New Horizons


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"Diego, Boro, behind you."

Even as Nathaniel called frantically to them, the older men moved in perfect harmony to dispatch the pirates before them. They spun apart to face the next threat as a pistol-shot rang out. Boro lunged and ran through his attacker; however Diego's held a primed pistol which was smoking. Boro's eyes flew to his life-long friend to see he was unhurt. They returned to the pirate who swayed, as a blood-stain grew in the centre of his chest, and fell. Then both men turned towards the deck. Diego's scream of pain and denial cut through Boro's heart more effectively than any cutlass.

For a moment Nat remained standing, a smoking pistol in his left hand and a blossoming stain of red at his right shoulder, then he crumpled to the ground. As Diego flew to his husband's side, Boro grabbed at a recognised man.

"Take Nathaniel to the cabin he shares with Diego and then find the ship's sawbones. Whatever he is doing tell him to leave and attend the boy and then protect them with your dying breath." Boro moved to the grieving Spaniard's side. Diego cried out as Nat was slung over the crewman's shoulder, but Boro held him back, snatching Nathaniel's pistol as the boy was carried away. He shoved the weapon onto Diego's hand. "If we fail to save 'Maria' and he lives, you know his fate. We must deliver the ship."

"None shall live," Diego vowed, raising his sword in one hand and the pistol in the other. "For what he has suffered they will all perish." He gave a rousing cry that held the same trilling quality as his whistle which was picked up by Boro who grabbed at a second sword. As the two men surged forward, their shouts were picked up one-by-one by the crew of 'Maria' until all were yelling. Diego and Boro cut down the pirates in their path, uncaring of any danger. Their men fell in behind them as the pirates, discomfited by the renewed confidence of the men they fought, began to fall back or fell to lie unmoving.

Soon only a dozen of the pirates remained along with their captain, a large, ugly, brute of a man whose long, lank locks fell past his shoulders. They were lined up on their own vessel, an equal number of armed men from the 'Maria' to guard them. Le Diable Mal stared pugnaciously at Diego.

"You have bested me. Give us a boat and water and my ship is yours."

His speech was good but heavily accented. He obviously originated from France and Diego simply let his eyes stare dispassionately at him.

"I will show you the same mercy as you showed the captain and crew of the 'North Star'," he said coldly. "A full ship's crew as well as its passengers, all but one, slain at your command. An innocent you brutalised before selling into slavery.

Le Diable Mal's eyes narrowed as he remembered the ship and the one prisoner he took. His watery-blue eyes looked into merciless ochre depths. He could see death in the expressionless orbs.

"The boy is now one of your crew," he said shrewdly and then looked again into Diego's eyes. "No," he continued. "He is yours."

"He is indeed mine," Diego said, holding up his hand for his wedding ring to be seen. "Just as I am his. He honoured me by accepting me in matelotage. I now honour him with vengeance." Diego's pistol sounded and the pirate fell. The rest of his crew copied his actions. Diego stared at the dead bodies and then turned to go to his wounded beloved.

Boro stepped forward.

"Search the ship and bring back anything of value. Put all her crew aboard and sink her." They had earned their deaths and no one would mourn their loss. Knowing the men would carry out his orders, Boro went to join Diego. His stomach knotted at the sight of the unnaturally pale, still form. Nat's limp hand was held by his husband as though the only thing that anchored him to the world of the living. The blond's eyes moved to the ship's doctor who was putting away the tools he had used.

"How bad?" he asked bluntly.

"Could have been worse," the older man said gravely. "The shot passed through his shoulder, damaged some bone, but at least I didn't have to dig to get the ball out. If he was one of the more hardened members of the crew I would say he would most likely be as good as new soon enough." He turned a sympathetic gaze at his Captain. "I just can't be sure."

"He *will* live," Diego's broken voice husked. "He *must* live."


The next few days crept slowly and painfully by. Nathaniel's shoulder developed an infection and Diego and Boro stayed at his side. Diego's heart aching and shattering a little more each time Nat cried out in fever or begged Diego for salvation that the Spaniard longed to provide. The older man talking himself hoarse in the hopes the unconscious young man might be able to hear his words of love and devotion.

