Fool's War


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Panting, I finally grew still. Lightheaded, I leaned my face into his back, listening to him breathe and to the falling rain. Then a distant thundering rumble told me the storm had passed, or was coming back again.

Beth moaned. "Alejandro." He lifted his head, looking up at her lying next to us. "You're so deliciously hard, and I' in need of that. Care to give some pussy a try, now that your itch has been...scratched?"

I could tell by a sudden tightening of the shoulder muscle under my hands that the idea both interested and terrified him. His breathing was just a bit less labored than my own, but I knew he was tired. And maybe a little concerned that that 'tiredness' would affect him if he tried to satisfy a woman as demanding as Beth could be in rut.

"Why don't you ride him?" I asked her as I slipped from between the cheeks of his ass. "I would love to watch that."

"Oh!...Oh yes, that would be lovely." As I moved off the bed she put her hand on his chest and he rolled to his back. "Let me do the work now, lovely. You need your rest. You've had a...hard night after all."

I picked up her bottle of mead and took a long drink as I watched my wife climb up on top of Alejandro and reach between them. When she moved her hand, I was in perfect position to watch his cock slip into her, but then I couldn't see too much as her ass settled down to cover him.

"Dance for us, wench," I told her as I sat down on the side of the bed she had just vacated. Her body heat was still there. So was her toy; I had to move it from under my knee.

Holding her hands above her head, Beth began to belly dance. Her hips moving into that rhythm pattern that make the dance and sex one and the same. As she moved her arms in lazy ways, her breasts lifted and moved with her, giving me and Alejandro a wonderful show to watch. Though, I think, he was distracted by the way his cock inside her was being squeezed, milked and caressed by internal muscles strengthened by her years of dancing around hundreds of SCA bonfires. After a moment, he let his hands rest on her moving hips and just closed his eyes to the pleasure overwhelming him.

Taking a sip of the wine, I leaned down to his mouth and kissed him a small drink. He smiled tasting the mead on my lips then his tongue brushed mine, looking for more. Taking a second larger sip I gave him what he was wanting. And then a third.

"Share boys; it was my bottle anyway." Beth took the mead from my hand, and leaning back took a long drink. When she pulled the bottle away, a single drop fell to land on her throat, and when she looked down it ran between the valley of her breasts. Moving quickly, I touched my mouth to her skin then licked my way back up that sweet, honey-wine trail to her lips. She grinned as I kissed her. "Want more?"

When I nodded, she let a few final drops fall from the wine bottle to land on her breasts, covering the nipples. I took one and then the other sucking the wine from those sexy, dark points. Then I sucked hard for even more, wishing I could suck from her breasts till I filled my mouth with the very essence of her passion. For I knew it would be far more sweet than the mead. Her fingers laced tightly into my hair as she hissed at the savage pressure assaulting her tender nipple. I resisted her pulling me away, my mouth drawing her breast out taut with suction. That bit of heaven popped free, then she moved my head up and kissed me brutally. I could feel that even as she kissed me, her waist was weaving in faster and faster patterns, grinding on Alejandro's cock.

Her lips were at my ear. "It won't be easy for him to cum, sailor. We've sucked his cock so much tonight he's going to have to be...made to cum." Her head turned, and mine was moved by her chin. I saw her vibrator lying forgotten on the bed. "Help us both to reach heaven, my sailor."

I nodded, understanding what she had in mind. As I slid from the bed, she lowered herself down, slowly till her breasts were moving on his chest. Those wine-sticky nipples brushed pathways through his dark hair till her nipples met his pierced ones. When I was in place, between his knees, I could see her pussy stretched around him, just moving so that an inch of cock came out and then disappeared back inside. Turning on her vibrator, I smiled to see him jump when I touched it lightly to the soft skin under his balls. Moving it past those hair-specked orbs, I ran it along his shaft and then crossed her wet lips.

"Oh, my god yes." she moaned.

I heard a groan from him and he lifted his hips to meet her this time.

Moving the toy back down him, I could not resist, I let the vibrating tip push against his no-doubt sore, wrinkled asshole. He jumped hard enough to make Beth squeal in pleasure, then quickly cover her mouth with her hand. She gave me a look over her shoulder, and went back to wiggling on top of him.

