Forty Days of the Weasel Ch. 03

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Glenn works it out.
24k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 06/27/2004
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Author's note:

This is the conclusion of the story of Glenn Svoboda, the paperboy. Mary Gilbert and Roxanne Fein are middle-aged reprobates who took an opportunity to seduce a young man for their pleasure. In the meantime, Glenn went out with a classmate named Nan and later her close friend Jackie Reiner. Between dating Nan (only once) and dating Jackie (we see their first date in this chapter) he met and began a steamy relationship with Lisa Fein, before he realized he would be engaged in an affair with her mother.

Lisa is his fuck bunny. That's what I call it, that kind of relationship. The two don't really love one another, but they constantly have sex. I had a girl like that. Instuctional, no end. Glenn is still fucking Lisa every way he can and he's about to have his first date with Jackie.

He meets the older women on Sundays, collection day for the newspaper route. Our chapter opens with the older women discussing him in his absence.

You may as well know that hogs have sexual pheromones in their breath vapor. It makes sows turn their hips toward them and brace for sex. Now you know why that bar was called Hog's Breath.

Please vote! I enjoy knowing if the story is engaging people. Thank you!


"Speaking of the paper boy," Mary said suddenly, "my god, you're like a slave to him!"

Roxanne Fein froze. How much does she know? My God, Glenn's talked! She forced a nonchalant "What do you mean?" and felt her confidence drain into a puddle on the floor.

It was Thursday and Mary had come to visit and have lunch. Her arrangement with Glenn was very much as Mary described it; she hoped he hadn't told Mary why.

"I watched you. He says anything, you jump right up there!"

Understanding now that she was talking about the Sunday session, Roxanne drew breath again. She doesn't know, oh thank God!

Mary warmed to her theme. "You did it right away, right from the first second, too, even though you're not quite so spineless now. What has the kid got, some kind of hog's breath?"

"Well, you know me, Mary," she said, "I always fall hard, and Glenn just stole my heart. I wanted to do things for him. Don't you?"

"Not like you! But I suppose I do want to make him amazed, or whatever you say, amaze him. He was so funny when he was unsure what to do!"

"So you love him right to death, just like I do." Roxanne argued.

There was some justice to her propositions, and it made Mary think. "I still say you act very slavish, sometimes. But he loves it!"

"He loves licking, too, doesn't he?" The change of subject went through and they discussed his technical merits for a while. But she thought afterward I never saw him unsure what to do. She couldn't imagine what it would be like, even. Mary must have been fooled somehow.


Jackie's dad had made her change. Her club clothes had been a shade too cool, so she was now in blouse and skirt. But once they got to the dance, she pulled a skein of black lace out of her purse.

"Look! Black lace gloves! I got some other things, I'm gonna hit the ladies' room. But I gotta change back before I go home!"

"You want this?" He untied a satin scarf, white and figured with black, from his belt and held it up. "To play with while you're dancing, let me put it on you, here."

He looped it over her head and gently pulled her to him. When she let him do it, he gave her a kiss on the side of the neck, low.

"What are you doing?" She meant it to sound stern and accusing, but she continued to stand body-to-body against him. He smelled good.

"You don't hafta take the scarf if you don't want it."

"You kissed me!"

"Kissing the neck is a sign of passion."

"Uh huh." But she took the scarf with her into the ladies' room, and wore it with her outfit. They had a good evening dancing and flirting, and she met Deanna, the bass player for Oblong.

Deanna's mother had always been Aunt Cheryl to Glenn, which made her his sort-of cousin. Deanna was twenty-four; but she'd always been amused by Glenn and she gave his date the benefit of the doubt. So they talked with the band between sets. This raises your cool titer.

While they were watching out the school window for their ride back, Jackie pulled the scarf out. "Want this back?"

"Will you take it as a gift?"

She looked at it, then she had an idea. "Let me try it out first." She draped it behind his neck and tugged his head close enough to kiss his neck.

"Passion," she said. He put a hand behind her nape and kissed her, then they stood in each other's arms a while. White light, from headlights, was cast across their faces through the window.

"It's your dad. Will you keep the scarf, Jackie?"

"Yeah. Thank you. Look, my dad's all weird about this, don't even touch me when we go out there, okay?"

"Sure. Can I call you again?"

She nodded. "I'd like that."

