Love Around the World 12: London


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"Hurts a little. Don't stop. Feels even better!"

She kept fucking me until she came again, unable to stop smiling at the feeling of her filling my arse again with even more cum. She pulled out and flopped onto her back, chest rising and falling as I rolled onto my side to cuddle into her.

"I've never made love to a virgin before," she admitted, "So I think we can say we were each other's first in one regard."

"Thank you, Sally," I whispered, needing to blink rapidly again, "I never thought... I always hoped I'd meet a girl like you one day."

"I'm glad I decided to go out tonight. I normally go out with friends, but I just needed to relax and unwind. When I saw you alone at the bar, I knew I just had to talk to you. And within a couple of minutes, I knew I had to bring you home with me and have you to myself."

I stayed with Sally that night and we would remain lovers for the next two years. We were never exclusive. She told me that I should go out and have all the fun I could, and that while she absolutely adored me, she also liked to have fun with men at the same time. That didn't stop us from meeting up at least twice a week, and the only thing that eventually ended our relationship was that she met someone she genuinely fell head over heels in love with. I'll admit to being a little heartbroken, and she was crying when telling me she couldn't see me anymore.

I remember her fondly though. Unforgettable.

As for me, I didn't make any commitments. In addition to the time I spent with Sally, I enjoyed some friendships with at least four other transwomen, none of them particularly interested in anything exclusive, and all four of them were the sort of dominant women like Sally I really enjoyed being with. I also enjoyed sex with a man for the first time six months after my first time with Sally, and they were the sort of hunks I'd always been attracted to, and sex with them was nothing more than no holds barred animalistic fucking. I'd usually go home after a night with them aching considerably, enough that my mother and sisters would be chuckling as I staggered inside the front door. They knew I was living my best life.

I'd been working for years, part-time while I was studying, full-time with all the overtime I could get during any holiday breaks, and I worked my arse off for an entire year while I was twenty-one so I could afford a flight and a few months of living expenses.

My first couple of weeks in London was spent living in a hostel as I looked for a job and a place to live. Finding a temporary job wasn't difficult, and I found Mike's advert about living in the sharehouse. Meeting him, James and Steven, they were upfront about the fact they were gay and if that would bother me. I was rather honest about what I'd been up to back in Sydney.

No real surprise that Mike had his cock buried in my arse within a week of moving in.


I was lying back on my bed without my towel when Mike appeared in the doorway, naked as he rubbed his wet hair with a towel. I couldn't help gazing down his body towards his cock as he walked in and joined me on the bed, spreading my legs as he rested above me. Reaching down to caress his cock, his eyes lit up as I aimed it towards my arse as I'd lubed myself up ready for him, moaning softly as he easily sank inside me.

"Fill me up before we go out," I whispered, "I love heading out with a load of your cum in my arse."

He came inside me within a few minutes as he pounded me relentlessly from the moment that he was completely inside me before he pulled out, making me laugh as he picked up his towel and whistled a tune. Getting off the bed, I quickly got dressed and waited for my roommates to appear. The three were dressed to impress as I knew this was going to be like any normal Saturday night. They were looking to find fellow young men to fuck, and if they couldn't find anyone, and I ended the night alone, we'd end up back at our sharehouse and they'd spend the night fucking me.

Either way, we'd all come out winners in the end.

The club we were visiting was one they knew catered to what I really liked as it was one of the best clubs in London to meet transwomen. I'd been picked up a few times since arriving. I never took a woman back to my sharehouse as they would generally take me home with them. I was aware that, most of the time, that wouldn't happen with most other men, but most people would recognise that I was pretty much harmless. Hell, Sally had proven stronger than me as she'd carried me to her bedroom more than once before we made love.

There was a line at the club as expected, but the two regular bouncers knew me rather well. One of them was gay as hell and I'd happily sucked him off more than once, and he'd slid his large cock inside me a couple of times when he would come inside the club on his break. Calling me forward, I played up the completely gay twink for him, running my hands down his chest and cupping his groin in thanks before blowing him a kiss, hearing my three friends laughing away behind him.

"Two to one he goes home with a woman tonight though," Mike stated.

