Ginny and Katy Pt. 17

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Katy, finally, makes her decision.
5k words

Part 17 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/18/2014
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As I noted in the previous part, the conversation between Betty and Virginia in V's car was inspired by an recent exchange of emails. The person who inspired that also noticed that I committed a continuity error in that conversation. At the time, Betty did not know about Ginny, so the comments about Ginny's tail were out of context. Unfortunately for me, the story is written, on my computer, up to a point way, Way, WAY after Betty knows about Ginny. As I understand it, uploading a corrected version would reset all the counters and votes and so forth and I'd rather not do that. My apologies for the glitch.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

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Katy and I talked over the next couple of days. Things she'd like to do with Ginny. Things I'd like her to do with Ginny. It always "If we go ahead." But she continued to have trouble deciding what to call the relationship we were discussing. Ginny had been out a few times since the last test for Katy. Alone in the house, and I'd even braved the back yard one of those days.

Still not telling her was was going on, I talked over how she'd confronted Katy about their relationship. She said the most important thing was to talk to her when she had her job out of her mind. So, either Saturday night or Sunday morning.

She and Katy had a date Saturday night and she was pretty sure Katy would not be home until Sunday morning. At least not if Betty's plans worked out. So, she suggested I plant an idea in Katy's head late Friday and be ready to deal with her when she got home on Sunday morning.

I said, "I'm a bit surprised you're being so helpful, Betty. You don't even know what's going on. What if it affects your relationship with her?"

She looked thoughtful for a moment. "V, everything effects our relationship. When she decided she wanted you it changed things for us. We'd been exclusive with each other for over a year. When she got you it changed things. When you and I got together it changed things. Everything changes things."

She reached across the table to take my hand. "Change is life, baby. If I don't like the changes, I'll move on. But I know Katy and I'm coming to know you. I feel pretty sure that, in the end, we'll all like whatever it is. I can trust, and I can wait. Besides, you said she'd tell me when she felt the time was right."

Friday, April 6, 2012

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Following Betty's suggesting, during pillow talk on Friday, I brought up Ginny again and told Katy that I'd like us to reach a decision, at least on her, by Monday. We could deal with the wider pet idea another time, if she liked, but I wanted to settle on Ginny by then. She agreed, though I could tell she was not entirely comfortable with having set a deadline.

Sunday, April 8, 2012, A new perspective for Katy

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As Betty predicted, Katy did not come home until breakfast time on Sunday. Betty had called me to tell me Katy was on her way. I started making breakfast for both of us and it was almost ready when Katy came in from the garage.

I was at the stove cooking, nude except for my apron. She was in a decidedly good mood, coming up behind me, running her hands over my breasts through the apron, then down my sides and under the apron to run one finger between my folds and firmly rub my clitoris.

She spun around and paused at the door to the living room.

"Are you cooking for both of us?"

"Yes, it'll be ready in a few minutes. Why don't you get a quick shower. You smell well used, dear."

She leaned back against the door jam, "I do, don't I? I had a great night. Dinner, sex, dancing, sex, talking, sex, and finally sleeping."

She stood up, "Hey, how did you know when I'd be home?"

"Betty called and said you were on your way."

"She did? Isn't she wonderful! You're both wonderful."

She pirouetted once more than jumped through the door to the living room.

I served out breakfast, discarded my apron, and took my usual seat. She returned quite quickly drying herself with one of the large bathroom towels. She stood for a moment, legs spread for stability, vigorously drying her hair. She was facing away from me, giving me a rare view of her ass bouncing and flexing as she maintained her balance.

She bent over a the waist so she could work on her hair hanging down and gave me a very nice view of her slightly open pussy. She was wet in there. And I wondered if it was arousal or she just hadn't dried herself there. She looked back at me between her legs and giggled at me.

She asked, "You like what you see?" and ran her hand over herself once before standing up. She folded the towel on her chair then sat on it.

We talked a little about her night and some practical things like grocery shopping and cars. Finally it seemed the right moment so I turned the question.

"Katy, about Ginny. And being a pet. Are you considering not doing this? Not owning Ginny?"

She looked serious, then relaxed. "No, V. As I said, I'm actually considering taking it further. I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to say it. Or what it would be called."

