Love Potion Number Nine

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Being lesbians didn't save them.
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I staggered to my feet, wincing as the mother of all migraines crushed my skull.

“My head is killing me,” I whined. “Doesn’t anybody care?”

I could hear heavy breathing and the throaty moans of lust, but I couldn’t see them. Part of the problem was my blurred vision and the spots in front of my eyes. The fact that I was facing the wrong way didn’t help either.

Rusty gears gnashed in my brain as I tried to think. “Where am I? What am I doing? Where the hell are all my clothes?”


Something got me right in the back of my leg. I almost went down, but as soon as I got my rubber legs under me, I whirled and started cussing like a sailor.

“What the fuck do you think…?”

“Yeah baby, yeah. Give it to me, give it to me. Uh, uh, uh.”

It was my sister. She was on the floor. She was kicking her feet like an insane frog and I had to jump back before she got me again.

“Carol?” I said.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh.” She was so intent on what she had between her legs, she acted as if I wasn’t there.


I cringed as my own voice made my head throb.

“Almost there, almost there.” she said.

It was a low, guttural rasp. Hard to believe that sound came from my sister. Harder still to believe how she looked and what she was doing.

Her hair was a fright, soaked with sweat and flying around like the Gorgon’s. Every inch of her body glistened with perspiration as she jiggled and bounced. The man’s leg, sticking out from under her, twitched spasmodically as she pounded her naked body on him like a sex-crazed animal.

“Argh, here it comes, here it comes.” Even her toes were clenching.

“Carol, what…”


She had just jumped up and thrown herself back down on him.

“Watch it,” I yelled, but it was too late.

Her feet whipped past my dodging body, my feet got tangled in the Sybian machine’s wires, and I crashed to the floor in a tangle of my own arms and legs.

“I’m commmmiiiiinnnggg!”

My hackles rose as Carol’s strained screech plunged a dull knife into my left temple. Her staccato, “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming,” twisted the blade in my brain.

“Shut the fuck up!”

“I’m coming!” another girl’s voice started, and then a third. Their combined yowls were enough to peel the paint off the walls.

“Make it stop!”

I pressed my hands on my ears as I sprawled across the sex machine. The controller for the machine sat clearly in the center of my vision, as countless black and white dots clouded everything else.

“Hello,” I said as I turned it on.

“Ahhh.” The motor started and the middle thing started moving.

You’re supposed to ride it like a horse, not lie across it with the thingy in your bellybutton. I didn’t care. The rest of me still felt like I’d escaped from a clothes dryer, but right then, my bellybutton felt great.

I pushed myself back, and watched the middle sliding back and forth and vibrating. The smell of pussy wafted into my nose as I lowered my head, but I didn’t care whose cunt had been there. I dropped my head on those vibrating rubber knobs, and was drooling with relief an instant later.

If one was so good, two would be better. I got up with some crazy idea of tipping the other Sybian upside down and having both of them rubbing my head at the same time. I know it sounds stupid, but men do dumber things all the time. I could hear it running at full blast, but there was a pile of naked bodies on top of it.

“Me, me. It’s my turn,” Carol’s girlfriend Janet said. I caught a quick glimpse of Jerry’s face before her ass blocked my view.

“Wait! I can’t bre…” Jerry said.

“Ahhhh,” Janet said, cutting him off as she plopped down on his face.

The other two quickly lined up behind her, Carol behind her girlfriend, and my girlfriend, Mandy, behind her. They all started moving like a well-rehearsed dance team.

I felt a stirring down below. I’d been a part of that dance just a short while ago, and my pulse quickened as my body remembered the thrill of it.

It was fascinating to watch. Each girl was giving voice to her passion in her own register, making an exciting kind of music, and their hips slid up and down Jerry as if they were connected to each other. It was mesmerizing. It was as if I was watching a train made of girls, chugging tirelessly on Jerry’s body. Their voices were the whistles, while their hips kept going, “choo-choo-choo.”

They didn’t see the way Jerry was clawing at Janet’s hips. They couldn’t see the way his legs were frantically kicking. They were just a mindless little train, chugging along.


They each rose as if they were doing the wave as Jerry’s struggles got more desperate, and the wet sound of him gasping for air came from Janet’s crotch, but their little train went on without notice.


“I don’t think he can breathe,” I said.


“Hey, guys.” They had all been lifted, and there was a thud when they went back down.


