Marrying for Money Ch. 08


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Trevor had momentarily stopped his pacing, completely caught off guard by her interpretation of the events that had happened. As she watched, his brows drew together in the blackest of scowls. He began to advance toward her again, the muscles in his cheek trembling as he attempted to control his rage.

"In light of the fact that you have spent the last several weeks consorting with another man, it seems obvious to me that your accusations are nothing more than a feeble attempt to avoid the blame for your own actions. You know perfectly well that I had no idea Eliza would be waiting for me. Until the night we arrived home, I thought she was still married to another man."

Leanna was not of a mind to accept his logic, and she gave a bitterly caustic laugh. "Well that didn't stop you from accepting her right back into your life once you found out she was available!" Leanna continued backing around the table, more from habit than any real awareness of what she was doing. "Once you found out she was widowed, it didn't take you long to pick up right where you left off! Tell me, how long was it after I left before she climbed back into your bed?"

Trevor inwardly cringed at how close to the truth her statement had come, but not from any desire on his part! Still, the accuracy of Leanna's accusation stung, and he lashed out.

"Dammit, I never wanted Eliza," Trevor roared, with an impatient slash of his hand. "None of this would have happened if you hadn't gone running off."

Leanna gasped in outrage. "I had no choice but to leave. You made it abundantly clear that you loved Eliza and not me. You forget, I heard your cozy little conversation, about the child that you had together. I saw how Eliza was throwing herself at you, and you weren't exactly fighting her off!" Leanna again stamped her foot in fury, the last remaining pins in her hair beginning to come loose so it fell in tangled curls around her face.

Trevor began advancing on her once more, narrowing his eyes to mere slits. "Just like you weren't fighting off your lover tonight," Trevor shouted, chafing at the memory of the other man holding her in his arms, ogling her generous curves, putting his hands on her bare flesh. Trevor's voice dropped back to an ominous growl. "Tell me, how long have you been his lover? Since that first night you left me? Did you sigh as he kissed you, moan as he caressed you? Did you act the little whore for him just like you did for me, begging him to take you?" Insane with jealousy from the images he had conjured, Trevor hurled the table onto its side and took a long stride to stand nose to nose with his wife. His booming voice shook the panes of glass in the windows. "Dammit woman, how long did you wait before you spread your lovely white thighs for him?"

This time, Leanna didn't back away, but instead raised her chin and glared back at him, standing her ground in the face of his towering fury. She was still enraged, but there were tears of hurt and frustration in her eyes as well. Her voice was soft when she answered him, but it rang with sincerity.

"Neville was not my lover! Although, he would have been before the night was over! I had already decided to give myself to him. When I didn't hear from you after I sent you the divorce papers, I assumed there was no hope for our marriage. I had just made the decision to become intimate with Neville, but I hadn't followed through. You can condemn me for the intention but not the action."

Leanna gulped in a shaky breath as tears began to roll down her cheeks. "The only man I have ever been a whore for is you. You're the only many I have ever truly wanted. I gave you everything . . . my body, my heart and my devotion. But you didn't want me." Her voice quivered, and she took a shaky breath before continuing.

"I have always been honest with you and Neville too for that matter. I told him that I loved you and that I always would. But I had to think of . . ." Leanna cut herself off, realizing now was not the time to bring up their baby. She went on in a whisper, "when I found out that you didn't return my love, I decided it would be best to try and start a new life. Even then, it was your happiness I was thinking of, not mine." Her tears were now flowing freely, but she held her husband's gaze with quiet dignity.

Trevor inwardly flinched, remembering for the thousandth time that this whole mess was his own bloody fault for not expressing his feelings earlier. In the face of her candor and the bravery it must have taken to admit her actions and state her feelings so plainly, some of his rage began to melt away, but he was still eaten up with jealousy. He reached out and yanked her hard against him, twisting her arms behind her back. He grasped both of her wrists in one of his hands and used his other hand to clasp her jaw, holding her still. He felt her trembling in his arms.

"You're right Leanna," he stated quietly, his eyes boring into hers. "It is time to start a new life...but you'll be doing that with me and no one else. I told you before, you belong to me and no other man shall have you."

