My Daughter Eases My Pain Ch. 4

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Father falls in love with Teresa.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/22/2022
Created 09/10/2002
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If you have been reading along with this story you know that I had lost my wife several years ago, that I had a college age daughter who loved her father dearly and tried to help out his love life by setting him up with dates. Dates that usually failed at some point along the line, usually due to the prudish nature of the women I was dating.

Then came the weekend when Sue (my daughter) had her friends over for a "fuck Dave weekend". That had led to me having sex with four beautiful young ladies, my daughter included. That had also culminated in one of the young ladies admitting that she loved me. For real.

Now, after having had sex with them for the last two days, they were getting ready to go back to school. All of them, with the sole exception of Teresa the girl who was now my girlfriend. Teresa was going to move in with me and commute to school each day.

I was in love with a girl half my age. What would my friends and relatives think or say? I had some doubts as to the way this was all working out, but I knew deep in my heart I loved Teresa, and I was equally as sure she loved me.

Sue had a heart to heart talk with me alone just before she left with Becky and Cindy.

"Dad, you know that I love you very much."

"Yes honey, I know you do, and if I had any doubts, you erased them this weekend. I have had and still do have a bit of a problem of us having had sex though. I'm not sure that was the best thing for us to do."

"Hey, I am an adult woman, and you are an adult man. It's not like I 'm going to get pregnant or anything. Besides, I loved fucking you dad. You are a very experienced and skillful lover. Teresa is a very lucky lady to have you as her boyfriend."

"I'd say I'm the lucky one on that part. She is exquisite and beautiful. I am in love with her already Sue. I think she has stolen my heart in just two days."

"She may have had a little help on that part dad. I had been telling her all about you and how great you are. I also guided her for the weekend. I kinda set you two up because I knew that you two would be great together. She confided in me that she loves older men one night. After that confession I really started to work on her about you. It didn't take much prodding on my part though. She was ready to have you one way or the other."

"Well, I owe you a debt of gratitude Sue. You have done very well for your old man."

"Yeah? Well just continue to pay my college bills and I will call it even daddy."

Her laughter brought the other girls into the living room to see what was so funny. We just laughed and looked at each other with a conspiring secret. Teresa moved over to me and took my arm in hers. She leaned up and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Hey you two, what's so funny?"

"Oh nothing really. Just an old father-daughter joke. You guys wouldn't understand it and definitely not find it funny like we do."

"Yeah, besides, an old man like me needs a laugh every once in a while. This one was with my daughter. The next one will be with you Teresa. I promise."

Teresa hugged me close and was stuck to me like glue on paper. I found it to be a very good feeling. I loved having someone to look out for. It didn't hurt that she was so beautiful and good-natured too. These girls had taught me so much this weekend. I was still a bit stunned by what I had done and had been done to me.

Becky, Cindy, and Sue hugged us both as they left. They promised to be back on the next weekend and have some more 'fun'. I was a bit fearful of how much 'fun' they were planning, since I seemed to be the sole male recipient of all that attention. I was going to be worn out quite a bit if this kept up too long.

"Don't worry Dave. I'll keep you fed and your energy level up to snuff. You will be the stud of the state. MY STUD of course. God I love you honey. I can't believe that this has finally happened and we are together. I feel so...LOVED right now."

It seemed that Teresa already knew my thoughts as I thought them. I felt like she was a part of me. I wondered if the feeling was mutual. Looking at her I realized that it was. Her eyes communicated so much love and feeling towards me that it would have been hard to miss.

"Hey Teresa, I love you too. You have no idea how much your being here is a tonic for this old man. You are so alive and vibrant. Madeleine would have loved you and I am sure she is very happy for me right now."

"Do you think so? She would have loved me? She is happy for you right now?"

"Oh yeah. I knew her so well. I will know you that well too. We were meant to be together you know. Sue even said so."

"Sue thinks that? Then I am the happiest girl on the face of the earth tonight. I value Sue's opinion a lot. She is one smart cookie your daughter."

