My Neighbor Jessica


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I have had several GOOD blowjobs, including, but necessarily limited to; my ex-wife, a few professionals, one ex-girlfriend and a woman from Memphis that said, "I would rather do that than ANYTHING."

A friend of mine used to say, "Once a person reaches a certain plateau in their field of expertise, they do not deserve to be compared with anyone else."

So it was with Jessica; there may be someone with a different technique that would feel better to a different person, but I had never had a blowjob that felt better to me than the one she administered while I set on the side of my bed.

As good as it felt, I sensed I would not cum within a reasonable time period, so I said, "Are you ready to go again?"

Her answer was a simple monosyllabic "yeah!" and she scooted to the center of the rug and lay on her back with her knees spread wide and lifted slightly, ready for the traditional missionary position.

I stood and turned around, then knee walked to between her spread legs. Balancing myself with my left hand palm down on the mattress at her right side, I took my right hand and once again, guided my cock into that wet, tight pussy. She might have been wetter than before, but if she was not as tight, I could not tell it. We fucked in that position for 3 or 4 minutes and I mean WE fucked.

I did not just fuck her; she was definitely an active participant. She would grab my back or my butt and use that hold as leverage to thrust forward as we ground pubic bone to pubic bone. Our coordination was so natural that we never once lost penetration.

I have heard and read people say that a couple must learn how to make love. Maybe that is true, but Jessica and I did not need to learn how to fuck each other. After just 3 or 4 minutes (who watches a clock at times like this) she once again started to groan and twist and her face became contorted with her eyes almost rolling back into her eyelids and she had another quivering orgasm. It was not quite as strong as the one before, but there was no need to ask, "Did you cum?"

Again as Jessica recovered from her orgasm, I withdrew and lay by her side physically exhausted. I began to talk to her and ask her questions. It seemed she would respond to my questions without reservations, but she would not volunteer anything. It was also obvious that Jessica was not a dirty talker.

While I would have been encouraged by her saying; "Fuck me" or "Fuck that pussy" or "Let me suck that dick," that was not on the menu with Jessica. It did not hamper her performance, but she did not feel comfortable in graphically describing her, or our actions.

When I asked her, "How did you learn to suck dick so good?"

She simply smiled and said, "I just like it!"

I asked her several questions that she answered quickly and without reservation. I asked her if she had ever been with more than one guy at a time.

She said, "yeah, a couple of times."

I asked her if it included her husband.

She said, "No just a couple of guys I dated."

I asked her if she had ever been with another girl.

She said, "yeah, once."

I asked her to tell me about it.

She simply said, "A girl friend of mine and I were on a double date and we both had sex with our dates and then we started fooling around."

I asked her if she would help me live out a couple of fantasies.

She said, "Yeah, Maybe."

All this had me so excited that I just had to fuck her again and cum inside this beautiful body. I moved back between her legs and was welcomed to enter her again for a repeat performance. I started to fuck her in the missionary position and was convinced initially that this was for me and not for her.

The caveat was that she must have considered it to be for her and she started cumming soon after our copulation and I reverted back to giving HER pleasure. I pounded her for several minutes with an energy renewed from our conversation.

Every minute or two, Jessica would have an orgasm, not as strong as her first two, but unquestionable nonetheless. After about 5 more orgasms on her part, I fell to the side totally exhausted, physically.

After a few minutes to rest, Jessica twisted around and started her fabulous blowjob technique again. After just a couple of minutes, I realized I was in that state where I could not cum, so I told her that I was having trouble cumming because of the amount I had drank that night. I said that maybe if I could just lie beside her and masturbate, I would be able to cum.

She said, "Would you like to watch me?" For the entire night, this was the first time she had initiated any ideas.

I enthusiastically said, "YES!" She positioned herself in the center of the bed with her head at the center of the headboard while I positioned myself in the opposite direction at her left side. I started masturbating as she did while watching each other. After just a couple of minutes, my natures overcome me and I became more interested in her masturbation than mine.

