It's a Dead Man's World Ch. 03


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The two of them drank a little more, but preferred to spend there time dancing. Eliza had never really been into dancing before, but it seemed like the thing to do, particularly when Veronica’s body was pressed up close to her own. Sometimes they teased the boys and sometimes they found a pretty young girl and caught her between them, bumping and swaying until the newcomer went weak at the knees. Then they moved on.

They snuck into an alley, then jumped onto a dumpster before making their way to the roof. They were alone in the middle of hundreds of people as they collapsed, side by side. Then Veronica quickly got up and straddled Eliza’s lap.

“I think I’m ready,” she said.

Eliza looked up at her lover. “Are you sure? Now?”

Veronica reached down and ripped Eliza’s jumpsuit open.

“Okay,” Eliza continued, “stupid question.”

The blonde haired former-human was like a woman possessed. She was tearing Eliza’s clothes to shreds like a child trying to get the wrapper off a candy bar. Eliza was a little nervous that this might be some sort of reaction or compensation for Veronica’s emotional seclusion leading up to that day, but a kiss from the woman told her otherwise. Veronica was back in control of her mind, and Eliza was what was on that mind.

“We came back from the edge of death,” Veronica whispered. “What would be the point of that if we didn’t actually live again?” She grabbed a handful of Eliza’s breast and started kissing her way down Eliza’s neck. The former vampire was already beginning to tremble. She had forgotten how good it all felt. She tried unzipping Veronica’s suit, but those lips on her neck were interfering with her fine motor skills.

‘Ripping it is,’ she thought, then tore half of Veronica’s jumpsuit off. Veronica stood up and let her lover finish the job, and they were soon both completely nude in the moonlight. Before Veronica could do anything else, Eliza knelt in front of her kissed those flowery lower lips. Veronica groaned. Eliza smiled and started to lick, faster and harder. Even her tongue was faster than it had ever been before. The two women heard some hooting and hollering from the street below, but they didn’t care if anyone saw them anymore. Veronica took a step to either side of Eliza’s hips, causing the other woman to have to lean backward. Then she started humping Eliza’s face.

Eliza wasn’t in the mood to be on the defensive. She took two fingers and promptly shoved them into Veronica’s backdoor and started to spread them. Veronica gasped, then sighed.

“I missed this,” she crooned. “I missed you.” Veronica could feel every little bump on Eliza’s tongue as it slid into her inviting pussy. And those fingers . . . they were powerful enough to stretch her sphincter, unlike normal human fingers. It was like Eliza was actually trying to touch her tongue, and Veronica’s body was in the way. She held her lover’s face tightly against her sex as she began to experience her first orgasm in far too long. And it was a wet one, leaving Eliza with a face that shone under the light of the moon.

“That was quick,” Eliza said as she nuzzled Veronica’s mound with her face.

“That was a beginning,” the other woman said huskily. She reached down and grabbed Eliza by the waist, picking the woman up with ease. She held Eliza tightly against her body with just one arm, enjoying her newfound strength. With Eliza’s breasts within easy reach of her mouth, she began mercilessly sucking on one of those tiny pink nipples. Her other arm reached around and her hand snaked its way between Eliza’s butt cheeks to where her fingers could access Eliza’s pussy. Eliza wrapped her legs around her lover’s waist as she was ravished. It was an odd sensation to be in a relationship where she could be manhandled like that, but she didn’t care. Veronica even returned the favor from earlier by inserting a thumb into her lover’s rectum. Eliza started to buck, almost like she was hanging onto one of those mechanical bulls at the local bar.

“Fuck me,” she growled. “Give me everything you’ve got!”

Veronica responded by increasing her finger speed. The she turned and slammed Eliza’s back into the side of the chimney. This did two things. First, it caused a number of bricks to be knocked loose in a cloud of dust. Secondly, it gave the former human a little bit more leverage. Her fingers were moving so fast that they were almost smoking. She could easily smell her lover’s sexual aroma as her juices began to drip down her legs. She wondered if it had always been like this for Eliza; the ability to sense seemingly everything. If it was, then she envied her lover. She pulled her fingers away from Eliza’s cunt and shoved them into the woman’s mouth. Eliza sucked and licked them clean with an almost obscene passion, then Veronica pushed them back into that warm and inviting sexual paradise. It was like that, with Eliza’s back pressed against the crumbling brick fireplace and her legs wrapped around Veronica that the former vampire came like thunder.

