Ginny and Katy Pt. 02

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Our first time together.
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Part 2 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/18/2014
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Thursday, November 3, 2011, Clothing optional

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It didn't happen all at once, but in a couple of weeks our household had become clothing optional. Neither of us had gone totally nude yet, but it was just a matter of time.

She'd made the first move by coming down one morning dressed, but with her shirt in her hand. She put it on the island, ate breakfast in her bra, then put the shirt on left for work. I spent most of that breakfast tearing my eyes away from her little breasts in that bra. Other times, if she wasn't going out, she didn't have a shirt with her. Going without pants followed. Sometimes panties and bra or panties and t-shirt. Every time she appeared without something or dressed in the kitchen, I'd followed suit. I had a harder time when she started going bra less. She's pretty small up top, but I'm pretty big. It took me a couple of days to talk myself into it. And I got an immediate reward catching her staring at my breasts.

She looked embarrassed, and looked away, the first few times. Then at breakfast the second day I'd gone bra less she was looking, and looking away whenever she noticed I saw her.

She seemed to make up her mind and said, "Virginia..." and stopped.

I looked at her. She was looking at my face, but clearly wanted to look lower.

I waited then said, "Yes, Katy?"

"Virginia. Um. Look, I'm going to just give in and stare at your breasts. They're so beautiful. I hope you won't be too embarrassed."

"I am a little, but I also kind of like it."

I more than kind of liked it, but it didn't seem the right thing to say so. But I also felt a bit naughty about it.

I sat up very straight, thrusting them out. "Is that better?"

It took her a few seconds to say, "Um, yes, oh yes. Thank you."

Wearing only my panties, or more specifically showing my breasts, so much of the time was a continuous turn on. I felt a bit naughty all the time, even when she wasn't around. I masturbated a lot during those weeks. All that was left was for us to go without panties. I decided I'd do that rather than wait for Katy. And, I thought, as I rubbed myself yet again, we'd find out if there was desire for something physical on her side too. I'd thought of an idea for tomorrow.

Friday, November 4, 2011, First time

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The town common committee, twenty of us, rotated who's house we met at for lunch each month. I saw an opportunity in it being my house this month. They met here today and I ended up with my sink was full of dishes.

I'd declined to have anyone help me clean up. I wanted those dirty dishes. I was planning to be doing them, nude, when Katy came in from work. I felt sure she'd help, putting us close to each other naked.

I washed about half the dishes, leaving them in the drying rack. When she came in I'd make it look like she just happened to walk in while I was doing them. I took off everything then went to peek out the living room curtains waiting for her to get home.

Since we'd started going about in our underwear we'd had to keep the curtains over the big street facing picture window in the living room closed. All the other first floor windows, except Brian's long unused office on the other side of the front of the house, faced into the eight foot hedge around the sides and back of the house, but the front windows were visible from the street. So I stood there, peaking around the curtain, gently rubbing myself and watching the driveway. When she pulled in I ran to the kitchen, sprayed the dishes in the drying rack, so it looked like they'd just been put there, and started washing those in the sink.

She came in and said, "Oh! Very nice, Virginia. I'm happily surprised you beat me to full nudity."

She put her briefcase on the island and walked up behind me, standing just inches away.

I could feel her breath on the back of my neck when she said, "Your ass is as perfect as your boobs." Short pause. "Darling."

I thought, "Oh, yeah, 'darling'."

She gave me a quick peck on the cheek, patted me on the ass, and said, "Let me get changed and help you with those."

It was the first time she'd ever touched me. Not exactly overtly sexual, but not just every day casual either. I looked down to check my nipples. They weren't hard, yet, but they weren't entirely soft either.

She apparently had suspected from our first meeting that I was submissive. And that first long conversation had confirmed it for her. Still, she didn't see herself as being the one to dominate me. And she already had a girlfriend so she didn't feel any desire to seduce me either. On top of that, I was her landlord and things could get awfully awkward if it didn't work out. And finally, I was twelve years older than her.

So, she became friends with me with no complications.

She had no designs to seduce or dominate me. But my reaction to catching her in the lingerie caused her to reconsider. She'd seen the glint of lust in my eyes. The discussion about going nude got her thinking about sex with me. And about dominating me. She hoped I'd follow her into nudity. Then she'd see what happened from there.

I'd gone nude, with her leading the way, and she was thinking that doing the dishes together might give her a chance to get me into bed, even if only figuratively. She came back nude and started washing with me. The most amazing discovery, for me, was that she was hairless down below. I kept mine trimmed, but still had a full covering. She was totally bald. I wanted to take a closer look, but thought that might be rude.