"Yes she is. Not as smart as my new girlfriend though. You are a very smart and good looking woman Teresa."

"Smart or sexy? Is that a pickle in your pocket or are you just glad to have me?"

Come here you tart. I have a little something for you right here."

"THAT'S NOT A LITTLE SOMETHING DAVE. That is a huge something. Can I have it right now? I want it right now, right here."

"Right here? We are in the front yard minx. What if the neighbors see us out here having fun?"

"Invite them over to watch up close. Then we can watch them up close. Maybe then we can all watch each other together up close."

"Girl, you have such a mind on those shoulders. Where do you come up with these ideas?"

"I learned them from the master. You gave them to me."

"Oh really? Well, how about this idea?"

Reaching out I grabbed Teresa by her waist and pulled her into me. I stuck my tongue into her open and waiting mouth. Our kiss caused us to begin to strip right out in our front yard. Naked I set her on the front steps and spread her legs wide.

I knelt down and began to lick her pussy and exposed asshole top to bottom. She leaned back and spread her arms out on the upper stair leaving no doubt that she loved what I was doing to her.

I could see her nipples getting hard as little rocks and I reached up with a free hand to finger and pinch them as my tongue explored her hot area between her legs. Her shaven pussy turned me on like no tomorrow. I loved the silky smooth feeling on my lips and tongue. So soft and so smooth I was lost in my fun as I ate her to an orgasm.

Soon she pushed me off of her and we switched places. I sat down and she knelt between my legs. Her tongue explored just like mine had her. I could feel it at my tight little asshole and she actually fucked me there with her tongue for a bit. She then moved up and took my cock down her throat sucking me like a vacuum cleaner.

The closer I came to cumming the more she would change her tactics. She was driving me crazy and not letting me cum. She brought me close several times and then would back off. She did it on purpose. She knew exactly how much to tease me and when to let up.

After a bit I realized that we had missed the sunset so enthralled were we in our sexual fun. Teresa finally let me cum and it was a huge orgasm. I think it was the best of the weekend especially because she was still here and we were a couple. It felt 'right'.

We got up and went inside to finish before we got eaten alive by the bugs. In the living room she tackled me, getting me on the couch. There she pushed me back and straddled me like an Amazon woman taking her captive male slave.

"This is going to be a long fun night sweetie. I hope you are up for what I got to give you. I have been saving up all this time for when it was just you and I alone together."

"Oh really? You mean that I haven't worn you out yet?"

"Not by a long shot Dave. You are about to get a lesson in making out that will take you into tomorrow. I am going to go all night long on your cock. Until you can't possibly get it up anymore. Then, I'll start on your other body parts. You will be the most satisfied man in town tomorrow morning. I am sure of that."

Teresa began to fuck me with a passion I had not yet seen from her. This girl truly loved to fuck. I was happy that I was the one she truly loved to be fucking. Her pussy was squeezing my cock and I could feel her muscles griping it in a milking sort of way. I was into my first orgasm before I knew it.

She kept on with me until about two o'clock in the morning. We both fell asleep on the couch. In the morning I woke up a bit late and had to call in. By the time I had my boss on the line Teresa was giving me a blowjob to end all blowjobs. It made it difficult to talk to my boss. I managed to get my message out about being sick. I thought I heard him say as he got off the phone that I had maximus-sex-itus.

Teresa was sucking me and taking all of me into her throat. Her fingers were in my asshole fingering and rubbing me in a spot that made me almost shoot off in a few minutes. I was amazed at what she knew about male anatomy.

Just before I came she backed off and took me by the hand and marched me into the bedroom to finish what she had started. Pushing me onto the bed, which I was getting used to getting pushed onto by now, she took me back into her mouth.

Her body was alongside of mine so I grabbed her leg and pulled her over onto me so I could get at her pussy. As she sucked me I started to suck and finger her pussy and asshole. I had four fingers in each of her holes and my tongue was getting in where it could. She shuddered and started to cum for me. I let her go off before letting up on her a bit.

