Ginny and Katy Pt. 08

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Christmas Day.
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Part 8 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/18/2014
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Saturday, December 24, 2011, Christmas decorations

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I'd bought my Christmas tree over a week ago. It was set it up in the living room and had water and tree food, but was not decorated. My real parent's had never had one. My adoptive parent's always did and it was their tradition to decorate it on Christmas eve, before it got dark so you could see the colors come to life as the sun went down. Since this required the curtains on the living room windows be open, Katy and I were dressed all day. She helped me decorate then we sat on the couch watching Christmas movies and looking at the tree as sun went down.

She declared this would be a day without D/s. Some of the time I lay with my head in her lap, and sometimes the other way around. Sometimes I went for coffee or cocoa or food, sometimes she did. We pretty much spent the day on the couch, just being together. Oh, a little touching and a little kissing, but no sex. Neither of us said there wouldn't be. It just seemed right for the way the day went. It was a very laid back and pleasant day and early evening.

Katy went to a party with Betty. I went to one across the street. I was in before midnight, watched "It's a Wonderful Life," one of my Christmas Eve traditions, and went off to sleep.

Sunday, December 25, 2011, Family and friends

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I heard Katy come in, without her car, or at least without putting it in the garage, well after midnight. A half an hour later I was woken up by her crawling into my bed. That she'd been drinking was obvious. She also smelled like sex and I caught the scent of what I'd come to recognize as Betty's perfume. She said "Spoon me." I did and asked "Is there something wrong?" "Nothing at all. Things are wonderful. I just want to be held tonight."

I woke up early, as I usually did, and climbed out of bed.

She said "No D/s this morning, V. I'll get breakfast."

I said, "Katy. It's Christmas morning. We have to open presents first."

She looked at me, looking supremely tired. "Who'd have thought I'd have a thirty-something daughter before I was even twenty."

I grabbed the idea and said, "But mommy! We have to see if Santa came!"

She considered me for a moment. I'd slept nude, as usual. I became aware that I was leaning half way over, with my arms spread wide, while imploring her. My breasts jiggling under me. She was staring at them.

"If you were down there when he arrived, I'm sure he came. I just hope you swallowed. I don't like messes on the carpet."

I ran over to the door and looked back. She'd dragged herself to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. I noticed that she was wearing one stocking and a garter belt. Nothing else.

She looked down at herself and said, "It looks like I had a good time last night."

I said, "You sure smelled like it when you came to bed." Then added, "I thought you had a rule against having sex drunk?"

She smiled, "I wasn't drunk when we started."

She removed what little she wore and followed me out into the hall, pausing to toss them into her room.

As we went down the hall she said, "I saw my dress in my room. No sign of anything else."

I said, "Betty probably has them. You were pretty drunk last night. Someone dropped you off ."

"My car isn't here?"

"Not in the garage anyway."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the stairs, bending over and sort of dancing down the hall.

"Come ON, Mommy!"

She pulled back. "Hold up, baby. Are the curtains still open down there? I think they were when I came in last night."

I said, "Right," and ran back to my room for a robe then into hers for hers. I put mine on running back to the stairs, where I found Katy sitting on the stop step leaning against the wall.

I asked, "Hangover?"

She look at me, then stood up and put on the robe I held out for her.

She replied, "No. No, good booze, I guess. Just really tired."

I really was feeling like a ten year old on Christmas morning. Not that I knew what one actually felt like. My child hood did not include any such events. I didn't have any Christmases until I was already in my teens. But I'd seen movies.

When we got to the living room I saw that she'd added presents for me to the ones I'd already put under the tree for her. We had gotten each other the usual sorts of things two women who are good friends will give each other. And a few things two lovers would give as well.

I'd gotten her a dress she'd admired once and some jeans in the styles she liked. And a really tiny programmable vibrator. It was, in a way, an alarm clock. She'd gotten me a couple or dresses as well, in rather younger styles than I was used to. But nothing immodest or too far out. And another lingerie set like the "Barbie" set but this one all in white. I noticed that the box from Lottie and the dress box from her seamstress were not there.

I asked and she said, "You get those when we're getting dressed to go to dinner."

