Loosening Up Bk. 07 Ch. 21-25


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Scarlett responded, "Oh, she went with Matthew and Heather over to his grandmother's home for the night. Athena has the night off, too. They have an early trip to some zoo tomorrow morning that the grandmom arranged. One of her boyfriends is taking all of them along with two of his grandchildren. Athena will go, too."

"Great." Dave then introduced Scarlett to Steve Reagan, briefly stating his lineage from the university and the robotics lab, and affirming that Scarlett was his wife.

Steve shook her outstretched hand, and then froze. He was speechless and his eyes had locked onto Scarlett like a weapons system locked onto its target. The sudden meeting of the star had frozen his brain cells.

Scarlett moved closer to Steve and then leaned in and kissed him on the cheek in a sultry way. She stroked his face with one hand in the process. He about keeled over backwards. Tatiana stopped him from falling off his bench seat, a point that made her laugh.

He said after a few seconds, "I apologize. I've never met a movie star. I never thought I ever would ... and ... and ... you kissed me."

"You were frozen," Scarlett said. "I always wanted to see if a kiss would breakup that problem. I guess it did. Besides, you're handsome and I like kissing good-looking men. You can talk now."

"I'm still speechless. I love your movies. I think you are a superb actress, and very versatile. I just sawRoad Trip for the second time a week ago."

Scarlett gestured for him to continue. "More," she commanded with a grin. "I like compliments and an adoring public, and you were just getting warmed up." She laughed as she teased the academic.

Everyone laughed, including Steve. He bowed slightly in her direction, and then made a point of shutting up.

Steve finally gestured between Dave and Scarlett. He said, "You two are an item?"

Scarlett smiled as she returned to her seat beside Dave. "Very much so. We're kind of married. He's my daughter's stepdad; he adopted her and is her legal guardian. She fits in as the second oldest child in his tribe."

Steve asked, "How many children do you have?"

"Around twelve," Dave replied. "We're not certain of the paternity in a few cases but I was a likely culprit. More are on the way." He gestured to Alice's pregnant bump.

"Twelve! Good grief. Your wives must be working overtime."

"Most of them are not with my wives. We don't worry about paternity too much in our Circle, although I seem to have a knack for showing up at the right time for fertilization purposes."

"You live a most unusual life." There was awe in Steve's tone.

"You don't know the half of it," Dave told him with a chuckle.

Tatiana said, "It took me a while to learn about the Circle and the Prentiss family. There are many newspaper articles about the group around two years ago when the Circle and some of its members were in the news for various reasons."

"What was newsworthy besides one man siring twelve children?" Steve asked, his curiosity showing.

Tatiana smiled, "Kidnapping, shooting, polyamory, Scarlett's presence in our community, being outed on campus as an exotic dancer, being outed as a porn star, and more. We have a scrapbook you could look through if you want more details."

Steve had recoiled at some of the terms. "I'd like to see that book. This is the second time you mentioned it. This place is full of drama I take it?"

Scarlett spoke up, "Actually, it's about the most serene place on the planet without going 'off grid'. Those little blips of drama, while interesting, were uncharacteristic of this place, and not all of them happened to the same person. People get their noses all out of joint over the sexual nature of the Circle, but once they realize we're nonthreatening they usually go away. Besides they have the wrong focus if that's what they believe."

"Don't you get hassled?" Steve asked the movie star.

"I stay here on the reservation most of the time. Once in a while I'll go out to the movies or grocery store. It's actually rare that people identify me. I wear glasses and a baseball cap, and dress Florida casual, and no one particularly notices me versus any other blonde. Occasionally, I know I've been spotted, but the person is nice enough to just nod at me or ignore me beyond that point."

Steve nodded. "When I first saw you, I wasn't entirely sure you were really you. I thought you were a look-alike until Dave clarified who you were."

Tatiana reappeared from inside the core living area. She presented one of the large scrapbooks about the Circle to Steve and then sat beside him. Dave noticed how she snuggled in beside him so they could both look at the book together. The two began turning pages, with Steve taking time to read a paragraph or two here and there as she pointed.

Some dance music started on the patio speaker. Several couples got up to dance. Dave wondered how Tatiana planned to handle the erotic turn of the evening with Steve Reagan.

He finally heard her say, "Bring the book. We should leave the Circle members to the rest of their evening. I have a great yearning for a Starbuck's latte, so why don't you drive. Bring the book, we can continue to look at it at the coffee shop."

