I'm Not Who I Used to Be Ch. 02

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It gets worse before it gets better.
42.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/10/2015
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Thank you all for the nice compliments I received on the first part of this story. Like its predecessor, this story, is totally fictional, like all the rest of the tales I've written. Some of the people I've mentioned are real as are some of the places. Other than that, the rest of the characters are fictional, as in "Not Real". I say this because it never fails that I get an e-mail from some wannabe critic telling me that they've never heard of whomever/wherever I write about. Still though, I ask that God blesses each and every person who takes the time to read my work, thank you...


P.S. In order for this story to make sense to you, please read "I'm Not Who I Used To Be" before reading this one, thanks again.



We were all sitting out in the back yard at home, well, my boyhood home, enjoying the Barbeque that Dad and Uncle Jack had slaved all morning to cook. There were several different cuts of steaks available that afternoon; Porterhouses, Ribeyes, Sirloins both Top and Bottom; and then there was my personal favorite, the New York Strip. It's the heartiest cut of steak on the whole cow. Dad knew how much I enjoyed it as well, because he'd grilled two sixteen ounce cuts, especially just for me. They were also prepared just the way I like them, too; medium rare.

"Tell me, Dad," I grinned, after swallowing the first bite, "You always make the meat so tender. How the hell do you manage that?"

"I tried to teach you a long time ago," he chuckled, "But you were too busy chasing some girl while you were in college. What was her name?" Dad playfully chuckled, winking at Sarah, who was seated beside me.

"Her name is Sarah," I proudly smiled, leaning over and kissing her, "And now that you've seen her, don't you think it was worth the time?"

"Yeah, I do," Dad gently replied, "And she really is a pretty thing, Mike. That's for sure."

"Aww, what a sweet thing to say," Sarah softly said, her sparkling smile only making her that much more beautiful. Then she leaned across me and playfully kissed my father's cheek, his face immediately turning bright red, as she teased him, "Thank you, Daddy. That really means a lot to me to hear you say that."

Of course every female member of my family began to howl with laughter at the look on Dad's face after Sarah kissed him. I had always been known to take sides with the men in my family, what few of us there were...lol...But I had to agree with the girls this time...After Sarah kissed him, the look on Dad's face was priceless...


We'd just finished eating and Mom was sitting on the other side of Sarah talking to her, when Uncle Brian and Aunt Trish showed up in the back yard smiling. Of course Uncle Brian immediately made his way to where Sarah and I were sitting in order to meet "The New Girl in the Family", so to speak. Of course that's bullshit, it was just Uncle Brian's way of not only flirting, but also being nosy.

"But, he's a lawyer after all," I remembered Uncle Jack saying to tease Aunt Trish when I was little, "And I guess being nosy comes with the damn job," and of course, he and Dad would just laugh about it, as they used to sit out behind my grandmother's barn and drink that poisonous crap that Uncle Jack always brewed/distilled. Hell, NASA could've used that shit to fuel ALL of their rockets, plus the Space Shuttle...lol...any way, back to the story.


"So, tell me, Mike," Uncle Brian grinned, widely smiling at Sarah, "Is this the young lady we've all heard so much about?"

"Don't you mean that you've heard so much about, Uncle Brian?" I teased, "You're just pissed off because Mom, Aunt Dot and Aunt Trish all met her before you did."

"Quit being such a smart ass, kid," Uncle Brian good naturedly laughed, "Introduce me to your girlfriend, or I'm gonna tell her about all the mean pranks you used to pull on your sisters and cousin when you were all little."

"That's bullshit," I began to laugh, "I was only taking up for myself, and you damn well know it, so; lay off, counsellor," and by this time Uncle Brian and I both had tears in our eyes from laughing at each other's bullshit.

"Sarah Caine," I smiled, as I introduced her to my Uncle Brian, "Please allow me to introduce you to my Uncle, Assistant District Attorney, Brian Thomson. He's married to my Aunt Trish."

"Now I can see why Lauren is so pretty," Sarah sweetly commented, "Her mother is beautiful and her father is so handsome, "It's nice to meet you, Uncle Brian."

Of course, just like the rest of the men in my damn family who are cursed to bear burden to, it is the females in our family that cause us the most grief, hence the reason we all blush when one of them, or any other female for that matter, compliments us. Of course it's always done with ulterior motive on their parts, but I guess that makes us dumbasses for letting them get away with it...hahaha.

