Nando and Will Ch. 02


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"How is he, Doctor?" Nando's voice broke the physician from his reverie.

"Pretty sick I'm afraid," he replied. "I've had a lot of townsfolk come down with this fever. It's bad for about three days before I've seen any improvement in my patients. Most have made a good recovery with care and attention."

"Most?" the word was almost a hiss from the white haired Rojan.

"I've lost a couple of infants and older folk. Those around Will's age or so have just been left debilitated for a few days once the fever breaks. I've left some medication with instructions on what to do with it. Try to keep his fever down and give him plenty of fluids. I'll return in a couple of days, but if he deteriorates I'll come straight back."

"Gracias, Doctor," Nando murmured abstractly, his attention already re-focused on his ill young Intended. As the doctor exited the room, Nando wasted no time in stripping without shame before his father and the trusted manservant and cradled the unconscious blond to his chest. "If I support him this way, we can try and get some liquids into him, Roberto," he said looking desperately at the bigger man.

Roberto was already examining the medication left.

"Vacho's herbs will supplement this," he said. "I will arrange for boiled water to be brought regularly."

As he left the room, Don Carlos stroked the sweat-damp hair from Will's brow.

"He is young and was fit before this illness struck. We will help him get through this." The older man clasped his son's hand in a reassuring gesture.

"Gracias, Papa"

A tap at the door revealed Marguerita with Jack behind her. It was on Nando's lips to refuse the older man entry until he saw the look in the blue-grey eyes.

Jack, Marguerita and Bart had listened carefully to the doctor as he had given them the same information before being paid by Jack. Jack had then asked Marguerita to accompany him so he could see Will. He now stood in the doorway, looking at his unconscious nephew. The nephew he It had always been hard for the stoic man to display emotion. He couldn't remember if he had ever told his nephew that he was loved as a son would have been. Jack had always been too busy ensuring Will knew what was expected of him and being the figure of discipline and authority. He wished now he had spent some time just enjoying the company of the younger man. This situation was entirely his fault. He had been found guilty of hubris and he could only pray that Will's life was not the price that had to be paid. Will looked so tiny and frail lying on the broad chest of the darker man. It no longer seemed important, when faced with Will's possible death, who the blond chose to love. He saw how Nando's frame supported Will helping Don Carlos get precious liquid into him. He also saw the depth of love and devotion the Rojan clearly exuded.

"Nando, I know words are of little comfort right now," Jack said huskily. "I know how wrong I was and I just want you to know that if there is anything...anything at all you think would help Will, then just tell me."

"I appreciate the offer, Jackson," Nando said formally, his arms tightening around the slender form. "Roberto is the man to tell you if there is anything. I defer to his greater knowledge in healing."

Jack nodded. "May I...?" His hand reached towards Will even though he found he couldn't say the words. He needed to touch Will, however briefly. He was relieved at the slow nod from the Rojan. He moved to stand at the side of the bed. His hand shook as it reached towards Will. A single tear slid down his lined cheek as Nando lifted Will's hand to allow Jack to clasp it tightly. Words weren't needed, he knew Will wouldn't hear them and he knew at that moment he could not have uttered a single one. He simply stood, holding tightly to the unresponsive young man before nodding at Nando and Don Carlos and exiting the room.

"I do believe there is hope for Jackson Brooks yet," Don Carlos mused thoughtfully.


During the next two days, Nando never left Will's side and there was always at least one other of the Rojans helping attend to Will. It was at this point that Bart elected to have his talk with his older brother. He spoke bluntly, not looking to unduly shock his brother but needing to get his feelings across.

"Just because I would choose another man as a life partner, Jack it don't make me no monster. I don't have horns or a tail like a devil either. I don't regret that I chose to make looking after Will my life. I love that boy as though he was my own son. If I didn't think Nando was the right person for him, I'd say so and not because Nando's a man. Will deserves to love and be loved. I've seen how much Nando loves him and how much he loves Nando. It ain't gonna be hearts and roses all the time, but that's for them to work out for themselves and I'll always be there for Will to turn to. But I tell you this, Jack. If once Will's on the road to recovery you suddenly decide you ain't happy with Will loving a man, Don Carlos has already promised Nando that they will have a home with him. And if Will goes, so do I."