“Fuck yeah! Oh, fuck yeah!” she shouted as her pussy muscles captured the invading fingers, and Veronica’s thumb was held prisoner by Eliza’s asshole.

As soon as they were able to move, Veronica started fingering Eliza again. But Eliza had a request.

“Do you love me?” she asked with intensity in her eyes.

“More than anything,” Veronica responded.

Eliza tilted her neck over, and Veronica saw it. She saw the warm blood pumping through her lover’s veins.

“I don’t know how . . .”

“Yes you do,” Eliza said, pushing Veronica’s lips down to her neck once more. “I want you to know what I felt each time you offered this to me. And I want to know what it feels like. I need to know.”

Veronica’s fangs started to extend. She had drunk blood before, but this was strange. But there was a hunger inside her that she had never known, and it demanded to be satisfied. She tasted the blood in her mouth.

Something had changed from the last time they had coupled. The radical shifts in perception were gone. In their place was a feeling of absolute fulfillment unlike anything they had experienced before. Eliza likened it to a religious experience; passion made flesh. All things pleasurable were being experienced at tenfold their normal intensity. So when Eliza came again, it almost knocked her out. She left Veronica’s hand wet and shiny. And she felt Veronica moaning into her neck as the former-human reached climax. She wasn’t even being touched, but she had reached orgasm just the same, just from the sensation of tasting Eliza’s lifeblood. Finally, her teeth retracted.

“I . . . I think I had too much to drink,” Veronica said, leaning against Eliza’s body.

“If I had a dime for every time I heard that one,” Eliza joked. She started kissing her way around Veronica’s face until their lips met again. Then she whispered, “I missed you so much. I missed this so much. I’m sorry . . .”

“You didn’t rush me,” Veronica said. “I’ve . . . I’ve been trying to think of a way of doing this . . . of being with you again that didn’t make either of us feel awkward. Then when we decided to go on . . . we were able to lose ourselves in this sea of living humanity,” she added, looking down into the streets that were still crowded with revelers. “They don’t have a care in the world,” she said. She gasped as Eliza slowly bent her over the edge of the chimney and slipped three fingers into her wet hole.

“Get ready,” Eliza growled. “I saw this in a dream once.” The white-haired woman started using her hand like a piston, pushing those three fingers in all the way up to the knuckle. Veronica grabbed the edge of the chimney so hard that she started to crack the mortar. As Eliza took her from behind, she looked down at the street and could see the youth and the life and the heat given off by the throng. Then she felt a fourth finger find it’s way inside her. She felt the knuckles of Eliza’s hand brushing against her vaginal lips as her lover pushed and turned her hand deeper into Veronica’s body. She knew what was coming next. For five minutes, she remained bent over that chimney, staring down at the crowd. Then Eliza tucked her thumb in and pushed her hand through Veronica’s stretched opening and into the depths of her being.

Veronica almost felt like a cannon; braced against the bricks on the rooftop and being aimed at the young people in the street. She could feel every knuckle and fingertip as Eliza’s hand moved inside her vaginal cavity. Her pussy was trying without success to clamp down on Eliza’s wrist. A single finger pressed against Veronica’s g-spot, almost causing her to cum right then and there. She tried to stifle the groan, but it seeped out between her lips, and Eliza knew what she had found. Then Veronica’s girlfriend started pushing that spot, as well as using a finger from her other hand to violate Veronica’s defenseless asshole.

“No . . . you can’t . . . sweet Jesus . . .” Veronica didn’t even know what she was saying anymore. She just knew she didn’t want the pleasure to ever end. As it was, Eliza intended to make the pleasure go on for a while. With her fist firmly in Veronica’s body, she brought her lover to orgasm after orgasm. Each time, she gave Veronica just enough time to recover, then she had her dripping on the bricks again.

“More . . . more!” Veronica shouted. “Fuck me with your hand!”

Eliza kept at it. Veronica was like a flesh puppet to the former vampire, and Eliza was going to keep playing the role of puppet master. Her wrist was glistening with Veronica’s cum, as were the bricks and some of the shingles on the roof. The moonlight also reflected off the sweat on Veronica’s back. Eliza kept ramming her fist home and stimulating everything she could touch. When Veronica came for the seventh time that evening, her pussy seemed to run out of juice. But Eliza left her hand inside of Veronica for several minutes, letting that woman catch her breath. When she finally pulled her hand slowly out, she left Veronica feeling satisfied like never before. But even after all she had experienced, Veronica wasn’t done. She looked back at her lover, then leaned her head forward and flipped her hair away from her neck.

