Gym Buddies Ch. 03


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"Well, who knows, but that's what happened."

"I know how to fix this," Jenna said.

"Really? How?" I said sarcastically since I didn't really care if it got fixed or not.

"We go back to the adult store, buy the toys and start getting your ready so next time Rob wants to try you'll be ready."

"Are you hearing yourself talking right now?" I asked.

"Yes, and you know it's a good idea."

"Oh my hell, you're as bad as Rob. What part of never going to happen don't you get?" I asked.

"It's okay to be nervous, you just have to take that first step into a new world."

"Fuck this!" I said getting up and walked out with my coffee.

The looks I got from the other patrons was classic. I might have been a little loud with the last comment. I was fuming when I left and got to my car. Driving home I couldn't believe Jenna. It was like she wasn't even listening to me. All she seemed to care about was getting me to do anal and DP. It was like she was obsessed with it. As I thought about that it kind of made sense especially from her reaction and orgasm when she was getting it from both guys. I guess it was so good for her she had the deep desire to share it with me even though I didn't want to listen or do it. She was relentless.

From home I changed my clothes and headed into work but I was so worked up and angry I didn't get much work done. I was mad at Jenna and Rob both and couldn't stop thinking about it. It festered and festered getting me more upset by the hour. I finally left early and went right to the gym to work out my frustrations. I was earlier than normal and neither Eric's nor Rob's cars were in the parking lot. I figured I could work my issues out before they showed up. I changed and hit the gym hard, working out harder than I have in a long time. The anger and frustration came out and I exhausted myself by the time I was done.

I felt better, probably because I was too tired to care any longer. I bypassed the gym shower and just headed home to take a shower. Before I started my car I checked my phone since I hadn't had it with me during my workout. There was a missed call from Jenna and a voice message. I was about to ignore it and just head home but I decided to hit play.

"Lacy, its Jenna... I'm sorry about earlier I wasn't listening very well. Anyway, I kind of went over to Rob's house to talk to him since I know where he lives. I'm here now and we both want to talk to you so if you get this message come over or call," the message said.

My first thought was that Jenna must be fucking crazy. Did she really think talking to them both would help? They'd only team up on me and try and convince me anal and DP is a good idea. I deleted the message and drove home. I really had overdone it at the gym. My body was already sore as I tried to get undressed for the shower. The hot water felt good as I moved into it. I went through my normal shower routine although a little slower than normal. Once I was clean I just stood under the hot water and let it fall down onto me. Jenna's message returned to me, Rob's unwanted advances in the shower returned to me. I remembered his fingers and the conditioner how it felt good at first and then how my body reacted when he tried to put his finger in my ass. I kind of wondered why I had suddenly clinched so tight and if it was me or spontaneous. I was still pissed and more pissed that I couldn't stop thinking about it now. Why Jenna thought it was so great and also what had happened with Rob. In my frustration, I moved away from the water and grabbed the bottle of conditioner, squirting a good amount into my hand. I rubbed it around both hands and then started touching my sex in front and using my other hand around back in-between my cheeks, just rubbing it around my tight little hole. It felt really good combined with me playing with my clitoris and lips. I circled my anus just like Rob had done and remembered the sensation was pleasant. I wanted to know if I would react the same if it was my finger trying to penetrate my bumhole.

As I tried, I went really slow and found my finger going in rather easily with no clinching. It made sense since I was in control. What was surprising was how worked up I got. The excitement of trying this taboo thing had my heart going a-mile-a-minute in my chest. My clit was rock hard as were my nipples even in the hot shower. The sudden entry of my finger took me back and a rush of pleasure seized me as my second knuckle disappeared into my shockingly hot ass. It almost pissed me off how excited and good it felt. I kind of wanted it to hurt or at least have very little effect on me but it was the opposite.

There I was panting and moaning with my finger routing around in my ass and my other hand playing with my sex and clit. The orgasm that suddenly surprised me, was quite a shock. I had never cum masturbating that fast before. The damn excitement I felt playing with my ass, had spurred an almost instant orgasm. I shook and came on my hands and in my weakened condition had to sit down on the shower floor to keep from falling.

"Damn Jenna. This was her fault," I thought as I climaxed on the faux marble floor of my apartment shower.