I abandoned my, self gratification to assist in hers. I started rubbing her clit as she plunged 2 of her fingers into her pussy. In a few seconds, I changed positions to start entering her pussy with my finger as she instinctively moved to her clitoral stimulation. I started transferring her lubricant from her pussy to her asshole and soon had my forefinger fully inserted into her pussy and my middle finger inserted into her ass.

At this point, I leaned forward and said, "Let me lick your clit."

She voiced no objection, so I licked the upper portion of her clit as I was plunging my fingers into her pussy and into her ass simultaneously. She did not discontinue her personal assault and continued to rapidly rub the middle finger of her right hand between her clit and my tongue.

In just a few seconds, Jessica cum in a violent orgasm that rivaled her first two.

As she settled down, I realized I was not going to cum, regardless of the enjoyment and excitement of the entire night. I lay down beside her and said, "I've got to rest."

We stayed that way for several minutes before she got up to go to the bathroom. I vaguely remember hearing her peeing in the commode before drifting off to sleep.

The next thing I knew, I awoke suddenly and realized Jessica was getting dressed beside the bed, so I asked her what she was doing.

She said she had to go back to her own apartment; she had to go to work in a few hours and she didn't bring anything with her to spend the night.

I was too tired to argue or even question her reasoning, so I just said I would probably see her "tomorrow," without even thinking it was already "tomorrow." I heard her leave, but was too out of it to even get up and lock the door.

My alarm went off in just a couple of hours, and I needed to visit a jobsite that morning. I got up, put on a pot of coffee and then went through my normal morning routine of shower, shampoo and shave. I was feeling a little strange because of the physical exertion and lack of sleep, but the adrenalin, caffeine and ego boost from what happened just a few hours previous, seemed to override my fatigue. My mind was going in a hundred different directions as I drove the 12 miles or so to the construction site I was managing.

When I arrived, there were several workers present, representing several different contractors. One of those contractors was a man about 5 years older than me that I considered one of my very best friends. He had a set of plans rolled out on the tailgate of his work truck and as I approached he turned toward me extending his right hand and said "Good Morning." Before I had the opportunity to reply, he continued by saying; "You certainly look chipper this morning." Then quickly added, "I know what happened, you got some pussy last night!"

I have heard and even used the term "J.B.F. Look" (meaning "Just been Fucked look), but it had always been applied to women who had make-up, hair and/or clothing in disarray from an obviously passionate wrestling match. I am not sure what he saw in me that caused him to make such an observation. I was freshly showered with my teeth brushed; hair combed and dressed in my normal jeans, work boots, blue denim work shirt and hard hat; just like the previous 20 times he had seen me. I smiled and said, "Good morning Bill," neither confirming nor denying his claimed observation.

He continued along the same line, by saying; "I can read you like a book, come on, who was she?"

At that moment, my ego overtook me and I replied, "A neighbor girl I met over at my apartments."

I did not take time to consider the wording of my statement and because I was almost 55 and he was about 60 at the time, he swiftly picked up on the term, "girl." He repeated the term adding that questioning tone to his voice inflection as he said, "Girl, how old WAS she?"

I am not sure if it was my ego or my integrity toward a dear friend that made me answer truthfully by saying, "21."

His voice tone had not changed since he had said "girl" and he continued by again repeating my answer and said, "21, how did that happen, you gotta tell me about this!"

Now I was feeling guilty about the "kiss & tell" syndrome, so I started to downplay it some by just saying, "It was not a big deal really, we ran into each other last night and I guess we were both in a weak moment and each of us had something the other one needed."

I finished my work there at that project within a couple of hours and returned to my apartment/office to do some work and maybe catch a short mid-day nap. There were only a few cars in the parking lot when I got back and Jessica's was not one of them. I did not know her work hours and was somewhat glad she was gone. I started thinking about what had happened and the possible ramifications.