My three friends were immediately on the prowl. I wasn't offended as our relationship was strictly physical. We just had sex but there were no feelings. I liked Mike a lot, but I didn't want a relationship with a man. Walking to the bar to buy a drink, one of the girls behind the bar was a gorgeous transgirl who knew me by name, taking a seat as she placed my usual tipple in front of me.

"Alright, Mark?" she asked.

"No complaints," I replied, "Anything going on in here tonight?"

"Seen a few girls in here tonight that might interest you. Also a couple of very hunky guys if you strike out with the girls."

"Anyone I might recognise?"

"A few regulars that I know you haven't hooked up with before." Leaning forward, she whispered, "I really think you should speak to Crystal. You know the busty brunette that you see in here from time to time? I know she's single, and I know she's after young men just like you. I don't know her well, but girls do talk and all. Surprised you haven't hooked up before."

"Where is she at the moment?"

"Not sure, but if she comes back to the bar, I'll point her in your direction. All you need to be is your usual very cute and adorable self and I'm sure you'll score." She leaned further over the bar and kissed my cheek. "And if you want some company if you're not getting anywhere, you know I won't say no to that sweet little arse of yours, sweetie."

"Thanks, Skye. I remember our times together too."

"Hard to forget the sight of you bouncing up and down on my big girlcock." She paused and giggled to herself. "And now I'm hard because I'm picturing it in my mind. I'd better go. Have a good night, and just wave if you need a fresh one."

I watched Skye walk away and smiled to myself as I remembered the night that we hooked up for the first time. I didn't even realise I'd been flirting with her, but when she asked me to wait until she finished her shift, she disappeared and changed, appearing next to me and asking me rather bluntly if I wanted to go home with her. Within five minutes of arriving at her apartment, she had her girlcock buried in my arse and it was one hell of a good way to finish the night.

Chatting away with a few regulars, most of them were aware of my interests. A few gay guys tried their luck, and I was always honest with them. I had my interests, but if we were both still lonely at the end of the night, I wouldn't say no to some company once we departed for the evening. I'd ordered another drink from Skye when the stool next to me was suddenly occupied, glancing and smiling as I recognised Crystal immediately. The flowing brunette hair. Gorgeous blue eyes. Pouty lips always with pink lipstick. The rather large chest and exposed cleavage that she loved showing off. Short skirt and long legs always on display. The woman was sex on legs, and she knew it.

"Skye said I should come and say hello, Mark," she said, resting her hand on mine as it rested on the bar, "We're always like ships passing in the night. Generally, we'd greet each other but one of us is usually otherwise occupied. No luck tonight?"

"I'm just chilling tonight, to be honest. Skye did suggest..."

"She was rather blunt that I should come and say hello... I've been meaning to do more than that for quite a little while now. Why haven't you?"

"To be honest, I find you a little... intimidating."

"Why?" she asked curiously.

"You're so bloody beautiful... You remind me of a woman I was with back in Sydney. Completely out of my league yet she was interested in me."

"Mark, you have no idea how bloody cute you are, do you? Trust me, there are around a dozen girls in here right now who would love to be in my position."

"I'm still working on the old self-confidence, I guess."

"I've seen you in here with other girls, and seen you leave with quite a few of them. And a couple of guys too."

"Guess I'm not shy in what I like when I'm talking with a girl, let them know where I stand."

Moving her stool closer, she called Skye over to order us each a drink, the conversation pausing until we were alone again. "And what is it that you like, Mark?" she teased. I gave her a look that made her giggle. "Yes, yes, I think most people here know of you and certainly know of some of your interests. Piper is a good friend of mine, and she was very complimentary of the couple of nights you've had together."

"Piper is a beautiful woman. How's she doing?"

"Sad about moving away from London, but Manchester has plenty of young men who want to be fucked by a beautiful woman."

"And what about you, Crystal?"

"Working hard. Partying harder. Saskia and Kenzie are in here somewhere. Probably watching me and with fingers crossed that I finally take you home with me."

I met her blue eyes and felt my cheeks growing warmer. "Oh..."

"Mark, be honest with me. Have you been interested in me for a while now?"