I used to think a curse of this natures only applied to the Taylor men until Uncle Brian met Aunt Trish and they got married and the women in my family did the same thing to him. They used to do it as a means of entertainment until Aunt Trish made them stop the teasing.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Caine," Uncle Brian politely replied, and of course, again, because he rarely, if ever, missed anything, he immediately grinned when he saw the engagement ring I placed on Sarah's finger, then turned to her and laughed, "No wonder you called me Uncle Brian," and then he hugged her and said, "Welcome to our family, sweetie..."


"Thanks a lot for letting your sisters be the last ones to know, Michael," Claire disgruntledly replied, with Myra Gayle and Lauren in tow, once the family had congratulated Sarah and smiled at me in surprise.

"Your sisters and your cousin," Lauren pouted.

I thought they were only kidding with me so, not trying to hurt their feelings, yet doing just the opposite, I laughed and told them, "Ha, ha, very funny, if anything the three of you would be happy that you won't have to hear me whining about it anymore."

And then without warning, large, silent, tears began to rain down all three of their pretty but sad faces as all three of them turned and walked away without saying word.

"Shit," I silently cursed, now knowing that I hurt their feelings while honestly not meaning to...


"I swear I wasn't trying to hurt their feelings, Dad," I told my father, after informing and apprising him of what had taken place between, not so much with Lauren, but Claire and Myra Gayle and the way they'd been acting.

"You're sisters both love you, Mike," he plainly replied, then he looked me in the eyes and said, "Think back to when you were all younger, the three of you were thick as thieves, and because Mark was part of it too, you four were damn near impossible to keep up with, especially after Lauren came along," a huge grin covering his face at the memories he spoke of that we were both familiar with.

"Just because you're growing older, doesn't mean that you grow apart, son," Dad kindly told me, "Remember that, okay?"

"I will," I warmly replied, "Thanks, Dad..."


I made peace with both of my sisters and Lauren after that. And once the smiles returned to their pretty faces, I playfully teased them, "I still think you three are just nosy asses, and you've got all of the Aunts, Uncles, Moms, and Dads, all fooled."

"Bite me," Clair laughed.

"Tell him, Claire-Bear" Myra Gayle giggled, calling my sister by the nick-name only she was allowed to use; and then after sticking her tongue out at me, she laughed and giggled "Kiss my butt, Mikey."

Claire may have been my little sister, but I'd always looked at Myra Gayle as my baby sister, much of it because of the age difference. Still though, just because there were two of them and one of me, I used my knowledge of my younger siblings as a means of self-defense from being oldest of my parent's offspring, and decided to cut her to the quick in order to shut her smart ass up.

"Mark off a chunk," I teased, knowing just the right buttons to push with my baby sister, "The Good Lord knows that there's more than enough butt there, baby sister."

"Is that right?" she indignantly spat, amidst the laughter of not only Claire, Lauren, and me; but also Mom, Aunt Trish, and Uncle Jack, making Mayra Gayle silently glare at me and then as politely as can be, as she suddenly said, "Once an asshole, always an asshole, Big Brother," after which, she quickly leaned over and blew a raspberry on my neck right where I was the most ticklish...


It was around eight o'clock that evening when a phone call came to my parents' house from someone in the D.A.'s office, wanting to speak with Uncle Brian, which he immediately stood up and took, post haste...



Thirty minutes after Uncle Brian had taken the phone call from the D.A.'s office, Sarah and I were sitting with Dad and Uncle Brian in Dad's office, with the door closed to insure our privacy.

"The news you have to tell us isn't good," I asked Uncle Brian, "Is it?"

"No, it isn't," he quietly replied, "The license plate numbers belong to a black Chevrolet Suburban, with dark tinted windows which is owned by the late Dennis Worley's younger brother, David."

"Great, that's just what I need," I sighed "Another idiot named Worley who's pissed off at me because his brother was a coward that liked beating up on girls."

"Don't worry. Mike," Uncle Brian knowingly grinned, "He was picked up fifteen minutes ago, and his truck is being impounded as we speak..."


That next morning after breakfast, Sarah and I met Uncle Brian at his office, with plans to take us to look at the SUV that Dennis Worley's brother had chased the two of us down in.

