Husband Fights Back


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"Yes, Ma'am, sorry for the delay."

After putting the coats in the closet I stood there.

"Dave, I would like a glass of wine and Derrick would like a beer. Go get those and bring them to us in the Living Room."

"Yes Ma'am."

As I went to get the drinks my brain was in a flat spin. A million thoughts hit me at the same time, and I needed time to sort them out.

That's what I have been trying to do for the last couple of days. I knew that Emma had brought this guy home to fuck him, and she did, all night.

After dinner was finished, they took another drink to her bedroom and I was ordered to clean up the kitchen and then stay in my room unless she needed me. If she did need me, it would be the DreamLover that would summon me for whatever she wanted from me.

The next morning I served them breakfast and then they left for their offices. Other than the guys first name I had no idea who he was or where Emma had hooked up with him. It wasn't my concern at that point. But what did it mean for me?

A few thoughts: Was Emma getting ready to tell me that she wanted to divorce me so that she could marry this guy? That might be my salvation. A divorce would at least free me from the agony of the DreamLover and this god-damned cock cage. I was getting tired of having my cock and balls electrically shocked for her pleasure and amusement. As well I was getting tired of the weekly discipline sessions where my ass got tanned with her leather strap. And I was really tired of the stool in the corner with that dildo up my ass. Her line of how proud she was of me as her husband and that I was so brave to take her discipline and accept my role in our relationship, was wearing thin.

Over the course of the next weeks, Derrick was a regular visitor. He was here almost every night. The routine was pretty much always the same. They would eat dinner, and then head off to the bedroom for a night of fucking. In the morning Emma always had a big smile on her face and was calling him 'Dear' and 'Sweetie.' I knew that change could not be far off. I was right.


Sorry, it's been almost a month since I worked on this letter. I have some big news to share.

First, in all of Emma's euphoria of regular fucking with Derrick, she had left the computer in her home office open. Normally she always logs-off off and shuts it down but three weeks ago she forgot.

After she went to her office, I went online to the bank that I used to do business with and opened an account for myself. I also transferred money from Emma's savings account that she uses to hide money from the taxman. It was about the same amount that I had when she forced me to close out my account and turn everything over to her.

This was the start of the reclaiming of my life. I made note of her password. Before shutting the computer off I went online to a popular shopping website and ordered a set of bolt cutters. They were cheap and would be delivered right to the door in three days.

Sure enough, three days later, the Post Office delivered my new bolt cutters. I was shaking as I opened the box and took them out of the bubble-wrap. I held them up to the light in my room and worked the action back and forth in a cutting motion. My heart was pumping, and I was sweating hard. The first step to my freedom was in my hands. It was close to the time that I knew Emma and Derrick would be coming back, so I hid the bolt cutters under my thin mattress and went to the kitchen to prepare things.

I was felling better than I had in months. I was nervous for what my future might hold, but whatever it was had to be better than the life I was living now. It wasn't really life that I was living. It was just breathing and functioning. I had thought about hanging myself a few times and even had a piece of rope ready to do the job. But I was too much of a coward to do that. I looked at the rope a few times but couldn't bring myself to loop it around my neck and step off the chair to death.

So, another stroke of luck. Last week Emma called to tell me that she and Derrick would be spending the night out and she would be home the next night. "Yes Ma'am," was all I had to say.

That night was an opportunity that I had to take. It was now or never, I figured. I logged on to her computer and went to her bank accounts. First thing I did was disable text notifications for transactions on all her accounts. Next I transferred half of the balance of every account she had to my new bank account. Under the divorce law of this state I was entitled to 50% of everything. We, fortunately, did not have children to be considered in the mix of things so it would be straight forward. Emma would argue that she made most of the money so was entitled to most of our marital assets, but most courts see that a bit different. To protect myself I figured that moving half of the money now was a smart decision. Easier to give it back than take years to fight to get it. When I finished, I had transferred almost $160,000 to my new account. The value of the house would be an issue for later.

Emma could party her face off for the night as far as I was concerned. I sat happy knowing that I was going to have the money to start a new life. My plan was to leave, move the money yet again, and disappear.