“Get up! You’re suffocating h…”

Hold on, what’s this? The Sybian! His kicking and thrashing had knocked the Sybian out from under the pile. Nicest thing my brother’s ever done for me, I thought, as I rushed in to grab it.

Don’t worry, he got air. It sounded like Janet was letting loose a bunch of juicy farts, but it was just Jerry breathing with all that wet flesh on his face. I know it sounds gross, but for some reason I found it exciting at the time.

In fact, once I got close, his legs looked exciting too. Very exciting. My headache turned off with a snap, my breath started coming faster, and familiar little fingers were tickling the inside of my body.

“Oh yes,” I moaned. An electric shock got my motor purring as soon as I touched his leg. This was much better than some stupid machine.

“Hi baby,” I said, and kissed my girlfriend on the back of her neck as I climbed on behind her.

She cooed something sweet and twisted her head to kiss me.

“This feels so great,” she said while her lips were still on mine.

“So great,” I echoed, and snuggled up close.

The thrill of being back on Jerry was coursing through me, and I felt as if I’d climbed back into a hot tub after standing wet and freezing beside it for too long. Everything melted away except the tender joy of cupping Mandy’s breasts in my hands as I nuzzled her soft neck, and the carnal need to rub my most private parts on any part of Jerry that my pussy could reach. I fell in with their rhythm, and the train had a new caboose.


Oh yeah. Jerry’s my brother, my kid brother to be exact, and a jerk in every sense of the word. Carol is 20, I’m in the middle at 19, and dorko is 18. We don’t like Jerry very much, so I guess I should tell you why the four of us couldn’t get enough of rubbing our pussies on him.

To understand what happened, you first have to understand Jerry. Jerry is a certifiable MENSA genius. Dad had to pull him out of public school because he was always in trouble. Third grade teachers didn’t like to be called idiots by an eight-year-old, especially when he could prove it.

Without the public school system’s guidance, his knowledge and intellectual level went through the roof, and his social skills ceased to exist.

A couple of years ago he read something about pheromones, and within a few weeks sent something off to a perfume company. It was funny when the limo full of suits was shown to my zit-faced brother’s room. Dad wound up signing the contract, and immediately set up a trust fund for Jerry. Good thing he did. Jerry would have blown everything on hookers if he hadn’t.

Before you start thinking ‘poor little rich boy,’ let me give you the straight dope. Once the pimples cleared up, he wasn’t a bad looking guy. In fact, if you saw a movie of him, you’d think he was quite a hunk. That is unless you turned up the sound. Once he opens his mouth, you’ll drown in his caustic sarcasm and superiority complex. His idea of a pickup line is telling a girl how glad he is that he can’t catch her stupidity. You’d think that after all the quality time he spends with his pillow, he’d wise up.

Did I mention that he tried to blackmail Carol and me? Nice, huh.

It all started when Carol and I came home for spring break. We are very close, and we love to share stories about the boys we’ve met and the things we’ve done.

“So, did you have a good semester?”

“Yeah, it was very nice. You?”

“Yeah, good.”


We both just sat there.

I had just finished the most sizzlingly sexual semester of my life, but there hadn’t been any boys involved. Mandy and I had been roomies since first year, and it wouldn’t have gone beyond that if it hadn’t been for a crazy frat party.

We always get wild at those things, but we were off the scale that night. It’s a wonder we still had enough sense to run away after what we did from the balcony. We probably should have felt guilty about leaving the frat boys to face the music with those two campus cops, but they were the ones who said, “piss on ‘um” the previous time they’d told us to keep it down.

We were still goofy as hell when we came crashing into our room, and instead of sleeping it off, we wound up chasing each other around the room, screaming and pinching, and generally acting like a couple of idiots.

“Give up?” Mandy said. She had me pinned, and was bouncing on my chest.


She reached around behind her, and dug her fingers in my ribs.

I can’t stand being tickled.

She must have looked like she was riding a mechanical bull, the way I was going nuts under her. Problem is, she wound up sitting on my face and I was screaming into her panty crotch instead of getting her off me. I did the only thing I could; I bit her in the crotch. Not too hard or anything, just enough to get her attention.

I laughed my head off at the way she jumped up, but squealed like a banshee when she got me back. She had to do me one better, so she kept chewing on me as I tried to push her head away.

There was no hiding it. The moan popped out before I could choke it off and my whole body convulsed.