“Your turn,” she said. She was still leaning over the chimney when Eliza lay along her back and sank her fangs into Veronica’s neck. But rather than feeling the unquenchable lust she had felt earlier, both women just felt . . . comforted. ‘Is that what that means?’ she thought to herself. ‘Does the bite simply provide what we NEED to feel?’ She didn’t care. For her, it was the most exquisite form of “cuddling” she had ever experienced. The remained joined like that for quite a while. And when they parted, it was with some regret; like having to get out of a warm bed on a cold morning.

“I love you, you know?” Eliza said.

“Yeah, I do,” Veronica replied a bit coyly, then kissed her lover again. The two of them realized that their clothes were beyond repair and that they had a long way to walk to get home. They started running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop before they found a quieter area where they could descend to street level. They were peeking out of an alley, trying to plan their next move when a police car pulled up. Eliza was more than a bit surprised when Officer Pamela Ryder of the Springfield PD got out. Pamela had been one of Eliza’s lovers in the past, but it seemed like such a long time ago. Both Eliza and Veronica were blushing when Pamela wandered over, smiling from ear to ear.

“I got the strangest call a little while ago. Apparently, two incredibly attractive women put on quite a display on a rooftop a while ago, then started scaring the hell out of home owners as they went gallivanting naked across the rooftops. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?” Pamela asked. “I recognized one of the descriptions pretty quickly, so I thought I might try and find you before the photographers did.”

Eliza and Veronica felt goofy, like they had been caught kissing by their parents for the first time. “I don’t suppose . . .” Eliza started.

“Get in,” Pamela laughed opening the door while the two naked women jumped inside.

On the car ride home, Eliza and Veronica held hands while Eliza and Pamela caught up. Pamela’s marriage was actually doing quite well, considering Pamela had been cheating on her husband with Eliza. Marriage counseling seemed to be working, and Pamela was actually up for a promotion. This last was particularly appealing, since it would get Pamela off the streets. And Pamela was pregnant. Eliza almost flipped out when she heard the news. As Pamela dropped them off at the gate of the compound, Eliza hugged her former lover and wished her genuine luck. The two women then jumped the ten-foot security fence and headed up the driveway. Eliza had to help Veronica a bit, as the former human was still walking a little funny.

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The next morning . . .

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Eliza and company had been picked up early in the morning by official government transport and taken out to Fort Crass where Captain Corbin was waiting for them. The seasoned military officer seemed exasperated.

“Well,” he started, “I’m not sure if this is good news or bad news. The powers that be want you back,” he said, looking at Eliza. “They ‘regret the hasty decision’ of getting rid of you in the first place. But you,” he said, turning to Veronica, “seem to be perplexing them. Your former bosses don’t think having someone with a telepathic link they can’t control should be acting as envoy at this time.”

“Wait. ‘Former bosses’? They’re firing me?!?” Veronica said as she stood up angrily. Eliza put her hand on Veronica’s shoulder.

{{ Calm down sweetie, }} she sent telepathically. {{ You don’t know your own strength, so don’t go shaking the Captain. }}

Veronica shot her lover a dirty look. {{ Bite me! }}

Eliza smiled. {{ Maybe later. }} The two of them blushed while everyone else waited to let them in on their private conversation. “Sorry,” she said. “We’re done now.”

Captain Corbin wasn’t finished. “But the government also doesn’t want you out of the loop. You know too much to leave unprotected again.”

“So I’m a cheerleader?!? I just stand around waving my pom-poms and . . .” She looked at Eliza. {{ Get that mental image out of your head. I’m not dressing up like that for you. }}

{{ Can’t blame me for hoping. }}

“Actually, I’m officially in charge of this mission now and that means I’m also in charge of personnel. I could use your experience and new . . . skills. So I’d like you to work with Ms. Eliza and her team for the duration.”

“Oh, that’ll be hard,” Allyson muttered, her hands clutching her aching head. Telling Veronica to work with Eliza was like telling a fish to live in the water . . . it was a tad unnecessary.

“Anyway,” the Captain continued, “I’d like for the group of you to be responsible for safely bringing back any future gems that are found. You’ll be given all the military’s transportation resources that you need.”

The group discussed the offer amongst themselves for a while. While they were all a little gun shy about trusting the government again, they all wanted back in the game full time. Eliza noticed Valar standing over next to the cage for the Alchemist’s Dream and walked over. The two stood side-by-side staring at the strange purple orb that had helped save Eliza’s life.