I woke up naked the next morning in my bed with the towel still on my hair. I remembered barely being able to get up from the shower floor, dry off and then falling into bed. The workout and then the orgasm had done me in. I was surprised I felt as good as I did when I woke up but then realized I had slept way later than I normally do. I lay there, staring up at the ceiling and thinking about what had happened the day before. I was in no hurry to get up, had nothing pressing so I just lay their contemplating things. My mind seemed preoccupied with the shower last night and for all intents and purposes my first real experience with anal play. Damn it was good! It pissed me off how good. I was so pissed I wanted never to do it again just out of spite for Jenna and Rob, but as I lay there I knew that prospect would be impossible.

The more I thought about it the more worked up I became. I found myself getting wet thinking about it and before I knew it I was playing with my nipples and then one hand found my sex and engorged clitoris. I began to finger myself, masturbating like I normally did by grinding on my clit and letting a finger or two slip into my wet tunnel below. This time though I went lower, moving some of my secretions to my tight little hole that I had played with in the shower. I couldn't stop myself and was soon pressing the pad of my middle finger on my puckered skin, circling the textured flesh and basking in the sensations.

Remembering my vibrator in the nightstand, I rolled over and got it out. The batteries had become pretty low but it hummed to life in my hand and I soon found myself forcing it into my pussy while I circled my little rosebud with m other hand. Man I got worked up and soon found myself very wet even coating the toy with excess oozing to my anus. Using the secretions I inserted a finger again as I slid the vibrator in and out of my sex. Good fucking hell! I couldn't believe how good it felt. It was so good I forgot to be pissed about it and just succumbed to the pleasure of the new discovery. I soon had two fingers in my bum and the vibrator deep inside me, squeezing it with my muscles and making the low batteries struggle to vibrate the toy.

My heart was pounding again my body flushed and aroused from head to toes. My two middle fingers moving in and out as the vibrations penetrated deep, sent pangs of pleasure through me until I was on the verge of cumming again. My ass seemed to adjust to both fingers easily and soon the resistance to them lessened considerably, which made me wonder if the toy would actually fit in my ass. Pulling it out of my sex, it was well coated with my juices. I slid it lower as I removed my fingers and let the vibrating tip tickle my closing hole. Slowly, I pressed the tip into my ass and found my clitoris with my now free hand. The vibrator was bigger than my fingers and I felt it widen me quickly as the tip soon became the shaft.

The pure excitement was off the charts again. I don't think I got that excited having sex with Rob and Eric for the first time. I could hear the blood pounding in my head and my breathing was basically pants. Very slowly, I eased the toy deeper as my ass opened up for it. The vibration was very strained with the tightness of my ring and the sensations it sent though my body were amazing. I had a good grip on the end of the toy and soon my fingers hit my cheeks as I pressed in about four inches of the vibrating toy. I held it there, basking in the sensations as my fingers grinded on my sex and clit, never feeling anything like it before.

It was when I began pulling some of the toy back out that I lost it and began to climax. There was something about the sensation of it leaving my body that took me over the limit. All bets were off and I came so fiercely I squeezed so tight the toy popped right out of my butt as the orgasm ravaged my body. I screamed and thrashed in my bed as the massive orgasm coursed through me, coaxing it along with both hands on my sex, grinding away. The toy vibrated uselessly on my mattress below me.


Damn it! I knew exactly what Jenna was going to say when I told her. I even contemplated not telling her and keeping this anal secret to myself because her "I told you so" would piss me off. She didn't need to know. Just because I had seemed to find anal play wonderful didn't mean she had to know and it didn't mean I was now game for Rob and Eric to fuck me à la DP. I did have to admit though, that I wasn't as horrified at the prospect any longer. I knew they were both much bigger around and longer than my little vibrator.

It took me over a week before I told Jenna. That week I spent a lot of time with my new found fun. I even replaced the batteries in my vibrator and the new ones are getting low again so that tells you how much I played around with it. Jenna took the news as well as could be expected from her.

"I fucking told you so!" she added a word to what I thought she'd say.

"I know you did and I tried to deny it but I have to confess you were right."