Before they left, several of the women had removed their tops, and Bridget had started to dance naked with Wes. Steve's eyes were bugging out of his head and were looking at all the imminent sexual activity on the patio as Tatiana led him away. She waved goodbye to the others over her own shoulder.

* * * * *

Dave made his final thrusts into the warm and loving female in his large bed as she writhed in pleasure beneath him. Cindy returned his thrusts with those of her own and used her legs to pull him in tight to her. She was trying to drive his cum as deep inside her as she possibly could. At the true finale, he collapsed into her welcoming arms and they again kissed with renewed passion and love.

"Dave, I really love you. God, you are such a passionate and loveable man."

"And, I love you, Cindy. I wish you could stay here forever, but I also love Mark and know you have to spread your talents around just the way all of us do."

"I do, and I'm glad you're so understanding. This philosophy and lifestyle can be frustrating sometimes in that way. We still have a couple more months before I move back north, and then, who knows, I'll still have to make routine 'inspection' visits here. The whole office set up and training is taking much longer than any of us expected. I still haven't even found a person to head the office."

They kissed.

"Mark seems happy, but he told me he misses you."

Cindy snorted, "It's not like his bed is empty. He has a bed as large as this one and it's usually filled with fertile female flesh."

"Oh, I love the alliteration."

"Well, my sister is taking care of him as her primary responsibility. Melanie, Izzy, KC, and Sheila have been his steady companions besides Elsa. On top of that, just like you, he has a large group of other women he loves in very physical ways."

"Maybe we need to set up some kind of residency program where one or two people from here and there swap locales for a longer period of time -- say a month or two like I'm doing staying with you while on assignment."

"I like that idea. I know one person that would be in this space right next to us for two months with a simple phone call."

"Who, pray tell?"

"KC. Her art gallery is a big success in the city, and she's been talking about opening a second gallery in downtown Sarasota. I drove along Palm Avenue where most of the art galleries are and there are a couple of empty shops at street level. I haven't talked to her. It'd take her a month or two to set up here and staff such a site. She'd find people to work with easier than I can in this artsy community."

Dave laughed, "Not that I'm trying to encourage sedition, but call her. Give her the invitation. I'll talk to her if she wants to hear it straight from me. She can use the other guest room, and be sure to tell her that she'll have full privileges of the Circle and Prentiss household."

Cindy asked, "What about one or two people to go up there?"

"Male or female?"

"Either. We suffer from the same imbalance in the sexes that you do, so an extra male would always be appreciated, but it's not necessary."

"I'll put the word out to the whole Circle after we're standing and I can spend a few minutes in my home office."

Cindy took hold of Dave's flaccid cock and started to stroke him again. "Don't rush off. I think there's still some life left in this beast."

An hour later Dave's broadcast message to the Circle asked for expressions of interest about spending time with Mark Worthington's tribe at both his condo in the city and at The Meadows. Both places were well known to most of the Circle from previous parties or short visits.

At dinner the next night the first to offer up her hot body was Lisa Taggart. She came up to Dave; "I want to volunteer to live with Mark and his extended family for the next couple of months. There's a three-month trauma course being taught at Tampa General in the city during the week that's too far to commute to, but would be superb on my resume. It'd get me a promotion for sure and help towards SMH get a higher rating as a trauma center, plus they'll pay for me to take the course. It starts in two weeks."

Cindy was sitting right there. She grinned, "Pack you bags. I'll tell Mark and Elsa that you're coming ... or is it going to be 'cumming'?"

Lisa laughed, "Both, I hope. I know I'm going to love this. I loved all your handsome men. I relish being able to spend time with all of them, especially in their beds."

Dave teased, "What about Jim? Will he be all right with you abandoning his bed?"

Lisa responded, "We talked about it; he'll be fine. Just so you know we've had Samantha and-or Savannah living part-time in our guest room ... and our bedroom when they're not otherwise engaged somewhere else around the Circle. They're also with Adam and Jill a lot of the time. They'll be sure Jim is well cared for and fucked blind on a daily basis. He's trying to talk them into appearing together at the Club Ecstasy. Can you imagine how hot that would be; twin strippers on stage. They'd bring the house down."

Lisa had no sooner left the table than Chris Thomas pulled up an empty chair beside Dave and Cindy. Nikky's father asked, "Are men really eligible to go and spend time with the Worthington clan for a couple of months?"

