Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch. 13


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"You know I hate you for doing that to me."

"Yes, I know. Hate is very useful, when used properly, as you did today, while wrestling. It is a wonderful feeling, when you control it, not when it controls you."

Jessica was next, and the normally talkative leader was not as sure of herself, as she was in the past. She said, "I did very well while I was there, as Gail informed you. We were tied until the last wrestling match, when she pinned me. I learned my lesson, the very first day, when scrubbed the barracks floor, because I did not read the rules. Then I tripped over a rabbit and found myself in the emergency room, with about twenty orderlies and technicians, feeling every part of my body, even the parts that were not hurt, until Marti got there and they vanished. They did the MRI and found out that I was fine. On the way back, Marti and I were talking and the same thing came up, "Follow the rules, follow the rules, they are your best friend." For the next eight weeks, that is exactly what I did. I did not get in trouble again. I do not know why it took me so long to realize this, because it is such an easy concept. It took me eighteen years and a few months to get that through my thick head, "Follow the damn rules." If you follow the rules, things go so much easier. You do not get in trouble, you get your work done easier, and you have more free time to do what you want to do. We could not go out and play, but you could study your math or your French or exercise, whatever you wanted. All you had to do was follow the damn rules. Do not make up your own rules. Read the ones that are written down for you, and follow them. If they are wrong, like the ones I led my three friends into, then complain, and do not follow them because they are either illegal, or immoral, and they do not deserve your compliance. I never realized, until I met people like Dycke, Payne, Fiona, and Marti, that there are people who follow the rules, and make this world a better place. I cannot say that I will never break a rule again, but I can tell you one thing, it will not be something that will put someone else in jeopardy. If I am going to do something stupid, I alone will pay, not my friends, just me."

Savannah said, "I have never met meaner people in my entire life. They seem to enjoy inflicting verbal, physical, and mental abuse on a weaker person. I love them all. I was weak, I would cry at the drop of a hat. If I saw a baby crying, I would cry. I do not do that anymore. I did exceedingly well on all my educational courses. My problems are in the physical courses. I cannot run the twelve-mile circuit but I am up to nine miles and I will continue to try to work myself up to the twelve miles. As long as I have Marlena with me, I am sure I will get there. My arms are still weak and I have trouble with pull-ups. I am working with weights to increase their strength. I also walk around with leg weights to increase my muscle mass, in that area. Marlena told me that I am no longer a vegetarian. I will eat meat voluntarily or she will shove it down my throat with her fist. After thinking about it and seeing the size of her fist, I decided I would try it voluntarily, first. Everything considered, I think we did well, for our first outing. We did not quit, we did not throw a tantrum, and demand to go home. As Jessica said, "We read the rules, we followed the rules, and we survived."

Fiona congratulated them all. She said, "Now is not the time to relax. Keep to your schedules. Your body is used to them. You will see when you get home, that tomorrow morning you will be up at 5 AM. Do not go back to sleep. Put on your running equipment and go for a run, not for a walk, or a jog but a run, just as if you were in camp. Your body will tell you when you are supposed to stop or if you are cheating yourself. If you live close together, run together. If you live near a park, run in the park. Do your exercises and study hard. You will be taking courses that are harder than these were. If you are ahead of the other students, the courses you take will be easier for you.

Finally, it was Payne's turn to speak to the girls. She would shock them to their core. As you know, my wedding is on August 27th, and because of you and people like you, I have no friends and I have no family to ask to be in my bridal party. I have three hundred guests coming, from around the world, to see my wedding, and I am going to have a maid of honor, and three bridesmaids. My gown is being made in Paris, and I am going to have three bridesmaids. When the pictures get into the paper, I am going to be laughed at, again. The biggest day of my life is going to be a disaster, and I can do nothing about it. You win again."

Jessica said, "We do not have the appropriate dresses but if you want us, we will stand in for you."

Payne said, "I thought you were never going to volunteer your friends again?"