Usually she dried and put away while I washed. This time, washing with me, we inevitably bumped into each other. She grazed my right breast repeatedly with her forearm. Then I remembered that Brian used to do the same thing when he was playing rather than really helping. And I also remembered what I used to do about it. I spritzed her with the sprayer. She yelped and stepped back looking hugely surprised.

She looked at me and I at her. I was smiling and still had the sprayer in my hand.

I said exactly what I'd always said to him, "If you want to play with my tits just do it. Stop screwing around."

And at that moment it came into focus for me. I was no longer just kind of thinking of it. I'd never been with a woman before, but I wanted her. I wanted her to want me. At that moment, it was all I wanted. She was still standing there surprised, water dripping off her nipples. I hit her with the spray again, soaking her hair and body and leaving her standing in a puddle. She grabbed the sprayer from me, turned off the hot water and sprayed me with cold.

I screeched from the cold and tried to take the sprayer back. She tossed it in the sink and tackled me. We both went down with a splash in the puddle. She flipped me over on my back, climbed on top of me, grabbed both of my wrists in one of her hands and held them above my head. Then took one of my now very erect nipples in her mouth and sucked hard. I moaned and went limp. She went to my other nipple and sucked that one too. She moved up, still pinning my body to the floor, and looked into my eyes. I could see lust there.

She said, in a whisper, "You're sure?"

I could have pretended I didn't know what she meant. But she knew. And knew I knew. And so on.

So I just said, "Please."

She smiled and lowered her head to kiss me. Our mouths opened and I had my first passionate kiss in many years, and my first ever with a woman. I felt like I was melting. She let go of my hands, put one of hers behind my head and pulled my mouth into hers. Her other hand started exploring my body. My neck, breasts, belly, sides an finally my pussy. I wrapped my arms and legs around her and pulled her down harder on me.

She lifted up to make room for her hand, put two fingers inside me and her thumb on my clit and started moving them all. I was breathing harder and harder. I heard myself whimpering. She pulled her hand out, pinched my clit hard, getting a long low moan from me, then slid her wet body down mine until her mouth was over my pussy. She lowered her head on me and brought both hands up to play with my breasts, pinching and pulling at my nipples while she worked magic on me with her tongue. I came very loudly and very hard. It felt like every muscle in my body was straining to break my bones. Then I went limp, panting. But she wasn't done.

She used a different technique, taking me to the threshold of orgasm and holding me there. It seemed to go on for weeks. My entire existence focused on my clit with little side messages from my nipples, deep inside my pussy, and my body laying in the cooling water. She brought one hand down to my pubic mound and was rubbing me just above my slit, tugging at my bush, and she put two or three fingers in my pussy and was stroking me inside in sync with what she was doing with her tongue and her other hand.

I again heard myself whimpering then heard, "Please, please, please, please."

It sounded like someone else, but I knew it was me begging her to let me come. I stroked her head, smoothing down the soaking mess her hair was in. And begged. She tongued me just a bit differently and moved her fingers just so inside me and I came again. Even harder than before. I screamed through clenched teeth and writhed on the floor sending water in every direction.

She crawled up my left side and put her left arm and leg over me. She got one of my nipples in her mouth and sucked on it gently. I put my left arm around her, panting like I'd just run a marathon. We laid there for some time,the water getting cool around us.

When my breathing had returned to something like normal I said, "You have to teach me how to do that."

She said, "Plenty of time for that. Let's finish the dishes."

She jumped up and helped me to my feet. We stood there dripping, me more than just water, and continued doing the dishes. This time with her drying and putting away. No more bumping into each other. But we were still very close.

She asked, "Virginia, do you really want to learn how to pleasure a woman? You said you didn't have any interest in women."

"Yes, I do. When I said that about women it was the truth. I didn't think I was interested in woman. But something sort of came to life in me when I saw you in the laundry that morning."

She smiled and said, "I thought so."

"I think it was seeing someone I knew, someone I liked, dressed like that that opened a door for me." I lowered my voice a bit, "To tell the truth, I masturbated, thinking of you, as soon as you left the house. You weren't even out of the garage."

She said, "Thank you for telling me. I'm flattered."

She dried a few dishes, apparently thinking. "V, you know I have a girlfriend. I like you as my friend. And I'd love to play with you. Teach you if you like. But Betty is the center of my life."

I said, "I understand. Would what we have be what I hear described as 'friends with benefits'?"

She ran one finger down my spine to the start of my ass cleavage, and lingered with it there, rubbing gently. "You don't mind? You're OK with that?"

I had thought about that, since that morning. I mean, the idea of "Do I love her?" and "Do I want her as my girlfriend?" About what would happen to our relationship if she accepted the invitation I'd given with doing the dishes. And I was very satisfied with the results.

But, "Actually, I'm more than OK with it. I loved Brian deeply, and was thoroughly broken up when he died. Even though it's been years, I'm still really not ready for another romance. Maybe I never will be. I like you a lot. I may even love you. But not that way. So I guess I should ask. Are you OK with that?"