Dave nodded, "Sure. Absolutely. You alone or with Jessica?"

"Me alone. Jess can't leave her job. I've been taking courses here and there to upgrade my practice from general dentistry to dental surgery and even oral prosthetics. I need one more semester of work and I would have done it months ago, but for the distance and overnights required."

Dave affirmed, "Well, consider yourself on the in. When?"

"These aren't formal courses so much as they are periods of experience as an apprentice to a teaching doctor with these skills. My mentor is up in Tampa, so it'll work perfectly. I'm pretty sure I could start any time; it'd be about four months after that."

Cindy repeated, "Pack your bags. Just tell me the dates and I'll be sure you have a soft landing up north. All my sisters will love having you available."

Dave asked, "What about Jessica?"

Chris laughed. "Well Nikky was with us when we read your email this afternoon. She suggested that after I was gone that Jess 'adopt' one or two of the fraternity men and have them move into our bed. I think the two of them have been interviewing candidates over dinner."

Chris gestured to one of the other tables. Nikky and Jessica were sitting in the middle of the table surrounded by the four men from the Phi Theta Rho fraternity. Both women were topless and Jess was sitting in an even more revealing and provocative pose nearly exposing her barely clad pussy to several of the men. Phil, Ron, Jake, and Murph -- young men from an earlier cohort of men that joined the Circle -- were also at another table seeking some dedicated access to Jess.

Chris said, "From the way she's looking, I'd say she'll have more than her share of male attention while I'm away. Besides I will be home on an occasional weekend ... unless my wife is too busy with other men." He chuckled.

Cindy laughed, "Don't commit to that. Our weekends at The Meadows or even down in the Bahamas are a lot of fun. You could even bring Jessica and a frat rat or two up there or on one of our group trips. I should warn you though that all of them are highly sexual. The fucking even starts on the plane when we start flying to St. Croix on a Friday evening."

"Warn me?" Chris laughed. "You don't need to warn those eager for the experience."

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NewnotsureNewnotsureabout 4 years ago
Wow not sure

I love the story line, but I think Dave is being put off by his wife’s they are no longer talking to him. I think if this keeps up maybe he will be looking to others and not his wife’s.

But I do love the story a lot

Clancy31015Clancy31015almost 5 years ago
What's next?

A celebration two week cruise with both The Circle and the Worthington groups? Another hurricane or natural disaster that has both groups stuck together for a week? How about a stalker from the college with the ladies and men doing what Cindy, Melanie, and Elsa did in prior series, going and learning to shoot guns? Dave becoming a multibillionaire shortly after EneRG goes public with an IPO? Alice being promoted at work with Roy becoming the replacement CEO with the individual that didn't like Alice doing porn stepping aside?

Clancy31015Clancy31015about 5 years ago
What's next?

You've been at this series a little over a year, will you keep it going for as many parts as your preceding series or will you be wrapping this series up? Me, I hope you keep pumping these parts out for the next 10-50 years, this series is one of the best I've read, you, carbinemaster, bigzeke13, nicequip, callicious, fountainpen67, prolonged_debut10, stretchtacos, chiara23, blackrandl1958, and some others are in a league of your own. You certainly beat the one and done folks by miles with plots, stories, characters, and everything else.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Jason is mistaken

Our esteemed president Trump would approve of LEGAL immigration- especially skilled immigration. A manufacturing facility in Communist China would seem to be unwise since they appropriate any technology they can get hold of- a situation which our esteemed president Trump is trying to combat.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

First of all let me say that in general I enjoy your work and think you are a good writer. However I think that you have lost your way on this one. When this saga started it was about Alice and Dave embarking on a journey that was exciting, dangerous, frightening and above all arousing. Through it all they had an unbreakable bond of love between them, although that was tested at times. It was great.

Where it is now I often wonder if Dave and Alice even care about each other anymore, they don't seem to interact much at all, at least not on the written page. Alice is barely in your story apart from an odd comment here and there or to say that she is with Owen. When was the last time they had any intimate time together, not sexual time but time showing how their love is stronger than ever. I really wish that you would cut back on your constant need to add more and more people and concentrate on developing some of the interesting characters you already have. I hope that now you have Alice and Dave working together you can spend some time on strengthening that relationship, but somehow I'm doubtful and that makes me sad. Anyway that's just my humble opinion. Keep writing and I'll always be interested in what you come up with.

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