"Does it have to be called anything? What's wrong with us all having whatever it is and not worrying about labels?"

"Who is 'us all,' V?"

I chewed for a moment. "Look, we both know that if we do this long term Betty is going to be involved. Eventually. I just... let's skip that for the moment. What I mean is, I think that you're a lot more worried about labeling what we have than Betty or I are."

She was surprised by that. I continued, "Maybe it's the dominant thing getting in your way. If you're in charge you think you have know what you're in charge of?"

She thought. "Maybe you're right. That's a new perspective for me. Let me think about this for a couple of days. I promise, by, uh, Wednesday I'll talk to you about it whether I have a name for it or not. Whether I'm sure of how it works or not. It's not something I've ever done, and there's not a lot about it available on line that isn't pure fiction."

"I can wait, Katy. We're talking about an arrangement that will, I hope, go on for years. A few more days or weeks to make you comfortable is acceptable. But I am getting anxious. And so is Ginny."

She said, "Oh? How is Ginny? Has she been out to play?"

"Yes. She misses you."

"And you?"

"I miss being told what to do."

In a lot of cases whether we were time in or time out at a particular moment was informal. We had been, as we often were, informally, time out while eating and talking. Her tone of voice changed and I knew we were now time in.

"Are you finished eating?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'm not, quite, and I could use a little entertainment. Get up on the island, facing the back door, on your knees, chest down, and play with yourself."

I said "Oh, Katy!"

My nipples came up and I was getting wet before I even starting climbing up on the island. I couldn't see her, but I could almost feel her watching me. I heard her fork clicking on the plate for the next few minutes.

"Slower, V."

I slowed down. I'd quickly been approaching climax. I had both hands between my legs, from the front. My left hand working my clit, the fingers of my right pumping in and out of my opening.

"Reach over your back with your right hand. I can't see what you're doing to your clit with your hand there."

The order send a shiver though me. I pulled my hand out and did as I'd been told, but had to stop everything for a minute. I was just about to come. As soon as I had some control I started again, slowly. After another couple of minutes I heard her push her plate back.

I then heard her voice very close to my behind. "Put your left hand in your mouth. Suck on your fingers."

I did as I was told and a moment later felt the very tip of her tongue brush my clit. I gasped and held my breath for a few seconds. She continued tonguing me, gently, then rougher. Pressing, licking, then biting and sucking. I continued pumping myself with my fingers.

"Can you see the clock on the stove?"

God, she wanted me to think? To speak? "Yes, Mistress!"

"Can you see the second hand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"When it gets to twelve tell me. I want you to come exactly when it comes around to twelve again. No matter what I do to you, you hold back until then. Do you under stand?"

"Oh, yes, mistress! Fifteen seconds to twelve."

"Very good. Call it off every ten seconds."

Where the hell did she get these ideas? We'd both sounded out of breath during the exchange. She started licking me again, just enough to keep me on peak.

"Ten seconds."

I had to keep forcing my eyes to focus on the clock.

"Uh, now, starting now Mistress!"

A pause then "OH MY GOD"

I don't know what she was doing to me. Just with her tongue and her lips. I was almost painfully aroused but could not have come even if she hadn't said not to. She had me suddenly so over stimulated that I was unable to reach orgasm. It hurt, but it was a deliciously satisfying hurt.

I'd missed fifty seconds, "Uh, forty, uh, AH, OH!"

Pause. "Three... no... thirty, thirty, thirty seconds."

I was gripping the edge of the island with one hand, the fingers of my other jerking in spasms in and out of my sex. My muscle control had gone all to hell. My knees were getting like jelly.

I said, "Oh God, let me come! Katy! Mistress!"

Her turn to stutter. She said, "T... ti.. time?"

"Uh, yes ma'am, uh, ten... nine... e... , um. Five, five! Four."

She changed the pattern. The arousal dropped just enough that I could feel myself building to climax.

"Oh, thank you ,oh! Two!" I screamed "ONE!"

I didn't really say "now" or "zero." I made some guttural screech that combined with her scream and echoed around the kitchen. She loved to come together and had found another way to do it. I felt one of her hands slam down on my lower back, her fingers digging into my hip, her weight on that hand. She was using me to hold herself up.