Nathaniel felt pain he had never experienced before. He felt as though his very essence was on fire and called again and again for Diego. Sometimes he thought he could hear his beloved's voice but it seemed so distant and he saw nothing but darkness. A part of him wanted to stop and rest, but the greater part wanted to find his husband. Something told the younger man he was needed. After what felt like an eternity, Nat thought he could try once more to open his eyes. It took strength to force them to open and he blinked against the brightness. He could see his lover, but Diego looked so different. The normally well-trimmed moustache and luxuriant tresses were neglected. The beloved face seemed pale and haggard, with a heavy beard, and there were dark shadows beneath the half-closed eyes. Nat could now feel one of his hands was clasped tightly by his husband and Diego's other hand was holding his medallion. The older man's lips moved and Nat could see he was praying to the Virgin.

"D ... Diego," he croaked, shocked by both the weakness and huskiness of his voice.

"Nat? Gracias, Maria, gracias, Dios mio. Nat, Nat," Diego dropped to his knees and began to kiss his beloved's face as tears streamed down his own. "You have come back to me."

"I never wanted to leave you," Nathaniel vowed.

"Never leave me, amor, never, never leave me," Diego sobbed, burying his face in the uninjured shoulder as Nat petted awkwardly at his head.

"Never," Nat vowed, praying he could keep his promise. "Never," he repeated.

"Diego, is there ... Nat!" Boro's weary voice was transformed by the joyful shout of the younger man's name and his haggard face lit up in a smile.

"He has come back to us, Boro," Diego said, raising his head from Nat's shoulder.

"So he has, my friend," the blond said, grinning madly. He came and clasped tight to Diego's shoulder. "So he has."

For the first time in many days, the older men felt their heavy hearts lifted as a weak but smiling Nathaniel looked up at them.


It was a slow process to regain Nat's strength and get his arm to move once more. It was as a dagger in Diego's heart each time his young love tried and failed, then as movement increased, to see Nathaniel wince at an action he once took for granted. Worse yet was the ugly, red, puckered scar at his beautiful lover's shoulder where once the skin had been smooth and unmarred. Yet Nat never once complained trying to assure Diego that the scar served only as a reminder that he had succeeded in saving his husband.

Nathaniel stared angrily at his reflection in a small mirror. He had no doubt that Diego still loved him and loved him dearly, but although he was now fully fit, there had been no resumption of their intimacy. He glowered at the scar. Although Diego was as affectionate and bestowed as many kisses and embraces as Nat could wish for, he had made no attempt to take things further. The young man knew it came down to the scar. Not that Diego thought him any less beautiful because of it, but because it meant two different things to each man. For Nat it proclaimed he had saved the Spaniard and lived, for his husband it was a banner of his failure to protect the younger man and a reminder of how close he came to losing his lover. //This ends now, Diego// Nathaniel thought determinedly as he pulled his shirt back on.

Diego and Boro looked up with surprise as the stern-faced young man strode purposefully towards them. Boro, fairly certain he knew the reason for such a look on the normally placid young man, made a tactful withdrawal to stand away as Nat came to stand alongside his husband.

"Diego," Nathaniel said, his voice as calm but held an underlying edge to it. "I would have you come to our cabin. Now," Nat added as his husband simply stood and stared.

"The ship ... " Diego began, trying to recover his wits.

"Can be ably piloted by Boro," Nat replied. "Please, Diego," he added.

"As you wish," the Spaniard acquiesced. He was certain he could deal with whatever had disturbed Nat and quickly return to his post.

Once inside their cabin, however, the older man was unprepared for the change in his young lover's demeanour. He found himself shoved forcefully back to the bed and straddled by the slender man who ground shamelessly into Diego's crotch, showing how aroused Nat already was.

"I want you to make love with me," Nat growled attacking Diego's shirt, tearing it open to latch on a thick, dark nub.

"Your shoulder ..." Diego began and then gave a low deep groan as Nat's teeth worried at the teat.

"My shoulder does not come between us, Diego, it is your fear. I am here, alive," Nat thrust his erection into Diego's hardening flesh. Do not let my scar come between us, do not push me away."

