like a baby chimp to its mother. My eyes registered the two naked girls lying before me.

"Gotta go, girls. People to see and pussy to fuck. You know how it is. The pleasure is fine and I enjoyed it. Thank you for using me as your morning dildo." They looked a little startled, glancing at each other with worry in their eyes. "Too much? Not funny? Sorry. I think you rearranged my gray matter and now I can't find anything." Neither woman spoke, so I got up and got dressed. They just lay on the floor, naked, holding hands, watching me rewrap their present to each other.

When I was dressed, I hesitated, waiting for them to speak or for me to think of something appropriate to say. I had nothing and apparently neither did they. I got my coat, gestured to Holly and she stood up.

"Jesus, Sonny, aren't you even going to kiss them good-bye?"

"Oh, well, I guess I should." I turned around, knelt and kissed them both, upside down. That was weird. They both giggled when I finished. We were nose to chin, which is weird. As a parting gesture I licked their nipples, two each. They both went still and started to pant. Getting them excited was as easy as starting a riot in a prison. I got to my feet, took Holly by the elbow and left the room. She had donned her coat while I was licking nipples. Walking down the hallway I felt the nipples as though they were still pressing against my tongue and then I swear I tasted Lynn's milk. My brain must have fired its reference librarian because my thoughts were arriving all disordered and messy.

We didn't speak until we were out in the cold. People stared at Holly and I couldn't tell why because she wasn't wearing the collar and chain. I glanced over at her and realized her tits were prominently displayed between the lapels of her open coat. Duh.

"Now what, Lothario?" Holly finally spoke as we neared the car. "You done with classes for today?"

"Skipping." I muttered, distracted. I was thinking about the day and the likelihood that a whole new set of strange variables were going to be calling but I had no idea how strange or even what they looked like. I got into the car and sorted through yesterday's calls until I found Hassum's number. I called him.

"Hello, Sonny." He answered.

"Pictures. What do they look like? How will I know them?" I asked him.

"Oh didn't I send them to you? I will right now."

"Thank you. You sure they are arriving tomorrow?"

"As sure as airlines can make me." He returned.

"Okay, well, I'll let you know how it goes."

"You do that." He said and disconnected.

Holly was watching me.

"I don't know anything about that, do I?" She said, her tone mixed a certain awe with chagrin and irritation. I snickered and started the car.

"Well? Does this involve me? Whatever it is?"

Frankly, I hadn't been including her in my pictures of either the Wills family album or the reckoning with the Travers women. As I drove, silently, I began to review if and how that would work. I let her impatience build until she interrupted my reverie.

"So? Is this going to include me?" Holly asked, interposing herself into my thoughts.

I glanced at her.

"We agreed, you'd be with me when I fucked anyone." I said.

"You left me in that bar being pawed by the barflies." She growled. For a moment I honestly thought she was irate about that, so I dodged the issue.

"Flies don't have paws." I said but didn't give her time to respond. "You need to learn to sit quietly and keep your lips closed unless or particularly if your mouth is full."

She grunted beside me. "With cock. That's what you mean, right?"

"If you are going to be on a chain for...shit, what was his name? Your brother-in-law that you can't leave alone and whom won't stay off of you?"


My phone dinged. I checked it and found pictures of two enormously lovely brunette women, clearly mother and daughter, a mouthful and a handful from what I could tell, though they were not in profile so I had to extrapolate. Hassum does have fine taste. They looked delicious.

"Right. Gary. If you really want to fit into the collar, you need to stay quiet until you are spoken too. Look, I am not into punishment and that sort of thing but if you are serious about this, you have to wait on the master and not keep insisting that he answer your questions. You should be trying to make him make you feel better. If you do your part, he'll do his. He really doesn't need or want you providing stage direction as to how to do any of that. You have to trust him. That means you must be willing to let him make mistakes and endure them without either quitting him or returning evil for evil. Submission means that you take what he provides." We drew near the Nine Muse Mall.

Holly was utterly silent and still until I turned off the car. I looked over at her and she was just staring out the windscreen at the falling snow. After several moments she turned and looked at me.

"Sonny, I was just thinking about the last few days. Christ, we only just met and here you are giving me life advice like a life coach, or really a sex coach. The last few days, my god, I was just reviewing what I've seen you do, whom I've seen you do and I don't really believe it. If someone told me this story, I'd think they were...were...."

"Don't finish that sentence, for both our sakes." I turned my head from her and looked out the windshield as well. "I know, right? I can't tell you what the last few days have been like, even before we met. I mean, it's been like that non-stop, like the god of pussy was cleaning out his, er, her? I don't know the proper gender in this case, so cleaning out the attic and thought I was Good Will." I shook my head. I was speechless because, based on the day's agenda that I knew about with some certainty, the contributions to my erotic resumee wasn't going to change anytime soon.

After several minutes in the quiet car during which the snow coated the windshield, I looked over at her. She seemed stuck too.

"So? I need to pick up the other collars. Why don't you put yours on. You want to come in or stay in the car?" Holly didn't look at me.

"You're right, you know." Now she looked over at me and I think she saw me finally, for the first time in several minutes. She'd taken a brain vacation without me but was returned safe and sound. "I was just thinking about how remarkable you are, Sonny. Here I am, a jolly green mess and you take me in hand with the express objective of helping me fit into another man's sexual repertoire. It's like you're doing all this work for me and for what?"

"Pussy." I said immediately. "I think that's behind everything I do. At least, its beginning to seem that way to me. I may be too simple to have any ulterior motive."

Holly laid a hand over on my leg.