Her face moved away from my crotch for a moment, then banged back into it again. I couldn't really feel much of anything after that, except the explosions of orgasm all through my body.

When I came back to myself I was till on the island, but I was laying in a split. My knees seemed spread impossibly wide apart, my pelvis, belly and chest on the island, my feet sticking off that side, my cheek on the surface, but my eyes looking at the floor off to my left on the other side. My fingers, surprisingly, still inside me.

I became aware that Katy's upper chest was pressed against my sex, trapping my fingers inside me. Her head rested on my behind with both of her arms hugging my bottom. Her breathing, as with mine, seemed to be returning to normal.

She apparently tried to stand, her hands pressing me down as she rose, then she slid off me and I heard her bang into the floor.


I said, "You OK dear?"

"Hurt my bum. Are you OK?"

"If I can ever put my legs together again, I think I'll be fine."

A pause then she said, "Wait a minute, I'll help you."

It was more than a minute. She groaned and a moments later I saw her come around the island on all fours. Her hair was a mess, and her face glistened with wetness. My wetness.

She climbed unsteadily up the island, planted a very sloppy kiss on my mouth. I could smell and taste myself on her. She continued to pull herself up, I could see that she was wet all the way from her nose to her upper chest. She stood unsteadily with her middle blocking my entire view.

She turned sideways and leaned on the island with one arm while stroking my hair with the other hand. I could now see she was thoroughly wet between her legs and down past her knees.

I asked "What the hell did you do to me?"

"I'll show you later. Something Betty taught me last week. Works better on some people that others. Seems to work really well on you."

She helped me down and we cleaned up, the floor, the side of the island, the island itself, then finally did the dishes. She didn't clean herself and wouldn't let me either. We giggled a lot while working. When we were done she sat on the table and told me to lick her face clean. An interesting flavor. My sex combined with her sweat. Salty. Then spread her legs and had me lick her clean down there as well. This time her sex combined with her sweat. Also salty, but notably different. We ended the morning my showering together and fell into my bed to nap for a couple of hours.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012, What Katy wants

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I did talk to Nancy about that "mama" comment. I declined to say what we were doing.

"Gin, I have to have some idea about what was going on."

"Uh, yeah I suppose you do. She was in charge at the time."

"I assumed as much. You're a submissive, dear. She was dominating you?"


She sounded just a bit worried, "She does that a lot? Your relationship is D/s, isn't it?"

I said, "Not all the time."

"Ah, but a most of the time."


She hesitated for several seconds. "And not just in bed, I'll bet. You trust her?"

"Yes, to both."

She still sounded concerned, but said "I think that's your answer, then. The trust is stronger than your, our, upbringing. Think about this. Compare how much you trusted Brian with how much you trust Katy."

I went silent.

"You want to call me back later? Or you don't even need to tell me, but you should think about it."

"No, Nancy. I've been thinking about it for days. It seems, well, wrong to trust anyone as much, or more, than I did Brian. Things are different now. The years, her age, my age, the things we do together, sex and otherwise. It's hard to compare, but it may be I trust her even more."

"What do you do together?"

"I'd rather not say."

"Can you talk about what you do out of bed?"

I giggled and said, "Well, a lot of what we do isn't in bed."

She said, "I suspected as much. And I think that's the first time I've ever heard you giggle. Do you do that a lot?"

"Yes, I guess I do. Life is different, Nancy."

"I see. Well, that's probably a good development."

The conversation went on what Katy and I did "out of bed." Then progressed to her family and a bit about Betty. She commented that I'd missed out on kids, even though it wasn't too late, but I seemed to be collecting a family of my own. That thought was both a bit confusing and rather comforting. I almost told her about Ginny, but couldn't quite make myself do it.

When Katy got home I was dressed. It seemed that serious talk would take place and being clothed felt safer.

"Hi, Virginia. What's for dinner?"

"Tuna steaks. And talk?"

"Yes, and talk. Do we have any of that wine we usually use for talking?"

"Of course. We're all set up out on the porch. Go ahead, I'll be out in a minute."