"So where the hell have you been for a week? No calls, no gym, no nothing. We all thought you were so pissed off you've given up on us all," Jenna said.

"Well, let's just say I've been nourishing this 'new world' you called it. I haven't been to the gym because I've been spending gym time playing with my vibrator. Almost wore it out."

"Holy shit. Oh my hell the guys are going to freak the fuck out. They've been worried about you, didn't think they'd ever see you again."

"I take it you've been seeing them?"

"Umm, yeah just a couple of times. Rob really feels bad for what happened. He promised not to try anything unless you say otherwise."

"So you've been doing them both together, like every time?"

"Yeah, I can't get enough. I even took Eric in my ass the last time. Talk about full but I managed and it was pretty awesome. He didn't last long in my ass so that helped."

"Wow, that's amazing."

"Yeah it was. Rob's getting pretty good at lasting, the initial thrill has worn off so he can go longer in my ass but Eric's first time didn't last more than a couple of minutes but I'm sure he'll improve the more we do it. So are you ready to join us again? No pressure to do DP mind you but maybe just join us and see what happens."

"Yeah, I'm ready to come back to the gym and see the guys again. I've been thinking maybe Rob could be my first. You know, just anal."

"He'd be a good one. He's not too wide, I'll bet you could handle him."

"What about the length? Is that an issue?"

"Not really, he can control that and your ass can handle a lot of length, more than you think."

"You're the expert," I said, grinning.

"Wow, I can't believe this, Lacy... I'm so glad you're talking to us again and want to come back. The guys are going to freak out... it's going to be awesome."


That night I showed up at the gym at my normal time. Rob and Eric were happy to see me but not surprised. I guess Jenna gave them the heads up, via text, long before I showed up at the gym. It was a little awkward nonetheless with Rob's awkward apology and Eric's hurt expression when I looked at him. He had been nothing but a gentleman that night and we had both had a great time after Rob left but I never talked to him either. It was me that had to apologize to him.

"Don't worry about it. It's in the past. I'm just glad you came back," Eric said, after I told him I was sorry for no contact for over a week.

Things soon got back to normal as we began to work out together like nothing had happened. Jenna showed up about a half hour later and played it cool. For her that was impressive. I half expected her to barge in and insist we all go have sex immediately if not sooner. Instead she worked out with us until we were done with our normal sets. Everyone was sweaty and pumped up and I'm sure had the same thing in mind. We weren't the only ones at the gym this time and knew we would have to take our foursome someplace else if things were going to happen.

I have to admit I was excited. I certainly was a lot better off than before I had messed around with my ass. I just had one little hang up with Rob being the first guy to do anal with. I didn't think it was right to basically reward his behavior by giving my anal virginity to him. I would have much rather had it be Eric but unfortunately his cock was way too wide for my first time. At least that's what I thought. I mean, the biggest thing I've had up there was my little vibrator, I think Eric may be twice as wide as the narrow toy.

We all needed showers and after discussing who had the best facilities at home, we ended up going to Eric's place this time even though it was a longer drive. Apparently he had two showers and he said they were quite large. We all drove our own cars, following Eric to his house and when I pulled up to the curb I about died. His house was huge and really nice. When he said he had two showers I think he underestimated from the look of this place. Maybe standalone showers and several tub/shower combinations. The guy must have a hell of a good job.

I caught up to Jenna on the way to his front door and said, "Holy crap, can you believe this place?"

"No, it's amazing... I never knew Eric had a place like this."

"Me either. Way nice."

The guys welcomed us into the front entry, which was probably bigger than my little apartment. Both Jenna and I just stared wide-eyed as we looked around the mini-mansion.

"So there are drinks, food, whatever you want or I can show you to the showers," Eric said.

"How about a tour?" Jenna blurted.

"I can do that too?"

So off we went a tour of his house. She showed us every room, garage, celler you name it we saw it and it was an amazing house. I was right about the bathrooms. He had way more than two showers. The two he was referring to though were huge and showers only.

Once the tour was over I took his hand and said. "I think I need to see the shower in the master bedroom again."

"Sounds good to me," Eric replied before saying, "Jenna and Rob can use the other one. Lets' meet up in thirty minutes?"

