Fulfillment 18


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Stephanie rolled the foreskin back and leaned down. He felt her breath on the exposed head and closed his eyes.

She looked up and saw he had closed his eyes. He was trusting her.

She breathed in his scent. While she knew his scent intimately now, it was a little different at his groin. Richer.

She had his dick in her hand and, if she actually intended on doing this, she either needed to pump it with her hand or take it into her mouth.

Stephanie touched her tongue to the end of his dick, giving it a small lick.

And he twitched in her hand.

She licked again, swirling her tongue around the head. The taste wasn't bad, a little salty, a little ... him.

Making her decision, she sucked it into her mouth. And gagged, letting go and rolling away.

He got up on his elbows to look at her as she rolled back.

It had just been the thought of what she was about to do that caused her to pull away. And she huffed her annoyance at herself.

She took him in hand again and took the head into her mouth, taking deep breaths and trying to relax. He watched her with hooded eyes.

She sank down a little deeper and he felt her teeth touch his skin. [Carefully with the teeth, little one. I don't appreciate biting there."]

Stephanie backed off quickly, releasing everything. "Oh, sorry."

"It's alright. I was just letting you know what I like. Or, rather, what I don't."

"Um. OK?"

She sat there for a couple of minutes, looking at him.

He looked back at her, offering what he hoped was a pleased but neutral face. He watched her make the decision and she approached him and dove back down on him.

His eyes closed and he groaned at the feeling of her warm, wet mouth engulfing him. She sucked and slurped on his length, grazing his shaft every so often with her teeth. Her actions were raw since she, he was certain, had never been in control before.

And he felt the pressure build. It had been a couple of years since he had been fellated. Sabine's weakness had weighed heavily on such activities and she lingered long after either of them could gain enjoyment from it. He wouldn't last long.

He felt that final tightening, as she sucked and her tongue swirled, knew he was getting harder still before his explosion.

As he felt the release begin, she jerked away from him.

The first gob hit his chest. The second, his ribs. As his cock spasmed a couple more times semen ran down his shaft and dribbled onto his stomach.

He sucked in air as she stammered, "I'm, I'm sorry."

He turned his head to her frightened look and extended his hand.

She looked at the hand, his face, his belly, and the hand again. Slowly, carefully, watching for any hint of anger, she took it.

He brought it to his lips and kissed it. "Thank you, Stephanie."

"You aren't mad?"

"About what?"

"That I didn't.." she gestures to the gooey mess on his stomach.

"Come here." He pats the bed beside him. After a moment, and continuing to examine his face, she skootches up on the bed. "It's nothing that soap and water won't take care of. I would, however, like to ask you a question."

She looked at him again, uncomfortable. "Why?"

Stephanie turns away from him, head down. "I thought.." and inhale, an exhale, "you might like it. And.. I thought.."

This pause is long enough that he feels the need to prompt her. "Yes?"

She hunches down and her voice goes quiet. "If I did you might... touch..."

Calvin strokes her bare back. "You'd like me to touch you again? Bring you pleasure again?"

"Yes." She glances sideways at him over her shoulder, seemingly embarrassed. Next comes the earnest question. "Will you?"

Calvin sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed to sit beside her. He uses the top sheet to clean himself off somewhat. He puts a hand out to her and she inhales and takes it. "Come with me."

Stephanie walks beside him into the bathroom. He reaches in to the shower and turns on the water then swings her into his body. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her.

She stiffens, slightly repulsed by the stickiness on his body, then thinks. He was right, it would wash off. This proof of what she'd done. So, she gives in to the kiss, putting her arms around his shoulders and gave back to him.

He stuck his hand in the water to check the temperature and she made a surprised noise as he swung her under it. He quickly stepped in after her and kissed her again as the water cascaded over them.

Calvin then turned her away from him and took hold of the shampoo bottle. He put a dollop into his hand and massaged it into her hair. She was again surprised at what he was doing then relaxed as his fingers worked over her scalp. When he was done he gently pushed her forward to rinse the soap from her hair.

As she worked her fingers through her short locks he grabbed a washcloth and soaped it up. She moved back from the spray and he applied the cloth to her shoulders. Again, the briefest hint of surprise from her before she braced herself. He washed her arms and back and then pulled her back against him.

The washcloth ran over her breasts and she made a small noise of pleasure. He nibbled on her shoulder as it slid down her belly and she whimpered.

The washcloth hit the floor with a splat as his fingers traced lower, to the juncture of her legs.

