Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 025


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"Well, could we save it? Keep some in the fridge? You could eat it later?"

"If Zel's theory is correct, the effect diminishes immediately upon exposure to air. Something about intent and intimacy. She wants me to collect it... personally." Dana sighed again. "Which brings up the other problem. When I drank it before, it made me super horny. And it ended up being okay, but only because someone was there to help me through it. Someone who wasn't a man. I'm still me, even if I'm dead. And part of me is afraid of what I'll become if I have to force myself to have sex with you just to stay alive. I feel like I have to choose between ravenous hunger, or losing my mind. It's hard for me to say it, but even if I just let you jack off in my mouth, part of me is gone forever, a part that waited for so long to be alive."

"Damn." Mike hadn't thought of that. She was dependent on him to stay sane, but didn't want to be involved with him sexually. "The important thing is that you need to decide what is okay for you. I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"You're not? I thought... I thought the others had to have sex with you to stay here?"

"Who gave you that idea?"

Naia rolled her eyes. Mike let out a laugh.

"Lily's been telling stories, it sounds like. I'm guessing she implied more than a few things. May I?" He gestured at the spot next to Dana. She nodded, so he sat next to her. "This is going to sound weird, but sex here and with the people in this house isn't like sex out there. Here it's no different than going to a movie, or eating ice cream with friends. Granted, there are a bunch of emotional attachments, but I'm not forcing myself on anyone. In fact, I think more than a couple of them have forced themselves on me."

"That still doesn't change the fact that I'm not attracted to you. I guess I don't know how I feel." Dana put her head in her hands. "I have a lot of time to think about stuff like this. It keeps my mind off of how hungry I am."

"You need to feed, but you don't want to forfeit who you are." He looked at Naia, then back at Dana. The spark of an idea was forming. "Out of curiosity, if I was a woman, would that help?"

"Well, yeah. But if you were a woman, you couldn't, you know..." Dana made a jacking motion in the air. "I mean, maybe if you were a squirter, but that's different. Something about how your sperm is meant to make life which is why it carries so much life force. A girl who squirts is just having a really good time, which is different."

"I think I know a work around." Mike lifted an eyebrow and turned to Naia. "If you think it will work?"

"Interesting." Naia's brow wrinkled in thought. "It might work."

"If it does, she doesn't have to be with me sexually, and you can be there for her after." Mike looked at Dana. "But you would have to be nearby, which means you'll have to watch."

"Watch what?"

"Watch me have sex with Naia."

"That doesn't help me." Dana crossed her arms. "Even if you came in her and pulled out, it still gets exposed to the air."

"That's where you're wrong." Mike reached over to Naia and flicked the skin of her arm. The moment his finger touched her, her skin became transparent water. It made a tiny splash. "If I come inside of Naia, she can make her body turn to water and keep it warm. In a weird way, it's kind of like it came just from me. Then you can drink it directly from her"

Doubt was written across her face. "Maybe."

"If it doesn't work, I figure it will buy us some time. What do you think?" He directed the question at Naia. She had already slid one strap of her gown off her shoulder, her breasts pushed up by her crossed arms.

"I think you should come over here." Her grip on his shirt was strong, and his feet splashed in the fountain in an attempt to catch his balance. When she kissed him, he felt like she was trying to inhale his soul. He lost his balance and fell back. The water formed beneath him, holding him up without getting him wet. It was an odd feeling, the cool water against his skin, but the warm woman on top of him had his full attention.

"I've missed you, lover." She kissed her way down his neck, tiny spheres of water floating around her. "Next time, I fully expect you to take your time with me."

"You think this is going to be quick?" He watched her undo his pants. His cock sprang free, eager to see her.

"We mustn't keep our guest waiting." Naia gave his shaft a lick. "And if you think you've seen all my tricks, you have another thing coming."

"Let's see what you go- HOLY HELL!" With her mouth on his shaft, he felt her insides liquify, creating a sudden increase in pressure as her innards swirled. He kicked his legs so hard that one of his shoes went flying across the fountain at Dana, who snatched it out of the air. Every time she moved her head to the base of his cock, he felt that intense swirl of water when she slid her mouth back off of him.

"Whoa." Dana leaned forward on the edge of the fountain, gray eyes shining in anticipation. "I can smell your pre-cum from here. It's making me hungry."

Mike couldn't find the words to respond. His hips were already bucking on their own. Naia pulled her mouth off of him then stood, her dress disappearing. She turned around and sat down on his cock, her labia parting around his cock. Her vagina was doing the same thing her mouth had, and she started playing with herself, her legs spread wide to give Dana a show.