Before Leanna could respond, Trevor swooped to claim her lips in a scorching kiss that was so full of need it stole her breath. All his pent up fears and helplessness from the past weeks poured over her in waves. His possessive jealousy was palpable in the way he kissed her, and it thrilled her. He wanted her! For the first time in months, she was sure of it. Trevor wanted more than just her body. He needed her...heart and soul, and the thought that she had almost given herself to another man was eating him alive. Her heart soared, and she set herself to the task of providing whatever reassurance he needed to soothe his wounded heart.

Leanna was unaware that Trevor had backed her up until she bumped into the wall. He used his weight to pin her there as he deepened the kiss, ruthlessly demanding that she yield to him. Had her hands been free, Leanna would have clutched him to her, but she could only use her mouth to show him that she welcomed his kisses. Trevor released her jaw and cupped her breast, groaning into her mouth as he kneaded the tender flesh and felt it firm in his palm.

He broke off the kiss, and they both stood panting as his eyes burned into hers and he continued to massage her breast. "You're mine Leanna. I'll never let you go." The words were spoken in a hoarse whisper, his voice raw with feeling.

Trevor looked down at her quivering bosom pressing against him, and he emitted a low, angry growl. The neckline of the dress was so daring that it took only a flick of his hand to yank the material down, baring her breasts to his gaze. Leanna was thrilled by the emotions she saw in Trevor's eyes, and she trembled with expectation as she waited for his next move. He visually devoured her, and her breasts tingled in anticipation, the nipples hardening to achingly tight buds before he had even touched them.

Without preamble, Trevor bent his head and savagely ravished one nipple with his mouth. Any trace of gentleness was gone as he used his teeth to torment her. His mouth was hot and greedy on her tender flesh. He cupped her breast firmly as he could devoured it, torturing the sensitized tip until Leanna could hardly breathe. She arched her back, flagrantly offering herself to him, but he needed no such encouragement. He was intent on staking his claim. He roughly nipped and pulled her nipple with his teeth until her loins were throbbing, her folds swollen and damp.

She felt empty, desperate and needy, and she sobbed incoherently even as she wriggled to press her breast more fully into his mouth. Trevor kept on until her breast was aching, the nipple painfully throbbing against his tongue, then he suckled it so sharply that Leanna cried out. The mixture of pain and pleasure was heady delight. She fractured in his arms, her body shuddering helplessly as wave after wave of satisfaction rippled through her.

Trevor straightened as he studied her face. Her eyes were closed, and she frowned in concentration, focused on every sensation that was flowing through her body. He waited impatiently until her eyelids fluttered opened, and he met her eyes briefly before switching hands and bending to her other breast. He feasted, repeating the torture on that nipple as her tension wound even tighter in the pit of her belly. Leanna's hips rocked against him in a helpless plea for completion as damp became wet, swollen became engorged, needy became desperate. If she didn't feel him inside her soon, she thought she might die from wanting.

Trevor sensed her desperation, but he let it grow even stronger. Her breasts had always been sensitive, and he used his lips, tongue and teeth to stoke her smoldering desires into a raging inferno that threatened to consume them both. He was throbbing, his erection growing steadily more painful as he ravished her breast, but he ignored it. The nipple in his mouth became his entire universe, as he listened to her helpless sobs of pleasure. She screamed as she came apart for a second time, her reaction even stronger than before as she leaned against him for support, twitching in his arms.

Once again, Trevor waited for her to drift back to earth. The look on her face did much to reassure him that she was his, but his emotions were still frayed. The thought that he had nearly lost her to another man still tormented him. When her eyes opened once more, he consented to release her arms, but he still kept her pinned against the wall. He held her gaze as he reached up with both hands and ripped the bodice of her gown in one vicious yank. The ruined garment hung open to the waist, and Leanna dragged in a much needed breath as she stood before him.

He pushed the tattered remains of the dress down over her arms and hips until they lay in a heap around her feet. Her pantalets quickly followed, and she was left wearing nothing but sheer silk stockings, lacy garters and dancing slippers. Leanna would have wound her arms around his neck, but Trevor snatched them up and pressed them against the wall above her head, once more holding them immobile in one of his hands. The position forced Leanna's back to arch, and her breasts thrust out wantonly. Her nipples were throbbing painfully, but in her current pose, they appeared to be begging for more attention. Leanna had never felt so vulnerable, so exposed, but she made no protest. She knew in her soul that Trevor needed to reassure himself that she belonged to him.