Fingers comb through damp brown curls, then push further to swollen lower lips. She moaned lightly as he traced over them then flirted lightly with her clit. He ran his finger through the moisture that came from her and strummed her clit as she gasped.

One hand cupped a wet breast, thumb rubbing over her nipple. With the other hand, an extended forefinger slid over her slit and then slowly, carefully, slipped into her core.

Her muscles clamped down on that digit, hard. He waited for her to relax.

A slight loosening and he started to slide it back out. And those muscles tightened again. Vaginismus? He hoped it wasn't a consequence of her captivity.

It took a little time, but he was patient, then he was able to slide that finger in and out of her easily. Good.

She was panting, her chest heaving, as he added another finger. She was tight, untouched for decades. And he could only imagine what it would feel like to slide home in that tightness.

His position meant he was caressing her clitoris as he pumped his fingers in and out of her. He pinched her nipple and set his teeth at her shoulder as she began to tremble.

[Let go, little one. I have you.]

She moaned, loudly, as he continued to work her to orgasm. He knew she was close, he just needed her to give in to her release. Her head was twisting on his shoulder.

So, he pulled his fingers from her and quickly flicked her clitoris.

She whimpered, then cried out, and her legs buckled.

Stephanie's mouth was open as she sucked in air so Calvin turned her out from under the spray. Breathy, she says, "I can stand."

"Certainly." She pulled away, leaning against the wall.

He smiled to himself as he took the soap and washed up. She turned and was unable to leave the shower, so she waited, and watched him.

He rinsed off and turned off the water. As he handed her a towel, she looked at him, either shy or embarrassed, and said, "Um. Thank you."

Calvin stopped and looked at her. "You're welcome, Stephanie. And thank you."

She looked up at him and the smallest hint of a smile touched her lips.


She nodded as she scrubbed her damp hair.


Thomas arrived home late following his second date with Lorelei wearing a self-satisfied grin. As he called out his return to the den he was hit with two requests for his presence. He sent to the Beta that the Alpha wished to speak with him then headed to the office.

He knocks on the door and sees Ariel in conference with Madeline. "Come in, Thomas. Thank you, Madeline. We'll get some of the young ones to help with weeding and watering."

Madeline picks up her papers to leave as Thomas walks in, looking her over and licking his lips.

[Do not forget yourself, Thomas.] His eyes jerk to his Madam Alpha.

"Close the door." As the door clicks home and he turns back, Ariel says, "I'll assume from your current behavior," and inhale, "and the scent on you that you've been intimate with the female?"

A wolfish grin splits his face. "Yeah."

"Is she .. well?"

"Oh yeah."

"And you expect to see her again?"

"Yes, my Alpha." She looks at him, searchingly.

"Is there anything the Alpha needs to be aware of?"

"No, ma'am.

"Thank you. You may go."

Thomas turns and leaves, chuckling, and heads to the Medical ward.

Natalie inhales deeply as Thomas enters. Wade looks at him. "I smell blood on you."

"She plays rough." Again, the grin.

"Is she hurt?"

"No more than she wanted."

"You look tired."

"Busy night." He starts moving toward his room.

"Hold on. Caroline's coming back with one of the pups. We've got a compound fracture of the lower leg. It'll take all three of us to set it properly."

[Thomas. I want you to lay a trail for Mercy.]

[I need to help with an injured pup, Beta. I'm not sure how long it'll take.]

[Who's hurt? Do the parents know?]

"Which of the pups got hurt?" Just then, Anna and Jeremy rush in.

[Sally. Parents are here. Caroline's bringing her in.]

[Let me know when you're done and that she's OK.]

[Of course, Beta.] He wasn't going to get any sleep but he grinned at the reason.


The Macy Alphas saw the wisdom of an inter-pack council. They now had a majority with the strongest packs and agreed to approach the Tucker Alphas next.

The discussion then turned to where and how often the meetings would be held.


The Foster Betas had arrived at the Ross den and were settling in for the month.

Stephanie stayed away for a couple of days, to allow him to get them oriented.

Lyssa found her, sitting off the side of one of the trails, shredding dandelions. She ran by, then thought for a second and turned back, stopping opposite her, but some way off. [What are you doing?]

Stephanie grabbed another dandelion and started pulling it apart. [I don't know.]

[Did the dandelions make a nasty comment?]

