Hero's Lament Ch. 01


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"Ah, no, not right now, but thanks for asking."

"Sure," Nancy replied. "Well, you know where I'm at if you need anything."

Susan thanked her again then took off for the hospital while Nancy returned home to continue her search for employment. It was a little after noon by the time she saw them drive up. Nancy watched out the window as Susan got out the driver's side, then hurry around the back of the car to open the passenger's side door. She reached into the back seat and pulled out a pair of crutches for her slow moving hubby. Together, they disappeared into the house. Nancy felt an obligation to help Susan and wanted to go over there so bad but decided to respect their privacy. It wasn't until Friday when she thought she'd offer her assistance once again.

Susan invited her in with a big smile.

"I was just on my way to the grocery store and wondered if you needed anything while I was there?" asked Nancy.

"Thanks, but I stocked up before Kevin came home. Right now my fridge is bursting at the seams," Susan chuckled. "But come on in. You want to say hi to Kevin? He's in the bedroom. I'll just go in and make sure he's decent, first."

"No, no; that's okay. I don't want to disturb him, Sue."

"Nonsense," she replied. "You won't be disturbing him. I'm sure he'd love to see someone besides me. I haven't left him alone for the last two days. Come on."

Susan took her hand and led her to the guest room. They stopped just around the corner from the door. Susan spoke loud so Kevin could hear her. "Honey, Nancy came over to see how you're doing. Are you covered up?"

There was no answer.

Nance quickly offered, "Maybe he's asleep. Really...I don't want to bother him."

"No, he's not asleep. I was just in there." Susan raised her voice a little more. "Honey, did you hear me?"

"Ah, yeah, I heard. Okay, I'm covered."

Kevin watched through the doorway as the two ladies rounded the corner and came into view. Even in his condition, seeing them together, Kevin could not help fantasizing about a three-some. A slight smile showed on his face as he pictured it in his mind.

"Hi, Kevin," addressed Nancy, seemingly a little unsure of herself. "How do you feel?"

"Lucky," he told her. "Lucky to be alive, thanks to Tyler."

"Tell her how you did it," Susan said.

"Ah, it seems so stupid, looking back. I don't want everybody to know I'm afraid of snakes."

"It's better than having everyone think you're just plain clumsy," teased his smiling wife.

Kevin told his neighbor the short story behind the accident. It would have probably been funny if it hadn't almost cost him his life.

That night, as her family sat down to dinner, Nancy repeated the accounts of his accident. "I went over and saw Kevin today," she started.

"How's he doing?" asked Tyler.

"He's doing good. He told me what happened that day. You're not going to believe what he was trying to do..."

"I give up," joked Tyler.

"Kill a snake," she resumed.

"A snake," Chris asserted. "The only kind we have around here are Garter Snakes, mom. They can't hurt you."

"Yeah, well it startled him. He must have just past the snake up with the mower and probably scared it. Anyway, it shot right in front of Kevin's feet. He panicked and tried to pull the mower backwards to kill it but he was jumping back at the same time and tripped."

For someone as capable as Tyler, it was hard for him to believe anyone could be so reckless. "Why didn't he let go of the mower? The damn thing's got a kill switch on it. If he'd have let go right away the engine would have died immediately."

"Like I said, he panicked. His hand froze on the handle."

"Geeze," Tyler said, shaking his head, "all that over a Garter Snake. How long has he lived here, for Pete sake. He's never seen a snake before?"

"I think it was just that it surprised him, honey. He also told me to thank you for saving his life. He's really grateful to you. He said a couple of times that he didn't know how he was ever going to repay you. He's hoping you'll go over there so he can thank you in person."

"Tell him it's not necessary, honey. But when you see him again, tell him if he really wants to repay me, he should buy some snake repellant for his yard."

That brought a laugh from everyone around the table.

Over the next few weeks, relations between the two families were getting back to normal, although Nancy and Susan did seem to be closer than they were before the accident. Tyler never did go over to receive his hero's welcome and Kevin started back to working four-to-twelve so their paths didn't cross. It was seven weeks almost to the day, before Kevin saw his chance.

It was mid-morning on a Saturday. Kevin looked out the window and saw Nancy in the front of their house. Both cars were in the drive so it was a good bet Tyler was around somewhere as well.