"Sonny, listen, really. I'm having a moment here, so don't fuck it up trying to be funny. I am gambling that striking the pose, the one you made sure I noticed, on my knees, naked waiting for cock to tickle my tonsils...I am gambling that integrating that into me will be enough for Gary to want me, on his terms. He's said a dozen times I could never please him and he'd have to punish me over and over and he just couldn't do that to me."

"Maybe that's because he's your brother-in-law and it'd get him in trouble with the Family Fuck Police."

Holly barked a little laugh but sobered immediately. She shook her head.

"You aren't listening, Sonny. Here I am about to go have a strange black woman kiss my titties who strings chains under them and attaches them to my collar, all for Gary. But you are the one who just took it on and is trying to make it possible. I know I am incorrigible sometimes. Seth points that out to me all the time, and yet he doesn't understand why I stay with John. I don't think I understood until just now. You know why?"

I shook my head. The car was getting cold. I hoped the answer was short.

It was.

"Because if I left him, I don't think Gary'd dare touch me. Married to John, I am not a threat to him and Marjorie. If I got a divorce, that might complicate things. I think I knew that and this whole time when I should have been preparing to make the break, I have been riding Gary's cock with screaming climaxes like a banshee in an opera. I could relax because we just had to keep it secret and never admit it was happening. Now I understand." She turned to me and smacked me. "Of course I'm going in. Leave me out here and my tits would freeze off." She looked over at me. "My moment's over now, you can go back to being an asshole." She opened the car door and a wash of cold air with flurries of snow swirled around us.

I took her comment in the manner in which it was intended, which is to say I ignored her.

I got out and we walked to the entrance of the mall. Half way there she grabbed hold of my arm and held on, pressing it against the front of her body. I had a flash of how desirable this woman was. My god, I thought, I could fuck her right now. If I didn't have a schedule for the day, I might have. Intentionally, I mean. As it was, the idea of adding her pussy to my schedule threatened to overburden my already sparking circuits.

We walked in a cuddly silence to The Pink Pearl, only the side we approached from said "The Diamond's Edge", the romantic side of jewelry and not really the name brand for feminine collars. Mary waved when she saw us. She had two employees with her and made it clear I needed to wait in the store while she got my collars. Holly waited and I browsed, looking for nothing until Mary reappeared. I had a pleasant twinge remembering Alissa's news that I'd have income, at least for a while. Mary put the other collars in a nice bag. I suddenly had an intuition. I'd been puzzling over the Travers women and decided I needed collars for them too, nothing fancy. Mary listened somberly to my description of my needs and nodded.

"You need a trial collar." She said finally.

"Two, actually. Well, maybe three or four."

"I have copper ones, plain, woven. You can't engrave them and they only have the one hook for a chain. They are attractive though and the chains are larger links, a bit crass perhaps but they rattle nicely." She smiled sweetly. "They are cheaper so if you lose them, you don't lose much. By 'lose' I mean the subject returns to the wild without your leave and you never see her again."

I squinted at sweet Mary, a little puzzled.

"You have quite an industry here, don't you?"

She smiled that incandescent smile, like she was about to take cock where it counted.

"You have no idea, Mr. Duncan. I'll get them for you. Four should be enough for the moment."

I nodded. She returned with them and we settled up. In spite of everything saying not to, I bent across the glass counter and kissed Mary on the mouth, a lingering kiss that opened her lips and closed her eyes. The other customers in the store stared. I patted her fine ass and smiled. She blinked and licked her lips.

With Holly on the leash, we walked out into the flow of the mall. Malls always spin my compass so I was standing there trying to orient myself as to where the car was when suddenly Holly screeched and hid behind me.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Holly huffed from behind me, holding both my shoulders and pointing me in a specific direction. I felt her peer around me and adjust my heading. I didn't see the police or any other cause of her behavior. Already disoriented, her behavior confused me more.

"What? What's the matter with you? Suddenly getting shy? You want to take off the chain? Sorry, no can do. Not if you want to graduate from Sonny's University of Female Submission."

"It's, god, oh god, its Marjorie Romelingame."

Even I got that point and immediately.


"There. There!" Her hand stuck through the gap between my side and my elbow. It felt like she was dangling from my back. Her hand pointed but of course that conveyed absolutely no information to me about anything. I was trying to formulate how to get more or at least better information from her when a strange and glorious thought entered my head, went to the fridge, popped a beer and made itself at home. I got that fuzzy gooey feeling that used to scare the crap out of me, the feeling I used to run away from, with my hands in the air like I just don't care that the monster was after me. This was the draught of cold air blowing up my karmic butt, changing the world around me, but only if I took action to make the change real.

I twisted in Holly's clam-like grip on my coat.

"What are you doing? She'll see me!"

"This is Gary's wife, I gather? The wife of the man you want to assume the position for or with? I have a question, well, maybe two...but no, I am not asking them." I was going to ask if she really thought the woman didn't know about her and/or if she thought she could become entangled with Gary as his slave and keep it completely hidden from his wife? I was going to, but I didn't. Not only did I think that such was unlikely one or both, but also such a question was simply foolish. Sharing one dick between two women required coordination between those women and a colleagial willingness to honor a queue and not try to horn in. For me, part of the thrill of MILF hunting is not fooling the hapless husband, although some need to be fooled and others want to be, while some seem to find a guest cock in the wife a bit of a relief. Still, I had a use for this moment but it was a huge gamble. If I rightly understood Gary from this great distance, that is, through Holly's less than objective lens, this might be genius. Like every line in the MILF list, it had the potential to hoist me up on a petard that would be arguably of my own making. The ensuing explosion would end my run as a MILF hunter or I prefer wrangler, I guess. Nonetheless, I decided that I had to try to make this work. If it worked, I'd be a pussy genius for certain. If it didn't, well, having Holly stalk off all full of rejection would slim down my schedule considerably and I was approaching the point when such a thing actually sounded good.