Getting Lucky Ch. 03


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Nina nodded. "Yeah. We tried not to watch a lot of it."


"Your mom and me."

Sean attempted to sit up straighter. "My mother is here?"

"Yes," Nina replied, helping him by propping up his pillows.

"Well, get the hell out of my bed before she finds out you've been corrupting her sweet son."

Nina threw her head back and laughed. It had been a long time since she heard her own laugh. "I'm afraid it's too late for that. I had to answer questions for your boss for their investigation. Imagine the shock on her face when she discovered the reason you left the apartment."

Sean laughed. "How delightfully awkward. I'm glad I missed that."

Nina could feel the tears welling in her throat. "Sean," she said shakily. "About that night..."

"Nina, don't."

"No, Sean it's my fault."

"How do you figure?"

"If I had more condoms, you wouldn't have left. If I didn't call you, you wouldn't have been distracted. All of this could have been prevented."

"Nina, that all may be true, but why dwell on it? You know you had absolutely nothing to do with what happened to me. Honestly, I was expecting something like this to go down."


"Yeah," Sean nodded. "I knew there was going to be some sort of retaliation deal by Morelli. That's why I had Ken and a couple of guys from the precinct keep tabs on you."

A chord of realization struck deep within her. "There were men following me that week."

"That would be Ken and the other guys."

"Why would you have people follow me?" Nina paused. "Was I in any danger, Sean?"

He looked at her face, a sliver of fear upon it. He didn't want to scare or repulse her by repeating the younger Morelli's words. "No more than usual," he said. "It was just a precaution." He pulled her to him. "I didn't mean to scare you, Pretty. I just wanted to make sure you were safe."

"I understand, Sean." She was careful not to disturb the bandage oh his chest. "Next time someone's trying to kill me, can you at least clue me in?"

"Got it." Sean sighed heavily. His body felt weak, and was screaming for sleep, but he couldn't stop touching her. It felt like eternity since he had her in his arms. His hand began to caress her back lightly, enjoying the soft moans that escaped her lips.

"Baby, that feels so good." She kissed his cheek. "You have to stop, though."

He folded his lips in a mock pout. "Why?"

"Which reason do you want first? You're still healing, your mother may be back any minute, and I'm still mad at you for almost dying on me."

He laughed as she pretended to look mad, her arms crossing at her chest. "I'm sorry. Next time I get shot, I'll try not to die."

Nina looked at him, her eyes sad. She straddled his legs, careful not to hurt him. "There won't be a next time, Sean." She braced his face with her hands as she leaned forward to kiss him softly. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you." She kissed his jaw, her tongue lightly tracing his stubble. Nina groaned as she felt his fingers clench her thighs. It had been so long.

She shivered when she heard him whisper her name. She opened her mouth to protest when she felt him lift her from his lap. "Stop being a tease," he said tightly. "You can't seduce me until I'm in full working order, Miss."

Nina sighed, realizing that the frustration she felt probably didn't compare to his. "Okay," she said dramatically. "Truce." She eased off the bed and sat in the chair next to it. "Sean," she started. "What was it like...being like that?"

He studied her. "It was like taking a long nap that you couldn't wake up from. I could hear things going on sometime but it was like listening to something underwater. It was mostly fuzz and darkness." He reached for her hand. "You don't know how amazing it was to finally open my eyes and have you as the first thing I saw." She kissed his hand.

A voice from the doorway startled them. "Oh my goodness!" Nina turned to see Maggie gasp with joy. "Boyo, you're awake!"

Nina let go of Sean's hand as his mother walked quickly to his bedside. She grabbed him in a fierce hug.

Sean winced with slight pain. "Careful, Mam" he groaned. "There's a hole in my chest."

"Shh," Maggie said, waving the thought away as if it were a fly. "I'm just glad to have my son back"


Three days after waking up, Doctor Fox officially declared Sean well enough to go home.

Sean was ecstatic. He was tired of laying around in a hospital while people fussed over him. He was only allowed out for an hour of so every day to get some fresh air. The first day, Nina pushed him along in a wheelchair while he sat somewhat grumpily. He assured her that nothing was wrong with his legs and he was perfectly capable of moving on his own accord, but she wouldn't have any of it.

The next day, he walked on his own accord. His leg was still a little sore from his fall, but he managed to hold his own.

He sat on the edge of the bed, looking around the room that had been his home for the past week and a half. He was finally ready to go home, go back to work to catch the sonofabitch that put him there in the first place. The one person who tried to take him away from his family and friends. Away from her.

