Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 019


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Shivering, Mike stood up, glancing back at the river. There was no sign of Beth, and he was worried that she could be seriously hurt. Everyone in the house was in danger now, and he felt powerless to help. Mike stripped off his clothes, standing naked on the cool grass while he attempted to squeeze as much water out of them as possible. Giving his pants a good twist, he was surprised to see the blue stone dangling from its chain. He had stuck it in his pocket, promptly forgetting about it until now.

"Shit," he muttered, laying it on a rock with the dagger and his shoes. With no sunlight up above, cold and miserable was going to be the recipe for the rest of his day. Frustrated, he threw his pants at the ground and sat down on a rock. The sensation of cold stone on his scrotum made him jump up, and he swore again.

"The wet man is mad," a tiny voice said from behind him. Looking over his shoulder, Mike knelt by the dagger, his hand hovering over the hilt.

"Cold and wet and miserable," another voice squeaked.

"But he's still cute," a third voice added.

"Show yourself," Mike said. "Please. I mean you no harm, but will fight if I have to."

"This one's got fire in his veins."

"Not like the others.

"And he's much cuter."

"What others?" Mike asked. "Have you seen my friends?"

"The one with one eye?"

"Or the green one?"

"Or the one made of stone?" When the last voice spoke, three colorful balls of light rose from behind the stones around him. One red, one green, and one blue. They circled him, pulsating gently in rhythm with one another.

"Please. Please hold still." They were making Mike dizzy. "You've seen my friends?"

"Oh, for sure!" The three lights landed on one of the bigger stones, flaring brightly to reveal three tiny women. Each one retained their colored aura, and stood roughly nine inches tall. Mike puzzled over their nature until he saw the fluttering wings behind their backs.

"Oh. You're fairies," he said.

"Indeed we are."

"Oh, so clever."

"Glad to hear he isn't blind." Mike knelt down for a closer look at them. The red fairy had tiny black antenna sprouting from her head, and dark lines down her belly. She spun around for his approval, her rear end lighting up like a torch. The green fairy had multiple eyes, and four translucent wings behind her back. She took off, her body hovering in place at eye level.

"Like what you see?" she asked, blowing him a kiss.

"Uh..." Mike looked at the last fairy. She had unusually large eyes, and her wings were hidden by a hard blue shell. When she crossed her arms, it pushed her tiny breasts up and out. "Yes. You are all quite pretty."

The fairies let out a cheer, and took off once more, flying circles around him. Two landed on his shoulders, and the blue one on top of his head. They were very light -- Mike felt that the tiniest of breezes would dislodge them.

"I expected fairies to look more... human."

"You're thinking of pixies," the green one told him. "Pixies are nasty."

"So nasty," the red one added.

"We're way more fun to play with," the blue one told him, leaning over his forehead to smile in his face. Mike smiled back, trying not to stare at her tiny blue nipples.

"As much as I would like to play, my friends need my help. Do you know where they are? And my other friend who was with me, she fell in the river. I have to know if she is okay."



"We could tell you." The blue one's smile turned mischievous. "If we wanted to."

"I really need to know. Are they okay?"

The fairies exchanged looks. "For now."

"So what is it that you want?" Mike asked. "To help me find my friends?"

The three faeries giggled, and the blue one blushed.

"You have something we've wanted for a long time."

"Something powerful."

"Something magic." Blue slipped off his head, her wings fluttering loudly while she hovered before him. "We want to eat your seed."

"My seed?" Mike asked. The three faeries nodded hungrily, Red licking her lips. "You mean my sperm?"

"It gives us powerful magic."

"Magic to escape this place."

"Magic to make wishes come true."

"You're trapped here too?" Mike asked.

"For a long time."

"The Minotaur can't catch us."

"But we can't leave." Blue pouted, her eyes expanding adorably. "Will you help us?"

"I...I suppose." All three faeries glowed like tiny stars, their faces lit up (literally) in excitement. Mike looked around. "Um, where do you want me to go?"

"You can sit if you want!" Green told him, and she hovered over the ground, glitter falling from her wings. A tiny mushroom sprouted beneath her, and the longer she hovered, the bigger it got. Eventually it took the size and shape of a small loveseat.