As she recovered she began to suck on me with renewed vigor. Suddenly she pulled off of me and spun around. She aligned my cock with her asshole and pushed down, taking me into her ass in one long slow shove.

After she got used to my being in there, she rolled her hips back and forth, fucking me in a slow and wonderful way. We stayed that way after we both came and fell asleep. Our whole day went that way. We would wake up and then start fucking or sucking each other never quitting until nightfall. We were both worn out that night and after we showered and ate we went to bed and slept the night away.

She used my second car to go to school in the morning and I went in to work. The guys at work teased me quite a bit since they knew that I hadn't missed a day of work since Madeline had died.

I took it all day before I let it out that I had a girlfriend now. Then the questions started. Who was she? What did she look like? Had we made-out yet? How was she in the sack? I just listened to the questions and didn't answer them. It drove them all nuts. By the end of the day they were practically begging for any little tidbit of information that I refused to give them.

Arriving home I saw that Teresa was already there. I came in as she was hanging up the phone. She ran up to me and gave me a hug and a big kiss.

"That was mom and dad. I just told them about us. Is that all right with you?"

"Yeah. How did they take it? Did you tell them how old I was? The whole story?"

"Yes I told them everything. Dad wasn't too happy with you or me for that matter, but mom was happy for us. Her uncle and aunt were just like us. He was twenty-four years older than she was. They had a great marriage."

"Is your dad going to be a problem for you?"

"Oh no. My mom will work on him and by the time Thursday rolls around it will be all right. You'll see."

"Thursday? Why Thursday?"

"Well, we are invited over to their place for dinner. They want to meet my new man. It will be ok. Honest."

Two nights later I found myself escorting my girlfriend to her parents house. It was a nice home in an exclusive neighborhood. I could see that her father had money and probably some prestige. I hoped that this night went well.

Our introduction was a bit stiff and almost cold. By the time dinner was served though, we were all getting along pretty well. I could see her father eyeing me up, trying to tell if I was a good man or not.

Eventually he invited me into his den for a chat. Teresa was helping her mom with the dishes so she missed the two of us going off.

"Hmmmm...So you and my daughter are dating?"

"Yes we are."

"What do you do for a living?"

"I am an engineer for an aerospace firm."

"Tell me, do you like my daughter, well, I mean..."

"Tom, I love your daughter. She has been a godsend for me. Ever since I lost my wife several years ago I have been, well, lost. She has ended up being the beacon in my life. I love her very much."

"You understand my concern I hope. Nothing against you particularly, I'm just concerned that my daughter doesn't get hurt."

"I know exactly what you mean. I have a daughter just Teresa's age. Matter of fact, they are best friends. I have had some thoughts about our age differences too."

"Your daughters best friend? Sue is your daughter? I wasn't aware of that until now. She is a bright and level headed young lady your daughter."

"Teresa is also. You have done a fine job of raising her you know. That is part of the reason I love her so much. She is so bright and level-headed."

"Well, it seems that we both admire each others daughter. You of course love mine. What are your intentions?"

"I would like to make sure we are compatible, then if it all works out, I want to marry Teresa. I would like you to accept us as a married couple if possible."

"My daughter is a strong-willed young lady. Of course you probably already know that. If you are good enough for her in her eyes, then you are good enough for me Dave. I do have a problem with the age difference, but not that much of a problem."

The rest of the night went very well. Teresa's mother was very interested in me and where I lived. She seemed to know more about us than she let on. I asked Teresa about that on the way home.

"Your mom seemed to know something about us. Like possibly we were having sex or something."

"Yes. She does. I told her about us. Everything."

"You didn't tell her about Cindy, Becky and Sue did you?"

"Of course not. I don't want her to think her daughter is a slut or something. I just told her that we have slept together. She also knows that I am going to move in with you too."

"How did that go over with her? Was she upset?"

"Oh a little, until I told her that I loved you and you loved me. Then I told her that we were probably going to get married pretty quickly too. I hope that was all right with you Dave."

"Married? When do you want to get married Teresa?"

"Oh, not right away. I was just letting mom know that we were very serious that's all."