"I said I would never lead them into a mistake again. This is not a mistake. We owe this and a lot more to you and Dycke."

Payne asked, "Do you three agree, with Jessica?"

The answer was unanimous, "Yes!"

"Good, because your mother's sent your prom dresses to Paris months ago, to have your bridesmaid dresses made. I wanted to know how you would react to the way I presented my problem to you. I was very happy that you volunteered, because I am going to have bridesmaids, over the place. However, the four of you are going to be on the altar close to Dycke and me. You are coming along nicely. Do not let us down. You have four years ahead of you. Remember what Jessica said, "The rules, the rules, follow the rules."

67. Surprises All around

Bacillica, Alletta, Alvena, and their staff of agents did a marvelous job of putting everything together. Two bridal showers, bachelor parties, weddings, after wedding hors d'oeuvres, pictures, dinners, hotel reservations, and transportation for special guests, being flown in from faraway places, everything was completed, with time to spare, thanks to M & M.

No one hotel could accommodate the three hundred guests expected for Dycke and Payne's wedding. Dycke's business associates were being put into five-star accommodations, such as Charleston Place and Wentworth Mansion. Others were being put in the Marriott Hotel, Embassy Suites, the Renaissance, and Harborview. All these hotels were within easy distance of the church and the banquet facility reserved for the bridal dinner. No expense was spared for the floral arrangements, meal, or entertainment. Surprises were yet to come, for some people, but everything else was planned, down to the last button.

Steve and Cynthia arrived home from the summer semester at the University of North Carolina, in his new Corvette. He had not received one speeding ticket or violation, during the entire time he was there. Everyone at the school gawked at his car and wanted desperately to drive it, but Steve and Cynthia, with a little help from Desiree, would not let anyone near it.

Steve had taken three mandatory courses, over the summer, and much to his surprise, and those of his friends and family, he received two A's and one B. Cynthia beat him with all A's. Desiree took pride in accomplishing this miracle of academic excellence. She, also, helped him decrease his times, in the mile by nine seconds and the five thousand meter by one minute and fifteen seconds. She told everyone that she did this, by starting behind Steve and chasing him with a wooden wicket, and threatening to hit him if she caught him. She smiled, as she told stories of the first weeks of training. She caught him on a daily basis and whacked the heck out of his behind, to the amusement of Cynthia and the cheerleading squad, who were practicing. Steve, on the other hand, was not amused. After ten weeks of school, Desiree could not catch him. She started ten yards behind him and ended the five thousand meter run far behind him. The mile was a little closer, but she was still, out of reach, with the wicket.

Dycke surprised Steve, when he took him to buy a tuxedo for the wedding. He said, "Steve, you know I do not have any brothers, and I do not have any friends. I would feel funny having my father, as my best man, but I would do it, if it were necessary. That leaves only one person I know who I can ask to be my best man, and that is you. I know you do not like me, but if you can put that aside for an hour, I would like you to be my best man."

Steve looked at Dycke and said, "Are you absolutely sure I do not have to like you?"

"Absolutely, positively, certain!"

"I do not have to hug you, or shake your hand?"

"No, all you have to do is hand me the rings."

"I can do that for my sister. So yes, I will be your best man."

"I appreciate your sacrifice, in this matter. One day I may sign the title to the Corvette over to you."

"I thought the Corvette was mine?"

"Do you think I am crazy, Steve? That is a Two hundred thousand dollar machine. I do not like you that much, either."

"You son of a bitch."

"Do not talk about my mother that way, Steve. I will take away the keys to the Corvette, and give you the Yugo."

"Dycke, I think we may have come to a mutually beneficial agreement. I will be nice to your mother, and be your best man. You will let me keep the Corvette"

"For the time being, Steve, for the time being. You had better continue being nice, to your sister, my mother, and me. The two A's and one B did not hurt your cause, either. You had better keep it up; now that you proved that you can do it."