"Better make it 45," Jenna giggled, grabbing Rob's hand and disappearing around the corner.

I went with Eric to his room and then the master bath. "Yeah, I definitely need to try this shower out," I said, pulling off my sports bra and shorts.

He followed suit, stripping down and warming up the multi-head shower before we both stepped in together. His wide cock grew rapidly as our bodies met under the powerful jets of water. He leaned in and we kissed for a few minutes, rubbing each other's bodies and turning slowly under the water. I broke the kiss and grabbed some soap, offering to wash him if he'd wash me. With soapy hands, I proceeded to lather up his strong chest, arms and back as he turned around for me. The best part was soaping up his tight ass. He's got a stellar butt, so firm and perfectly shaped. He turned around after I was done with his butt and I lathered up his thick cock and balls, teasing his sensitive head with my soapy hands.

I took some extra time on his dick, stroking it and fondling his balls until they tightened up slightly in the hot water. He rinsed off and I handed him the soap. It was my turn. He went right for my breasts, sending chills through me with his soapy hands and hardening my nipples as the glass on the shower walls steamed up completely. My breasts were really clean by the time he finally washed my back, arms and proceeded to my butt. With a hand on either side of my body, he washed my ass and sex at the same time, turning me on to a high level. His hands sawed up and down, gliding into my pussy and pleasuring me clit. He even teased my little asshole a bit but stop short of penetrating me.

After I rinsed off I turned my back to him and placed my hands on the glass wall, bending over slightly.

"Fuck me with that cock," I said over my shoulder.

Taking a couple steps toward me, Eric grabbed his cock and eased it into my wet sex, spreading me wide and entering me all in one thrust with his body pinning me against the wall. His hands grabbed my breasts and he pulled out and slammed home again. I screamed with delight as his wide cock thrilled my body and his hands palmed my nipples. He nibbled on my neck and ears as he proceeded to pound away from behind over and over.

He kept it up for probably twenty minutes, treating me to a total body pleasuring session with his hands, mouth and cock, coaxing a nice strong orgasm from me before he eased up and pulled out. I thought he was going to cum but he didn't. I guess he was saving it for later. Instead we rinsed off again and hopped out. The 45 minutes was probably up by then.

I put a towel on my head and he put one around his waist and together we went to find Jenna and Rob. We found them doing 69 on the couch in the entertainment room. A porno was playing on the big screen and Jenna had Rob's long cock almost all the way in her mouth, further then I'd ever been able to go. He was munching on her sex with a finger in her ass. The porno was an orgy scene with like five or six couples going at it, moaning and fucking.

"Better late than never," Jenna said, taking Rob's cock from her mouth.

"Sorry, we lost track of time," I said, pulling Eric over toward them, by his towel, which then fell off.

I had him sit in the chair next to the sofa and got down on my knees. He was already hard and tasted nice and clean as I took his plump head into my mouth. I took him deep while stoking the base. I held my mouth down on him as long as I could before I needed air. Taking him out of my mouth, I pressed his cock back and licked him from his nuts to his head a few times before engulfing him again deep. I focused on his head next. Sucking hard and licking his slit with the tip of my tongue as I stroked him aggressively.

With the porn on it was difficult to tell who was who, with all the moaning and with my face occupied with cock, I lost track of what Jenna and Rob were doing until I finally stood up. Turning around, I sat down on Eric's very hard and wet cock and got a full view of Jenna bent over the sofa arm and Rob fucking her hard from behind. For a second I thought he was doing her ass but then as he slowed down I got a better view where his cock was exactly. Eric grabbed my breasts again as I proceeded to rise and fall on his cock over and over. He tweaked my nipples and fondled my breasts with perfection as I worked his thick cock in and out of my body, just the way I liked it.

Rob pulled out all the way suddenly from Jenna and she turned around quickly and started sucking her juices off his cock. She sucked for a good minute before turning back around and letting him feed his long cock back into her and pound away. It was quite a turn on to watch the two of them go at it as I was fucking Eric and enjoying his large cock and hands on my body. Five minutes later he suddenly stood up, taking me with him and spinning around to set me down on my knees on the chair he was just in. He then took control and started pounding hard and fast into me as I braced myself with my hands on the back of the large cushioned chair.