Glancing away, I was embarrassed because I wasn't lying when I thought she was totally out of my league. She belonged on magazine covers or in movies. Transwoman or not, I know many are worried about 'passing'. She passed and then some. Put her next to a line of women and I doubt you'd pick her out.

Feeling her soft lips on my cheek, I turned my eyes back to her. "That's my answer," she said softly, "Would you like to dance for a little while?"

"I'd love to."

Offering her hand, she led me out onto the dancefloor, not surprised she took the lead as her heels ensured she was at least six inches taller, my head resting between her large breasts. With my hands on her back, I felt her stroking mine as we moved slowly despite most others keeping the fast beat. The DJ seemed to see us and put on a much slower song at the end of the faster one, and I leaned back enough so Crystal could lean down and kiss me.

"About time," she whispered, "Tonight, I'm taking you home and we're not having sex. I want to get to know you first, Mark. I've been interested in you since the first time you walked in here."


"Absolutely. That's not to say we won't make love in the morning, but I just want to go home and talk."

"Want to go now?"

"Let's dance for a little longer first."

We stayed on the dancefloor for another half an hour before we made our way back to the bar, picking up our coats before she found Saskia and Kenzie, letting them know we would be leaving. I wasn't surprised that they were eager to join us, left wondering what was on their mind. The Underground was still operating as we left earlier than normal, riding it out to the suburbs where the three girls lived together.

Crystal had barely let go of my hand the entire time, kicking off her heels as soon as we were inside, Saskia and Kenzie doing the same. I slid out of my leather shoes at the same time before I was led into the living room, smiling at the erotic artwork and pictures on the walls. No surprise they were of transwomen being rather dominant with a man.

Saskia disappeared into the kitchen as I sat next to Crystal on one couch, Kenzie joined by Saskia on the other couch, a bottle of wine opened, and four glasses filled. For the next couple of hours, the three of them got to know plenty about me as I asked just as many questions of them.

"How many women have you been with?" Saskia wondered, "I mean those born with a vagina."

"None," I admitted.

"What? You've never had sex with a girl?" Crystal asked, left rather amused at how surprised she was.

"No. Was never shown any interest at school or through university. As you know, my first lover was Sally, and once I was with her, and I realised what I really liked with a lover, I figured what was the point. I mean, I know you can meet a girl who might be into femdom, but I prefer the real thing inside me anyway."

"So only girls like us and men?" Kenzie wondered.

"Yep. I do enjoy the sex I have with men, but that's all it is. Just some hot, hard sex. With transgirls, I know I'm still the bottom, still somewhat submissive, but I've had an emotional connection with more than one girl over the years. The only reason it didn't turn into a relationship with any of them is that my intention was to always come over here."

"And the girls you've met here?" Crystal asked.

"I've had a lot of fun, but I guess I just haven't had that connection yet. Um... You know my roommates, right?"

"Yeah, we see you arrive with them. Mike likes you," Saskia stated.

I definitely blushed. "Yeah, we do genuinely like each other, and I'm not going to lie. The sex with him is hot. He has a big cock and knows how to use it. But it'll never be anything more than that. Just sex."

"Because you'd rather be with a girl like me?" Crystal asked softly, feeling her fingers interlace with mine, meeting her eyes and I wondered if she was hoping I'd say the right thing.

"I've always wanted to be with a girl like you. I sometimes regret what happened with Sally because, despite the fact we were never exclusive, I knew that we spent more time with each other than with others. But she didn't want me to commit because I was so young, and she was somewhat older than me. I reckon if I'd been older, or she was a lot younger..."

"Sounds like you miss her," Saskia suggested, glancing to see her smiling at me.

"I do miss her, but I also know she met a young man, not as young as me, but still quite young, who she did fall completely in love with. I met him and I understood why. They were a good couple and I know they're still together now."

The three girls talked about previous relationships but in particular the pitfalls of dating as transwomen. London is very gay-friendly, and though they had the usual issues with certain men who would freak out when they were told the truth, more often than not they'd at least understand though nothing further would happen as they didn't want to be with a woman who had the same biology. Crystal admitted that all transwomen could understand though it made dating difficult, and it could be a somewhat lonely experience at times. It's why she lived with Saskia and Kenzie, as they had a tight friendship and supported each other.