I struggled regarding my plan to say farewell to Emma. Did I want to just take what few items of clothing that were in my room and walk away; or did I want to stay here to see her one last time before I left for good.

Next I went down to my room in the basement and pulled the bolt cutters from under my mattress.

This was the next big step. I went to the bathroom and had to put the bolt cutters behind my back, while looking in the mirror, and position them to get at the padlock. It took a couple of attempts to get at the lock but... SNAP! The remnants of the lock fell to the floor with a beautiful metal clanging noise. Next was the padlock on the cock cage. SNAP! It too fell to the floor. The sound of the metal bits hitting the floor was sweet music to my ears. I disassembled the thing before it could start shocking me one last time. It started to beep a steady tone and I knew that it would default to the canine setting.

I laughed, louder and longer than I had in years.

I pulled out the box with my clothing and got dressed in some underwear, blue jeans, a button up shirt and some shoes. This was the first time in months that I was the one to decide what I was going to wear. The clothing felt comforting. It felt normal to wear my old clothes, even if they were a bit big for me.

I went to the kitchen and got one the beers, that Derrick wanted to drink, from the refrigerator. I sat in the Living Room enjoying the moment when the phone rang. I decided to answer it when I saw that it was from Emma.

I picked up the phone, "Hello Ma'am."

"Dave, I saw that there was an error warning from the DreamLover control, what did you do?"

"Ma'am, everything is normal here."

"Alright, I will be home at dinnertime tomorrow. I want you to barbecue steaks for Derrick and I and I want that red wine I brought home last week chilled."

"Yes Ma'am."

With that she hung up. I had no intentions to make anything for either of them.

That night I slept in the Master bedroom for one last time. I showered in the bathroom, brushed my teeth and slept soundly for almost 12 hours. I got up in the morning and made the bed and then proceeded to urinate on it and then stood in the middle and unloaded my bowels in the center of the very expensive duvet. She and Derrick could sort that out later.

I had some other details to take care of; I called my bank and arranged a new credit card and debit card. They were delivered by courier to the house that afternoon. I packed my few things in a backpack and put it by the front door.

I poured myself a glass of the red wine and sat in the Living room to wait for the lovebirds to come through the door. I had a plan in my mind but changed it several times. One plan was to put my fist through Derrick's face, but I figured that I didn't want to spend my first night of freedom in jail. I shelved that plan.

About 6:30 I heard the key in the lock.

Emma and Derrick were in deep conversation as they came in. Emma did notice that I wasn't standing in my normal spot ready to do my servant duty. She shouted, "Dave, where are you?"

"I'm in here in the Living Room."

"What the...?"

Emma dropped her coat and stepped into the room. The look on her face said it all. Pure shock. She reached in her pocket for the DreamLover remote control and as she held it out repeatedly pressed the button for the canine setting. I reached over to the floor next to the chair and picked up the contraption.

"Is this what you want?" I threw it to her. It landed on the floor next to her feet.

"What the hell is going on? Why are you dressed in that shit and why are you drinking wine?"

I looked at the wine glass, "It's very good, if you want some go get a glass, you know where they are."

Derrick was speechless and immobile. He merely stood there trying to assess what was going on. He sensed that things had changed quite a bit from what he saw here three days ago. He knew that he might want to stay out the situation just now. "Emma, maybe I should go and leave you and Dave to talk. Call me later if you have time."

Emma looked at Derrick and was surprised that he was retreating for the door. She looked at me again and I could tell that her brain was having a hard time trying to figure out what was happening.

After I heard the front door shut, I stood up and went to the kitchen and poured myself another half glass of red wine. It was Italian. The Italians don't make a bad wine. I mentally made a note that maybe I would go to Italy soon.

Emma had a full head of steam by then and kicked the DreamLover across the room and launched a verbal assault at me, "Just what in the fuck do you think you are doing? I didn't give you permission to take your chastity cage off. And how did you get it off?" She looked mystified by that.

I held up the bolt cutters. "This amazing tool did the trick. Bought it online and had it delivered a few days ago. Works like a charm." I put the cutter down on the kitchen counter.