Seeing their wet sexes moving together, in such a harmony of pleasure, I couldn't help myself. I had to join in that harmony in some way. Since my cock was not up to the desired task, and leaving the vibrator touching his ass, I leading and let my tongue try to give some pleasure while taking what I could from that as well. Oh, and take I did. Always oral in my desires, I mouthed all I found under my lips with relish. His balls, shaft, her lips, even the hot opening so tightly stuffed. It resisted me, so I moved up to taste that sexy wrinkled rose, giving Beth a pleasure I know she loves. Then back down into that wet mash of sex. I drank deeply letting nothing escape to pass down his cock and drench his sack. I licked with greed hunger. At her. At him. And at them.

"My ass, please my ass," begged Beth.

Moving my mouth back to that rosebud, I let my tongue circle it a dozen times, and then I pushed against that hot pucker, into the silky warmth of her. Beth moaned approval, wiggled her ass in my face, still moving her hips on the cock inside her only now she "danced" in rhythm to my probing of her. Licking, nibbling, placing little bites to the soft cheeks of her ass I let my tongue drop to touch again that hard cock entering her. I bathed it in caresses as it moved those few inches to be engulfed into those slick folds.

Hearing Alejandro give a soft whimper, I moved the vibrator to rest again on his ass. Beth, too, heard this sound and doubled her efforts on his cock. Moving so fiercely was she, I had to move my face back or get a broken nose for trying to taste them. Sitting back, I watched the last moments of their pleasure as it built to near-frantic levels. A soft smile touched my lips when I heard Beth's "little moan", the one she makes when she is just in blissful levels of pleasure and is too lost in lust to even know where she was. Or to care.

When I heard him cumming, I removed the toy, to give him the chance to relax into the moment without its distraction. Beth all but collapsed and he held her tight to him, softly caressing her lower back and thigh. She was crying at the way her body was still twitching in response. Moving up onto the bed, between Alejandro and myself, we helped her to move off of him and lie down on the bed. I curled myself up beside her, and he turned to face her on the other side.

We held her between us as she whimpered and moaned her way through dozens of little orgasmic aftershocks. I turned enough to grab one of her pillows and put it under her head.

"I should probably go back to my tent," he said when she finally quieted. "Let you two get some sleep."

"There is no reason for you to leave. Your bed is cold." I told him, reaching across her soft hip to lay my hand on his harder one. "Stay. This bed is big enough for three."

"Please...stay." Beth lifted her head a little, pulling her long hair out from under her. Then she moved back up against me. "It's getting cold and we are on the bed sideways. Let's get turned around here and covered up, and then I'm all for a lot of naked snuggling with you two sexy men."

He smiled. "Well, you talked me into it."

We managed through several moments of giggling confusion to get our three sated, but tired bodies to move, till we were more or less in the normal sleeping position for this bed. Then I had to get out of the bed and go turn off the lanterns. When I got back, I had lost maybe a foot of my regular sleeping space but I didn't mind as I had Beth pressed into me. A warm, male hand met mine in the small of her waist, and we shared her softness between us.

A deep rumble, much closer than any for quite a while, added a lulling accent the sound of the rain on the canvas overhead. I smiled when I heard the soft sound of Beth's breathing turn into her light, nasally snore. My nearly asleep eyes popped open when I felt a finger tap my hand. Looking over Beth's side I saw Alejandro's silhouette, his eyes little pinpoints in the darkness.

He picked up my hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed my fingers.

Touched, I moved my fingers till they rested on his cheek. Brushing that soft stubble.

"Goodnight." I whispered. "Glad you stayed."

"Me too. Goodnight...sailor." His hand touched mine, then he snuggled in closer to Beth and I did the same.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

It was the soft mumble of my household that woke me. That and a fierce need to go piss. Leaving my wife and our lover curled up, I slipped out the bed and grabbed up my tunic and a pair of blue jeans from off the top of my trunk. Sticking my feet in my shower sandals, I gave them a last look, smiled at how sexy that image was, and then slipped out the tent flap into the cold April air. Rubbing at my arms, I nodded to Phyllis who was making coffee. She smiled at me and held up the pot.