"Thanks." Sitting down, Mike almost laughed at the looks of desperation on their tiny faces. "This will take me a few minutes, if you don't mind waiting. It doesn't help that I'm half frozen."

"Oh, we don't need your help!" Red told him, and the faeries landed on his thighs.

"Just lay back and relax." Blue said, placing her hands on his stomach. His body flooded with heat, hot air encircling him and drying him off.

"And we'll take care of the rest," Green said. Her hands covered in a rainbow aura, she began massaging Mike's scrotum, her hands creating a tingling sensation that spread along the base of his cock. His dick slowly hardened, and the faeries surrounded it, wrapping their arms around his thick shaft.

"Oh!" Mike was surprised at how good it felt, the sensation of tiny hands all along his penis, but the real surprise came from the tiny kisses they planted on the head of his penis. Each one sent a tiny surge of energy into his body, their tiny tongues making his cock twitch. The faeries giggled when his dick moved, holding on tightly and wrapping their legs around him.

Blue held tightly to the bottom of his shaft, using her legs as a cock ring and making his dick swell even larger. She let out a laugh, licking him, her tiny warm tongue making his cock twitch again, releasing a tiny drop of pre cum from its tip.

Red and Green were there to intercept it. The drop was big enough for them to split, and they licked the head of his penis even more, causing yet another trickle of precum to flow from the tip. They rubbed themselves against it, like cats with catnip, letting out tiny gasps of their own. At the base of his cock, Blue was moaning, and Mike realized that she was now rubbing her tiny pussy against him. It left behind a glittery trail of lubrication, and she slowly circled him, anointing him with her fluids.

"That... feels really good," he told them, which seemed to inspire their efforts. Red was openly feeding, her lips on the rim of his urethra, sucking and mewling in delight. Below her, Green was lapping up what Red couldn't swallow, grinding her hips against his shaft while fingering Red above her with her free hand. Red began swiveling her hips, pushing herself lower onto Green's hand, letting out tiny, high-pitched moans.

"Hey!" Blue reached up to try and grab some of his pre-cum, but Red and Green had intercepted all of it. Green shifted her weight and pushed Red farther up Mike's cock. Red was now actively lapping at the steady flow of pre-cum, a result of his unfinished orgasm earlier with Naia. Shoving her face onto the head of Mike's cock, he watched in amazement when her lips stretched impossibly wide, enveloping the top half of his glans.

"Holy..." Mike whispered in awe, watching the little red fairy's mouth and head expand. She was gulping greedily, sucking Mike dry and making his cock even harder. Her eyes bugged out of her head, and Green pulled her glitter soaked hand out of Red's snatch.

"No fair!" Green pulled on Red, and Red popped free, tumbling onto Mike's crotch, a satisfied look on her face. Red adjusted her antenna and smiled at Mike, her body glowing.

"I'm going to find your friends now," she said, doing a little pirouette on his lap before turning into a ball of light and disappearing in the distance.

"Thanks, uh..." Green had taken position at the top now, her eyes hungrily fixated on Mike's twitching shaft. Licking around the edges of his glans, she worked her way up to the top of Mike's penis, nibbling at the edges of his urethra.

"The best stuff is farther down," she informed him, holding up a glitter soaked hand. Gently circling his urethra, she slid her hand inside, gently moving her fist inside of his dick.

"That's... I mean..." Mike's cock spasmed, the sensation of something moving along the inside both strange and enticing. He could feel her fist moving up and down inside his shaft. He pressed a couple of fingers against the base of his cock, reveling in the sensation of that tiny fist moving just below the skin. Was this even a thing? It felt good, but what would it accomplish?

Blue sighed, scooting slightly higher on his dick. The lower half of his shaft looked like he had fucked an envelope full of glitter, and she was letting out tiny moans the whole way. Green's slow movements made his cock spasm again, and she held still.

"I'm going to go deeper," she informed him, hovering just above his penis with her four wings and pushing her arm in past her elbow. It was like flicking a switch, and the slightly pleasurable sensation suddenly changed. Every few movements felt like a miniature orgasm, and Mike watched in amazement as she worked her arm in all the way to the shoulder, her face a mask of concentration as she moved her arm in and out. Small, clear pools of semen formed, and then were pushed out, and Green lifted her arm free, pulling out some of the stickiest cum Mike had ever seen.