"That's the one," I said, looking at Sarah, "What do you think sweetheart?"

"Yes," she repeated, "That's the SUV that tried to follow us."

"Good," Uncle Brian knowingly grinned, "We had a witness come forward who identified David Worley as the individual who was behind the wheel when this vehicle was following you. They also said that Worley bumped into this person's car and ran it off of the road during his pursuit of you two."

"Where is David Worley right now?" I angrily asked my uncle, "I want to look the bastard in the face and ask him what his fucking problem is."

"I thought you might want to do that," he knowingly grinned, "He's being held without bail on attempted murder charges and is over in the county lock-up."

"Is that right?" I smiled, "Is it possible that Sarah and I could see him...?"



When we arrived at the county jail, Uncle Brian led us into the front foyer to check in and wait while David Worley was brought down to one of the interview rooms.

"I don't like being in this place," Sarah quietly told me, "It give me the creeps."

"I understand," I told her, "I don't like it here either..."


After about twenty minutes had passed, we were taken into a room that had a glass partition between us and a guy who looked to be about eighteen or nineteen, who was handcuffed to the chair that he was sitting in with two really big Sherriff's Deputies standing on either side of him, both armed with riot batons.

"You're the bastard that killed my brother," he scowled, glaring at me, "When I get out of here I'm going to kick your fucking ass."

"Shut up, asshole," Sarah suddenly spat, retrieving a large manila envelope from her purse. She then took out two eight inch by ten inch photographs that had been taken of her when she had first arrived at the hospital on that fateful night.

Then she pressed them against the glass, and as her eyes began to fill with tears, she told Worley, "This is what your piece of shit brother did to me, you son of a bitch. This man beside me was defending me from that monster, and now that he's dead, I hope he rots in hell."

"Fuck you," he angrily spat, "You fucking whore."

"Be thankful you're behind that bullet-proof glass," I harshly told him, "Otherwise I'd give you a taste of the same soup I fed your fucking brother, you little bastard."

"I think we're finished here," said Uncle Brian, nodding at one of the two deputies.

"I agree," I said, "Let's get out of here..."


"I'm glad that's over with," Sarah fearfully sniffled, "So, what happens now?"

"Now he goes to trial," Uncle Brian proudly replied, "In the state of Texas he'll get twenty-five years to life if he's found guilty."

"And what if he isn't?" Sarah asked, "What happens then?"

"Relax, pretty Sarah," he gently told her, placing his arm around her shoulders, "This asshole has a record as long as my arm. He's not going anywhere, I promise you."

"He can't have committed that many crimes," I said "He barely looks eighteen."

"Don't let his baby face fool you," Uncle Brian warned, "The little bastard will be twenty-one in less than three weeks..."


Sarah was very quiet on the way home, making me ask her, "Are you alright, my love? You've barely said two or three words since we left the jail."

"I was just thinking about Dennis," Sarah quietly replied, "I mean, I'm sorry that he died; but my Dad told me when I was a teenager, that those who live by the sword, die by the sword, and I was sitting here wondering how the hell I got mixed up with him to start with. I'm nothing like him or his little bastard brother."

"It's okay, baby," I reassured her, taking her into my arms, "Everybody makes mistakes," then deciding to lighten her current mood, I smirked and said "Even me."

"Oh, shut up," she giggled, reaching over and playfully smacking my chest, "Smart ass."

"There it is," I tenderly replied, "There's that smile that I fell in love with so long ago."

"I still don't see how that happened," she dejectedly yet quietly replied, "Especially because I was so mean to you," as silent tears began, once again, to fill her beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey now," I gently told her, taking her hand into mine, "That was then and this is now, Sarah. I love you. I always have and I always will, that's all that matters, particularly because now that I know that you love me as much as I love you. So; please don't cry, baby. It really hurts me to see you like that."

"I know, and I'm sorry, Michael," Sarah began to lightly sniffle, "It's just that being around you and your family, as well as how sweet everyone has been to me...I don't know. I feel even more remorseful for the way I treated you."

"You're not to worry, my love," I reassured her, "We're going to take care of that once and for all; and we're going to the one person I know who can help you with what's hurting you."

"Where are we going?" she asked, "And who're you talking about?"

"That's easy, baby," I grinned, "We're going to see my Dad's mother...I call her Grandma-Lucy..."