Sean looked up when he heard a throat clear. Nina was standing in the doorway, looking amazing as usual. She had left earlier that day to give Sean some time with his mother, and he supposed it was because she was in desperate need of an actual shower.

He eyed her outfit, dark skinny jeans tucked into knee-high designer boots. Her jade colored tunic sweater was tight, hugging every ample curve and its V-neck cut showed a hint of her golden brown cleavage. Her shiny black hair hung down, slightly curled at the ends, her makeup dark, smoky, and flawless. Sean grinned. He had never been with a woman who was such a fashionista. Then again, she could have been wearing a paper bag, and he would have still found himself wanting her.

"You clean up well, Gill," he said. He stood slowly from the bed, grabbing his coat from the chair.

"This old thing" she joked. Stepping forward, she tried to help him with his coat, but he waved her away.

"I got it baby," he said. He shrugged the coat on slowly, taking care not to disturb the bandage on his chest.

She tsked softly. "You are so fucking stubborn, Reilly." Kissing him on the cheek, she ran her finger across his jaw. "Aww, no more stubble," she said, indicating his fuzz-free face.

Sean rubbed his jaw and smiled. "Yeah. It was getting a little Grizzly Adams. It had to go."

"Too bad, I liked it."

"Well, maybe I'll grow it back."

Nina smiled. "Where's Maggie?"

"She had to go back. She's got her Ladies Bingo Night. She's already missed three activities already, and I told her I'd be in excellent hands."

"Sean, you didn't have to send her away."

"I did if I ever wanted a chance to get some lovin'. Besides, she'll be back sometime on the weekend." He grinned, pulling her closer to him. Her scent was signature Nina, peppermint with a hint of lavender. He moaned softly, "Baby, I miss holding you." His arms went around her waist as he held her close to him. He couldn't help but feel panicky. Nothing was going to happen, he knew. But he couldn't shake the uneasiness.

Nina wrapped her arms around his neck. Looking up into his eyes, the blue and green she missed so much, she could tell he was struggling with something. "Come on, sweetheart. Let me take you home."


Nina opened the door to Sean's apartment as he walked in, slightly drowsy. He had fallen asleep in the car and had looked so adorable; she didn't want to wake him.

Glancing at her watch, she noticed it was only 11 AM. "Honey, if you want to nap, I'll have some food waiting for you when you wake up."

He tossed his coat on his battered green sofa. "Not tired anymore." He turned to look at her, his darkened gaze sending hightailing shivers down her spine.

"Sean," she said, backing up slowly. "Doctor Fox said you have to take it easy."

"Nina, I have been cooped up in a damn hospital longer than I really wanted to be. I feel perfectly fine." He strode over to her, easily catching her in his arms.

Nina sighed. She couldn't fight him. But she didn't want to hurt him either. She knew how rough he could be. "Alright," she said, feigning a look of exasperation. "But we're going to do this my way."

Taking his hand, she led him into the bedroom. She sat him down on the bed. Kneeling down, she removed his shoes and socks. "Baby," he started.

She looked up at him. "I said my way, Sean." She undid his jeans, sliding them down, tossing them to the floor. Nina unbuttoned the midnight blue button-up carefully sliding the material over his bandage. He was naked now, save for his boxers.

Nina kissed his lips softly, enjoying the gasp that escaped his lips as her slender fingers cupped his growing erection. "Pretty," he pleaded.

"Shh, honey. I'm going to make every thing better."

Moving down, she kissed his chest, licking his nipples and making him groan. Sean's torso fell back on the bed as she nearly ripped his boxer briefs from his hips.

Before he could protest, she took his entire length into her waiting mouth. She moaned at his familiar taste, her body convulsing slightly, her every nerve ending missing him. Sean hissed as his hips bucked slightly. "God, Nina please. I don't think I can take anymore." He was propped on his elbows, watching his thick shaft disappear between her dusky lips.

Nina stood up, her body burning with lust. Quickly, she slipped out of her boots and jeans, revealing her panty-less womanhood already glistening with her proof of desire. Chucking off her sweater, she unhooked her bra as she stood naked before her lover.

Sean almost came at the sight of her smooth butternut curves. When she commanded him to lie back, he complied immediately, her assertive behavior turning him on. She straddled his member, her pussy inches away. Thrusting upward, he plunged into her soft folds, making both of them gasp.

Nina moaned at the contact she had missed over the past days. Her hips began to move in automatic slow circles. Pinching her nipples, her eyes connected with Sean's. He was breathing sharply, small whimpers escaping between his lips. Leaning forward, she kissed him hard. "You okay, honey?" Her hand went to cup his balls.