"When I get back," I said quietly. I gestured towards the bathhouse.

"Bob and Jim just headed up that way," she told me just as softly. She pulled her cloak closer about her then shivered. I smiled seeing her mouth the words "fuck this" and move back into her tent.

My feet crunching the gravel underfoot, I made my way up the little hill to the bath house. As I walked into the door, I heard them talking. To David. I realized too late it was about me.

"I can't say I care who he sleeps with. It's not my business," said Jim, his tone brook no argument. "Nor is it yours."

"Well, I could hear them; that kind of makes it my business. I mean, he's the head of our house. He represent us in court, before the kings. What if this sort of rumor spreads?"

Bob and Jim's eyes noticed me suddenly.

"The best way to keep such from happening," I said, standing behind David, startling the hell out of him. "is not for me to not enjoy myself and have a bit of fun, but for you to keep your teeth together, my Lord of Cheddar. I am very circumspect in whom I chose to share my bed. But, and you better understand this, I answer to no one about my conduct, except to my wife and my own conscience. Not to any king, duke or belted knight! And not least of all do I answer to you about it, David. I also do not ask, or speculate, about who you take to your bed. Not you or any in my house. That is not my concern. Not in any way."

Looking shamed-faced, David couldn't meet my eyes. After a bit, he nodded. "Sorry."

After a moment, he walked past me and out the bathhouse without another word. I gave Bob a silent look, then Jim, questioning with that gaze if they had anything to say. Both shook their heads, and then Jim looked over my shoulder and smiled. Glancing back, I saw Alejandro standing there. He nodded to the others as they made their way past him. Jim patted his shoulder.

"Sorry about that." I said when they were out of earshot.

"Nothing to apologize for." He swept my face with his gaze. "That I'm the subject of gossip means I have been having fun in this life. What more could I ask for?"

Moving to him, I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Evan, please don't squeeze me. I've got to go pee really badly."

Laughing, I nodded. "Me too."

** ** ** ** ** ** **

The walk out to the parking area for my van seemed far longer this time than it had been Friday night. All around me people were breaking camps. Gone were the brightly colored clothes, many researched to period perfection. In their places were mundane blue jeans, and the almost universal faded-black T-shirts that seemed to be the Sunday morning packing-out staple of every SCAer.

So many massive pavilion tents were now little more than wooden poles, huge rolled, or folded up bundles of canvas. What the night before had been camps hosting huge parties, were now small parking lots of cars and trucks. Doors open, trunks open. People trying to shoehorn in twice as much as any vehicle should be asked to ever carry. Campfires that had given warmth and cooking to hundreds were now cold wet ashes.

I moved my shoulder, feeling ten years older than my years and wincing with every step at the pain I was in from the fighting yesterday. And in truth, from last night's pleasant exertions.

Hearing a rumble behind me, I turned to see Timothy coming up the road on his motorcycle. He dodged past people, still partly in garb, heading to port-o'-castles for one last time, and came to a halt next to me.

"If I'd known you were heading out here I could have given you a lift." He foot-walked the bike alongside me. "We got Jim's tent down. Do I need to stay and help you? You're looking a bit on the worse for wear side?"

"Nah, I'm good. Just needed to walk out the kinks in my old hide. Getting too old for long battles, longer nights, and cold mornings." I rubbed at my knees, grinning.

He nodded. "I'm with you there. Well, I'm going to head out. I'll link back up with you along the way. I just want..."

" go get some 'real' food," I finished for him, smiling. "One day I'm going to tell the ladies that's why you leave so early every event. You'll be eating cold gruel from that point forward. Every event."

"Hey, now don't go putting lies in my mouth! Don't get me wrong. You wife, and the other housemothers can cook incredibly well. I'm just Jonesing for some waffles and hot syrup. Many a huge order of hash browns, smothered and covered. I always am after an event you know that. Oh, yeah." he grinned. "My mouth is already watering."

"Yeah I know, you've been fed just what you need to be eating for too long, and now you feel the need to risk going into a diabetic coma by overloading on carbs. Go on. Get!" I shooed him on.

With a sigh, I watched him ride out past parking and through the gate.