Stephanie stops dead, hands frozen, fingers covered with bright yellow tendrils. Her eyes lifted her face to Lyssa, who was sitting there, tongue lolling, a chestnut wolf. [Humor.]

[Is something wrong?]

There is the usual pause, as Stephanie considers her answer. [I don't know what to do.]

Like pulling teeth. [About what?]

Stephanie inhales and resumes her destruction of the local dandelions. Lyssa waits, knowing it will take time for her to overcome her reticence and answer.

[I pledged myself to protect Wallace and his blood.] Another pause, this one shorter. [Calvin is confusing that.] She murmurs to herself. "I made a pledge."

[You've served Wallace's family for years, decades. He would understand.]

[I don't know what to do.]

[Do what makes you happy, Stephanie. Follow your heart.]

[Is this..? Do I..? Is it love?]

[Do you want to see him, spend time with him? Do you want to do things to make him happy? Does he make you happy?]

Another deep breath. [Yes.]

[Then, maybe it is love. Or maybe it's just enough.]


It was May and Joanna wanted to to out dancing.

She also wanted to re-connect with Lyssa. So, as long as Emmett was going, too, Nathan would go.

Joanna was excited as the date approached, a Thursday night. Unfortunately, Nathan got called out to run a sobriety checkpoint with three other officers. He told her to go anyway, and have fun.

Emmett and Lyssa pick her up about 9. Emmett expressed disappointment at Nathan's absence, but, he decided to play chauffeur and chaperone to the two women.

The club was on the smallish side and the band was set up on a small platform beside the front door. The sign on the outside said the band's name was Twister. They were just about ready to play as the three werewolves walked in.

Joanna was wearing a short sleeved baby blue sweater and a ruffled black miniskirt over black capris.

Lyssa was wearing a scoop necked top, which showed black or red depending on how the light hit it, a pair of straight-legged black jeans, and a pair of low heeled, rolled ankle boots.

Emmett was in a pair of jeans and a maroon t-shirt that Lyssa had insisted he wear. It looked as if it were painted on, showing off his muscular chest.

There were hoots and catcalls at their entrance, both men and women coveting the three new entrants. That is, until Emmett was revealed in the low light, arm-in-arm with both. The voices then deteriorated to murmuring of what a lucky bastard he was and speculating on them as a threesome. A couple of guys began planning on separating the trio.

Lyssa turned, staring directly at the man who had been doing the planning. He couldn't hold her gaze for more than 5 seconds and she gave a feral smile. She inhaled deeply, to be sure of his scent, hearing Emmett do the same beside her.

They found a table toward the back, against the wall, where Emmett could watch the door and the other patrons.

The waitress brought their order as the band began to play. After about three songs, one started that had a decent beat to it and Jo pulled Lyssa up to dance.

Lyssa looked longingly at Emmett, who shook his head and smiled at her.

So they danced, facing each other, hips moving, hair tossing. And men began to flock to them. Dancing near them, trying to cut them apart. Casting furtive glances toward Emmett, who would bare his teeth at them when he caught their eyes. It didn't seem to dissuade them.

After three songs, Lyssa and Joanna came back to the table, thirsty and laughing.

A slow song started and Lyssa pulled a reluctant Emmett to the floor. Their bodies were pressed together and they wrapped themselves in each other's scent.

Jo, meanwhile, had a couple of young men at the table, talking to her. One of them actually reached out to take hold of her wrist. She pulled away, but was smiling.

As the song ended, Emmett kissed his mate thoroughly and looked into her dark brown eyes. [Love you, Em. But we need to rescue Jo.]

Emmett glances over and growls as they walk over. "Back off, guys."

"We were just talking."

"C'mon, man, you can't hog two hot ladies."

"She's married. Her husband's a cop."

"Woo, hoo. A cop."

[Easy, Em. You can't hurt them.]

[I know, Lys.]

She grabs Joanna's arm. [Bathroom, now.]

[I don't have to pee.]

Lyssa pulls harder. [Now.]

They take a brief break in the ladies room until another song has Joanna bouncing, wanting to dance. "OK, Jo, let's go."

Lyssa and Joanna go back out to the dance floor.

Again, men begin to surround them, trying to catch their attention. To dance with them.

Hopefully more.

Toward the end of the second song, Joanna turned toward a guy who was brushing against her hip. She touched his hair and shoulder.


He looked down at her and put a hand on her hip.


Lyssa watched her nostrils flare and Jo turned to the left, putting her hand on another guy's chest.