"Honey, I'm going over to talk to Tyler. I have yet to tell him how grateful I am to him."

"Alright," responded Susan. "Why don't you invite him and Nancy over for dinner tonight. Tell them to bring the kids."

"That sounds like a good idea. I will," he answered on his way out.

Tyler had been working in the garage but had to take a leak. He was just coming out of the bathroom when he glanced out the window and saw Kevin crossing the street. He hadn't talked to him since the accident so he assumed his neighbor was coming over to say thanks. He approached the screen door but stopped short of venturing outside and just watched as Kevin walked up and stood behind Nancy. She was weeding the flower bed under the picture window and was still kneeling in the dirt. She hadn't heard his approach but with almost a sixth sense a chill ran up her back as she felt her neighbor's presence. She stood and backed up to put some space between them.

"What do you want, Kevin?"

Tyler was about to walk outside but hesitated when he recognized his wife's uneasiness. He knew his wife well enough to know when she was tense. Something wasn't right, he could feel it. It didn't take an expert to read their body language. Tyler was getting an uncomfortable feeling. He noticed his wife nervously glancing around, presumably to see if anyone was watching them. What the hell was going on, he wondered? He knew, because of the difference in light, they couldn't see him behind the screen so he stayed out of sight and listened to their conversation.

Kevin's obviously cool reception caught him slightly off guard. "I...um, I came over to talk to Tyler. I still haven't thanked him for saving my life..."

"He's in the back, by the garage," she said curtly cutting him off.

Kevin looked around to make sure Tyler was nowhere in sight before speaking. "And..." he continued, "I thought as long as I'm here I'd, ah - I just thought I'd let you know the doc said I can resume all activities - all of them," he repeated with a snicker. "So, now that all the excitement's over..."

Nancy was hoping she misunderstood his meaning. Surely he couldn't be talking about what she thought he was talking about. She looked him in the eye. "I don't believe you. Are you seriously suggesting we keep screwing each other...after my husband saved your life; this is the way you plan to repay him?"

Suddenly Tyler's whole world was caving in around him. His body froze in place as if he'd just been struck with a bolt of lightning. Still hidden behind the screen door, he stood spellbound as his wife's words reverberated in his head.

"Jesus, Kevin, you really are a pig, aren't you. You don't have a decent bone in your body. Do you have any idea the chance we took? What if Tyler every found out? What if Susan ever found out? At the hospital, she never left your side. She loves you. How can you even think about continuing our dirty little affair?"

"Oh don't give me that shit," Kevin responded snidely. "I never forced you into anything. So Tyler saved my life; I'm grateful, big fucking deal. That doesn't mean we can't still enjoy ourselves. Nothing's really changed. We've already talked about our spouses finding out. There's no way. Who's going see us? No one's around during the day. Everybody in the whole fucking neighborhood works during the day. Tyler's never going to find out about us and neither will Su..."

Kevin never got a chance to finish what he was saying. Both he and Nancy looked over in shock when they heard the screen door fly open.

"YOU SON-OF-A BITCH," screamed Tyler as he leaped from the porch. "I'LL KILL YOU!"

Before his mind could comprehend what was happening, Kevin was dropped by a hard right fist to the side of his head.

The recognition that he had saved the life of the man who was screwing his wife, had enraged Tyler beyond comprehension...beyond reason. He was insane with anger as he jumped on his stunned enemy's chest and wrapped both hands around his throat.

"STOP! STOP! TYLER, YOU'LL KILL HIM," screamed Nancy. With tears streaming down her face, she grabbed his arm and desperately tried to pull it free from the choking man's windpipe. "TYLER!" she screamed again as she unsuccessfully tried to break his grip.

Kevin could feel his air supply being cut off. Terrified, he looked into the eyes of a mad man. Instinctively, he seized Tyler's wrists and tried to pry them from his throat. He gagged and gasped for a single breath. He tried twisting his body and kicking. He bucked with his hips, attempting to throw his assailant off, but nothing worked.

Only the shrill scream from a eight year old could penetrate the fury of her father's wrath. "DADDY, DADDY..." cried LeAnn.