She went out, waited for me before sitting down. As we ate I told her what Nancy had said, partially to pass on the information, and partially to bring up the issue of trust. I decided to make things very clear.

"Katy, timeout."


"Are you afraid that whatever you've got in mind is so far out that I'll quit us if I don't like it?"

"Well, yes, I guess I am. I don't know why I should be. Part of me knows that if you say 'no' we'll still be OK. But another part of me doesn't believe it."

She laughed, but it wasn't funny. "And another part of me just can't believe that I'm afraid you'll send me away."

"Katherine, just tell me."

"You know, sometimes you kind of do sound like my mother."

"Is that a complement?"

"Yes, despite our differences I respect her and love her. So, yes, it is."

"Then thank you. But thank God you don't sound anything like my mother. Now, stop dodging and just tell me."

"It's kind of complicated, and I'm not sure I know exactly..."

I cut her off, not angrily, but still stopped her. "You must have a short description of it. A word or two you use in your head when you think about it. Just tell me that and we'll fill in the rest of it from there."

She took a deep breath, clasped her hands on the table in front of her, then stared down at them. "As I said before, I want you to be my pet."

She glanced quickly up at me, then down again. I could see it had been hard for her, so I carefully thought it over. But I found that I really did not understand what the problem was.

"Katy, honey, dear, isn't this what we've been talking about for weeks?"

She still didn't look up. "I mean even when you're not Ginny."

"But you already said that. I read about it as you said, but I'm still not sure I really understand what you want to do."

"OK, what do you think it would be."

I gathered my thoughts then "As I understand this, I'm Virginia, just me, when we're time out."


"And I'm Virginia, submissive, when we're time in."


"And then I'm Ginny, a special case of being submissive."

"Yes, you're also Barbie sometimes."

"Right I forgot the dress up doll. But that's really just another special case. Right?"

"Yes, I guess you're right."

"So, you're proposing something somewhere between submissive and Ginny. Right?"

"Yes. No. See, that's where I get stuck. It's what I want you to be whenever you're not Ginny."

I asked "Would we still to D/s? Or would it always be owner/pet?"

She said, "That's the problem. Why your talking about labels helped. I want to do something that's sort of a mix between submissive and pet. Being a mistress and an owner. But I can't make it come out straight in my head."

It sounded complicated. But I got the feeling that it probably wouldn't seem so when we were doing it.

"So, how would that be different from being submissive?"

"I'm not exactly sure. I've never done this. I've read about keeping pets, and seen it done, and talked with people who do it. I don't want to go as far as they do."

I surprised us both by saying "I accept."

She looked straight at me, stunned. "Huh? But you don't know... I mean, don't you have questions? We have to work things out..."

I stopped her again, "Katy, I trust you. You won't hurt me. You won't let me get hurt. We'll work it out as we go along. When do we start?"

"Well, there are some things I want to buy for Ginny. If it's OK with you, I'll use your credit card, we could be ready by next week. I'd like to do something sort of ceremonial. Really mark the occasion, if that's OK with you."

"I'd love it. We should make a big deal about it."

I decided to settle the other issue that had been bothering me. "Katy, about the housework and so on. If I'm going to be Ginny most of the time, well, puppies don't do house work. If anything they cause more. It's not fair."

She interrupted with "I'm not..."

I stopped her "Please, let me finish."

She said, "I should time in so you'll let me finish my sentences."

"If you want, but I've thought this through, so please just let me finish."

"Say your say."

I started again. "As I said, it's not fair. As we discussed some time ago, I don't really need the board you pay. Let's at least drop that. It will make me feel better. Help make it worth while doing the extra house work."

She looked thoughtful, then "Are you done? Can I talk now?"

"Yes, please go ahead."

"First, when you look up at me with puppy dog eyes, it's all worth it to me. But I see how you feel about it, so I accept. There are some things I want to do to you that will be a little expensive. Can I use your card for that?"

"To me?"

"Yes, nothing permanent. Well, the hair removal is permanent. Do you think you'd ever want to grow your leg, ass or arm pit hair?"

"Oh, that sort of thing. No, you know how I feel about all that."

"Yes, I do. I can tell you the rest, I know it's asking for a lot of trust, but I'm sure you'd prefer to be surprised and to find out as Ginny."