She went off to cook breakfast.

The morning passed eating breakfast in the living room and some cuddling and napping on the couch watching more Christmas shows. Overall a lazy, pleasant morning.

We were dozing when suddenly Katy jumped.

She said, "Oh!" and reached down to pluck the tiny vibrator off her clitoris.

It was designed to fit in there and say put even if you were not wearing panties. She looked at the vibrator then looked across at the clock on the television. It showed ten o'clock.

She said, "Thanks, baby. This thing works great."

She took my hand, turned it palm up, and dropped the quietly buzzing toy in my hand.

"Here, see if you can figure out how to shut it off."

While I looked for, and found, the tiny off button she stood and stretched. She turned her back to the window, pulled her robe open and wiggled her hips at me.

She said, "We'd better get started. Want to shower together?"

I said "Always."

We did, with a little playing but no outright sex. Dried each other, then she asked me to do her hair up in curls similar to mine. When we finished that she had me wait in my bedroom while she brought me the boxes from Lottie's and the seamstress.

She said "Go ahead and get dressed. I'm going to do the same in my room. Let me know when you're ready."

"You don't want me to dress you?"

"Not today. First, we're not in D/s this morning. Second, I want you to enjoy the experience. I know how much you like to get your lingerie and clothes on just right. Have fun."

She left, closing the door. I looked at the boxes with high anticipation. Then looked at myself in the mirror wall. I walked up to it, watching my hips roll and my breasts bounce. I got a couple of feet away and looked myself over critically. I did look good. I turned for the profile and sighed. My breasts looked so big. But with Katy's love of them I was learning to love them again myself. Just as I'd loved them when Brian did.

I turned and walked back to my bed to open the lingerie box and my breath caught in my throat. Katy really did pay attention. Most of my underwear was in simple solid colors. A lot of it white or pink, like Katy's. my panties were a bit higher in the waist and my bras obviously more substantial.

But I owned a wider variety of colors and some with patterns. Some stripes some with little flowers on them. And my very favorite, very rarely worn, pair with teddy bears. More about those some other time. Plus just a few pairs, also not often worn, with polka dots. Even one bra and panty set, white cotton and blend fabrics, with many colored polka dots.

During one of our conversations I'd mentioned that I loved polka dots but reserved them for special occasions. I especially loved white with tiny black dots. What I saw before me was exactly the same black lingerie set she'd bought me weeks ago, and the white set under the tree downstairs. But this set in white satin with black trim and tiny black polka dots. There were even white, seemless, stockings with black dots. And very shiny white heels, a bit taller than I was used to, with black piping. Unless she also wore heels, I'd be just taller than Katy.

I looked at the dress box and suspected I knew what was in there, but decided to put off opening it for now. I took a long time dressing. Enjoying the feel of the cool satin on my skin. When I got to the bra there was a bit of paper pinned to it.

In Katy's hand writing it said, "I already set the straps correctly for the dress. Use the second row of hooks in back." I put the bra on, tugged it exactly into place under my breasts and adjusted them in the cups.

I stepped into the shoes. I looked myself over in the mirror. I wanted to go to show Katy, but resisted. I wondered about that desire. Was this submission or something else? That "mommy" thing earlier came back to me. That had felt awfully natural. And awfully odd at the same time. I shrugged it off. I'd think about it more later. Right now there was the dress to consider.

I opened the box, laid back the tissue and picked up the dress. I found it was both what I expected and a surprise at the same time. It was also in white satin with tiny black polka dots. It was a simple style stereotypical of those you'd see on any 1960's sit-com. I knew from the careful fittings, that it was going to show off my bust pretty well.

I was about to slip it over my head when I noticed the box wasn't empty. I'd been so focused on the dress, I hadn't really looked. I lifted out a petticoat. Again in white with little black dots. I'd never worn petticoats before, except when I tried the "little French maid" game with Brian. These were not like those in that they weren't so full as to push my skirts way out. They'd add fullness but not comically so. I put it on feeling it touch the skin between my stocking tops and panties and also feeling it's hem brushing my legs near my knees.

