Interstellar Impregnation Pt. 02


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His Mom had left him and his dad when he was three. Evan didn't have a single memory of her. When he asked his dad about it, the old man had said simply, 'bitch thought she was better'n me' and took another swig. His fists hit extra sharp that afternoon.

Evan spent his nights praying to his mom to come back and save him. She never did. He knew why. He was no good. He was trash and she knew it. Evan tried to be good enough for his mom. But he never could. And one day he let it go. He was what he was, and nothing was going to change that.

But he knew, in his heart, what a mom should sound like. And, weirdly, that was how Ms. Collins' voice sounded in that moment.

"Evan, honey, you have to stop," she said.

"Fuck you," Evan spat back, "I don't have to do shit."

"No, I know honey," Ms. Collins said, "You're right. You can keep fucking my ass if you want. I know I deserve it."

Evan slowed, despite himself.

"No, it's OK," Ms. Collins continued, "Keep going. You'll cum in my ass and then we can do it again, if you like. Whatever you want. I'm just. I'm sorry. I've been awful to you, I know. If this is my punishment, I'm happy to take it. But, honey, we both know this isn't working. We can fix it. I know we can. But only if we do it together."

Evan's dick dropped out of her butt. He stood behind her, hands on her hips. Stared down. All he'd wanted was to be with this perfect woman. What had he done?

"Oh, sweetie, it's OK," Ms. Collins said. She looked back at him, twisting her body in a way that had to be painful. Fuck she was so beautiful. "What can I do to make this right?"

"You said I was stupid," Evan said, "That you didn't want babies with me 'cause I was too dumb."

"I'm the stupid one," Ms. Collins said, "I shouldn't have said those things. I was freaking out because of everything. But it was wrong and there's no excuse. You're so strong and handsome. I'd be lucky to have your baby."

Evan reached for the anger again, but it slipped through his fingers. He felt his eyes try to well and it hurt to hold them back. The sounds of sex filled his ears. He was having a heart-to-heart in the middle of a full-on orgy. The weirdness of it only made it worse.

"You're going through a lot, too," Ms. Collins said, "I wasn't thinking about that part but that's just me being a dumb bitch."

"You're not dumb," Evan said reflexively.

"I know your body is doing the same crazy stuff that mine is," Ms. Collins said, "Making you want things. Need them. I'm sure it's hard to have to be with an old lady like me instead of one of those, young hot girls."

"You're not old," Evan said, "I think you're beautiful. I always did."

"Oh," Ms. Collins said. He watched her eyes as the reality dawned on her. It was cute, seeing her brain process in real time. "That's very sweet of you, Evan. It means a lot to me. I promise we'll always be special to each other."

"Especially after this," Evan said, gesturing to, well, everything.

"Yes, especially," Ms. Collins said, chuckling. He'd never heard her laugh before, Evan realized. It was musical and perfect.

Evan reached down to grab his dick. It was aching. Yearning.

"The urges are bad," Ms. Collins said, looking at his hand, "I can't stop myself either. If I could reach back, I'd be rubbing myself like crazy."

"I'm sorry," Evan said.

"Oh, honey, why?" Ms. Collins said, "I know you can't control it. If anything, I'm super proud of you that you've done so well to hold back. But we both, uhn, need this. So, let's stop pretending like we don't."

"I'll jerk off," Evan said. He didn't even know why he said it, but in the moment it felt right.

"Please don't do that, sweetie," Ms. Collins said, "I need to get off too, you know?"

"I'll rub you, too," Evan said.

"No, it's OK," Ms. Collins said, "I think we both know that it's putting off the inevitable."


"It's going to happen no matter how much we try to fight it," Ms. Collins explained, patiently, "So we might as well just do it."

Evan gripped his dick, aiming at his teacher. She looked so hot. "I'm sorry," he said, "About all this. About your husband."

Ms. Collins flinched when he said that last word, but then she visibly steeled herself.

"You know I used to watch you in school, Evan," Ms. Collins said, "Seeing the way you'd strut through the halls. How kids would cower when you glanced their way."

Evan looked away. His cheeks went hot.

"It used to turn me on so much," Ms. Collins said.

Evan' head popped up. He grinned down at his teacher, cocky. He couldn't help himself. "Really?"

"Oh, yeah," Ms. Collins said, her green eyes going all dreamy. I'd go home and rub off, thinking about it."

"So, it's OK if I...?"

"I want it," Ms. Collins said, "Put it in me. And then we'll do it again. OK, sweetie? As many times as you want."