"Don't... don't stop," Mike begged her. Green was quickly lapping up what she could, the remaining cum leaking down onto Blue, who was actively humping Mike's shaft while she licked up what she could.

"Don't worry," Green assured him. "I'm not full yet." She slid her arm inside of his shaft again, and he felt like his dick would suddenly burst. The sensation was similar to the moment before an orgasm, but it had been stretched all the way out. Green was making a fist, and she continued to jack him off from the inside with tiny little movements that made his head spin.

"Oh fuck," Mike whispered, and he felt Blue slide down the bottom of his cock. With a show of super strength, she wrapped her legs around the top of his balls and squeezed, doing the same to the base of his shaft with her arms. The orgasm was halted, but not before semen squirted out all around Green's arm, sticking to her like honey.

Screaming with delight, the fairy began her feast, her whole body lighting up with every swallow. Blue held a tight grip against his balls, and he could feel his arousal declining. Green was meticulous, licking everywhere he had sprayed, including her own arm. She contorted unnaturally, her long tongue easily cleaning off her elbow and armpit.

"I'm going to find your river friend," she informed him once she was clean. She hovered in front of his face, her many eyes blinking. Blowing him a kiss, she flew away, turning into a bright green ball of light.

"Oh my god," Mike uttered, staring down at the last remaining fairy. "And what sort of trick do you have up your sleeve?"

"A good one," she promised, releasing her tight grip on his balls. Climbing up his shaft, she moved to the upper half, grinding her pussy against him once more. Moaning quietly to herself, she coated him in her glittering juices, spiraling her way up until she was near the head of his penis. His cock was tingling now, and it sparkled in the light of the Labyrinth.

"You have me on pins and needles," he told her. She giggled, scooting her crotch across the head of his dick. His urethra was still sensitive to the touch, but enjoyably so as she moved across it. She took off, hovering over him to inspect her handiwork. The sounds her wings made reminded him of a beetle in flight, a low, whispery rumble. Circling above his cock, she landed gently on top of it, a large smile on her face.

"I've never done this before," she told him. "But I've practiced when the others aren't around."

"Practiced what?" Mike asked. Blue began circling her hips on the head of his cock, the sensation very similar to a tongue or a determined finger. Working her hips back and forth and odd intervals, Mike saw that her swollen little pussy was expanding, widening itself to an alarming size.

"There's no way that'll work," Mike told her.

"You've never met a determined fairy," she replied. Her pussy was almost wide enough now to take the tip of his finger, and she grabbed on with her tiny, blue armored arms and pulled. Her hips expanded to accommodate, and Mike felt her widen once more. He was suddenly reminded of the Red fairy, and how her mouth had expanded to encompass the head of his dick.

"Can you... can your whole body stretch like that?" Mike asked.

"Mmh hmm," Blue responded, her eyes tightly shut in concentration.

"Then allow me to help," he said, carefully grabbing her legs with each hand. Her eyes opened wide when Mike tugged down on them, and he was surprised to see her body expand even farther, taking in most of the head of his dick. Her hips were now huge in comparison to the rest of her body.

"Don't stop," she begged, panting loudly. "Please don't stop." She felt impossibly tight, and the glittery fluid leaking from her cunt was now glowing.

"Oh, don't worry," Mike informed her, shifting his grip to her waist. He grabbed her gently, then pulled her body even farther down onto him. Her stomach was now swollen, the head of his cock buried inside her. Blue let out a scream, and Mike let go.

"No, no, more!" She yelled, grabbing at his fingers. Mike grabbed her again and proceeded even farther, watching her torso swell like a balloon, her breasts pushed out by the top of his cock. His dick was wider than she was, and she stretched even farther. Using his free hand, he teased her nipples with the tip of his finger, grinning at the panicked look on her face.

"Do you like that?" He asked, playfully flicking them with his fingernail. Blue nodded, her eyes rolling into her head. He pushed himself deeper, stopping when he realized that the top of his dick was now just below her throat. It suddenly occurred to him that with her current distortion, there could be no room for internal organs, and he worried that he was crushing her insides. He relaxed, and her elastic body began to slide up and off of him.