"Tell me what you are," he demanded in a gravely whisper as he twisted one nipple.

Leanna winced, the pain mixed with exquisite pleasure. "I'm your wife," Leanna whispered.

Trevor met her eye and squeezed even harder on the sensitive flesh. The expression on his face told her that was not the answer he wanted. He switched to her other nipple, and Leanna shivered, feeling her juices running down her inner thighs. He trapped her gaze once more as he roughly pushed a knee between her legs, forcing her thighs apart. He never looked away from her eyes as he slid his hand along the crease of her thigh and threaded his fingers into the thatch of springy hairs between her legs. Even her curls were wet, quickly coating his fingers as he toyed with them.

"Tell me what you are," he repeated.

As he spoke, Trevor raised a mocking brow, stroking her intimately, investigating every slick, swollen fold until she was writhing with need.

"I'm your whore," Leanna gasped.

"That's better," Trevor growled, still stroking her. He found her clit and flicked it repeatedly with his thumb, watching her tremble. "You're my whore. Mine and no one else's. Don't ever forget it again, do you understand?"

"Yes!" she eagerly agreed. "I'll never give myself to anyone else." He was driving her insane with desire!

"Your body is for my pleasure and mine alone! I will take you whenever and however I choose. Is that understood?"

"Yes," she gasped again. She was too weak from pleasure to say more. Besides, she had no desire to argue with his demands. His terms suited her just fine.

"Open your legs wider, my little whore. I want to make sure you understand," Trevor growled.

Leanna raised one leg and looped it around his hip, opening herself for his touch. She tilted her hips toward him, wordlessly begging him to take her. He held her gaze, refusing to allow her to look away even as he probed her with two long fingers. He slid them inside her, stroking her boldly so she would feel every inch of their invasion. Her flesh clenched tightly around his fingers, welcoming them into her body.

His eyes remained locked with hers as he explored her molten heat, letting his fingers quiver and stroke as she grew increasingly frantic. His thumb again found her clit, and he teased it even as his fingers continued to play inside her. She would have collapsed if he hadn't been using his weight to hold her against the wall.

"If I hadn't found you tonight, it would have been Neville doing this," Trevor ground out through clenched teeth.

Leanna gasped as he reached even deeper inside her. She plumbed the depths of his eyes, seeing his hurt. Her heart lurched, knowing that he felt she had betrayed him. He was handling her so roughly to mask his pain. Leanna wriggled her wrists and Trevor consented to release her hands. She framed his face with her palms, willing him to believe her as she stared into his eyes, letting her own emotions shine through.

"Trevor, you're the only man I've ever wanted, the only man I'll ever love. Now that I know you want me, I'll never leave you, and I'll never betray you. I love you."

Trevor froze, finally understanding that he didn't have to worry about losing her. Leanna was his. His mind raced back over the many times Leanna had shown her devotion to him. She had expressed her love for him, exposing her emotions without pretense, and he had been too much of a coward to reciprocate. Could he really blame her for what she had done?

He was possessed by a sudden urgency to show her just how much she meant to him. He claimed her lips again as he carried her to the bed. Their lips never parted as he bent over and laid her gently on the coverlet. Leanna locked her hands behind his head and pulled him down with her.

Words were unnecessary as they hurriedly groped to remove Trevor's clothes. Their hands flew until they had removed every scrap of his clothing as well as her stockings, garters and shoes, exchanging kisses and hurried caresses along the way. When they finally lay naked and panting, side by side on the rumpled covers of the bed, Leanna reached up to tenderly trace Trevor's face with her fingers, careful not to touch the cut on his cheekbone.

"I love you, Trevor" she whispered hoarsely. "I've always loved you, and no one else."

Trevor covered her trembling hand with his and smiled tenderly. He finally understood that Leanna would never purposely hurt him. "I know . . . and I love you, and no one else."