Evan stared down at the sexy teacher. He thought about the first time he'd seen her. Her beauty was shocking -- he felt it stabbing in his chest. So gorgeous it hurt. She talked about being in that stall as some kind of punishment. But for Evan, it was like a dream come true.

He thought she was probably playing him. Her words sounded real, but usually that only meant he was being stupid. Trusting. He'd learned long ago that trust was another word for fool.

But something about what Ms. Collins said, the way she spoke, it made Evan believe her. Or maybe he just wanted to believe so bad he was willing to be tricked. It didn't matter. Let her beguile him. It wouldn't change a thing.

"I think I want to put it in your pussy now, Ms. Collins," Evan said.

"I'd like that."

Evan slid his dick into Ms. Collins' perfect, pink sheath. He went in slowly, savoring every inch of her cunt. The way it slipped and gripped around his cock. The both of them groaned together.

"Fuck, that's nice," Ms. Collins said.

"Am I bigger than your husband?" Evan asked. He couldn't help himself.

For a moment, Ms. Collins paused. "Yes," she said, like confessing to a crime. "Much."

"Cool," Evan said, "I'll go slow. So, you can get used to it."

"Please," Ms. Collins said. Then she startled him. "Please don't. What you're feeling? That driving desire? I have it, too. I need you to fuck me, Evan. Fuck your teacher. Hard. Teach her a lesson." She smiled, playfully, as she said that last part.

"I don't want to hurt you," Evan said, "Like you said. We need to do this together."

"It was the angle before, I think," Ms. Collins said. She shifted her body as best she could, raising her hips. "Help hold me up. Yes, that's it. OK."

Evan kept his hands on her hips, holding her in place. He didn't thrust. He just stayed there, appreciating the connection between them. He was inside Ms. Collins. Sharing in her body. He felt weirdly honored.

He rubbed Ms. Collins' thighs and back, testing the smooth warmth of her skin. She shuddered under his attention.

"That's very nice, sweetie," Ms. Collins said.

"You want me to rub your clit?" Evan asked.

"That's OK, you don't have to," Ms. Collins said, "I know it's, um, weird. Down there."

Evan cocked his eyebrow. "I think your pussy's really awesome."

Ms. Collins giggled, self-conscious, "Thank you, baby. That's sweet. I know my clit is... Well, it's not normal looking."

"It's nice," Evan said, meaning it. He reached down and felt her clitoris press against him, like touching another finger. "I like it."

Ms. Collins shook as he touched her button, like she'd been hooked into a wall socket. "Really?" she asked, her voice straining. "My husband says it's gross."

"Your husband is an idiot," Evan said. He began rubbing her clit faster. It was super sexy, the thickness of it. If this was weird, he never wanted to touch a normal clit again.

Ms. Collins didn't respond. She hung her head. Jaw open. Tongue lolling.

"Oh. Oh. OH!" the proper teacher stiffened. Her head popped up, like she was about to howl at the moon. Her whole body gave a long shiver, from her head to her toes. Then she dropped down, like a damp towel.

"Did you just...?"

Ms. Collins strained to turn her head back and look. Her cheeks were flushed. Her eyes hooded. "Yes," she said, sounding ashamed.

"It was super hot," Evan said.

Ms. Collins' blush deepened. "Evan, honey, I'm sorry to have to say this. Please don't think less of me, sweetie. I know I'm supposed to be your teacher but... I need it. Need you. To pump me."

"Oh!" Evan said. His face broke into a grin. "Oh yes."

Evan drew back. He felt his teacher's pussy grip his dick deliciously. Then he slid forward. The two of them formed a rhythm. Rocking back and forth.

Evan couldn't believe it. He'd thought sex was just sex and it didn't matter how he did it. But Ms. Collins had been right. It actually did feel way better when they did it together.

"See?" Ms. Collins said, looking back at him with that triumphant, know-it-all smile. "I told you."

"Don't be a bitch," Evan said, slapping her ass. But to his surprise, his teacher didn't cower or get angry when he spanked her. Instead, her eyes rolled back like another cum was coursing through her.

"Again," Ms. Collins said.

Evan slapped his teacher's ass. He thrust into her pussy. Going faster. Punishing her. She seemed to love every bit of it. Evan realized that, with her brown hair loose, he could reach it while still fucking her. He grabbed her tresses, yanking back, and Ms. Collins straight out screamed.

"Oh, FUCK!" she cried out, then went silent. She didn't tremble like before; she straight out shook. Like enduring an earthquake. She cried out his name. Like announcing to the world that her student had blown out her brain.

Finally, the orgasm let go of her. She tried to fall forward. "Oh, fuck. Fuck. Evan. Slow, baby. Oh. Sensitive. Just give me a sec."

