Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 022


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"What?" Mike was surprised when Ratu handed him the key.

"I have my theories. Have you ever put two different foods together and discovered that they taste amazing when paired? I believe that Emily was planning to use this key to do the impossible - become a demigod."

"Why would she need to do that?"

Ratu nodded. "She discovered something in the house. She would never tell me what it was, but based on some conversations we had, I believe that she had discovered the Architect's identity. However, she knew that her lifespan was approaching its end, and became desperate for more time. Immortality comes at a great price, and she intended to use the power of this key to gain it through divine intervention."

"So, what, this is the key to Heaven or something?"

"If only it were that simple. I'm afraid that humans have muddied the waters when it comes to what is real and what isn't. Have you ever wondered if an ant can distinguish you from a cloud in the sky? Mortals are small, and often only see what they want to." Ratu held out her hand, and Mike returned the key. "No, I believe she was going to use the key to open a door to where the Ancient Ones slumber, beings from before the Universe existed."

"That sounds like some Lovecraftian shit."

Ratu frowned, her lips stretching dramatically. "Lovecraft did more for mankind than you will ever know, and he paid a price for it. Yes, we are talking about beings of immense power who are unable to enter this plane through ordinary means. You see, no god in their right mind would simply make Emily a demigod. She had nothing to offer. I believe that she planned to offer a trade, allow one of them to slip through."

"That's... that's crazy!"

"Worse yet, I also believe that she intended to use the secret of the house to control the being - eventually." Ratu tucked the key back into her kimono. "That being said, this is just a theory. Emily brought me many ancient texts under the guise that I was perfecting my craft. Instead, I was researching the grim possibility that she was about to make a huge mistake. Months before her death, I had learned how to destroy and harvest the magic from the final object. Instead, I encased it beneath a lake of ice."

"If you know how to destroy it, then why do you need the goggles?"

Ratu pursed her lips, deep in thought. "This... artifact is extremely dangerous. As I mentioned, the Ancient Ones are extremely powerful, but not just in terms of strength. They reside in a plane that is devoid of time and space. The sheer act of interacting with such a creature can destroy the mind, and as such, the object I need to destroy is very devious. Imagine trying to drive a nail into wood, but in the moment you swing your hammer, the nail is now a snake, and the wood a piece of pie. So now you are chasing a snake with your hammer, but now your hammer is a mallet, and you are a German Shepard."


"Exactly. This isn't just a hallucination, or a fever dream. The last object is sealed inside a container meant to prevent the chaos from spreading. Once the container is open, you have to hit the nail before the world changes around you. As a human, just to look upon this thing would cause you to go insane. However, the goggles are a Divine Object, able to pierce the veil and protect the user for a time."

"And this is where I come in."

"Perhaps. With Emily dead, my contract with her is void, except I have technically collected on a bargain I never delivered. I am unable to leave this place, and I am afraid that I suspected that you had come down here to demand the results that Emily never achieved." Ratu bowed her head. "For this, I am sorry."

Mike nodded. "It sounds like you were trying to do the right thing. I accept your apology. What about you, Tink?" Mike looked down at the goblin and smiled. Sometime during the conversation, she had eaten her fill, then leaned her head against his side, promptly falling asleep.

"Do you know what she called me right after I brought her here?"

Mike grinned. "I can only imagine. Did it end with fuck?"

Ratu laughed. "It was like stream of consciousness from the bottom of a swamp. Asterion asked me to explain to him what some of the words meant. He had never heard them before."

"Yeah." Mike put his arm around Tink. "She can be feisty. Does this mean you will let them all go? My friends and the faeries?"

"I require a new contract of you, the Caretaker. Once you have fulfilled your part of the bargain, I will release all of you."

"Lay it out for me."

"I would ask that you use those goggles to help me destroy the last object. I also wish to continue living in this place, with the caveat that I am allowed to leave when I choose."

"Sounds straightforward enough." Mike lightly stroked Tink's hair, smiling when she muttered in her sleep. "In exchange, I ask for the release of my friends, and that you never do anything to bring danger to the house. Also, safe passage if I or any of the others wish to come see you."

"That... is an odd request."

"You seem rather lonely." Mike said. Ratu's posture shifted very slightly. "If you were truly a solitary creature, you wouldn't have chosen this place to come. I'm sure the minotaur is nice enough, but he doesn't strike me as much of a conversationalist."

Ratu considered Mike for several seconds, then laughed. "You are an interesting human. Perhaps I will enjoy getting to know you."

"So what now?" Mike asked.

"I have preparations to make. Feel free to rest in the pagoda - you will be unsurprised to find that it is bigger on the inside."

"Sounds about right." Mike finished the last few bites of food on his plate, then pulled Tink into his arms. She shifted, pulling herself tightly against him.

"Husband," she muttered. Mike smiled, walking along the table and toward the pagoda. The area around it was surrounded by hanging cloths that flapped gently in the breeze generated by the burning braziers. Drawing close, the pagoda gave off a weird illusion, suddenly looking even taller now that he was up close. Stepping through the doorway, Mike stared upward in awe. The pagoda stretched as far as he could see, creating the illusion that he was staring into infinity. Climbing the stairs by the entrance, he soon found a small room lit by hanging lanterns with a large, comfortable bed. Moving toward it, he knelt down to gently set the goblin onto the soft, red sheets.