"Urgh, Naia!" Mike squeezed her plump ass cheeks, lifting his hips to further penetrate her. Water tendrils held him in place, and Naia began a slow grind against him, the suction causing his dick to inflate. His nerves were ablaze, and tiny sparks formed along his fingertips, sparks that made chills run through his spine.

"Wow, what is that?" He heard Dana ask. He was too busy with the sight of Naia's ass to bother looking.

"That's a nymph's Pearl. I'll tell you more about it later." Naia looked back at MIke. "I'm surprised you've held back this long."

"It's been a long day," he grunted. Naia's blue-green hair bounced across her shoulders when she looked back at Dana. The tattoos on her ribs glowed and the water beneath him vibrated. The vibrations became more powerful, and he could feel them now in his cock. Naia's whole body vibrated too, and she let out a moan that turned into a laugh, then back into a moan.

He didn't notice at first, but she had slowly lifted herself away from him, just his glans still inside of her. The vibrations traveled all along his shaft, his dick held in place by the powerful suction of her pussy. He groaned.

Naia sank down on him. The bubbles in the fountain popped, and her insides were like molten glass, so hot and smooth. Her body pulled him in while the water beneath him stroked his balls. Naia let out a shriek of sweet agony that penetrated to the center of Mikes being.

Mike came, spurting his hot seed into Naia's pussy. Her insides shifted, sucking him farther into her and draining his balls. He groaned, and Naia's back became translucent, turning into water. He watched his spunk get pulled up into a milky sphere at her center, tiny sparks of magic radiating off of it. She kissed Mike on the lips, her thighs releasing him. He sighed, sinking down to the floor of the fountain. The water of the fountain had vanished and Naia walked over to where Dana sat.

Naia climbed onto Dana's lap, straddling the zombie's hips. She pushed some loose strands away from Dana's eyes, then moved her hands along Dana's sides. Her hands moved up to Dana's breasts, then slid past to tilt her head back. When their lips connected, Naia's body became translucent again, and Mike watched as his load migrated up Naia's body, passing into Dana's mouth.

"Wow," Mike whispered. It was less than a second after Dana swallowed when her cheeks darkened, fresh blood flowing to the surface. Dull gray strands of hair immediately regained their shine, hovering somewhere between blonde and silver. Her eyes sparkled when they opened, and a strand of cum dangled from her lips when she broke her kiss with Naia. When she opened her eyes, they were an icy blue, the gray hidden behind the gemstone color.

"You look almost like you did before," he told her. "I mean, you're still a bit different, but you don't look like you're on Death's door anymore."

"I feel great. I feel... warm." She wiped a tear from her eye. "It's almost like I'm alive again. So many emotions are going through me right now. I feel like I swallowed fire and lived to tell the tale." She pressed both hands to her chest. "And for the first time since I died, I don't feel hungry."

"That's good. I'm glad." Mike moved away from them. "But you still look a bit... off."

"It's better than the alternative." Dana shifted, her ass rubbing against the smooth stone. Through her jeans, Mike saw that she was pressing her thighs together. "I don't want to be ungrateful or anything, but can I have some time alone with Naia?"

"Absolutely." Mike stood, a small pang of jealousy in his chest. His relationship with everybody was open and honest, but the idea of Naia being with anybody but him did sting just a little. He knew it didn't make sense. That was the part of him that was still human. He looked back just once to see Dana's lips on Naia's breasts. The nymph winked at him and he smiled back. Even if it did bother him, he was willing to bet that he owed Dana a debt that couldn't be repaid. He pushed open the back door, taking care to pull it shut behind him.

When he walked around the corner into the living room, he tripped over the small chair that had appeared there. He rubbed the sore spot on his shin. "And what are we going to do with you?"

The chair sprouted arms and shrugged.

"Oh! Wait!" Mike fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a key. "Does this go to you?"

He waited for a response, then remembered the mimic could only transform when nobody was looking. Some strange monster version of being pee shy. He blinked and found himself looking at a typewriter. The keys clacked on the paper tucked into the roll.


"Oh. Any idea what it goes to?" He waited for a response, and the mimic typed the same word again. "Okay. Well, thanks for your help earlier. You made a pretty good me."

YOU'RE WELCOME CARETAKER MIKE. The typewriter dinged, and Mike blinked. The grandfather clock walked on thick wooden legs to its post by the stairs, then lowered itself into place. He patted it affectionately, then stuck the key back in his pocket. That would be a mystery to solve some other day.

Mike walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He said a silent prayer of thanks to whatever god was listening that a beer had been tucked away behind the milk. He popped the top off and sat down, putting the mouth of the bottle to his lips. It wasn't even his favorite brew, but it was the most delicious thing he had drunk in days.

