Extending the MILF List Ch. 22


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"Tawny, go get our sisters. Miss Hamilton is going to get more than she bargained for." So was Jamie but I didn't mention that. I held up my hand and counted, yes, five cunts for Jamie and I. I wanted reinforcements. This little orgy would get out of hand in moments if I didn't control myself. I did and didn't call Landon, which was what I was thinking for a moment. I was having an inspiration but needed to pay attention to business and not make things too complicated. I turned around to stare at Tawny. "Do you want to be the one to lick D. Debra's cunt?" I asked as reasonably as I could.

The look on Tawny's face was sheer schizophrenia. Her former reluctance to eat pussy had been modified but not to the point that she was able and willing to lick her chops over the prospect of going down on another woman. The habit of resisting was embedded and so being bedded still meant cock to her. Pussy was only what she used to trade to get cock, still...yet a glimmer of greed existed in her eyes. I realized I'd inadvertently tapped into her sisterly jealousy more commonly known as sibling rivalry and suddenly eating pussy was becoming a challenge and her competitive nature was roused, causing no small amount of consternation bordering on confusion in her pretty lust lorn head.

She got out of the car and strode resolutely to the front door and disappeared into the house.

"Let me get this straight, I get all three of your sisters and your girlfriend?" Jamie whispered, his calm swamped in the lush waters of my sea of pussy.

"And her mother." I promised without thinking. I was trading on a dominance I was not really confident I possessed but at this point, I was not sure it mattered. I had so many balls in the air I felt like triplets. It was inevitable that I'd start dropping them eventually, this might be that moment.

The door to our house burst open and Georgia surged out, her tits flapping under one of my tee shirts, legs bare in the cold, hair wild, red and unruly. She scampered to the car and pulsed into the warmth there. I'd not turned it off so we were toasty warm.

"God, Sonny, what did you do to Tawny? She's me." I didn't turn around. The door to the house was open and Dalia appeared. "Who's this?" Georgia asked, her eyes fixed on Jamie...I could see her in the rear view mirror.

"I'm Jamie St. Vincent. I'm going to fuck you and your sisters."

The silence was splendid and rich. Once more I felt that surge of bon homme with athis guy...he took the words right out of my mouth, made them his and made them sound a whole lot better...posh he would refer to it, as I would learn later. After what seemed like hours, but before Dalia reached the car, Georgia exhaled.

"Oh my." She breathed. "He's British."

The car door opened and Dalia pushed Georgia over, covering her with a coat and what looked like sweat pants.

"Here, you stupid twat, put these on. It's fuck all cold out here and you run out bare footed with no pants on and no coat. You'll catch your death."

"Thanks, mom." Georgia said, cowed as I'd not seen her in many moons. "He's British."

"Who? Who's British?" Dalia asked, peevish and unnerved. I was too. Seeing Georgia suddenly convert from a force of nature into a fluff of nature was unnerving. "Tawny's getting your shoes and I'd suggest you not challenge her. You know how she is when she gets like this."

"Like what?" I asked, confused.

"Wait. Who's British?" Dalia asked. "Oh, who are you?"

"I am. British. And Jamie St. Vincent. If you're one of this chap's sisters, I'm going to fuck you too." It's true, I admit it, I love this guy. The look on Dalia's face was truly priceless.

Tawny appeared, locked the door to the house and then walked with a very stately attitude, like she had a book on her head and a stick up her butt, to the car.

"Oh my." Dalia whispered before Tawny arrived.

The car door behind me opened and Dalia flowed to the center, forcing Georgia behind Jamie and Tawny crawled in beside her and slammed the door.

"You can go, Sonny." She said, her voice hard as my cock. Jamie may think he was going to fuck my sisters, but I was going to fuck them first. Me being me, I got held up on that thought and the rest of the chaos in my life was simply forgotten. I drove in daze while my sisters cross-examined and interrogated Jamie. He held his own.

After every question from my lusty sisters, he asked one of his own. Have you all fucked Sonny? Has he had your bum? He had to explain to Georgia that bum was not a homeless person but arse when she got upset at the suggestion she owned some hapless slave in a basement we didn't have, which she corrected to ass which made Jamie roll his eyes and sniff, which Georgia missed, which made Dalia laugh which made Jamie snort and turn to stare out the windscreen, windshield to Americans.