Leanna's face was transformed into a radiant smile and she threw herself on top of her husband, showering his face and chest with kisses. Her hair fell in riotous curls around them and they were both breathing rapidly when she rose up to sit astride his hips. She stared down at him, all her love shining in her eyes for him to see. He stared at her in wonder as she slowly impaled herself on his erection until he was buried fully inside her. She began to move on him, slowly at first, then with an increasing rhythm, as a groan of relief and satisfaction was wrung from Trevor. He released her hips and reached up to cup the fullness of her breasts dangling temptingly above him. He squeezed, and it was Leanna's turn to moan as her head fell backward, spilling her hair down her back and across his thighs. She bent over him, bringing her breasts near his face, and he suckled deeply.

Trevor thought she had never looked more beautiful. He rolled on top of her and sped up their pace, plunging into her with increasingly desperate strokes. Leanna wound her legs around him and met him thrust for thrust. The weeks of separation had stoked their desires into a raging inferno, and they were starved for the feeling of melding bodies, wet kisses and intimate caresses. Leanna raked his back with her nails and lifted her hips so he could sink even deeper. When she couldn't hold on any longer, she gasped his name and toppled into the void. Trevor followed her over the precipice, his victorious groan still hanging in the air.

It seemed like a long time later before they both drifted back to reality. Leanna rose on one elbow and pressed a tender kiss on Trevor's lips.

"I'm so glad you decided to look for me," she whispered.

Trevor realized that she was serious, that she truly hadn't thought he would come after her. He squeezed her tightly against him before murmuring, "I had no choice, Leanna, and that's God's honest truth. I can't go through life without you beside me."

Their gazes locked and held for several moments before Leanna gave him a radiant smile. She ran a finger over his bottom lip, but when she would have cupped his cheek in her palm, he winced.

"Let me see about your face, you look simply awful." She hopped nimbly out of the bed to retrieve a clean cloth and cool water.

Trevor watched her, as he tested his jaw and gingerly touched his bruised eye. "Yeah, well, you should see the other guy," he mumbled.

Leanna returned to the bed with the wet cloth. She perched beside her husband. Although he had spoken casually, she had heard the insecurity underneath his remark and knew he was still thinking of Neville. She leaned over and met his stare unflinchingly.

"You're the only one I'm worried about, Trevor. I love you." She emphasized the last word with a poke of her finger against his chest, causing Trevor to smile. "Now be still so I can tend to your face."

She began to gently wipe the dried blood off of Trevor's cheek, as he watched her with a tender expression. When she had finished, Leanna sat back and grinned at him.

"You look like an overgrown boy with that black eye."

Trevor waggled his brows playfully. "Just wait until we have sons, madam. They'll be coming home from school looking like this, and you'll have to wash their faces."

A hot blush suffused Leanna's face and neck. "Trevor, there's something you should know." She bit her lip, uncertain how to broach the topic, but she didn't want any more secrets between them. She took a deep breath and plunged in. "Trevor, I'm pregnant. I know this must come as a shock to you, but you must believe me when I tell you the baby is yours. I swear to you that I never slept with Neville. I was already pregnant when I left, honestly, and I..."

Trevor placed a finger over her lips to silence her and pulled her down on his chest. "Shh, my love, it's alright. I believe you. I trust you." He kissed her hair and said a silent prayer of thanks that he had found her, as the wonder of it washed over him. He looked down into her eyes and grinned. "When will I become a father?

"I'm just a few weeks pregnant. I think the baby will come some time in September." Leanna bit her lip, and her eyes pleaded with him to understand. "I found out after I had already sent you the divorce papers. I just couldn't come back after that." She looked down as her hand caressed his chest. "I did feel awful thinking that you would never have a chance to know our child."

Trevor's smile evaporated and he rolled over to pin Leanna beneath him, his eyes boring into hers. "Of course I will cherish our child," he growled, before his features softened. He stroked her hair tenderly as he continued. "But it's you that I was chasing after. It's you that I can't live without. I went home once when I was unable to find you, but I couldn't stay there, not without you. Everywhere I looked, I saw you in my mind's eye. It was like you were haunting me. I was never going to rest until I found you."