"Not gonna watch them fuck?" Mike coughed beer out his nose, foam rolling down his lips. He turned in his seat and scowled at Lily. She leaned against the kitchen counter, her tail tracing shapes on its surface.

"You startled me." He used his shirt to wipe the beer off his face. "And no, I'm not going to watch them have sex."

"You're not a little curious?" Lily walked past him and pulled down one of the blinds with her finger. "Don't you wanna know what college pussy looks like?"

"I... no. No I don't." He frowned at his beer. She had caused him to waste a bit of it. "It was obvious that she wasn't into it."

"But she was. She hungers for it, you know? Your cum, specifically. You could have made her do anything, made her beg, taken advantage of her desperation." Lily turned around, her breasts in her hands. "Oh Mike, come in my mouth, I'm so hungry." She spoke in Dana's voice.

"Shouldn't you be standing on somebody's shoulder right now?" He pulled another drag off of his beer. "Talking them into suicide or something?"

"You're really not gonna look?"

"No. I haven't heard the full story, but I'm ninety-nine percent certain that this is somehow my fault. I imagine she's going through some hard changes right now, and the least I can do is give her her space."

"Wow. You really aren't going to look." Lily's tail swished behind her. "Now that I'm back, I suppose you want to give it to me though, right? Pound my ass against the counter?" She bent over, wiggling her butt in his face.

"Honestly? I just want to finish this, see if they need any help out front, then go to bed. Oh!" Mike slammed his beer against the table, causing it to foam over. "I do want to give you something!"

"This oughta be good." Lily crossed her arms and smirked. "Did you draw up a roommate agreement for me? Blowjobs every Thursday? Anal Mondays? Since the week is gonna fuck you up the ass, might as well do it for real."

"Why do I feel like you're punishing me for something I didn't do?" Mike pulled open the kitchen drawer and pushed aside the scissors and the keys. His fingers closed on the little jewelry box.

"What can I say? I have trust issues."

"Obviously. Here. I bought this for you." He held out the jewelry box. Lily recoiled from him.

"What is it?"

"A rosary. I figured it's about time you found Jesus." He laughed at the look on her face. "It isn't a rosary. I saw it online and thought of you, so I bought it. Almost forgot I had it."

"What do you want in return?"

"Nothing." Mike shrugged. "I mean, if you don't like it, I can take it back. Like I said, made me think of you."

Lily took the box, a dubious look on her face. She opened it, her eyes growing wide. "Where did you get this?"

"Ebay. May I?" He pulled the necklace out of the box. It was a red agate stone set in silver with islamic lettering around the sides. "The red made me think of your hair. And your eyes. And your attitude, if I'm being honest." She held her hair up so he could fasten the clasp behind her neck. "I kind of figured it could be a peace offering. I felt like the last time we saw each other didn't end as well as I would have liked it to. This place is still your home if you decide to stay. I want you to believe that."

Lily held up the pendant. Her eyes looked through it, focused on something he couldn't see. Several seconds passed, and the hint of a tear appeared in her eyes.

He was about to say something when she suddenly disappeared into a cloud of black smoke, the stink of sulfur filling the room. He coughed, waving a hand in front of his face. The odor was bad enough that he set his beer down, a bad taste in his mouth.

"Demons," he muttered. He left the beer behind and went out to the front yard to see how he could help.

I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. This was my very first big action sequence, so I hope I did it justice.

Don't forget to rate, comment, or send me a note, I love hearing from you! Expect to see the next chapter in the next couple of weeks. Much love to you all, and be kind to one another! Until next time!

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AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Never bet against a Nymph, when sex is on the line!

onaroll2425onaroll242524 days ago

Have enjoyed the whole scope of the story. Certainly hope there is more to come. Seems impossible to think that "the game" is over and the creatures out of time and Amir are still looming to cause trouble. Sorry i have not been rating the stories as I have read each one along the way. I will be sure to do so going forward. Till the next piece of the tail, be well.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Fantastic story!

You keep writing chapters and I think we will ALL keep reading them.

Stephen1267Stephen12673 months ago

Without Beth he would of been killed. Lost the house and everything he fights for. So Beth is a big part of the story!! It needs one thing, he has to open the doors and find something that can help him fight before they come back.. but the fight and action was impressive 😉💘

NovaMNovaM3 months ago

Better and better and sublime 🌷🪺📽️. @Writerannabelle: This is superentertainment, captivating. I need to go do the dishes, but can't stop reading. Such torment, exquisite ⚛️❣️

Thank you

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