"What are you doing?" She hissed, her tiny legs kicking.

"I'm going to hurt you," he said.

"No you aren't! Now be a fucking man and put it all the way-AHHHHH!" Blue shrieked when Mike grabbed her by the hips tightly and pushed his way forward. His cock stretched her throat wide, then went up to her head. Her skull expanded now, and her eyes rolled wildly as she dug her tiny fingers into the flesh of his thumb.

"OH GODS, MORE!" She demanded, and Mike obliged. Her body stretched vertically as he pulled her down as far as she could go, her pussy hitting the bottom of his dick. She was tight, and the inside of her body was now vibrating, sending ripples of pleasure through Mike. He moaned softly, lifting her up and then pulling her down again.


Mike moved her slowly at first, adjusting to the strange sensation that he was holding a person and not a masturbator. Still, the little blue fairy was pretty demanding, and Mike stroked himself faster, adjusting the timing to Blue's outbursts, bottoming out at the end of each sentence.

"Oh, please, all the WAY! Yes, yes, yes, FUUUUCK!" Blue's words ran together, and Mike felt her whole body tremble. Stroking harder, he started to twist her now, delighting in the sensation and in her reaction. She was letting out screams now, and Mike shoved himself in deep as she came.

"FUCKING DIRTY HUMAN!" She screamed, and her magic launched fireworks in every directions, fireworks that stained the ground and rocks around them in glitter. She gushed more of the slippery fluid all over him, and her whole body contracted like a set of fingers around him, fingers that were vibrating rapidly. Thinking of all the frustration he had built up inside him, the pent up energy from worrying about his friends, he pounder her mercilessly. Unable to contain himself any longer, the orgasm that had been denied him for so long built up inside his body, and he unleashed it inside of the Blue fairy.

"FUUUUUCK!" She squealed, her body expanding like a water balloon. Mike grunted, shoving himself inside of her again, a second blast making her breasts expand to comic proportions. Her arms flailed wildly, and she opened her mouth, blue light escaping from it. Mike groaned, leaning back in his mushroom chair and releasing the fairy.

"Oh shit," he said, staring at the high ceiling above him. The Blue Fairy slowly slid her way up his shrinking shaft, her stretchy body forcing her free. Mike's cock glowed blue with her fluids and his own, and she collapsed in his lap, lying in a pool of semen and glitter. Breathing heavily, he found himself getting sleepy. "You okay down there?" He asked.

"I've never been better," Blue replied. Her whole body was coated in his semen, but she wasn't bothering to clean it. Her body was slowly deflating as she absorbed his cum, glowing like a tiny star. Mike ran his fingers along her body affectionately, and she pushed herself into his touch. "Let's wait for the others to come back. Then we can go find your friends."

"Sounds like a plan," he said, staring into the darkness up above.

I hope you enjoyed it, because I enjoyed writing it!

I just want to say thank you to the community here at Lit. I know I bring it up all the time, but you are so supportive and grateful for the work I do and I know that I wouldn't have the guts to keep writing this if not for the wonderful readers who are here. Don't forget to rate, comment, or write me a note, I love reading them! I also love your predictions - some of you have been eerily spot on with thos, but I bet I have a couple surprises left for you in Part 2. Also, for those of you waiting anxiously, the minotaur will be making a full appearance in Chapter 20.

I do update my bio every time I upload, so follow me to get those updates! Much love to everybody, and be kind to one another!

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AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Why would she have a nightmare of life support screaming Alex if they had to scrape him off the road and have a closed casket. So you read your own stories or outline to ferment what you've said

Gravel57Gravel57about 2 months ago

Anyone can learn to be a writer, just look at the book shelves at Walmart. Not much worth reading there. However, there are writers with great talent and imagination that draw you into their world. You are one of those writers and I am so happy to have found your work. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Thank you for this amazing piece of Fantastic fiction, i just love it. I greatly admire your colorful imagination and backround knownledge about mystic creatures if i just see the number of chapters. Thank you again, for publishing. It makes my dark-grey life much more colorful.

KerrionKerrionabout 2 months ago

Lol... and here I thought blue was going to be launched off him like a rocket when he released inside of her! LoL


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Absolutely loving this series!!

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