Here I was almost 55; between the two of us we had 4 kids under the age of 7; she was younger than my oldest daughter; I did not need another obligation. Was she on some form of birth control? We didn't take any precautions and although I never climaxed, I could have. Was her husband due to come back from Iraq and practice his army training on me? Did she have a brother or father that was due to find out and come after me with a gun?

Earlier as the many thoughts ran through my mind on my way to the construction site, I was having pleasurable memories of the night before. Now I was having every negative thought I could imagine concerning the events of the previous night.

I did have some work I absolutely had to get done and it took a couple of hours to do so. That occupied my mind until I quit thinking about Jessica constantly. After I finished, I grabbed a bit of lunch and then laid down across the same Alpaca rug to rest. I could smell Jessica's scent on the rug, but it was not at all offensive as she had expressed earlier.

I drifted off to sleep, as I decided that, regardless of how much fun I had the night before, I must end this relationship before it can go any further.

I woke up about three hours later, brushed my teeth and went to my computer to check email and news headlines.

About 4:15, I was startled by a loud knock on the door, so I jumped up and hurried over to look out the peep hole. It was Jessica standing there, but she appeared to be alone. I figured now was the best time to approach her, so I opened the door.

Before I had the opportunity to greet her, she started talking rapidly in broken sentences and said, "Listen, what happened last night, well it just can't happen again. I had fun and everything, but I just can't do that again. We can still be friends, but we just can't do that again. Are you OK with that?"

I tried not to shout or even break out into an enormous grin. I think I was pretty successful in that regard as I said, "I understand and yes that is perfectly OK. Thank you for coming and telling me and; Yes, I would like to stay just friends."

With that, she turned around and retreated to her own apartment.

I returned to my seat at the computer, thinking, "Just how lucky can one 54 year old man be in a single span of less than 16 hours?"

Sure enough, I rented the apartment I had been wanting, located about 6 or 7 blocks away and Jessica also made arrangement to move in with a girlfriend to save on cost. We saw each other pretty often and would talk like long time friends. We now knew much more about each other, so conversation was actually easier than before. Neither one of us ever mentioned the night we fucked each other's brains out.

The last time I saw her was the Saturday I moved out. I had recruited a friend to help me move with his pick-up since the Denali was not suitable. I had already moved everything that would go in the Denali, with the rear seat folded down. That included everything except the bed and a sofa. I had also left all my toiletries, towels and such in the master bath because I had stayed in that apartment, where my bed was the night before. I was taking the bed apart getting ready for my help's arrival when there was a knock on the door.

I went to the door, thinking it was my friend with the truck, only to find Jessica, another younger girl she introduced as her sister (I remembered her telling about having a 16 year old sister) and a boy she said was her sister's boyfriend. I didn't pay much attention to either of the younger kid's appearance, but the sister looked exactly like you would expect Jessica's 16 year old sister to look and the boy looked like a 16 year old boy.

Jessica said she was also moving that weekend and had already packed everything in boxes, just waiting for a friend to come help them with the move. There is part of her reasoning that does not make total sense, but I had no reason to question her wanting to use my bathroom. Maybe they had literally packed everything including towels and toilet paper.

I said for them to make themselves at home; there were still some drinks in the refrigerator and I had not removed the toilet paper from the holders. There were two bathrooms is opposite direction from the refrigerator with the soft drinks, so all three of them started moving around the apartment as I had invited.

Jessica went to the master bath first, although she did not indicate she already knew where it was located.

After just a few seconds, the little sister started squirming and called out "Hurry Jessie!"

I then realized she did not know the layout of my apartment and also knew that Jessica's apartment was a one bedroom while mine was 2 bedrooms & 2 baths.

I told the sister that there was another bathroom and pointed the way.

She took off as if she really had to go quickly, while the boyfriend tried to talk my ear off.