So he called the next day, and she invited him over, and they listened to music and petted a little-- he rubbed her very sweetly through her panties and she let him play with a breast for a while. It was a truly fine breast, Jackie was a sweet package. Then it was Saturday evening and he visited Lisa. And Sunday he had a date with Mary!

Lisa wanted some consolation, she'd been having to defend herself from the storage closet story.

"It'll be all right in a week," he promised her. "Something else more exciting will happen and they'll talk about that for a while, until the next thing after that."

She wasn't so sure, but Glenn talked dismissively of it and she became convinced enough to quit worrying. Then they got playful and did a sixty-nine until they both came. It hurt his neck, which was still tender under strain, but it was wholehearted.

The two got dressed and talked longingly about when they'd be able to fuck. It had to be soon! They vowed to get condoms if they had to shoplift them.

He was leaving her house to walk home when Roxanne offered him a ride.

"Glenn, Mary wants to do a threeway again tomorrow afternoon," she began. "She also wondered how come I started right in doing whatever you said, but I think I explained it well enough. Can you please not ask for too much this time, so she won't be too suspicious?"

"Are you refusing to do certain things?"

Refusing could be unwise; her first dom had liked to use pins. "I'll do anything, you know that. I just-- I'm friends with Mary, we go back a long way. She's not dumb; she'll begin to think we have a thing, and I couldn't face her if she knew about you seeing Lisa. Please. Just go easy and follow Mary's lead or something, it's only when Mary's there, I'll make it up to you!"

"Will you meet me alone, just the two of us?"

"Yes, and you can do anything then! Just not so much with Mary tomorrow, I'm begging you."

"Let me think about it. When would we meet? And what about Lisa? I can't ask her to just let you have a turn."

"Lisa's going to Eddington, to a stables, Wednesday, all afternoon. I can pick the two of you up from school, send her off in half an hour. And then I'm yours for, let me see, a little over two hours before you'd have to be home to eat. I'll call your mother and make the arrangements. Please, Glenn."

"Two hours..."

"Okay! Longer! Lisa's coming back after eight, she helps them tend the horses. Don will be off that day with the basketball team to Howland. We can do three or four hours! I'll tell your mother I want to have you eat with us! You can have me any way at all, all evening, or spank me all you want."

"Get condoms," he said. He was thinking about spanking, the idea interested him.

"I'll pick up a bagful at the Planned Parenthood."

That was a bingo. Planned Parenthood! Glenn was very pleased. Vistas of fucking Lisa opened in his mind.

"And suck me on the way home right now."

"Um, yes, let me think. The parking garage on Pickering Square!" She drove there, parked up above, and blew him in the car, very devotedly. Glenn was assured how grateful she was for his leniency, Roxanne wanted to thank him somehow.

"I promise I'll make it up to you," she said. "Not just Wednesday. I'll find more times for us."


"Paper boy, ma'am!"

"Get in here!" said Mary Gilbert. She took him by the shoulders, kissing him greedily. He resisted the offer of champagne, set his things on a kitchen chair and followed his hostess.

Roxanne was waiting with two flutes in the living room, but one was hers and one Mary's. She passed them both and embraced him. Both women wore cocktail dresses again. Mary returned her drink and they sat closely on the couch on either side of him.

"Glenn, I hope you've been sensible," Mary began. She needed reassurance that he never bragged or discussed their Sunday afternoons. That topic taken care of, she began stroking his thigh. "Let me take those off you, you can get comfortable..."

Roxy wanted to know, now that he'd done a few things, what parts were his favorites. He said the best was to eat the pussy. (Then he quibbled a little; anal sex with Roxy had been every bit as good.)

So, getting plenty of pussy fed to the young man became the theme of the session. Hardly a minute passed between one and the next! The middle-aged sex predator who was not on his face played with other parts of him.

It makes for a good party, don't knock it!

Midway through the session, Mary was watching his head nod and circle in Roxy's depilated crotch. He probably hasn't seen much today with his head stuck in there all the time, she observed idly. It gave her an inspiration.

"Roxy, let's blindfold him," suggested she, "and see if he can tell whose butt he's fucking." This experiment consumed the balance of the afternoon.


Lisa couldn't take the bus home with him Monday. It was tryouts night for the musical. So he made a date for after supper.

When he got to his house, his Dad called him into the garage. He said a woman named Mrs. Fein had called. "She said you'd offered to help her around the house sometime, and she says, can you come today after school? She'll pay. Interested?"