Jack blinked. He'd lived with Bart all these years and never known, never even suspected that his younger brother was anything but a confirmed bachelor. He'd seen Bart carouse at salons and disappear with women.

"Saloons," he said unable to say more.

"I may have been seen leaving with a saloon gal, Jack," Bart said wryly. "But that don't mean that's who I ended up tussling with under the covers."

"I never ..."

"You weren't meant to and you still wouldn't. But now I gotta think of Will's future and happiness. Think on what I've said, Jack. I'm gonna go check on Will and then head over to the bunkhouse. The boys want me keeping them updated on Will's progress."

Jack nodded. He had a lot to think over.


Will felt his eyelids had lead weights holding them down and just about everywhere ached, but there was a familiar voice that was asking him to wake up. He knew that voice and wanted to obey, if only the weights would become lighter. With a soft moan, he finally succeeded in opening one eye, the other remaining firmly closed. As the single orb tried to focus he heard other voices.

"Let me wash his lids. One seems glued shut."

"Here, Roberto."

Will murmured soundlessly as a warm, wet cloth bathed his eyes. Then he was focusing on the familiar voice.

"Will, Pequino, open your eyes for me, mi curazon. Por favor, mi angel."

"Nando," the name was a puff of air from Will's lips and he tried harder to open his eyes. This time they opened easily and he gazed into the beloved face to wonder at the fear in the expressive brown eyes and the tears that spilt down the stubbled cheeks. "No cry," Will whispered. His throat was sore and his voice was huskier than he'd ever heard it and Will looked at Nando for answers to questions he couldn't ask. Instead he was enveloped tightly and he nuzzled into the warm, broad chest as he felt Nando's tears on his own face. Then another voice spoke.

"You've been very ill, Pequino. You has us very worried, little one, but now you are starting to get better. It's been nearly four days since you were fully conscious."

Will recognised Roberto's deep warm voice. Then memories started to surface and Will grasped tightly at the solid body pressed against him.

"'cle Jack,"

"Do not worry, love," Nando whispered into his ear. "I will not let anything happen to you. You are my Intended and as soon as you are better, Papa is going to announce our wedding. I am not going to spend a single moment more than necessary before calling you my Spouse and beginning our life together."

"Love..." Will's voice drifted off and he was unaware of the tender kiss to his temple.

"I love you, mi Pequino. You are mine and I will take great care of you."


Will awoke slowly, Nando no longer in the bed with him. The rugged face of Roberto gazed affectionately at him and Will gratefully accepted the cup of water. He found he needed Roberto's hand to guide it to his lips as his own hand shook.

"You will be very weak for a few days yet, Pequino," Roberto said solicitously. "Although we have managed to get water and thin broth inside you, you need much more nourishment to build your lost strength."

"Nando?" Will asked, pleased his voice seemed a little stronger.

"He is having a quick wash. He lay beside you whilst you battled the fever. Once the fever broke his Papa and I insisted he started to care for himself so you would not be concerned at his appearance and waste your precious strength worrying about him."

Will managed a small smile. There were half remembered dreams of being held in strong arms and a soft voice speaking of love. The young man realised they were probably not dreams at all.

"Will, love," Nando's joyful exclamation was rapidly followed by the Rojan sitting at Will's side. Slowly the older man dipped his head and tenderly kissed the still dry lips. "I love you," he whispered against Will's cheek.

"Love you, Nando," Will replied.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Will recognised Bart's voice. The younger of his uncles came to the other side of the bed. The jocular words were at odds with the look in the older man's eyes and the shadows beneath them.

Wordlessly Will simply opened his arms. Bart gave a muted sob as he pulled Will into a hug. "We were so worried, boy," Bart's voice husked. "You were so ill." He rocked the too thin form for a few minutes whilst he composed himself and then slowly released the blond. Tears were in both sets of blue eyes.