I went back into my bedroom to continue the disassembly of the bed. I didn't really pay attention to Jessica leaving the master bath, but the door was just less than 3 feet from the bedroom door leading into the living room. There was some movement around the apartment, but I had told them to feel at home. After both girls came out of the bathrooms, I could hear talking in the living room, but I didn't try to actually hear their conversation. Jessica came to my bedroom door and asked if I cared if they also took a shower there.

I told her she could do whatever she wanted to do; I was moving out in a little while and did not want to ever see that place again. I told her where the towels and wash cloths were and said there was still soap in both bath tubs.

Jessica got some towels and gave to her sister and then went outside, I assume back to her apartment for something.

I was busy and did not pay attention to the sister and boyfriend. They did not need my help and they were not my responsibility. I heard Jessica coming back in the front door and then a moment later she started hollering at her sister and the boyfriend. I didn't understand what the problem was and the only words I understood was "Get out of there!"

I stood up and took a step toward my bedroom door, just as Jessica and the boy were coming back into the living room from the hallway leading to the second bath.

Jessica said to me as a manner of explanation, "I had to separate them; they were in the bathroom together." The boy stayed in the living room as Jessica went into my bathroom, saying; "My mother would kill all of us if I let them take a shower together!"

I was in the bedroom floor, finishing the last of the bed disassembly and just 5 or 6 feet from the bathroom door when the shower started running. Because of the bedroom/bathroom arrangement in this apartment layout, the master bedroom door had a privacy lock, but the bathroom door, just inside that had just a passage set. I took a couple of the smaller bed frame items out to the living room and placed by the entrance door awaiting my help with the truck. The larger items, I was leaving in the bedroom until I got help.

I noticed the boyfriend had wandered outside, so I thought I would surprise Jessica and kinda' pull a trick on her. I closed the bedroom door and locked it, then opened the bathroom door and stepped inside. Jessica was in the shower, but the curtain was so opaque she could not see me. I stepped to the front of the commode which would put me about 2 feet from the shower curtain and said, "Do you mind if I use the bathroom?"

She jerked the shower curtain back about half way and while standing there in all her naked glory, started scolding me in a whispering voice. She said, "Get out of here; I had to break up my sister and her boyfriend from taking a shower together. I'll never keep them apart if they know you are in here with me." Then she slowly closed the shower curtain, but did nothing to hide any portion of her body until then.

I left the bathroom, closing the door and then unlocked the bedroom door and went back into the living room as if everything was normal.

My friend showed up with the truck about that time and we started loading the large and heavy stuff. He could hear the showers running and asked who was in there.

I told him it was just a couple of neighbors who wanted to use my showers.

In just a few minutes, the two girls came out of the separate bathrooms at about the same time, both dressed in shorts, tee shirts and with wet hair. I told Jessica we were going to take that load over to my new apartment and then I would come back in a little while to get the bathroom stuff.

She asked about locking the door.

I said not to worry about it; there was nothing there worth stealing.

As my friend and I approached his truck, he said; "You sure did have some pretty and friendly neighbors; are you sure you want to move?"

That was the last time I ever saw Jessica, but I will add one more thing. She looked every bit as good naked, standing in that shower on a Saturday morning when I was cold sober as she did lying naked in my bed a few nights before. So I know it was her actual good looks and not my beer goggles.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

she was keeping awful quiet about something. she was hiding something from you. better to leave her alone. sounds like she was a untrustworthy slut who liked your matter what money one makes, 55 thousand for a car is a ridiculous waste when people are starving. one day you may not have such a job. cars are wworshipping false image

oldtwitoldtwitover 11 years ago
mmmmmm If only

What a good read, it did make me think "if only " it would happen to me, fat chance , but well put together, paced and thought out.

ChevMan69ChevMan69over 15 years ago
Once a Lifetime

Well by golly, you had a once in a lifetime short lived fling that a lot of men will never experience. My hat is off to ya! Maybe you could have proof read a little to adjust some areas of writing but in general a rather good story to hold interest. Thanks.

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