Lyssa's eyes go wide and she says, 'Shit,' under her breath. She stops and takes Jo's arm to pull her away. Jo resisted. [Em. We need to get her out of here. Now.]

[What's going on?]

[It's been three months..]

[Oh, Luna. Coming.]

Emmett evaded the woman who had been talking to him and waded in as the man slid his arm around Joanna's waist.

Lyssa tried pulling her away and one of the men put a hand on her arm. "Your friend wants to play, sweetheart. Let her go."

Lyssa grabs his hand and squeezes, until he winces and lets go.

Emmett yanks him away from Joanna and grabs her, beginning to haul her out. The men protest and Joanna looks back longingly until Emmett pulls her against him on the way to the door.

Lyssa grabs purses and follows them out. Emmett was pulling her through the door as Joanna's hands were roaming his body.

A growl rises in Lyssa's throat at the way Joanna was touching her mate. She understood why but, still..

A female in heat looked for someone strong to father her pups. Status was also a factor. And, so, in lieu of her own mate and, as the only male wolf nearby, Joanna would approach him. The mating bond was strong, but Nathan wasn't nearby and Emmett was Beta.

"I'll drive. You're going to have to keep her occupied in the back seat."

"Me? How?"

"I don't know, Lys. But we'll have a wreck if you don't."

"We have to get ahold of Nathan."

"Get her cell. I'll try to call him."

Getting her in the car was a problem. She followed Emmett into the driver's seat and settled on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

He swung his legs out and, between him and Lyssa, got them back out. Coordinating their actions, he climbed in the backseat, followed by Jo and Lyssa.

Lyssa grabbed her as Emmett climbed out the other side and shut the door in her face. Now she got upset.

Lyssa tried to hold her down as she struggled. Thank god she was coming in slowly. If she had jumped into estrus quickly, some or all of them would be partially unclothed by now.

"You're gonna have to keep her quiet. She's liable to start screaming or howling."

"Not dumb, mate." Lyssa's voice was strained as she wrestled with her young friend.

A couple of guys watched as they pulled out. Lyssa was on top of her, trying to keep her restrained and quiet.

"Nathan, it's Emmett. We're bringing Jo home. You need to get there now. It's time."

As Joanna yells, "Nathan!" and they both wince, Emmett shoots back. "Voicemail."

Lyssa put a hand over Joanna's mouth and got bit for it. "Ow." Jo wormed her way halfway out from under her.

Lyssa grabbed her again, got her flat on the seat, and dropped her weight on the younger female. As Jo opened her mouth Lyssa did the only thing she could think of at the moment. She covered Jo's mouth with her own.

Jo's eyes went wide for a moment, then she shoved her tongue into Lyssa's mouth and began writhing under her, grinding against her, trapped under her body.

Joanna's arms went from pushing against or away from Lyssa to slightering around her, finding her blouse and pulling it upwards. Her nails found Lyssa's back and dug in. Lyssa grunted.

[You OK back there?]

[Not sure, how far are we?]

[Probably another 15, 20 minutes to Severn.] "Nnnn." "Lys?"

Lyssa panted. [Call Nathan again.]

Joanna's hand has gone to Lyssa's ass and the other to the back of her head. Joanna pulls both parts closer to her, grinding her pelvis against the older woman's and keeping her in the bruising kiss. Joanna bucks slightly and shoves one leg between Lyssa's.

Emmett glances back, quickly. "No Nathan. Right to voicemail. You're doing a good job keeping her quiet."

"Mmmm, mm."

"You OK?"

[Gettin' a bit lesbo here, Em.]



"She's receptive. Sometimes, with widows or when the mate is too far away, some of the females will please the one in heat. To keep her calm. To help her through it."

[But.. me?] Joanna is more eagerly humping her leg.

"Can't be another male. Nathan'll feel better if you help her."

[I don't know.. I'm not..]

"You know how, sweetheart. Just touch her." A pause. "And call Nathan."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

oh i want to know how this is going to finish.......PLEASE??????????????

vivavixenvivavixenover 11 years ago

Loved it. I think you're the first author in the werewolf category that's done and girl/girl that I've seen. I'm smiling so much right now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I have read every one of your related chapters....love them all. Can't wait for more. Love them all.

oneboobeeoneboobeeover 11 years ago

I am cracking up laughing......what a friend......lol

KittybalooKittybalooover 11 years ago

Woohoo this is certainly getting interesting now. =)

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