Why, yes, he was.

"Glenn, darling. I couldn't wait. I hope you're not too angry." Roxanne was wearing dark green worsted slacks and a white crepe-de-chine blouse, with lace on the placket and cuffs, translucently revealing the lacy bra beneath. The outfit aimed at femininity, not seductiveness, despite the heels. "I got the condoms and kept thinking of you; it made me bold. I'm willing to take any punishment you wish..."

This was new to Glenn. "Look, I need to know how to... Tell me about the spanking."

Roxanne leaned over the back of a chair and made a little show out of peeling her clothes to her knees. "Just try it. Spank me."

He tried a few, slapping the lovely, pale-olive bottom. She asked him if it was getting red. "Yeah," he reported. "Doesn't it hurt?"

"Well, of course, but after the sting it feels hot and it tingles. It makes me very obedient and very, very juicy! Tie me up for it, too, if you want; I have a big metal loop hidden in my ceiling light in the bedroom! It's strong enough so you can hang me up and whip me, while I'm completely helpless. There are ropes, a blindfold, even handcuffs in my room. I'm yours, Glenn; I'll do anything at all."

"Show me this stuff." On the way upstairs he asked her how much to spank, how long.

"Use your belt, or your hand, or anything you think of! I have some canes and things, too. Be hard so I don't dare disobey. Make it really red. Then--tell me how I can redeem myself!"

Glenn looked the equipment over. "Stroke it with your hands, Roxanne," he requested casually. It let her know her role as instructor was ended; he had a working idea what he wanted to do now.

He surveyed the equipment while Mrs. Fein, on one knee, paid loving attention to his cock. "A towel. A bath towel," he said, and off she went, imagining with familiar and delicious fear that he was going to roll it up and whip her with it.

Standing on a chair, he threaded the smooth hard rope through the big eye bolt. He wadded up the towel, however, between her ankles, wrapped them a little to pad the rope and then tied them together. He tied the other rope, from the ceiling, into the chain of the handcuffs.

Pulling the other end he could hoist her hands, which were cuffed behind her. He hoisted slowly and stopped when there was some strain. She was bent at the waist, her hands were high up behind her and her ankles bound. The rope held her taut

enough so that she had to stay in that pose and balance there on her high heels.

He cinched off to the bed frame and saw that it was tied to the floor by little brackets, screwed down. He removed his clothes, retaining his belt in one hand. He sauntered into view; then, stepping up close, he demanded she suck him.

She couldn't reach, although watching her try anyhow was hot. He adjusted the system until she had more freedom of motion and could suck him effectively.

"Take it into your throat, Roxanne." She whimpered and strained to swallow the boy's cock.

He stepped out of her mouth's compass then, and circled out of her sight. She gasped and slurped, swaying.

He fetched his pocket knife, came up behind and cut her slacks and panties away in shreds, exposing her completely. She was thrilled. She began to beg him not to whip her, to promise to obey, to lick his feet, to clean his asshole with her mouth! She was going always to be good.

"Yaas," he drawled sarcastically, "you are."

The belt wrapped around her when he used it, though. It slapped her with the far tip in the belly and the front of her legs. He tried getting some distance, but he didn't have the hang of it. Doubling it up was good, though. It gave him control so it hit her ass pretty much where he wanted, and it made a very satisfying loud crack.

She very shortly had lots of red marks crisscrossing her buns and upper thighs. He filled in the whiter places between them methodically and then came around to be sucked for a minute. Her tear streaked face took his cock; her lips and tongue were exquisite. Fear and her stinging buns brought out her devotion; she was sucking with utter abjection.

It was giving him a little charge, he admitted to himself, especially visually, watching her buns dance and redden in the frame of her shredded clothing. But on the whole he felt he could have simply asked her to suck or whatever, and skipped the whole big thing.

She was sucking a little too enthusiastically. He turned around and made her lick ass, then let her down and took the bindings all apart.

"Take the clothes off, but keep the jewelry. Lie down a while. I get that upper corner."

He hitched the hardback chair over near the head end and sat on the bed's edge. Folding his arms on a pillow on the seat of it and resting his head on them, he asked her to lick him anally some more. She slid up, of course, and did it. It was good to relax her legs and arms; Glenn was being kind.