Me? I drove in silence. I was trying to think of the best way to fuck my sisters for D. Debra and then the best way to do her and her mother to complete the exchange. It's not like I was lacking pussy...what I lacked, I feared was stamina though I'd been training for this moment I confess and had no little compunction about contemplating the penetration of these five women with their full collaboration. What I lacked, in fact, was the actual ability. That had ramifications that would soon become apparent.

I parked the car before the Hamilton house and turned off the car. Suddenly the chatter and bandying of questions ceased and there was the lurid, lovely silence. My ears throbbed with it. I just say for a moment. I felt tired. No, no, no, not tired of pussy! Just, just tired. In all phases of my existence, physically, mentally, emotional, sexually, and physically I was tired. I'd been bounding from one set of open thighs to the next with nearly no chance to just slow down and consider what all was mine to have and to hold, what I wanted, what I needed because I could have any of it and I'd hesitated to make any choice. I was a genuine "yes man" and that had turned me into a cock for all seasons.

I am not and was not complaining but one of the great traumas of maturity is to bump one's head soundly on the ceiling of your capabilities. When it happens, after you recover from the fuzzy throb of the near concussion, you thank your lucky stars the fucker wasn't glass and you are not trying to get slicing shards out of your clothing and hair. I was in mid-careen and had no ability to stop the momentum, even had I had the thought to do so, which I didn't My cock was hard and my contemplation accordingly had a single set of content. Pussy.

I love pussy. But my sister's pussy, on my god, I loved my sisters' pussy. And that made me think of my dear departed (no, bitch, she's not dead) mother and suddenly I longed to have her cloying regard naked underneath me again and I felt the sudden thump of my head against he ceiling of my desires. I missed my mother. For a moment, I was shocked and startled. Then I was nonplussed. With all the huge variety of pussy swirling around me, even some that had as yet gone untapped, I was sitting there longing for the chance to bed my own mother again. I felt her lips on mine, her body swelling under me as I slid my hard cock into her cunt and I missed her!

It was such a surprising moment I sat still for a long time. Surprisingly, no on interrupted. The silence, the stillness stretched until the cold out side the windows touched me and I realized how long we been sitting there outside the Hamilton house unmoving.

I opened my door and got out. I stood still in the bracing cold until everyone had followed suit, then I walked to the door and rang the bell. I expected D. Debra to be hawking the door and to open it immediately. I was shivering by the time the bitch opened the door, but it wasn't D. Debra, it was her mother and I'd rung the bell four more times. It took so long I was sure D. Debra had lured us to her door even while she was planning to abandon us and force us to wait while she returned home from some contrived but devious errand of necessity.

The door opened and Dori Hamilton appeared.

"Sonny?" She glanced past me at the crowd with me. "What are you doing here?" She asked, clearly mystified. "You fucking took long enough!" She was making absolutely no sense. That is, she was being paradoxical and that was beyond my processing abilities at the moment.

"You said you'd fuck all my friends if you get to watch a brother fuck his sister...these are my sisters. All three of them. May we come in?"

Dori hesitated then swung the door open and stepped back out of the way. I gestured so the ladies could troop past and they duly trooped past. Jamie followed, unzipping his coat. I stepped inside and closed the door, returning us to the warm darkness of the house. Dori stood back from the right of the door staring at me. She wore a soft sweater that hugged her and her tits like paint on a sculpture. It needed to come off just like paint on marble would.

I slipped my arm around Dori's waist. She leaned back from me but when I bent forward to kiss her, she kissed me back, wrapping her arms around my neck. I felt everyone else go still and felt them staring at us. Dori seemed perfectly content, her body pulsing against me, her tits hot against me...my coat was open so they nuzzled against my chest. The kiss simmered and finally deepened.

"Sonny? Unhand my mother, you have not earned her yet." D. Debra's voice crackled behind me. "Who are all these people?"

I released Dori and she wobbled. I liked how her eyes glazed over when she was aroused and one cocked one way and the other cocked the other so she looked like a cartoon character. She sagged against the wall beside the door. I turned away from her, reluctantly. My tendency to fixate on one woman was a hazard but also part of my erotic charm.

"What?" I asked, sounding as stupid as I felt. Not stupid really, just, muzzy headed and dull.

"Who are these people?" D. Debra asked from the other side of my little covey of pussy and the lone strange prick.

"My sisters." I said softly, with a slight smile. "You said you'd be my sex slave if you watched me fuck me sisters."