It was like dumping a bucket of cold water over his head. Tyler looked up and into the petrified expression on his daughter's face. His grip relaxed. Now with tears of his own, his heart pounded from the pain of knowing how he had almost killed a man in the presence of his little girl.

He quickly stood, picked her up, and clutched her in a protective embrace. "I'm sorry, honey. Daddy's so sorry," he cried. "I didn't mean to scare you, pumpkin. It's okay," he said as he carried the scared little girl back into the house and away from the two cheaters.

Nancy was almost hysterical. She thought for sure, her husband was going to kill her co-adulterer. She knelt in the grass, hunched over with both hands covering her face and her forehead almost hitting her knees. Her body convulsed with each sob. She didn't even hear the frantic voice approaching from across the street.

"MY GOD, WHAT HAPPENED?" yelled Sue as she ran to the scene.

Ken had rolled over on his side. His face was bright red and he was bleeding from a gash over his left eye. He was still coughing and gasping for air. Sue dropped to her knees and cradled his head in her arms. She hadn't seen what happened, only the aftermath. She looked to Nancy for answers.

"Nancy, what happened? Who...where's Tyler?" But her friend was lost in her own world of despair and unable to answer.

Kevin was still rasping with every breath but was at least getting some air into his lungs. His voice was barely audible as he tried to speak. "Hel...help me..." he choked out as he struggled to get up.

"Where's Tyler?" cried Susan. "Who did this to you? My God!"

"Pleas...please, just help me up," he responded without answering.

Anxiously, Susan reached under his arm and helped as he grappled to his feet. She gave him as much support as she could but was also worried about her neighbor. "What about Nancy?" she asked, looking back over her shoulder.

"She'll..." he was still choking for air. "She'll be okay."

Susan felt guilty leaving her alone but had to help her husband first. With his wife's assistance, Kevin limped his way back home.

"Tell me what happened?" she cried again as the bewildered woman helped her beaten husband into a chair.

Kevin had no idea what to tell her. He had already made up his mind he wasn't going to call the cops. He still clung to the slightest hope he'd somehow be able to keep his wife from finding out the truth, although now he felt that was a long shot. He held up his hand and begged for time to get catch his breath again while trying to come up with some kind of story.

"Come on," Susan said, helping him out of the chair. "Let's go in the bathroom and take care of that eye. Then you're going to tell me what happened."

"Ouch," Kevin winced and pulled away as his wife started cleaning up the blood.

Once she got a better look at the cut..."Oh, Kevin, this is deep. You're going to need stiches. Come on," she said handing him the wash cloth. "Press this against the cut and get in the car. I'm taking you to the ER."

Across the street, Tyler was doing his best to explain his burst of temper to his daughter while his wife still sat in their lawn seeing her entire life flash before her eyes. Even though she'd never seen Tyler anywhere near that angry before, she had no worries for the welfare of their child or her own safety.

Nancy languished in grief and fear. She was at a complete loss and had no idea what to do. She had to face him, but how. Her tears subsided as her mind turned toward the impending confrontation.

Just as she'd been doing secretly for weeks, she cursed herself for surrendering to her boredom and doing something so selfish and stupid, only now her self-loathing took on a whole new dimension. Before it was from guilt; now she was face to face with everything she risked, everything she could lose.

It had been a good ten or twelve minutes before Nancy even tried summoning the courage to stand. She took two steps and supported herself with the porch railing while wiping her eyes again. Her entire body shook with fright. Cautiously, she entered the home she'd shared with her loving family.

While backing out of their drive, Susan caught a glimpse of her good friend as she entered the house and was relieved to see she appeared to be okay. In her mind, she couldn't begin to comprehend what could have happened but her questions would have to wait. At that moment she had to get her husband to the emergency.


Tyler was sitting in the living room with LeAnn in his lap. Her little arms wrapped around her father as she rested her head on his chest. Remnants of tears could still be seen on her rosy cheeks. The man who almost killed their neighbor just a few minutes earlier, now softly hummed a soothing lullaby while he rocked his little girl back and forth.

Nancy looked at the loving scene and had a premonition of it all being taken from her. That fear was increased when she saw the hatred in his eyes as Tyler glared at her.

"I...I'm so sorry, Tyler," she whispered. "I never meant..."