Sean moaned. "God, baby I'm going to cum." His fingers went to stroke her clit. Nina gasped at the contact, making her hips rock faster. She could feel his release as she hit the overwhelming crescendo. Her muscles clenched him tightly inside her as she cried out his name. Slowing her pace, she rolled over to rest beside him. Sean was shaking softly, his breathing still slightly erratic. "Feel better, babe?" she asked. She threw a slender brown leg possessively around his waist.

Sean sighed. "Much better," he said. His heartbeat was slowly returning to normal. "I've been out of practice for too long."

Nina smiled. "No worries honey. We'll get you caught up."


When Nina opened her eyes to glance at the bedside clock, it was 4 PM.

Sitting up, she realized she was still at Sean's place. She could hear the shower running. She rose quickly from the bed. "Sean," she said, knocking on the door. "Do you need some help?"

"I'm good babe," he called out. "I'm just about to finish up."

She turned back to the room to begin her hunt for her clothes. Nina dressed quickly, a goofy smile plastered on her face. Things were finally starting to feel normal again.

Padding down the hallway, she entered the kitchen with the intent of making food. After searching through Sean's cabinets, she made them both turkey and provolone sandwiches, making a mental note to take him grocery shopping sometime soon.

She just set the two plates on the coffee table when Sean emerged from the bedroom. He was wearing old jeans and his blue NYPD t-shirt, a white thermal underneath. His deep red hair was still wet from his shower. Nina inhaled the clean scent of his Calvin Klein body wash. She couldn't get enough of that smell.

He planted a quick kiss on her lips. "Thanks, Pretty."

"For the sandwiches?"

"For everything, baby." He grinned at her. "Put a movie on. I can't think of anything better than relaxing at home with you." He turned to walk into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" she asked after him.

"Getting us some beers."

"Are you trying to liquor me up?" Nina smiled. He knew she was never good at holding her alcohol.

"Maybe. Figure I can take advantage of you. Or maybe you'll dominate me again." She giggled. "You are so bad, Reilly."

Walking over to his DVD shelf, she perused the choices. She opted for Grindhouse. It was enough action to keep both of them entertained.

She had barely put the DVD in the player when there was a knock at the door.

"Get that for me, Pretty" he called from the kitchen.

Walking over to the door, Nina peeked through the peephole. Whoever it was, they were standing at an old angle and she couldn't make out their face. A nervous shiver ran down her spine. It couldn't have been Morelli's men. Could it?

Nina unlocked the door slowly, her heart beating. She let out a breath of relief as she door opened to reveal a woman.

She was fairly pretty. She was taller than Nina, with pin-straight brunette hair that fell softly on her shoulder blades and fringe bangs that gave her a sophisticated look. Her eyes were a deep ocean blue, her nose small and pert and offset her cupid's bow mouth.

She was staring at Nina with a quizzical look. "Can I help you?" Nina asked.

"Yes," the woman said her voice high and clear. "I'm looking for Sean Reilly. Does he still live here?" She craned her elegant neck to see inside the apartment.

Nina raised a dark eyebrow. "Yes, and who might you be?"

The woman smiled. "I'm sorry, how rude of me. My name is..."


Nina turned around. Sean had entered the room, beers in hand. He was watching the scene with the same enthusiasm as one might view a horrendous car crash.

Delia smiled shyly. "Hey Seanny."

Nina caught on to the nickname. "Seanny?" She turned to look at Sean, who was still watching them with an odd look on his face. If Nina didn't know any better, she thought he was about to throw up.

"What's going on, Sean?" she wasn't sure, but she could tell there was history between the two of them.

Sean blushed visibly. "Nina, I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you this earlier but..."

"Tell me what? What is going on?" "Um," he started. He was making her nervous.

"Maybe I should go," Delia said. She started to turn around.

"No," Nina said firmly. "You stay right there." She returned her gaze to her lover. "Sean, what the hell is wrong with you? Who is this girl?"

Sighing, he looked into her confused brown eyes. "This is Delia," he said. "She's my wife."

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Comentarista82Comentarista82about 9 years ago

Wow. First Sean recovers from the wound, Nina meets Maggie, then Sean and Nina reconnect just to get hammered with Delia as his wife? No way...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Yeah what about the no condom sex? Is she on pill?

LovableCherryPieLovableCherryPieabout 11 years ago

His wife? They're probably just separated though

One discrepancy made me laugh though... Sean got out of the apartment to get condoms and gets shot for it.

And then when he comes back from the hospital they have sex unprotected...

MadameblaqueMadameblaqueover 12 years ago

A wife?? Really?? This is about to get ugly...

RemielleRemielleover 12 years ago


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