Her face worked and her mouth opened and closed several times like a catfish plucked from the water and lying on the dock. I wanted to laugh but I was conserving energy. Just from counting I knew I needed to preserve what I possessed.

"Sisters? I didn't know you had more than one sister." D. Debra said, her voice bordering on a sort of confused umbrage, as though that fact itself was an insult to her somehow. I held up fingers.

"Three." I said. "I have three."

"Oh my god...and you are going to fuck them?" D. Debra glanced at them and then her face changed. Her eyes flicked from Tawny whom she knew to Dalia and then Georgia. "Oh for heaven's sacred muffin top! You already have fucked these cunts, haven't you?" She tore her eyes away from Georgia to let them bore into me. "Haven't you?"

"Yes." Tawny answered for me. "Sonny has fucked all the females in our household." She smirked. "Including our dear, departed mother."

Dori and D. Debra both gasped.

"I'm so sorry? When did she...depart?" D. Debra said, sounding almost conventionally solicitous.

"A month ago or so...maybe longer." Tawny mumbled.

"Oh god, Tawny, really? It was before Thanksgiving!" Dalia corrected. "So more like four or five months."

"I am so sorry." D. Debra said, looking directly at me, all semblance of demanding insistence vanished.

"She rode to China on the biggest cock you've ever seen." Dalia completed the picture, finally.

D. Debra's face clinched and changed again. The ensuing silence was again, uncomfortable and weird. I had no idea what to say. Suddenly the Family Duncan was laid out in lurid detail, not only for Jamie and the Hamilton sluts but for me and my sisters. And we did it, we made light of it and in that moment I realized that I had come to think of my sisters as just three sets of holes for me to use to my delight. I cannot say I didn't feel ashamed, even embarrassed. When you have as much pussy thrown as you as I had had in the last two weeks, how does one cock cope with it all?

I had no answer. My fear of pissing off the pussy goddess that was testing my resolution and devotion to pussy was the strangest form of religious practice I could remember hearing about. I wondered if I could get a certificate and start performing marriages for a fee? My price would be to bang the bride and both mothers in the bargain. I shook my head, violently. I was losing perspective. I didn't realize it at that moment but I was approaching the limits of my fucking capacity. That, in my case, is rarefied air.

"My goodness, why don't we all sit down. I'll put on some tea." Into this lurid and uncomfortable silence, Dori's voice sounded like a soothing melody. Tawny giggled.

"Tea? Do you think that's wise?"

I had no idea what she meant. Something in her voice told me she didn't know either, she was just trying to say something and I supposed the silence had gotten to her too.

Like we were polite company, we distributed ourselves into the available chairs, the sofa, love seat and two recliners in the living room while Dori fussed with the coffee maker to make hot water sans coffee and filters. When it was clicking and burbling away, she pulled one of the kitchen chairs around and sat down.

"So, Sonny, introduce everyone. I at least haven't met your sisters! My they are a beautiful lot." She smiled brightly, but her eyes shone with something more than polite joie de vivre.

"And he apparently is fucking them all." D. Debra snarled darkly. I didn't know what crawled up her twat all of a sudden. This was her idea...she and mommy called for dick and I doubled the order and added my sisters to the pizza topping list. Her attitude sort of irritated me and then, when I looked at her and I saw nothing but spite and glowering condemnation, I just got irate myself. I pointed at Dalia and crooked a finger at her.

She stared at me for a moment but didn't move. I persisted, she persisted in not responding. She was sitting on the couch between Tawny and Georgia. Tawny poked her in the ribs with an elbow.

"He wants you to crawl over and suck his cock." She whispered in a stage whisper the NSA could have heard. Tawny snickered. Dalia, not amused, poked her soundly in the ribs with her elbow.

"You crawl over and suck his cock since you seem to know what he wants." Dalia whispered back in the same tone and volume. Her eyes got wide when Tawny slipped to her knees and did just that, crawling over to my knees, on her knees, and pushed my legs wide and began to fumble at my trousers to get at my now hardening cock.

"Oh my." Mrs. Hamilton whispered. "What about...er...Sonny, introduce everyone, won't you?"

I petted Tawny's hair as she extracted my cock and licked the head. She kissed it and sucked at it and I swear it snapped erect like a those telescoping night sticks. She engulfed it and my voice came out as a tiny little squeak.