[[ I never got to thank you for saving my life, ]] Eliza started, reverting to her native tongue. [[ Though I am curious as to why you did it. ]]

[[ Because, ]] her nemesis began, [[ as distasteful as I find your sexual preferences, I find myself even more disgusted by torture. Besides, that ‘wizard’ offended my sense of style. What a buffoon. ]]

[[ Did we ever find out who he was? ]]

[[ His name is Irwin Meyers. Just as you suspected, he was rejected from several Terran magic academies. While he had some skill, he had no sense of responsibility. Apparently his family is quite wealthy, and he was pampered his whole life. The rejection apparently hit him hard. He was retrieved from the Purity’s base before U.S. forces turned it into a sinkhole. You probably won’t be surprised to hear that he wasn’t in charge. He was brought on board because he had the ability and the motive to close the dimensional gap. ]]

[[ No one that unstable could organize a group like that, no matter how much money he has access to. And that warlord was all muscle but no style. The real threat is still out there somewhere. ]]

[[ Indeed. So I take it you are rejoining the quest? ]]

[[ I’m sure you’ll be disappointed to hear it but yes, I am. Of course, I was never really out of it, but now they’re giving me a badge. ]]

[[ How droll. ]] Valar was looking at the Dream intently. [[ We’ve tried to combine other things you know. Nothing’s worked. Apparently, there has to be some sort of pre-existing connection for the Alchemist’s Dream’s power to kick in. I tried getting Kelik to help analyze the orb, but once he discovered that chocolate and peanut butter had already been combined somehow, he stopped caring. ]]

About that time, Kelik wandered up, stuffing his mouth with some kind of candy. Both Valar and Eliza snickered at him.

[[ What? ]] Kelik asked.

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A few months later . . .

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{{ Mmmh, }} Veronica thought towards Eliza. {{ That feels wonderful. But I don’t think that’s helping my shoulders at all. }} She was lying facedown and naked on the bed she and Eliza shared at the compound. While they were working for the government again, they had chosen to remain at the team compound. They had been going through their daily workout when Veronica complained about having stiff muscles. Of course, she had said that in hopes of getting a full-nude massage, which had worked. But Eliza had barely spent any time on Veronica’s shoulders. As soon as the blonde Hybrid was naked, Eliza had started kissing her way down the woman’s spine until she got to more pleasant territory. ‘Hybrid’ was the name the two women had chosen for the new species of which they were the exclusive members. It wasn’t imaginative, but it was less corny sounding than some of the other options that had been put forward. Eliza pulled Veronica’s hips up off the mattress to give her easier access to that sweet slice of pie and she let her tongue get to work.

{{ I’m just hoping to make you forget about your shoulders, }} Eliza thought back. She buried her lips into that fragrant crotch and licked between the lips. She loved the perfume that Veronica wore, particularly when she dashed some “down there,” letting it mingle with her natural aroma. She pulled out long enough to rim Veronica’s asshole, but then back down the slot she went. Sweet and juicy as always.

With her chest pressed flat against the bed, Veronica reached a hand back and grabbed her lover’s hair, holding Eliza’s head in place. She often wondered if Eliza’s tongue had grown longer when they had been transformed, or if they had just become so accustomed to one another’s bodies that the tongue just SEEMED longer. Eliza had just sent her tongue to the heart of the Promised Land when Veronica’s communicator started beeping.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” she growled.

{{ Don’t answer it, }} Eliza sent, gripping Veronica’s hips as she tried to crawl towards the communicator.

{{ I . . . have . . . to . . . answer it! }} Veronica mentally grunted as she dragged her lover along the bed in attempt to reach the device. {{ It could be important! We do have . . .have work to do! }} She finally reached the communicator. “Hello?” she gasped. “Captain . . . Corbin,” she managed to get out. {{ Cut that out, }} she thought back to Eliza, {{ It’s business. }} Her protestations fell on deaf ears, or a deaf mind as it were, so Veronica tried to muster onward. “No, now’s a good time. Sorry, Eliza’s very . . . very busy right now. I’m sure I can . . . Yes, we can . . . come over there.” Veronica’s breathing was becoming increasingly labored as Eliza’s tongue worked its magic. “How soon do you . . . want us?” She bit her bottom lip for a moment. “Right now?” she practically whispered as her back arched and skin tightened. “You want us to . . . come . . . right now?” Her body shivered as her climax raced through her midsection and her juices leaked onto Eliza’s face and onto her tongue. “Talk to you soon Captain.” She disconnected the signal. {{ You insatiable little bitch! }} she thought, pleasantly basking in the afterglow.