She ran her finger back up my spine, and spread all her fingers into my still very wet hair, and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. This felt awfully familiar. She's four inches taller than me. Brian had been five. I had to tip my head back to kiss her. I nearly dropped a dish then pressed my breasts up against hers. I moaned into her mouth. She broke the kiss, gently, and took a step back, but with her hand still on the back of my head.

"That's just, perfect, Virginia. Let's finish this job up and go upstairs. I am so looking forward to teaching you how to make me beg like you did a few minutes ago."

I put my hands on her ass and pulled her towards me, then gave in to my curiosity and dropped to my knees in front of her, stroking her crotch, feeling her smoothness.

"This is very erotic, Katy. I should do this."

"Oh, please don't."

I looked up at her. She had a dish and the drying cloth in her hands, looking down at me.

"I mean, it's your body, you can do whatever you like, of course. But I like your bush. I've never seen one that was actually blond before. Even the couple of natural blonds I've known had dark hair down there. And yours is deliciously sparse and trimmed so nice. I think it's very pretty."

I stood back up and ran one hand over my mound and one over hers.

"OK. I'll keep it."

"Thank you."

We kissed again, briefly, and went back to work.

We completed the dishes in another half hour, touching each other here and there from time to time as we did. We went upstairs to my room to shower before starting my first lesson. She looked around my bathroom.

"Wow, this is amazing."

I smiled, "Brian believed that bathing should be enjoyed."

The bathtub would easily accommodate four people, though we never had any intention of having others join us. We just enjoyed playing in water and wanted plenty of room. The shower was entirely separate and, again, was large enough for several.

We showered, slowly, with her instructing me on how to make that into foreplay. I knew a lot about that from doing it with Brian. She mostly instructed me on the differences when doing it with a woman. After a while I was on my knees in front of her, licking up her thighs toward her sex, the water cascading off us both. I reached her labia and found them just a bit open. I followed her instructions and my instincts I licked in side and touched her gently.

I slid two fingers inside her and rubbed where she told me. She leaned back against the wall, grabbed the handrail and spread her legs. I was licking her clit at that point.

"OK. Lick harder and suck it a bit. You might try playing with yourself too. Sometimes I do and it helps, other times I find it distracting."

I slipped a hand down between my legs and tried rubbing with my open palm. That felt good. Then I put a finger inside and sought out my clitoris. It felt very good, but it was soon too distracting. I wanted to concentrate on her.

I went back to just palming myself, licking harder and rubbing harder inside her. She started writhing up the wall, on her toes. She slowly bent over slightly, making it harder for me to lick her properly. She leaned on my shoulders, groaning through her teeth. Suddenly screaming, she pushed me away and slid down the wall. One hand in her crotch rubbing herself as the orgasm passed. I ended up on my ass a few feet away rubbing myself to an orgasm. I reached mine, moaning loudly and collapsed on the floor.

I heard her giggling and looked up at her.

"Can you come without water V?"

I giggled along with her. She'd seen me come three times now, all of them laying in water.

We got to our feet, finished actually showering, washing each others hair. As we dried she was a bit fascinated to see my hair go back into curls just by drying. She'd tried curls, but she needed to use curlers or curling irons to get them. It was too much work except for special occasions. It was amazing, to her, to see my hair just go that way all by itself.

When we were both dry and went into my bedroom I tried to pull her towards my bed, but she held back.

"V, I'd love to sleep with you. I will. But I really do need to really sleep." She smiled, "Really. I was up late last night and early this morning preparing for that presentation. I've had a beautiful evening. I hope you did too."

I nodded my head yes.

She smiled, "But I really am exhausted. If we can just sleep, I'll stay."

I again felt the stirring of submission. I wanted to learn more, hell, I wanted to learn everything. But that could wait. I didn't usually think about it, but suddenly very much did not want to sleep alone. I'd been sleeping alone for so many years. I agreed, and tugged her towards my bed. And the image of a little girl pulling her mother towards the playground entered my mind. Not me or my mother. She'd have backhanded me, or worse, if I'd done that. Rather I saw the perfect 50's movie mother and daughter. I was a little embarrassed, wondering if she saw that too. Probably not, she was too young and not into old movies. But I also didn't really care all that much if she did, so long as she'd sleep with me.

We both climbed in, I reached out to the controls by the bed and shut off the lights.

She asked, "Spoon?"

"Yes, please."

"You want inside or outside?"

"Inside, please."

We rolled onto our sides and I 'sat' in her lap. She put her arms around me and we held hands as we fell asleep, my head resting on her arm. It was the safest I'd felt since Brian died.

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eroticsluteroticslutover 8 years ago

I wish I could write this well

thank you

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