I emptied my wine glass and put it down. "Okay, time for me to go as well. You should call Derrick and tell him he can come back. I didn't get any food ready for you, that's your own job now. Maybe Derrick can cook for you." I said with a smirk on my face and a condescending tone.

I started for the front door. Emma was very angry and shouted, "If you leave this house you can forget about coming back. I will not let you in the house ever, and that is final, do you hear me?"

I turned to her and said slowly, for emphasis, "Nothing that you could do or say would ever convince me to come back to this house or to you, and that is final."

I picked up my backpack and opened the front door and said over my shoulder. "Oh, I left a couple of surprises for you upstairs. I'm sure you'll appreciate them."

I turned and slammed the door. That was it. I'm free.


Sorry to leave you hanging like that.

I went to a motel that rents out longer term for businesses and stayed there for a week. It was clean and not in a sketchy neighbourhood. It had a kitchenette so I could make my own food.

The next day I got a new drivers license and applied for a new passport.

I went to a lawyer and started the divorce paperwork. She briefed me on the general rules in place in the state and I decided that I wanted half of the value of the house along with all the money that I had moved.

My lawyer got the negotiations underway and I left her an e-mail address to contact me in case I needed to come back for any final settlement things. Emma decided that she was not anxious to have the details of our marriage made public, so, after some negotiation we settled on 40% of the value of the house as my share. I got about $240.000 deposited in my account 30 days later and then the divorce was finalized. All-in I had almost $400K in the bank. The divorce cost me $20,000 in lawyer fees but was worth every cent.

I'm finishing this off from the apartment that I rented in the town of Tropea, in southern Italy. It's cheap to live here and the food and wine are some of the best in the world. There are also beautiful Italian women and they are friendly and have a very different sense of the value of family. I'm learning the Italian language more every day, especially with the individual tutoring I'm getting from that beautiful dark-haired woman that works in the market where I shop for food. We've become very good friends and if things keep going the way that they are who knows, we might have a future together.

My lawyer sent me an e-mail a couple of weeks ago telling me that Emma wanted to talk to me. Something about her being wrong with some aspects of our marriage and that she wanted to try to reconcile. If I would agree to marriage counselling, we could try to make a new start. After some back-and-forth e-mails with my lawyer, it seems that Derrick decided that he wasn't interested in a long-term relationship with Emma, so he quietly buggered off.

It would be a frosty Italian day in July when I would ever think about reconciling with that miserable bitch. My life was getting on track and I was not about to ever go near that woman again.

Okay, I must go. I'm meeting Stephanie for dinner at her place, but I'm going to help cook, and I need get some wine along the way. She lives close by so I can walk there in ten minutes.

Oh, I'm pleased to tell you that my cock and testicles recovered just fine from the torture of the DreamLover and the chastity cage. They're getting lots of use with the beauty that I'm going to share dinner with, in a few minutes.


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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19697 days ago

I can see the reasons for lower scores on that one. It was upsetting how cruel and abusive the wife was for the first half. That set up a lot of good will for when he started to break free of her control and plotting his freedom. But then his revenge was a bit soft and largely devoid of emotion and passion.

Like, after her lover left, he binds her up and tortures her with remote controlled vibrator or an ever-increasing series of huge dildos and butt plugs.

It would have been very compelling, to me, had he gone for harsher revenge like take all the money with a threat of police action, or just call the cops after taking all the money.

In your story, I don't know why he would accept 40% of the house in a divorce when she is feeling pressure to keep the lifestyle from going public. shouldn't he be more out for blood?

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19697 days ago

I'm about half way through this. I hope he snaps and murders someone. cause this is a really twisted fantasy of abuse.

LaucaubinLaucaubin4 months ago

This is a long story about nothing happening. Where’s the intrigue, the adventure? Where’s the battle of wits from each trying to win?

It’s a 3 part story...

1. Wife traps and controls him

2. He plans his escape.

3. He escapes.


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

He didn't get enough payback.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Like a lot of your work BUT you do scare me with that deamlover cage of yours (jaybee186)

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