"I'm Jamie St. Vincent." Jamie spoke into the breech, filling it up with his English accent.

"Oh my." Mrs. Hamilton spoke, her voice syrupy and smooth and when I looked in her direction, I discovered I had vanished from her attention. I felt more irate. But Tawny sucked that out of me and all I felt was her hot lips nibbling down the length of my hard cock while her tongue licked and slathered it with her loving attention. I patted her head, petting her hair, like she was what she was, a sex pet.

"This is my sister Tawny." I managed to eek out, speaking like words were $25 a piece. I pointed at Dalia. "That's Dalia, the next oldest. She looks like our mother. And the redhead with freckles and tits is Georgia, the eldest."

The coffee maker gurgled and clunked. Tawny gurgled and clunked, taking my whole cock down her throat and swallowing loudly around it. I moved my eyes to D. Debra and found her staring at us, eyes wide but licking her lips continually, like she was sitting in a desert breeze and they kept going dry on her. No, it made her look hungry, rapacious even. Felt like a mouse staring into the eyes of a cat. Her eyes shifted and she squeaked.

"Mother! What are you doing? Get up and get the tea!" Dori had slid out of her chair onto her knees and was slowly crawling past my sister's heels towards Jamie sitting to my left in the love seat.

"Get the tea yourself. It's rude to have one cock be sucked and leave the other unattended." Dori hissed, her voice raw. I recognized a mother tweaking her daughter's nose but didn't laugh. It wasn't funny. It was scary.

D. Debra squeaked herself now. The sound seemed to be catching or we were passing it around like a social disease in a close knit community. The coffee maker gave up the ghost and went silent. Dori arrived at Jamie's knees, placed her hands on his ankles and ran them up to his knees which she pushed wide. "You don't mind, do you Mr. English Accent?" She whispered in that breathy voice Marilyn Monroe used to seduce the world.

Jamie swallowed so loud Tawny lifted her head up and looked around. I grasped a handful of her hair and pushed her face down again. She duly opened her mouth and let me push her face down onto my cock. This time the swallowing sound came from her mouth as she swallowed around my cock penetrating her throat. I groaned. We sounded like a hillbilly orchestra. Jamie chimed in but without an accent. Dori had his cock in hand and was licking it, the sound of her smacking lips added to the tender cacophony in the otherwise silent room.

"Mother, must you?" D. Debra snarled, her snarky daughter voice made my spine twitch.

Dori just nodded, not even removing the cock from her mouth. I glanced at Georgia and she was staring at me. When she caught my eye she mouthed something at me which I had no hope of understanding. I mouthed back "what?" and she shook her head and repeated the motions of her lips. With Tawny's mouth on my cock, all that suggested was that Georgia wanted a cock to suck too, which I doubted was the content of her message to me. I shrugged and shook my head once. My sister rolled her eyes. She straightened thrust out her tits and spoke into the slurping silence.

"I said, Sonny, I'm eldest, fuck me first!" Georgia's voice filled the room like a gong at a funeral. Tawny's mouth went still. Dori lifted her mouth off of Jamie's cock to the sound of his sighing disappointment. Then under my lax hand snarled in her hair, Tawny lifted her mouth off my cock too.

"He's ready, dear sister. If you want him to fuck you, I think he is perfectly able. Are you wet and ready?" Tawny held my cock in one hand and her breathy words wafted over it like it was her microphone. She projected just fine. Georgia stood up, lifted the dress her sister had given her in the car and striped down panties to her ankles and stepped out of them. She tossed them at me, hitting Tawny in the back, then sauntered past Dori's empty chair to the kitchen table. She took her place where the chair had been, lifted her skirt and lay down on the table her ass and thighs bare.

Everyone was watching her.

"Sonny, this is not what I had in mind. I thought..." D. Debra's voice hitched and trundled to a stop.

"You thought what? That I'd arrange for you to watch me seduce them the first time?" I muttered, pulling my eyes from Georgia's bent, half-nude body. Georgia reached back and pulled her ass apart with both hands, further exposing the flare of her cunt between her legs. Even I could see the glistening slickness of her pussy lips.

"Well, yes. I didn't know you had three sisters."

I pulled Tawny away from me. She twisted away to sit on her ass, legs akimbo. She lifted her skirt and slowly stroked her cunt under it, the sound of her two fingers pushing inside her body was unmistakable. She was munchably wet.