"Wha-?" While laying Tink on the bed, he felt her teeth clamp down on his shoulder. Growling, Tink pulled Mike into bed with her, her tail whipping around until she was on top of him, her hands pinning Mike to the mattress. She released his shoulder.

"Tink wait long time for husband," she announced, her eyes narrowing. "Husband come for Tink. Husband love Tink."

"Of course I do, but - hey!" Tink was yanking Mike's pants off now, her back to Mike. He grabbed onto her hips to push her off when he felt her hands on his cock. She tickled the underside of it with one of her claws, then bent over, sniffing the air.

"Who is this?" Tink asked. Mike felt suddenly ashamed, but knew there was no reason to be. Tink didn't care that he had sex with the others. To her, it was no different than watching tv or sharing eggos with a friend.

"Uh... Sofia."

"Ha! One-eye is a dirty girl. She say she think husband is dumb like rock, but Tink know different." Tink sniffed again. "But who else?"

"Some fairies." Tink was stroking him now, the bottom of her skirt riding up enough that when her tail twitched, he could see her buttocks on display.

"Ooh! Fairy make magic oil!" Tink tugged gently on Mike's shaft, playing with his balls with her other hand. Mike sighed, enjoying the wave of relaxation that was washing over him. It had been a long day, and it felt nice to slow down.

"Do you want some?" Blue, tucked away in Mike's collar, launched herself in the air, circling Tink. "You'll have to earn it!"

"Ooh, pretty!" Tink held her hand out. Blue landed gently in the palm of her hand. "Tink remember fairy! We make plenty of trouble."

Uh oh. Mike tried to sit up, but Tink pushed him back down without even looking.

"Fairy help Tink? Tink think husband brave, need reward."

"Tink, I don't..." Her tail brushed across his face, distracting him. He tried to grab it, but it danced playfully in front of his face.

"Husband come save Tink, Tink say thank you." Scooting her rear up on his chest, she leaned forward to suck him into her mouth. Mike grabbed onto Tink's hips, letting out another sigh. Tink teased the hole of his cock with her tongue, then used her teeth to tease the edge of his frenulum. Mike stroked her tail, rubbing his hands along the edge of her ass. She leaned forward even farther, revealing the edge of her pussy. Mike's fingers slid down to find it, teasing her tight opening with circular movements.

"Ah!" Mike gasped - the familiar sensation of Blue grabbing the base of his cock with her hands and legs made him even harder, and Tink's mouth was stretched to the limit to accommodate him. Tink growled, her mouth full of Mike's dick. He was able to slide the tip of his forefinger into her snatch, and her growls amplified.

Tink pulled her mouth off of him, pumping his shaft with both hands. "Tink show husband that Tink is best," she declared. Blue squeaked when Tink grabbed her, sliding the fairy up Mike's shaft and rubbing her across the head of Mike's cock. "Tink get husband nice and wet."

Blue let out a shriek of delight when Tink forced her onto Mike's cock, stretching the fairy down until her legs bounced against the edge of his balls. Mike groaned, his whole cock tingling with pleasure. Tink scooted around, turning to face Mike, her hands squeezing Mike's cock through the fairy. Blue's whole body was distorted, her face stretched into a giant grin.

"Tink always best," she muttered, pushing Mikes cock down against his stomach. Scooting herself forward, she trapped Mike's cock in place with her pussy, rubbing herself against the fairy and Mike's shaft. Mike ran his hands up Tink's thighs, pushing her dress up and over her head. Her nipples, all four of them, were rock hard.

Mike grabbed a pillow, placing it beneath his shoulders so that he could sit up. Tink humped him, causing Blue to let out a noise similar to a squeaky toy. Mike tried not to laugh, which resulted in a huge grin on his face.

"Tink really is the best," he told her, his fingers squeezing her breasts. Purring, Tink knelt down to kiss him, her lips soft against his. Mike ran his fingers through her hair, his thumb rubbing the base of one of her horns. Her kissing became more insistent, her hips grinding more fiercely against his.

"Little fairy work harder," Tink declared, lifting her hips and rotating Blue so that she was face up. Blue's tiny hands reached up for Tink's labia, clutching her tightly before Tink could settle back down on the fairy.

"Can she breathe?" Mike asked.

"Tink not worry. Fairy need magic or air, not both." She kissed Mike again, only more urgently. "Get husband nice and ready." Tink bit Mike on the lip, drawing blood.

"Naughty goblin." Mike pulled Tink's hips against him, one hand reaching around to grab the base of her tail. "I was worried about you."

"Tink always worry about husband. Husband need Tink." Tink was gasping now, moving her hips in a circular motion. Blue flashes of light were emanating from between them, the fairy shedding magical light. Mike could feel the fairy's body tightening against his cock, her tiny limbs shaking.