"I failed you," Diego murmured, burying his face into Nat's soft, dark curls, inhaling their sweetness. It had been so long since they had made love.

"You did not," Nat said emphatically, reaching to untie his breeches before fumbling at Diego's in his haste. "I *chose* to come on deck and I *chose* to come to your aid. I was injured because of *my* choices, Diego, and I would make them again tomorrow and the day after and forever if it meant I kept you safe. Love me, Diego," Nat pleaded, staring with love and hunger in his expressive eyes.

"I love you so much," Diego said huskily. "I was afraid you would die and your scar reminds me of how close I came to losing you forever. God above how I want to make love with you." He touched the reddened tissue tenderly, as if frightened the wound still caused pain."

"It does not hurt me, Diego," Nat whispered. "Only you keeping yourself from me gives me pain, gives me an emptiness and only you can make me whole, make us whole. Please, Diego, please," Nathaniel's voice held such a soul-deep longing that Diego carefully manoeuvred their bodies to lie himself atop his lover and mated their mouths over and over, between each kiss he vowed to never allow his fear to come between them. Their remaining clothing vanished as quickly as the morning mist and both men groaned deeply at the first real skin-on-skin contact they had enjoyed for weeks.

Diego's hand reached for their oil as Nat spread his legs wide, hooking the lithe limbs over his arms to open himself fully to his mate, displaying the aching void that only Diego could fill. He moaned as Diego's head dropped between his thighs, his lover's lips and tongue reverently caressing the tiny, pink portal that gave him entrance to Nathaniel's body. As he replaced tongue with fingers, he kissed his way up and down Nat's straining shaft and then swirled his tongue over the smooth dome to savour his mate's elixir. He oiled his own engorged flesh as his lover begged to be taken and Nat's slender legs wrapped around Diego's body as the older man prepared to enter him.

Nat pushed with his heels, canting his hips upwards as Diego sailed into his tight port. The younger man felt his sheath stretch around the welcome invader and his soft moan of need was echoed by his husband's of restrained desire.

"I want you, Diego," Nat said, framing his lover's face. "I want to taste you when you spill in me. I want you to take me with every ounce of passion you possess and I swear I will meet yours in equal measure."

Diego growled low and deep at the incendiary words. He began to thrust hard, fast and deep, unerringly hitting Nathaniel's hidden sweetness to cry after cry of his name. Nat's hands fisted in his hair and in the bedding, slender hips rising in counterpoint to each motion of Diego's, small heels digging into his muscular buttocks urging the bigger man on. It was an unspoken command that Diego would not ignore. Diego moved Nat's legs to drape over his shoulders, allowing his weapon to drive more deeply into his lover's scabbard. He rained open-mouthed kisses over Nat's scar, worshipping it for the proof of life it now represented. He gave a guttural groan as Nat valiantly clenched and unclenched his inner muscles in an endeavour to keep his promise. Diego burrowed a hand between their sweat-slickened bodies to stroke his lover's throbbing manhood.

"Close, close, I love you, I love you, Diego," Nathaniel wailed his husband's name as he reached his zenith. He felt his release in every sinew as his body shook and convulsed. At the same time he heard the bellow of his name and Diego's living essence poured into his channel, filling him with the physical evidence of their love. Nat clutched tightly to the powerful male above him.

"So beautiful, my angel," Diego husked, as his hips snapped forward ferociously, depositing his seed deep into his lover's slender body.

When Diego's organ could no longer remain in Nat's body, the lovers lay entwined, kissing and touching to show the depths of their love.

"Never forget how much I love you, Diego," Nat murmured from the shelter of strong, loving arms.

"And I love you, mi corazon," Diego replied. "Sleep safe in my arms, my beloved. Let me hold you." The Spaniard dropped soft kisses to Nat's brow until the younger man was deeply asleep. As he watched his lover slumber, the older man thought long and hard.


Nathaniel wandered fascinated around the beautiful island's marketplace. Although Diego and Boro were not with him, having some business to attend to, the young man was not alone. Two of the crew wandered with him, pointing out things and chatting to him. He pretended not to know there were another two not far away, smiling to himself at the level of protection Diego insisted he have. At the sound of familiar voices, Nat turned smiling to see his lover and their friend marching jauntily towards him. He was caught in one embrace then another, however, the older men insisted on being secretive over where they were taking him.