Evan knew he should listen. But he felt his own cum building in his balls. He couldn't stop now. His aching need wouldn't let him. He kept fucking Ms. Collins. Faster. Harder. Hips slapping. Her words devolved into little gasps.

"Uhn. Oh. Oh. Hm. Oh... OH! Ohhhhhhhhh."

Evan heard himself grunting too. "Oh, fuck that's good. You like that, Ms. Collins?"

"Oh yes," Ms. Collins said, "Cumming. Cumming so hard. On my student's cock."

"Am I better than your husband?" Evan asked, cruelly, "Am I the best you've ever had?"

Ms. Collins didn't even pause this time. "Yes. Oh God, yes."

"Whose pussy is this?"

"Yours," Ms. Collins said. Sobbed. "I'm yours. All yours."

"Getting close," Evan said, "Gonna fill you up. Take your womb. Make it mine."

"Yes! Give me your baby. Please Evan. Fill me UP!"

Evan's body did the rest. He flung himself forward, as far as he could go. The head of his cock hit something. Nestled there. His cum rocketed up his shaft. The pleasure overwhelmed him.

Distant, he heard a long, loud feminine scream. A crying wail. His fingers tight on soft flesh. His knees stiff. The whole world seemed to shift out of focus. Colors. Scents. Sounds. All of it like someone had ripped reality out from under him, recombined it, then plopped it back all broken.

Evan heard a roar in his ears and wondered if he was shouting. Or if it was just his blood rushing. His chest pounded.

A thick, endless stream of his semen shot out into his teacher's womb. It felt like no cum he'd ever produced. Then a second pump. Longer and stronger. A third. For a moment, some distant part of Evan's brain wished he'd pulled out so he could see it all. It seemed like so much, he felt like he'd have covered Ms. Collins plus about five other stalls.

"FUCK!" he cried out. The word shooting out of him like his fertile sperm. Rocketed into the universe. Filling every empty space it could find.


Evan heard the sound like it was in another room. Some part of him realized he was tipping forward, but it wasn't something he was really conscious of, still lost in his orgasmic haze.

When consciousness did float back, Evan found himself lying on the ground. Hanging onto his teacher like flotsam in a flood.

"Evan, honey, you're a little heavy," Ms. Collins said.

"Sorry," he said. He rolled off her and stretched out on the cold metal floor. Some part of him keened as he let go of her. Like releasing something important. "You OK?"

"Oh yes," Ms. Collins said, dreamily.

Evan looked at her, prone on the ground. She was still gasping. Her body slick with sweat. A huge glob of his semen dripped out of her pussy and ran down her leg. Her chest heaved. Her little breasts, nipples so stiff they looked like they could scratch, wobbled lovely. Evan realized, in all that, he hadn't even had the chance to touch her boobs. He quickly fixed that problem.

"Careful," Ms. Collins said, regaining some of her former sharpness, "Sensitive."

"Your tits are awesome," Evan said.

He saw Ms. Collins was looking somewhere else. He followed her eyes to his crotch. Impossibly, he was still hard as a rock.

"Guess we're not done yet," he said. He reached over his teacher and gave her butt a firm slap

"Oh!" Ms. Collins said. She gave him a warm smile. "Now that we're free, maybe I could ride you this time? I've heard it helps with conception."

"There's time to try lots of stuff, I guess," Evan said.

"Well then, come and kiss me," Ms. Collins said, using her best teacher voice.

Evan bent down to press his lips to hers. She tasted like sweat and strawberries. As they kissed, the sexy teacher reached down and greedily grabbed Evan's cock, steering him towards her gaping pussy.

"Now Evan, you know I can't let you leave here until your work is completed," Ms. Collins said.

"Yes, Ms. Collins," Evan said, acting chastised.

"Now get in there and give it to me good."

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avator123avator12320 days ago

what a great story!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Science fiction is not my favorite genre, however the sex is very hot. The taming of a teacher theme has resonance with her helpless first!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Did NOT like the anal part at all! I would be screaming, crying, and bleeding if someone did that to me.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Wow. Is this ripped from the menwritingwomen sub? Yep. Just stick it in the ass with barely any lube without consent and they’ll just fall in love with you. Totally. Definitely how that works.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I mean, let’s call a spade a spade: Evan raped his teacher. From the little we have learned of him, his mom was RIGHT to abandon him.

It’s ok to have anger and abandonment issues. That happens and manifests poorly. But most people on this planet do not care one way or the other about a single individual. So his paranoia that everyone is out to get him proves that he is as dumb as a turnip. I cannot see a single Saint or deity that would last a minute in discussion before tossing his ass to the trash.

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