Music played, and Tink shifted off of his cock. Blue was glowing, her body shooting off sparks that played musical notes when they vanished. Grabbing the fairy, Tink jacked off Mike as fast as she could.

Blue let out a tiny shriek, and Tink pulled her off Mike. Glittery cum ran out of the fairy, pooling up on Mike's stomach and across his balls. His whole cock was iridescent now, shimmering in the room's light.

"Fairy girl take a break," Tink declared, dropping Blue at the foot of the bed. Rubbing her slit against Mike, she pinned his shoulders down. "Tink's turn." Grabbing Mike's shaft, she positioned herself just over his head. "And this time, Tink make it fit."

"You really are a naughty goblin." Mike groaned, his shaft sinking into Tink's tight pussy. The fairy's cum allowed him to penetrate her easily, sliding in with minimal resistance. "But Tink, lube doesn't mean I'll go in deeper."

"Husband never bet against Tink." Tink was rolling her hips, pushing against him as hard as she could. With every pass, she sank just a little bit farther. "Tink have big idea." Tink was now as far as she could get, a couple of inches above the base of Mike's cock. He could feel the back wall of her vagina bouncing off the head of his cock.

"What now?" Mike asked, playfully yanking her tail. "I know one place I can fit, if you're so determined."

"Tink determined," she gasped. "Tink make it work." She was rolling her hips now, the back wall of her vagina rubbing sideways against the head of his cock. She lifted herself slightly, then pushed down. Frustration crawled across her face as she repeated the process several times.

"What are you trying to do?" Mike asked.

"Tink... saw... picture," she declared. "Picture on... magic screen."

Oh god. What had she found on his computer? Suddenly, he felt a slight shift inside of Tink, a small bump along the back of her vagina. Tink held still, moving carefully now, centering Mike's dick on that spot.

"Tink," Mike whispered. "That isn't going to fit there."

"Fairy oil," she hissed, pushing herself down on him. It should have been impossible, but Mike's entire life was the impossible. Groaning in delight, he felt the tiny ring of Tink's uterus squeeze along the head of his cock, his dick pushing through an opening it had no business fitting through. Gasping for air, Tink sat up, swiveling her hips from side to side, working Mike in even deeper.

"Holy shit," Mike whispered. Tink's clits were engorged to an unusual size now, pressing against his dick like a pair of fingers.

"Tink make fit. Tink make fit," she groaned, over and over again. Mike felt himself pushing against the back wall of her uterus now. In awe, he stared at the goblin. Her labia were pressed firmly against his pelvis, his cock now entirely inside of her. "Husband no move." He could feel the tension in her body building up, the excitement of the moment lifting Tink away. An energy had built up between them, ready to be released at any moment.

Mike grabbed Tink's tail and yanked it. Hard.

The goblin screamed, her entire body racked with spasms that started at the base of her body and worked their way up. Her eyes rolled back into her head, her arms going limp as her orgasm sucked the life out of her. Her vagina clenched Mike tightly, but nowhere near as hard as her cervix did. Mike cried out, feeling like it was going to crush him. He tried to pull himself free, but it was so tight that he couldn't pull out.

The effort of trying to free himself triggered a second orgasm in Tink. Falling forward onto Mike, she growled, then bit his collarbone. Mike's micro-thrusts combined with the tightness of the goblin caused a small orgasm to hit. However, the tight ring just past the head of his cock blocked him from releasing it all, and his orgasm vanished. Tink kept riding him, causing another small orgasm to hit, and this time the pressure was almost unbearable.

"Tink!" Mike cried out, and her uterus unclenched. Mike filled her womb with sperm, his third and final orgasm making his whole body shake. His whole body tensed up, and then relaxed, his cock popping free of Tink's uterus. He stayed inside of her, pulling her tightly against him. Tink stopped biting him, her arms folding against his chest.

"Tink told you she is best," she muttered, burying her face in his chest. She purred quietly, her body going limp when she fell asleep. Holding the goblin against him, he let out a sigh. Tink was safe, and that was what mattered most. Now that they were reunited, he felt like a part of him had been restored, a piece he hadn't realized was missing. He tightened his grip on the goblin, holding her as close as possible. Tink sighed, her gentle purring filling the room.

His hard cock was still inside her when he fell asleep.


I had so many readers beg me to bring Tink back, I hope you are happy to see her! If you enjoyed reading this, don't forget to leave a rating, review, or tell all your friends, because I absolutely love writing in the Horny Monster Universe!

I always update my bio before posting, so check it out or follow me on Lit to get those precious notifications.

Literotica readers are the best, you've got me so pumped for the next few chapters, I really hope you enjoy them! Be kind to each other, and I will see you next time!

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AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

As much as I like Tink, Ratu is much more attractive to me.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Wow. So Tink finally did it. Also, the story with the naga is interesting with a vivid illustration of an hallucination.

srv3135srv31355 months ago

I am happy to have Tink back, Mike need goblin wife, LOL

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot9 months ago

A+++++++++++, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ and, more ⭐s

Argonaut_1975Argonaut_197510 months ago

Tink could have used Blue as a condom.

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