I finally felt ready and dropped the dress over my head and arms, tugged it into place and had a moment trying to find the zipper. Instead of being in back, where it would have been very difficult to reach, there were actually two of them, one on each side, that ran from the widest part of my hips up to my arm pits. I'd been mistaken about the sleeves. They were actually cap sleeves. I zipped up and found that the zippers were cleverly hidden in the styling of the dress. I looked myself over, walking to and away from the mirror. The skirts and petticoat swirled around me.

I picked up the boxes, meaning to move them to the closet, and found the final surprises. A matching purse, with my initials near the clasp, faux pearl necklace, ear rings, and bracelet. And gloves. Nobody wore gloves any more, but they were just right for the period the dress represented. I put everything on, put the boxes in the closet, looked myself over one more time then went to the door. I crossed the hall to Katy's door and knocked.

I heard her say, "You're ready?"

"Yes, may I come in?"

"Let me come to you. Go back to your room, face the mirror, and close your eyes. I'll be along in a minute."

That sounded like an order, so I asked, "Are we in D/s now?"

She said, "If that's what it takes to get you to do as I ask."

I replied, "Not necessary. I'll be waiting."

I went back in, faced the mirror and closed my eyes. I heard her come in. then she took my hand.

"Open your eyes."

When I did what I saw was confusing for just a moment. Two women dressed identically. One blond with blue eyes, the other brunette with brown eyes. One, the brunette, four inches taller than the blond. I stood there with my mouth open looking at us. And I felt myself getting aroused.

She noticed my nipples stand up and said, "None of that. We can't have you getting your panties wet before we're even out of the house. You like it?"

"I love it. Uh, you're family isn't going to freak out about my bust are they? It's pretty... well... prominent like this."

She said, "My father and brother will try not to stare at you. So will my sister. And I'll be most interested in my mothers reaction to you. Both how you look and the age difference, thought you really don't look much older than me. There's something she's not telling me about her past. There's a woman from college she talks about when she's had a few drinks. I think something happened there that she's both wistful for and ashamed about."

I asked, "You think she's bi?"

"Probably not. I think she had a one-time thing and has never worked it out."

I said, "OK. Well, this outfit isn't going to cause trouble. Is it?"

She said, "I'd be surprised if it did. Mom and Dad are big on proper behavior. Being rude to one of my friends would be a huge breach of etiquette for them. And they know you're very important to me. Knowing that, being rude to you would be totally unthinkable. Now, I've got a couple of uncles, aunts and cousins who might make crude comments. If any of them are there, I'll try to warn you. Let me do your makeup, and mine, and we'll go."

We were on the road by noon, dinner was supposed to be around two and we had an hour and a half drive. Katy's car was in the driveway. Somebody had brought it home for her last night. She wasn't sure who. She was sure she'd ridden in Betty's car and Betty and that somebody had helped her to the front door. It had taken her a half hour to get to my bed because she passed out on the couch right after they closed the door behind her. We found her other stocking, her panties, her bra and her shoes on the passenger seat of the car and put them in the back seat.

We were about fifteen minutes out when she pulled over.

"Can you drive, V? I'd really like to take a nap before we get there."

She set the GPS and we switched places.

I asked "Do you want to be driving when we get there?"

"No, but do wake me up a few minutes before. I don't want to be trying to wake up while we're doing introductions. You're a good girl."

The "good girl" surprised me. She reclined her seat and was about to fall asleep when she jerked up.

"Sorry about that 'good girl' thing. I'm really tired and something triggered one of my other fetishes."

I said, "Maybe we should talk about that some time. You gave me a twitch in my crotch when you said that."

She looked at me for a moment then said, "Really? That's very interesting. OK, sometime. Maybe another long session drinking wine on the lawn . I'll have to be a bit drunk to talk about that. It's cost me girlfriends before. It kind of scares me."

Well, that surprised me. I'd always thought she was totally comfortable with her fetishes.

I said, "OK, maybe next week. Get some sleep."


She laid back and was gone before we'd driven another mile. I had the feeling that something important had just happened. I was thinking that maybe this would be my chance to tell her about Ginny. When she told me about something she'd been afraid to talk about it might be the time to tell her something I'd been afraid to talk about.