"Dycke, if you were not already on the top of the shit list, your attitude towards me and my grades would have just put you there. Desiree and Cynthia are on my case, every day and night about studying harder and getting to the library more. Now you put your two cents in and want me to get straight A's, which I have never done in my entire life."

"Steve, you are lying. You have gotten straight A's in one subject, since were thirteen years old, and I can get plenty of people to prove it. Every girl you have ever slept with has given you an A or A+ in your bedroom activities. All you have to do is apply that same energy to your studies, and you will break every record, anyone has ever set, in collegiate academics."

"Dycke, you are a pain in my ass."

"Steve, your sister says the same thing."

While Steve was in the fitting room, Dycke called Sandra to make sure the arrangements for the night of the twenty-seventh were completed, because he did not want anything to be fouled up.

Sandra assured him that the second G5 would be there early and the crew would be ready to go as soon as he and his bride were on-board.

Dycke said thank you, and hung up.

Steve came out of the fitting room, and looked at the new tuxedo. He asked Dycke, "What do you think?"

Dycke said, "Steve, God put a Tuxedo on aPenguin and made it look good. For six thousand dollars and change, the tailors have managed to do the same thing for you."

"You are really a prick, Dycke!"

Payne and Cynthia met for lunch, on Friday August 12th and Cynthia was 'Very Excited' when Payne asked her to be her maid of honor.

Cynthia said, "Yes," but she did not have a dress for the occasion.

Payne said, "Yes, you do. Your mother sent your prom dress to Paris six weeks ago, so they could make your dress. It will be here on the fifteenth of the month, with seamstresses, to make the final alterations. You will look beautiful in the gowns that we picked out for the bridesmaids."

Cynthia hugged Payne and thanked her with her heart. She asked Payne, "You could have asked me six weeks ago when you sent my dress to Paris."

"What fun would that have been? I would not have seen the look on your face when I asked you. You always light up when something good happens to you."

There was nothing Payne could ask of her, that she would not willing do. However, she had a favor to ask, and she did not know how to go about it, except to come out and ask her.

She said, "Payne, I would like to have sex, with your brother. However, I do not want to have it at home, with either my mother or your parents around. I do not want it to be quick. I want to make love, with him; I do not want to be fucked, like the last time. Is there any way you can help me with this?"

Payne laughed, "I think I have a way to help us both. Keep this a secret, from that blabbermouth brother of mine; otherwise he will blow the whole deal."

Cynthia said, "What is going on in that evil mind of yours?"

"Pack your sexiest nightgowns and clothing. Make it enough for two nights and three days. I will take care of my brothers things. Get it to me a few days before the wedding, and I will take care of everything."

"Payne, you have that evil grin, on your face. It means this is going to be something really sneaky, and underhanded. I love it, already."

"Cynthia, not only is it sneaky and underhanded, but it will fool some parents and a few security agents as well."

Girl, you are going to be in trouble, up to your eyebrows. I do not want to be in your shoes, when they find out what you have done."

"Who, little old me?"

The End

Note: I still have two weddings and a few surprises to go. Chapter 14 is to come, shortly. As I said last time, if you have a favorite character, or couple you would like me to continue following, "Vote" and use the space provided to let me know. I will use your input to guide me. Enjoy!


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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Polite Payne?

Her mother was shocked by Payne’s behavior because Payne had always been polite & demure. When was that? When Payne was 4?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I have been reading stories on Litterotica for 10 year. This store is one of the best. I've had the most fun reading your work.

Thank you again,

Keith Gardner Jr.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great series

Keep this up!! I really like Dycke and Payne. If you’re looking for future projects to submit, I’d like to get more activities including Fiona and Bob

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

i laffed so hard i leaked want the next chapter so bad have more to go and want no end. please stay healthy and keep on keeping on

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Your spelling is still attrocious.........your grammar is worse.......but

....you are a great storyteller. I look forward to read chapter 14 if I am still alive to do it. douglas569d@aol.com

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