"Will?" Over in the doorway, Jack Brooks stood waiting as if for permission to enter. He had heard first Nando's voice and then Bart's and had gone to see if Will had remained awake this time. Although Will had awoken a few times over the last half a day, it had been for scant minutes and he had yet to see his nephew fully conscious. The worry that now clouded the expressive cerulean depths was like a knife in Jack's heart and yet he knew he could expect nothing less. When he and Will had last spoke he had purposely tried to force Will to denounce his love for the Rojan, who still regarded him coolly, as well as send him away from those who loved him. He had a lot to do to regain the trust of the young man. "May I?" he added indicating his desire to come closer. At the small nod he came to replace Bart at Will's side. "I owe you an apology, Will. I was arrogant and I was intolerant and it was my fault you were so ill. I've had a long talk with Bart," he glanced at his younger brother and then at the Rojan who sat listening and watching silently. "And I'm overdue a long talk with Nando. I know the words 'I'm sorry' aren't sufficient, Will, but I am sorry. Very sorry and I hope that at some point you'll be able to forgive me. This is your home, boy and it always will be. I'd be happy, more than happy, if you and Nando would consider living here, at least part of the time."

Will blinked trying to take everything in. He looked at Nando for help, overwhelmed at Jack's words. At the tiny nod, Will did the only thing he could think of. As he had done for Bart, he simply held open his arms. The hug he received was accompanied by wetness against his cheek. Will was shocked to realise his uncle was crying. Will's generous heart was deeply touched by the naked emotion. Will was slowly released and lay back exhausted.

"I am pleased to hear your words, Jackson," Nando said neutrally. "Our talk is indeed overdue. However, I would like to have a few moments with my Intended to ensure he eats a little before resting again. Then I would like for us to speak."

"Whatever you deem best for Will, Nando," Jack deferred. He noted the raised eyebrow from the young Rojan. Marguerita had already warned Jack that if the older man stood any hope of being forgiven by Nando, he had to accept that if the two men married Nando would assume responsibility for Will. It was clear to them both that from the moment Nando had returned to des Torres, Nando had already shouldered that responsibility in an obvious message to Jack.

Nando waited for everyone to leave before possessing soft warm lips in a gentle kiss. It was still far too soon for anything more intense. Nando intended to ensure his mate was fully recovered before they did anything strenuous. He smiled at the gentle nuzzling from the small, frail blond. A tap to the door heralded Vacho's appearance. He handed a bowl to Nando and smiled at Will.

"I am much pleased to see you looking much better Senor Will," he said. "Eat, get strong."

"Thanks, Vacho," Will said, tiredness was already fighting to reclaim him back to sleep.

"Let me help you, angel," Nando said attentively.

Nando was please to find that Will was able to drink most of the bowl of soup Vacho had prepared. Its thickness told Nando that the older Rojan had ensured it was more nourishing than the thin broth that they had previously fed the younger man. He was touched that so many had done so much to help Will. He smiled at the already sleeping blond. He kissed Will's temple and went to the door. He grinned at the tall, muscular sentinel standing impassively just outside.

"I will sit with your Intended," Roberto said. "His heart is generous, Nando. Do not let your anger, however righteous, stand in the way of true bridges being built."

"It will not be easy," Nando sighed.

"Your Papa and Bart have expressed their desire to be present when you speak to Jack. You have many allies. Go make another of the boy's older uncle." Roberto pulled Nando into a strong hug and kissed Nando's forehead.

Squaring his shoulders, Nando headed to the large open living room.

Three pairs of eyes looked up at his appearance. Don Carlos sat next to Bart on one of the large couches, Jack sat alone. Nando could now clearly see the lines and shadows of fatigue on Jack's face. It struck the younger man that where he had spent almost every hour with Will tending to him during the worst of the fever, Jack looked as though he had spent every one of those hours awake and fretting.

"Jack," he said using the shorter name for the first time since arriving to try and convey he was making effort to be reconcilary

"Nando," Jack acknowledged.

"You are one of the two men who share the guardianship of the man I wish to marry. I had no desire to take Will away from a loving family, nor deprive my Papa of the joy of having two sons under his roof. It had been in my mind to travel between the ranches, both being our home. This ranch is a part of Will's legacy and his inheritance and I know it and those in it hold a special place in his heart. However, your actions over Will have made me wonder whether Will and I could ever see this place as a home for us. It is plain to see that coming close to losing Will has affected you badly. It is clear that you do care for Will which, when I first saw him so ill, I was certain was not the case. You told him this was his home. Can you truly say that you would welcome Will and me here, living as Husband and Spouse with all that entails within our relationship? I would rather take Will to my Papa's home to live there than risk his health and happiness if you found you could not tolerate the reality of our living here."