We eventually finished two bottles of wine before Saskia and Kenzie disappeared off to be, making me blush when both ensured they left a soft kiss on my lips before leaving me along with Crystal.

"Mark... When did you last have sex?"

"Um... Earlier this afternoon. Mike walked out of the bathroom and, well..."

"I haven't had sex in six months."

"What? Why?"

"I'm a little older than you and I want to meet a young man who might love me so much that he'd just want to be with me." She paused and whispered, "Though I'm an open-minded woman and my friends need some love too so I think I could share him that way."

I sighed, feeling guilty though she pulled my arm, so I moved to straddle her lap. Gazing up at me, she leaned forward and kissed me. "Don't feel guilty for having fun with your friend earlier," she told me, "Tell me... How did it feel?"

"Mike has such a great cock. When he slides inside me that first time... I always shudder because it just feels so good. Then when he started to pump me, my god, I just feel all his strength and power as his hips move, his cock ever so deep inside me, and every single time he fills my arse, I just have to hold onto him for a few seconds to savour the moment. But then he'll just pull out and go about his day. We never kiss or anything. Too intimate for both of us. It's just sex."

She leaned forward to kiss me again. "I want more than just sex," she whispered, her fingers running up and down my back. "Do you want more than that too?"

"I know I'm young, but I'm also looking for love. I'm honest with the girls I'm with. I want to fall in love, but I can also handle just having a physical relationship. Friends with benefits, that sort of thing."

"That's why I don't want to have sex tonight, Mark. I just want you to stay with me. Cuddle with me. Talk with me until late in the night, wake up with me in the morning and gaze at me like you are now."

"Because I still can't believe I'm here like this with you... You're just so beautiful, Crystal. I know I keep saying it..."

"Keep saying it," she said, kissing my cheek, "I already love hearing how much you appreciate my physical attributes at least."

"I'd like to know you at heart too."

"I'd like to know yours as well, Mark. You're too bloody cute for your own good, but everyone at the club speaks highly about you as well."

"I'm glad I've made the right impression."

Sliding off her lap, she took my hand and led me upstairs to the bedrooms. I wasn't surprised her two roommates were putting on a little show. Saskia left her door ajar just enough that we could peek in and see her masturbating. Kenzie had left her door open, and she was busy on her knees, pushing back against a dildo attached to the mirror. Neither saw us though we knew they probably did it for our benefit.

Crystal shut the door to her bedroom and immediately kissed me. She helped off my shirt before I slid out of my shoes and slid my trousers off. She ensured I didn't lower my underwear as I helped unzip her dress, leaving her in just her bra and panties. Asking me to get into bed, I lifted up the sheet and quilt cover as she turned around removed her bra, grabbed a t-shirt and pulled that on before she slid into bed next to me.

Rolling onto my side, she spooned against me, feeling the heat of her groin against my arse and I assumed she was still tucked. When I mentioned that, I felt her shuffle and I smiled to myself when I felt her poking me. And what was poking me wasn't small by any stretch of the imagination.

"Skye said you were the sweetest young man she's ever been with," she whispered, "She said you made her feel so loved despite the fact she was the one fucking the hell out of you."

"She's a lovely young woman and I enjoyed the time we've spent together."

"A few other girls that I've asked about you have all said the same thing. There's Britney, remember her?"

"She had an enormous girlcock, that's what I remember about her. I've had a lot of cocks inside me, but she took some adjusting."

"And she loved the fact you cared enough to always try. Jade flat out wants you to herself though she doesn't want to be exclusive because she loves variety."

"We were great in bed together, but the conversation was stilted. She's a lovely girl, but the fact we shared little in common except for the fact we loved to fuck didn't bode well for a long-term relationship." Taking her hands that were resting on me, I asked, "What about you? Anyone you remain fond of?"

"A couple of young men from a few years back. I'm sure you're aware of the fact that a lot of men treat us like a fetish, want us to fuck them once then they'll ghost us."