She let the words drift into nothingness as he looked away. He wasn't interested in hearing her pitiful apologies. Her heart felt as if it had just shattered into little pieces. She hadn't even a glimmer of hope for saving her marriage, the look that Tyler had just given her, foretold of impending doom. Just that fast, the wonderful life they had built as a family was gone...and for what, she asked herself? For nothing but trying to add a little excitement to her dull, lonely days; never, never had she ever even considered anyone finding out. It was their secret, just the two of them. No one was supposed to get hurt. No one was ever supposed to know.

Nancy climbed the stairs as if they led to a gallows. Her grief was almost too much to handle. Briefly, thoughts of ending it flashed through her mind. She strayed into their bedroom and closed the door behind her. She sat on the edge of the bed and raised her head to stare at the evil woman looking back at her from the dressing table mirror.

Uncontrollable tears flooded her eyes as she leaned over and buried her face into the pillow.


"Now," demanded an angry Susan while driving back from the hospital, "tell me what happened! Who did this to you?"

Kevin had been desperately trying to think of something to tell his wife but had come up blank. He told the doctor he was trying to unjam a cabinet door and when it finally let loose it flew back and hit him. The doc seemed to accept his story but Susan knew better and she wasn't dumb. He didn't see any other choices but to come clean and throw himself on her mercy.

"Sue, I...I love you. Before I tell you what happened, I want you to know that. No matter what happens, you have to believe me when..."

Susan glanced over and looked into her husband's tearing eyes; suddenly it hit her. "You...you're having an affair," she muttered almost as if in shock. "It was somebody's husband, wasn't it. Oh my God, who...someone I know?"

Kevin just hung his head and stayed quiet while his shocked wife started running through the possibilities. Was it someone she knew? When? When did he have time? It had to be during the day...before he went to work.

As Susan was pulling back into their drive she looked across the street remembering her neighbor kneeling in the lawn, crying. That's when it all came together. My God, she thought, Nancy was home all day...and she was so close; the kids were in school, all the neighbors worked..."You're having an affair with Nancy?" she blurted out. Her heart didn't want to believe it, but her mind knew it was true. "Tyler beat you up, didn't he? He found out..." Almost as if in a trance, she stepped from the car.

Kevin raced around the hood and approached her, looking for forgiveness.

Without even waiting for him to say anything, she lashed out and slapped him hard across the face.

"I'm sorry; I'm so very sorry," he whimpered.

Susan's ire rose almost to that of her neighbor's. "That bitch," she said out loud. "All this time, pretending to be my friend and all the while screwing around with my husband behind my back!"

She looked at the sniveling man she had loved so much. "And you, I...I can't believe you'd do this. How could you? Damn it, Keven, we just started talking about having a family."

"We still can," he said sounding hopeful. "It...it just kind of happened, but it's over...honest. That's what I was telling Nancy when Tyler overheard us. I'm so sorry, honey..."

His apology was cut short with another stinging slap across his face.

"Don't you call me that...no more, never again! You lost the right to call me honey, you...oh God," she cried out. "I just can't believe this. What a nightmare."

"Please," he whined again. He went to reach for her. "I'm so sor..."

Susan backed up, out of his reach. "I want you out of this house," she stated, not waiting for him to finish yet another apology. "Pack your bags and get out."

"Sue, no...please; where...where would I go? Please, I..."

"I don't care where you go. Sleep in the streets for all I care, but if you're not out of this house in an hour I'll have Tyler come over and throw you out." It was her last word on the subject. She turned her back on him and went inside the house. Her heart pounded like a drum as she poured herself some coffee and then exited into the patio. It was her favorite spot. She decided to sit out there and contemplate her life without Kevin. Only then did the tears start to fall.


Tyler was finally able to calm LeAnn down. She returned to the back deck to play with her dolls.

Tyler was lost. His wife was up stairs doing whatever...he didn't know. Maybe she was packing, maybe trying to think of a way to lie her way out of it...who knew. He didn't, and he really didn't care.

At the moment he was more concerned with Kevin. His hate for the man was festering. All he could think about was the fact that he had saved the life of the man who ruined his. If he'd only known...he could have stood over him and laughed as the life-giving blood gushed from his body. The thought made him smile.

He was deep in thought when he heard someone calling his name. He looked up and saw Susan standing in the doorway.