"It's about time you brought your little ass over here to see me, boy," Grandma-Lucy smiled, leaning in and pulling me into her arms, "It's so good to see you, Mikey honey," and when she saw Sarah she leaned slightly away with a knowing grin on her face and asked me, "Who is this beautiful thing you brought with you, son?"

"Grandma-Lucy," I proudly announced, "This is not only the love of my life, but also the woman I'm going to marry. Her name is Sarah Caine," and then I turned to Sarah and told her, "Sarah, my love, this is Missus Lucille Taylor."

"Hi, Missus Taylor," Sarah politely smiled, as she extended her hand, "It's nice to meet you ma'am."

"Callin me Missus, and ma'am is like tryin to put a Macy's hat on a pig's head. It just don't fit, honey," Grandma-Lucy warmly replied, pulling Sarah into her arms and hugging her, "Marrying my grandson will make you my granddaughter so; I want you to call me Grandma-Lucy just like the rest of my grandbabies do; okay pretty girl?"

"Okay," Sarah giggled, "It's nice to meet you, Grandma-Lucy."

"That's better, baby," she smiled, inviting us into her house, which she kept in immaculate shape, "Ya'll come on in and I'll make you something to eat."

"There's no need to do that, Grandma-Lucy," I softly smiled, "Besides we're still full from breakfast. We're here because there's something you need to know..."


After telling my grandmother what was happening with Sarah, as well as relating to her the guilt that my beautiful fiancée had been experiencing, she told me that she wanted me to leave Sarah there with her for a little while and that I should go home.

"We're gonna talk with one another for a little while, Mikey," she instructed me, "I'll call you and tell you when to come back and get her, okay son?"

"Yes, ma'am," I respectfully told her, "I'll see you two a little later..."



I'd been at the house talking with Mom and Dad about not only mine and Sarah's engagement but also how very much I'd come to love her.

"You waited for her for a long time," Dad kindly smiled, "Haven't you, son?"

"Yes sir," I happily and proudly smiled, "But it was more than worth it if you ask me."

"It just goes to show, honey," Mom sweetly told me, "Good things always come to those who have the patience, and are willing to wait."

"I know that now," I smiled "Thanks for helping me deal with everything while I was going to college, Mom. I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate it."

Mom was about to say something when the ringing of the telephone interrupted her as Dad got up from his seat to go answer it...


"That was your grandmother on the phone, son," Dad told me, as he came back into the room after a few moments, "She told me that you can come and get Sarah."

"Great," I excitedly smiled, happily knowing that my grandmother had shown my precious fiancée the light, "I'll be back with Sarah in a little while..."


The moment I laid eyes on my beautiful Sarah's face I could immediately tell that there was something different about her. The love she had for me was now brilliantly sparkling in her bright blue eyes, and the light on her face was now shinning like a beacon across the darkest of nights.

"My darling Michael," Sarah softly whispered in my ear, pulling me into her arms and pressing her body firmly against mine, "I'm free, baby, I'm finally free...and I love you more now than I ever thought I'd love anyone, I swear that I do."

"I know you do, my love," I widely smiled, knowing that my grandmother had helped her to rid herself of the guilt she once felt, "And I love you, too."

"I can't explain what I'm feeling right now," she sweetly told me, "It's like nothing I've ever experienced before."

"You don't have to explain anything to me, Sarah," I knowingly replied smiling, gently cradling her in my arms "I understand a lot more than you know."

"That's just it, I do know" she giggled, "It's like I can feel everything that you feel for me now. Grandma-Lucy taught me how to let go and forgive myself...especially now that I'm going to be your wife, my love."

"And that's another thing I wanted to ask you about Michael Thomas Taylor," my grandmother began, having stepped out on her front porch the moment I pulled into her driveway, "Would you like to tell me why I'm always the last person to know about things like that?"

"I'm sorry," I smiled, stepping from Sarah's arms and into hers, "You know that I love you, Grandma-Lucy, don't you?"

"Of course I do, baby," she gently laughed, just as she'd done since I was a boy, "I just want to make sure that I get an invitation to see ya'll's wedding before the damn thing is over, you hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am," I smiled, kissing her cheek, "I'll bring the invitation personally if I have to."

"Aw hell, boy," she giggled, something else she'd done since I was a boy, "Just be sure to mail it at least a week before you get married, and that'll be plenty of time..."