Mandy’s head popped up from between my legs, and she gave me an accusing look.

“I had a chill,” I said.

She bared her teeth and started to lower her head again.

I gasped.

“A chill, huh?”

“Yeah, it’s chilly in here. Can’t you feel it?”

“I don’t know, let me see,” she said. She got right in front of me and lifted her dress.

There was a clear challenge on her face, so I leaned forward and dragged my bottom teeth up the crotch of her panties. I gave her a smug sneer when she shivered.

“Yeah, I think I felt it too,” she said. Her voice was quiet, and she was still holding the front of her dress up.

I looked at her panties, and the way the thin material made a little dip in the middle. I could see that they were a little damp. Had I done that the two times my mouth had been there, or was it something else. I reached out my hand, and her knuckles turned white on the hem of her dress. When I rubbed my finger along the little cleft, she made a sexy moan and her legs got weak.

We looked at each other for a moment, then got all goofy again. Racing around the room and jostling each other, we got the blinds all closed, the dorm room door closed and locked, and threw our clothes at each other as we stripped. We’d seen each other naked before, but this was different. I was going to let Mandy make love to me, and she was another girl. We were standing there, not an arm’s length apart, and I was looking at her body in a completely new light. She was looking at me too, and I had to fight the urge to cover myself.

Talk about awkward. We were both waiting for the other one to seduce them. I was about to call the whole thing off when Mandy lifted her finger and touched my nipple. It was the silliest damn thing in the world, and it made me giggle. It also made goose bumps pop up all over my body. I lifted my finger and moved it slowly toward her nipple, but she couldn’t stand it and shied back. I didn’t push it, I just stood there holding my finger out.

“Where’d you get them done?” she said, looking at my fingernails.

“Dykes R Us,” I said, wiggling my finger.

She took a breath and started pushing her breast towards my finger.

Okay, I’m a rat. Besides, I was drunk. As she leaned in toward my finger, I kept it a hair's breadth away from her. She lost her balance and had to grab me as I kept my finger just out of reach of her breast. I thought it was funny, and she was so drunk, she thought so too. We got rowdy again, but got quiet as soon as we wound up on the bed. She was on top of me again, but this time she was lying, not sitting.

That’s when she kissed me. Our noses mashed awkwardly, just like the first time I kissed a boy. We were holding our lips funny, and our teeth bumped, just like the first time I kissed a boy. I tingled, flushed, moaned into her mouth and shivered, just like I had so wanted it to happen when I first kissed a boy.

We kissed, hugged, and then kissed some more. I’d lie on top, kissing her whole face; she’d get on top and make me giddy by kissing my neck. I’d hold her head and lick her until she couldn’t stand it, and she’d wiggle her tongue in my ear while I squirmed. We didn’t consummate, or whatever you want to call it, but I was in sensual heaven, and stayed there even after we drifted off.

“Good morning, sleepy head.”

“Good morning,” I said, and we kissed.

One of us didn’t smell too good, so we called a truce while we brushed out teeth and freshened up.

“You really like this stuff, don’t you?” Mandy said.

My nose knew what she was holding before I ever looked up. All the yummy smells I loved were in that sinfully expensive perfume she had. A small bottle of Angel by Thierry Mugler rested in her hand as she smiled at me.

“Are you kidding? I love it.” I said, reverently.

Her smile broadened, and she squirted some on her pubic hair.

“You’re such a pig,” I squealed.

“I like it too,” she said, trying to squirt some on mine.

I pulled back, but only for a second. I let her spray some on me, and we both ran to the bed.

We’d done a lot of things since, but just a whiff of chocolate-vanilla, fruits, or caramel, still brings back the memory of her perfume and that first morning. The morning I spent sniffing her Angel perfume while she held her pillow over her face and cried like a baby.

I was still hugging myself when Carol came out of her reverie. She tried to revive our dead conversation.

“I did a lot of studying this semester,” Carol said. “Janet’s been helping me. You remember Janet, don’t you?”

“The rich one?”

“Yes, she’s rich.”

“The one with the big boobs and that gorgeous hair?” I said as an evil grin started tugging at the corners of my mouth.

“Yes, she’s very attractive, isn’t she?” Carol said.

“The one with those sultry deep eyes, and lips just begging to be kissed?”

“Well, I don’t know…”

“The ass begging to be spanked, squeezed, kissed, and the pussy that has to be licked?”