We drove in silence for a bit then I heard Teresa's soft voice, barely over the road noise.

"You do want to marry me right? I mean...well...I want to marry you if you want to marry me...someday of course...not right away..."

I broke in because I had been thinking about that very thing for the last few days.

"Teresa, I have been thinking about that and I want to clear the air out about this subject right now."

My voice must have made her fearful of what I was about to say since she started to beg off on what she had just said to me.

"I don't... I didn't mean now...I meant that someday we might want to, if you..."

"Teresa, listen to me for a minute please? I have been thinking about the future and us. I am not getting any younger. I am in love with you so much it almost chokes me when I think about it. I think we should get married as soon as you feel comfortable with it. I want to marry you as soon as possible honey. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH."

Teresa grabbed me as I was driving and almost caused me to swerve off the road. I regained control of the car and pulled over as quickly as I could not sure what she was thinking. I could see tears running down her face as I brought the car to a rolling stop.

As soon as I had the car in park she fell into my arms hugging and kissing me franticly.

"Oh I love you so much Dave. Yes, YES lets get married. I want to marry you right now. I just know that we will work out so well, so perfectly. Oh GOD I LOVE YOU TOO."

Our lips met in a wild kiss, our hands entwined. Her mouth was hot and her tongue searching out mine. We were like teenagers at a drive-in movie. (For those of you who can't remember a drive-in movie you shouldn't be reading this you are too young.)

Our intense kissing led to heavy petting right there alongside the highway. Cars shooting by as two lovers made out. Soon I had her top off and her bra opened. It was a front closure type similar to the ones my wife had worn so long ago.

I had her breasts in hand and was just beginning to suck on one when the lights came on behind us. We separated and she pulled herself together as the patrolman came up along the car.

"License and registration please, sir."

"Is there a problem officer?"

I asked him that as I got the registration out of the glove box.

"Yes. You are not supposed to park here. You really should take it somewhere off the road system, don't you think?"

He was shining his light over Teresa as she struggled with her blouse. I was a bit embarrassed by being caught like this. After all I was older than the cop standing outside my car right now.

"Sorry sir. I will take us straight home. Promise."

He laughed a bit then handed me back my license and registration.

"See that you do sir. See that you do. Are you all right young lady? Do you need a hand?"

"Oh. Yes I am all right. I'm just a little embarrassed officer. I have never been caught by a cop while making out before."

"It shows ma'am. You two be good until you get home ok? Don't let me catch you doing this along the road again hear?"


As he walked back to his car we burst out laughing. Imagine, getting stopped by a cop on the highway. What would her parents have said to this? I was sure that Cindy, Becky, and Sue would have found this all hilarious. Teresa's parents would have been mortified.

By the time we got home the tension between us was so tight you could have played a tune on it. I opened the door and before I could step into the house Teresa had my pants on the way down, my cock in her mouth.

I had her blouse off for the second time this night and her bra followed quickly. Her nipples were standing out farther than I had ever seen before. This cop stopping us must have fueled a fire in her mind somehow. I was going to benefit from that now.

As we fell into the house, the lights came on suddenly and Sue, Cindy and Becky were standing in front of us. Sue had let them in and they had been waiting for us to find out how things went with Teresa' parents. They all were in their nightgowns. We had woke them up from their sleep.

The weekend started a day early. I was in demand that whole night. Teresa got her use of me as much as she wanted, but I could tell she had really wanted it to be just us that night. She was a good sport though and didn't let on to the others.

Just went to show how well we were beginning to know each other now. I could see what her feelings were, and I was sure she could see mine. We each kept quiet and just let the other girls enjoy the night. Sue, after about six hours of sex of all kinds had a moment with me out of earshot of the others.

"We interrupted you guys didn't we?"

"Oh honey, its all right. Teresa and I were counting on being alone tonight, but this is ok. We will have other nights to be alone with each other."

"Yes you will, but it is important for you two to be able to have some control over your lives on weekends too. I am going to talk to the other girls. I think that you two need more time just to be with each other."