"It is a magnificent home," Nat breathed, as he completed his investigation of the small mansion he had been taken to. It had various pieces of furniture dotted around, but was obviously unlived in. His husband and Boro had stood smiling as Nathaniel had wandered around. It had six bedrooms, two bathrooms and storage cupboards upstairs and downstairs were kitchen, scullery, library, a small office, dining room and living room. It was beautifully crafted, boasting a cellar and large gardens and apparently just waiting for life to be breathed into it. Nat took his place at Diego's side and smiled at his lover.

"Do you like it, Nat?" Diego smiled back as he wrapped an arm around the smaller frame.

"Of course," Nat replied, waving his hand. "It's beautiful, who would not like it? But why are *we* looking at it?"

"Because if you like it enough, it is ours," Diego replied.

For a moment Nat forgot all else in his enthusiasm, then he remembered.

"Truly, Diego? But ... but 'Maria', the sea, they are your life, your livelihood."

"Nay, love," Diego countered. "You are my life and I have money enough to settle if we so choose. I have a buyer for 'Maria' and I would need a couple of good men here, the rest can serve the new captain, whoever that might be. The choice, my sweet, is yours."

Nathaniel looked from his lover's smiling face to the house behind them. It was a magnificent home and he was certain they could be happy there ... but for one thing.

"Boro," he said, turning to the blond. "What will you do?"

"Well, that really depends upon your decision," the blond said, aiming for nonchalance and hoping the astute young man was fooled.

"I am not sure I understand," Nat said guardedly.

"As you have said, the house is very large. Large enough for you and Diego to have your privacy as well as large enough for ... a third person. I could buy into the house, but if you prefer ..."

Diego laughed as Boro's words were cut off by a slender brunette launching himself into the blond's arms.

"You would want to stay here, with us? Not go back to sea?" Nathaniel asked breathlessly.

"I would be very happy to stay here with the two people who are so special in my life," Boro said softly.

"Then we'll stay, all of us," Nat cried happily. "I cannot think of aught better."

Boro smiled down at the exuberant, young man whose face glowed with happiness. He and Diego would miss the sea, but Nat's health and happiness were more important. He felt warmth in his soul at being so welcomed into Nat's life. Whether he missed his old life or not, he was being offered all else he could wish; the continuation of a long-standing and valued friendship with Diego as well as the friendship of Nathaniel. He broke into a wide grin, there were few in life that were as happy and blessed as he was. His eyes moved to Diego as the Spaniard sauntered jauntily forward.

"Diego, Boro will stay with us, too," Nat said, running to meet his husband and being swung in the bigger man's arms to a yell of delight.

As Diego let the lithe body slide to the ground in the protective circle of his arms he grinned joyously over at his friend. His own thoughts of happiness were unknowingly echoing the blond's. He hugged Nat close to his chest as Boro came over and the three men stood smiling, basking in the warmth of a shared love that was brighter that the sun in the cloudless sky above them. It was the end of one life and the beginning of another. Who knew what the future might hold? All Diego could say for certain was that he had new horizons before him and he would meet and greet them with his beloved Nathaniel at his side.

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ilovegibbsilovegibbsabout 5 years ago
Great story!

I love this story. I have read it many times. I never tire of it. I hope you would consider continuing it to include Boro's story. That would be awesome!!

TimothyMTimothyMover 11 years ago

How did I miss this story before ? Another well written period piece with both romance and hot erotic coupling by two handsome men at sea. And I enjoyed the sequel you wrote for Boro as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
It has everything

Dashing pirates, romance, saving the virtue of an innocent, revenge and true love. Pelaam, you never disappoint.

letsquirtletsquirtover 13 years ago

I was expecting some hot porn, but instead I experienced a fantastically written erotic love story. Hot and romantic. Loved it. If this was expanded into a book I'd buy it. And then the video when that came out. Thank you Pelaam!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

what a fantastic story to match all the others you have written. Hope you do a sequel with Boro maybe finding his own love

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