“What are you…”

“You’ve been fuckin’ Janet,” I said.

You should have seen her. “How dare you!” “I never…” “How can you think?” Her face said that, and a bunch more, as her mouth opened and closed without a sound.

“Guess what?” I said, and then I stuck my tongue out and grabbed her boob.

“What? You’re kidding. Who?”


It was like old times. We were both so engrossed in our tales of depravity, neither of us noticed Jerry’s shadow on the floor, or even knew that he’d snuck back into the house.

“We’d better stop,” Carol said. “All this talk is getting me horny.”

“You.” I said, “If I get any hotter, I’ll need a diaper.”

Our eyes got kind of tangled, and we were sitting awfully close. I had my eyes wide open, and I was staring into hers when our lips met.

“Do you think…?”

“Yes,” I said, and put my arms around her.

“No, wait.”

“What?” I said.

“Jerry will be home any minute. We can’t do anything if he’s in the house.”

“Tomorrow,” I said, giving her a good squeeze. “They’re turning that lab over to him tomorrow, he’ll be gone all day.”

“Sweet,” Carol said.

Dickhead made a major production out of leaving the next morning. We know what he was up to now, but he had us totally conned that morning, and the next day. What a sleaze-ball.

We were bouncing on our tiptoes at the window, watching his car turn at the corner.

“We’re alone,” Carol said.

“I’ve never done it with an older woman,” I said, twisting back and forth with my finger in my mouth.

“Gawd,” Carol said.

“You wouldn’t take advantage of your little sister, would you?” I looked at her over my shoulders and batted my eyes.

“I might take you over my knee,” Carol laughed, and started for the bedroom.

I had to pee, so I ducked into the bathroom first.

“Where’d you go?” Carol yelled.

“I’ll be right out,” I said, but it took longer than expected.

“It’s cold out here,” she said when I finally came out. “If you were going to do a Jerry in there, you could have at least told me.”

Even mad, she looked hotter than hell standing there in her birthday suit. I decided to pull my little girl act and really piss her off.

“Aw, but it felt so nice.” I sniffed my finger as if I’d been playing with myself. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”

“Come with me, young lady,” she said in her best mom voice. She pulled me into the living room by my wrist.

I was giving her a hell of a time as she dragged me over her knee on the couch. I was just reaching out to pinch her leg when her hand smacked my bottom.

“Whoa, Carol. Let’s not get carried away.”


“Oh, so that’s the way you want to play it,” I said.

Carol is always so gentle, that I always thought I was stronger. After a short struggle, she had one leg over my legs, my arm twisted up behind my back, and had clearly demonstrated that I was wrong.


“This is going to hurt you a lot more than it is me,” Carol said, lifting my dress and taking a good swing.


“Ow! That hurts.”


She worked my panties down, and the next one hit bare flesh.


“That really stings, Carol.”


“Yes, I know.”

“Oh, hell. You’re getting off on this, aren’t you?”

“You’ve been a bad girl,” she said. She was breathing like a racehorse, and she kept pulling me up tighter between her legs.


“Okay, I’ll be good,” I said. I couldn’t get free, and my poor backside was burning like crazy.


“I know you will,” Carol said. She rubbed my tender cheeks, and her fingers slipped into my crack as she squeezed them. She wet her finger, stuck it between my legs, and wiggled it. I felt myself relaxing, when suddenly,



“Yes, baby sister?”

“Are you going to come by just spanking me?”

“I don’t know. I’m the one who’s normally getting spanked, and Janet’s made me have orgasms several times that way. Some times I’ll do something bad just so she’ll spank me.”

“Mandy and I never do anything like this,” I said.

“Maybe that’s why you’re such a brat,” she said.


“Bad girl, bad girl,” she started singing slowly, keeping her rhythm on my ass. “What cha’ gonna’ do? What cha’ gonna’ do when I come for you?”

She had slid down, adding her weight to the pressure on my arm, forcing my ass higher in the air. Her hot breath washed over my ear as her heavy breathing made the song turn into a chant as she set my tail on fire. It was making me tingle in places other than my backside.

Don’t ask me why, it doesn’t make any sense. I think pain sucks, and I sure can’t imagine getting off on it, but I tightened up on every beat and my flush went far beyond the cheeks of my ass.

“Oh,” I sighed.

“Naughty, naughty, baby,” Carol said.