Opening the door on my van it smelled stale inside. As if it had been sitting unused for years, not days. I pulled my keys from my pocket and patted the gas twice. The old beast cranked with its normal grumble. I could certainly sympathize with how it felt. The ride back to camp was interrupted a dozen times by others trying to do as I was, get a vehicle to their camp and start the loading, or by those that were already packed and tried to make their way to the gate. When I pulled up and shut off the engine, I sat for a moment watching my house members.

Jim and Mandy were all but packed up. Their big pavilion and their own tent already loaded into his U-Haul. Just a few Rubbermaid's and the odd folding chair left to Tetris-pack in somehow.

Bob and Phyllis had their more modern-style tent down, but were still getting it put into its nylon bag. But that seemed to be the last thing left to load.

David was talking to them, his tent and stuff still half loaded. He, like always, would have to be all but driven to get everything loaded before we left.

Beth was talking to Alejandro. Our dark-haired lover had his little land pimple tent struck and the few things he packed already in a pile on the ground cloth. He was apparently giving Beth a phone number at the moment, as she had out her little red book of contacts.

After a moment she looked up at me. It was her smile that got me moving. That smile that drove off any ghosts from events past, the many memories of leaving this site with my parents. Then the memories of coming here alone. They all fled in the face of that smile.

Opening the side door of the van, I moved to the U-Haul and opened those doors as well. Before I could say spit, they all began to help me load. When Alejandro came walking up carrying my cooler I took it from him and smiled.

"Going to meet us up at Boarder Raids?" I asked, as I set the cooler into its mentally assigned place by the van door. Bob handed me my folding table and I had to crawl inside to store it.

"Yeah. Um...Gary will be there with me for that one." He seemed almost uneasy telling me this. He took the feast gear basket from Beth with a smile for her. "He ah..."

"Camp with us, when we're there. We would all love to meet him," I told him taking the basket from him and sticking it into its slot.


"Hey..." I stepped to the open doorway and looked him in the eyes. "I understand. Really, I do. And...well, every event is different. At this one we had..." I grinned at him. "A...lot of fun, right? Well, at Border Raids, maybe we will just be sharing a camp together. We'll still have fun, just...of a different sort. I want you there."

He jumped when Beth stepped past him and I grinned at the hard smacking sound of her popping his ass with her hand.

"We both do." She smiled and leaned in to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "Now, I for one want to get home sometime this weekend. I want a shower with endless hot water. So if you don't mind, move your sexy ass out the way."

Laughing, he gave her a kiss back and headed back to the pile of our supplies. He and Jim grabbed one of the big footlocker trunks full of garb between them. My back thanked them both for that.

And as we loaded the last of our stuff, and the others got the last of their things packed, even David, I found myself looking at the faces of them. One and all these silly Knights of friends, my family.


( I would like to thank the lovely patientlee for a monumental amount of editing on this. Thank you my dear, for helping me to not look like such a grammatical idiot. As always, any mistakes you see now are all my own fault. Hope you enjoyed the story, please comment and vote.)

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MwestohioMwestohio7 months ago

Just a great story of real people

WinterDragonWinterDragonabout 5 years ago
Thank you

Firstly, I loved the story. Having been to War, I could see it all. And hear the drums. (I miss the drums at night)

Secondly, I *love* the Pastafarian Prayers. I laughed harder than I likely should have.... but it’s been a long while since I laughed that freely.

So, thank you, M’Lord.

Lady Winter

AxelottoAxelottoover 6 years ago
Good times

As a former SCAdian from Hawaii (and other places before that) I have been to the practice in the park that you mentioned (Woohoo! Shout out for the Barony of Western Seas!), and I really enjoyed this. I fell out of the Society after I married a lady who couldn't find an interest in the SCA (and I couldn't fight anymore - a medical thing). Thank you, you have reminded me of some very good times when i was still active.

fanfarefanfarealmost 9 years ago
Ahh, cunning linguistics belabored.

MST, every damn time I read one of your postings, I'm thinking now he's achieved perfection in writing a wonderful story. And then you go and post your next paean to prose.

I am practically chartreuse with envy of your creativity.

TexasBikerTexasBikerabout 9 years ago
Fool's War

Does Bucky get a ch. 2 ? or maybe 3

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