The position was less comfortable than he had thought it would be, but he liked the tongue sliding along his anus, probing. He took her downstairs on a leash. On the big leather easy chair in the living room, with his hips draped over the arm, he could have her kneel and reach it nicely. He let her lick and kiss awhile, which she loved; ultimately, he requested a good tongue fuck.

She stood and braced her hands on the chair arm; she drove her stiff tongue deeply into him. A wave of lust struck her; real degradation always drove her into a fever. Dropping lower freed her hands to fondle his buns and milk his slender cock. He looked so beautiful; his skin felt so soft and so young. She was squirming. "Please, Glenn, I'm burning up, I need it! Fuck me! You have to, I can't stand it!"

He allowed her to rub herself on his leg. She whimpered in her eagerness and thrust her tongue urgently, humping his leg like an ill-mannered dog the whole time. He called her off shortly, asking her to suck him. It had been tiring for her (though it felt perfectly luxurious!), so he wasn't going to make her do it too long.

So, in broad daylight in her own living room, the sweat-drenched Mrs. Fein sucked off her daughter's boyfriend. She was naked except for a dog leash, a bracelet, and a pair of earrings, kneeling on the floor before her easy chair. Her ass was a troubled red from a mild whipping and the heat of it radiated through her loins. When he stiffened his lithe body to spray her throat with his seed it was the high point of her day.

He made her squat over him and feed him pussy while he recovered his erection. He wouldn't let her push into him, despite her urgent need, but licked the swollen lips fiendishly slowly. She closed her eyes and felt every move, whining in desperation, panting and writhing. She begged him to let her come.

"Very well, you may rub it on the chair."

A blush of shame mantled her cheek, but she masturbated herself to orgasm humping the arm of the chair. He stood, stretched, and watched the thirty-eight-year-old rub on the furniture. When she'd come, she was mortified, exquisitely ashamed.

"Well!" He stretched the moment out for her. "I hope you're feeling better? Up, stand right there," he said. He took the leash, then kissed her. "I'm going to fuck you, Roxanne, but I believe you need to have the belt again." She begged pro forma to be spared the lash, but she flushed in anticipation. He unclipped the leash from her collar and sent her upstairs to put on the heels again and bring the belt down.

He spanked her over the chair arm. Her eyes were streaming and she'd been crying softly and piteously, but he noticed somthing. "You're enjoying this too much!" he accused her. "Go up and bring the long whippy cane to me!" Sniffling and once again fearful, she fetched it.

He set her with her legs wide, face up, and blindfolded her. "Let's see," he drawled. He swung it in the air, and the sound alone made her suck air hissing through her teeth. He brought it down on her shaven pubis. She hissed and whimpered and a red line appeared. He whipped her nipples and her pussy, maybe five strokes, then sodomized her relentlessly in several positions. After his second orgasm of the afternoon, deep in her soft rectum, he demanded money, because she had told his dad he'd be paid.

And they still had the four-hour date Wednesday yet to come.


Nan had called him; she'd had the word from Jackie. Officially Nan's hatefest of Glenn was off. They didn't arrange for a second date, though. And Nan seemed to have no idea he was talking to Jackie and asking her out.

After supper, he requested permission to visit Lisa, and got it because he'd been doing work around the house for Mrs. Fein all afternoon. He had taken a handful, eleven when he'd counted them, of Roxanne's condoms earlier in the afternoon, and he showed them to Lisa as soon as he could. "Check this," he said.

"Wonderful! Let me have some!"

"Take 'em all, the only place I need them is with you," he lied.

She took eight, which was all he'd happened to pull from his pocket. He could still use some with Jackie or even with Nan, if it worked out that way, so he was content. Besides, he was confident he could get more through Mary.

Lisa's initiation was face-to-face, woman on top. Putting the condom on him somehow had given her a feeling of finality. Her decision taken, Glenn spoke encouragingly in soft murmurs. She straddled him and guided the strangely packaged cock into her; a movement of her hip sent the young man's cock solidly up into its new home. Glenn was transfixed by the organ's tight grip; he had never felt anything like it.

She took a few experimental strokes, eyes closed, feeling every curve and hard ridge. Glenn's palm stiffened a nipple. She wriggled herself down onto him and his hairs tickled her clit, sending a spark between it and the nipple between his fingers. He was deep inside her body, and it felt like an affirmation.