Jack swallowed. He was being offered an opportunity to demonstrate that what he had said was not simply empty words. To show he had learnt a valuable lesson in tolerance. "I was wrong, Nando, very wrong. I have found that my brother hid from me an essential part of his nature for most of our lives. I do not want to lose Bart or Will to my prejudices. I saw how much you loved my nephew, with every look and with every gesture. I had Will's future all mapped out without a thought for the boy's own wants and needs. A wife, children, a continuation of the dynasty, they were what I wanted. But in truth, what I should have thought about was what Will wanted to be happy in his life. It's clear to me now, that he needs you. I would be honoured if you and Will would spend time living here and I understand that you would want to spend time with your father as well. This ranch is part of Will's inheritance and there will be times I would want him here to learn aspects of the ranching. I will ensure there are comfortable rooms for you to share. A small sitting room and larger bedroom will be added to the side of the ranch. That way you can enjoy your privacy when you want it or join the rest of us."

"That would be very generous, Jack and much appreciated." Nando turned to his father and Bart. "As long as Jack is true to his word about accepting my relationship with Will, I would not deny Will the opportunity to still consider des Torres as home. However, I would also have him able to consider des Caballos equally his home, if you are agreeable, Papa."

"Mi casa es tu casa, mi hiejo, y la casa de tu Espouso, mi heijo secundo." Don Carlos said with a wide smile. He was more than happy to have both boys under his roof as often as possible.

"In that case, Jackson Brooks, Bartolomey Brooks, I formally request your permission to take William Green to be my Spouse."

"My permission is granted along with my blessing for your union," Jack replied equally formally. He felt warmth spread in his heart that Nando would still make the request given what had happened. Marguerita had taught him the appropriate response, sure her brother would seek his joining with Will to follow all Rojan conventions.

"My permission is granted with my blessing," echoed Bart.

"Papa, I have the permission of the guardians of William Green to take him as my Spouse. He is now formally my Intended and I would ask that a wedding be arranged as quickly as possible."

"It shall be done, my son." Don Carlos confirmed as Nando nodded with a smile lighting his face.

Three men, with a mixture of pride, relief and joy were left in Nando's wake as he returned to Will.

"It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong, Jack," Bart said. "I know it will be hard for you to realise you no longer have the last say in everything that Will does in the future. But I have no doubt that Nando loves Will as much as Will loves him."


Nando's smile, hidden from Will, was feral. It had been a week since Will's illness, the blond recovering steadily with day that passed. Three days ago his father and Roberto had returned home to begin the preparations for the forthcoming marriage. Nando found it more and more difficult to rein in his passion and desire as Will's health improved. Touches and kisses that began as loving reassurances became more passionate and Nando had seen the need in Will's eyes. Bart, Jack and Marguerita had gone into town and the house was theirs. Nando was certain Will would have found it difficult to express his passion with his family in the house, but Nando hoped that once they had shared their bodies initially, Will would be more confident of doing it again.

"I have missed our intimacy, mi chico bonito," Nando said huskily as he wrapped his arms around Will's slender waist. He rested his head on Will's shoulder and licked at the skin beneath Will's ear eliciting a shudder from the younger man. One of his hands slid from Will's waist to fondle at the growing bulge at Will's groin. "Come to our room."

Hand in hand they entered the room that was theirs until Jack made the new rooms as he had promised.

Nando's hands slowly stripped his lover, his mouth pressing random kisses to the soft warm skin he revealed. Once Will was fully naked he guided the younger man to lie in the centre of their bed.

"I want to pleasure you, mi angel. I want to take you, share my body with you." As Nando spoke he slowly removed his own clothes, using the visual display to ignite Will's passion to a greater intensity. He smiled as he saw the way Will's eyes devoured his nudity. He fondled the heavy sac between his thighs and pumped his dripping hardness. "I want you very much, mi amore. See how much I want you," Nando stalked to the bed and crawled cat-like to straddle Will's waist. He ran his fingers over the engorged head of his sex and held them to Will's lips. "Taste how much I want you."