The next hour and a quarter I spent thinking about me. And us. And that I had told Nancy about the sex part, after she'd mostly figured it out herself. And wondering if, the next time we saw her, if she was going to figure out the D/s part by whatever magic observations she used. Maybe I should just tell her and get it out of the way. But how do you start a conversation like that.

"Oh, by the way Nancy, a couple of weeks ago I submitted myself to Katy as my Mistress." Sure, that would play well.

We were at a stop light when I noticed the GPS said we were fifteen minutes away. I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, careful not to leave a lipstick print or mess up either of our makeup. She stretched out then opened her eyes.

I said, "Fifteen minutes, honey."

She said, "Thanks, honey."

She sat up, pulled the seat back up, and sat there looking around.

She pointed "That's where I went to high school. And where I finally accepted that I liked girls.

A minute later, pointing at a little shopping mall, "And that's where I kissed my first girl. Sharon Susan Seaborne. Five years older than me. Triple S, but her girlfriends called her triple-X. She was very creative about sex. But other than preferring women over men it was just ordinary one-on-one sex. Lot's of positions and places to do it, but regular sex. I had kinks even back then and scared her off. But I did learn an important lesson from her. Even though she wasn't into any of my kinks, she did tell me there was nothing wrong with them. She just wasn't the right girl to help me enjoy them. I've remembered that always."

We got to her parent's house. It was on a nice tree lined road in a not too crowded development. A bit on the large side, a pool in the back, a big lawn out front. It looked nice rather than expensive. Traffic had been heavy and we weren't late, but most of the others had already arrived. We had to park with a couple of other cars on the street.

Katy said "It looks like absolutely everyone showed up this year."

As we walked up the driveway, hand in hand, we heard what sounded like a younger version of Katy yell, "Mother! You have to see this! She wore a dress. And look at her girlfriend."

I asked ,"Girlfriend?"

She replied "They've never met Betty. I told mother who you are, but she may not have told everyone else."

We went up the stairs, she hugged her sister, Dorothy, who looked to be about sixteen.

She asked, "You're Betty?"

"No, I'm Virginia. Katy's my friend. She lives in my guest room."

She said, "You two look so pretty like that. Do you always dress the same?"

Katy answered, "This is the first time. I thought it was a special day so I'd wear a dress for mother. Then we decided it would be cute to match."

We stepped into the front hall where Katy took off her gloves and put them in her purse. I took it as a cue and did the same. I wasn't really up on glove protocol, having only seen them worn in a few movies.

A moment later Katy's mother, Wendy, greeted us.

She said "You two certainly do look very cute like that. Katy, thank you for wearing a dress. You're beautiful, you know."

"Thank you Mother. This is Virginia."

Her mother was gracious, but also seemed uncomfortable. We went into the living room where there were more introductions, conducted this time by Katy's father, Mark.

He finished with "You probably won't really remember most of our names. That's fine, it's a lot of people to meet all at once."

It was. There were at least a dozen people there, and I met two more in the kitchen a few minutes later.

There were a lot of comments about Katy wearing a dress, and about as many on our matching. Some uncle asked if we matched underneath too.

I said, "No, we're not the same size in any dimension."

He said, "Well that's obvious. I mean is your underwear the same?"

Conversation in the room had stopped. I put three fingers in my neckline and looked at Katy. She saw what I was doing, did the same and nodded "yes." We both pulled down the fronts of our dressed just enough to show an inch or so of our bras. Same style, same white satin with polka dots, same black trim. There were scattered laughs and conversation picked up again.

She took my hand and we went into the kitchen where I met another aunt and another cousin.

Wendy asked, "Uncle Frank getting crude again?"

Katy said, "A bit. And he's not even drunk yet."

Wendy said to me, "Don't mind him Ginny. He assumes anyone Katy brings is another lesbian. I think he's hoping to catch them kissing... or more."

Katy said, "Please, mom. I told you she doesn't like 'Ginny'."

"Yes, right. I'm sorry Virginia, I forgot. One of my sisters-in-law is also Virginia, but she prefers 'Ginny'."

She looked at me, seemed to think twice.

I said, "You can ask."

She still hesitated. "It's none of my business. But I am curious, if you don't mind."