Nicole Ch. 01


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By the time lunch was over, meeting again was almost a certainty.

"I assume you are doing this at Kevin's request," Michael said to Nicole as they were about to leave.

She shrugged. "Perhaps. But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it."

"Enough to do again?"

"Absolutely," she said.

"Tomorrow? For dinner?"

She wondered why not tonight for dinner? She nodded. "It doesn't have to be greasy American."

Michael laughed. "Walk me around a few blocks and pick out a spot."

She gladly escorted him past a steakhouse she knew was good. "It's nice and dark in there at night. That way you won't be embarrassed being seen with me."

"I thought you were going to say you like it nice and dark."

Nicole tilted her head to the side. "Depends on what I'm doing at the time." After a pause, she added, "I do like to see what I'm putting in my mouth."

Her tongue ran over her lips. Even if it was unconsciously done, it was brilliant. Michael wanted to fuck her against the outside of the building, in broad daylight.

He gathered himself and said, "I'm not sure I can wait."

"It'll be fun," Nicole said with confidence.


Michael had no particular reason for waiting an extra day to have dinner with Nicole other than not wanting to appear overly anxious. If Kevin was going to offer her up as a gift, Michael would accept graciously. But he didn't want to look greedy.

Thus, as he undressed in his hotel room that night, Michael could think of nothing but Nicole. He recalled every inch of her body, from the luscious curves of her breasts, to the tiny waist, to her beautiful ass. He rubbed his cock through his boxers while walking from the bathroom to the couch in the large room. The TV was off. He sat and closed his eyes.

Michael thought about what it would be like to touch her wavy hair, and then her tits. His cock grew thicker and he put a hand around it, using his shorts as a buffer. He imagined lifting her shirt and seeing the stiff nipples begging for his lips and tongue.

Michael slipped his erection out the opening of his boxers and pulled on it more vigorously. He slouched down and thought some more—about pushing her pants down and seeing the round cheeks of her ass and the lush lips of her pussy.

He was masturbating at full speed when the imaginary Nicole stripped for him. Her nudity was indescribable. She turned around for him and bent over to reveal her ass and cunt.

Precum dripped out the top of his rigid cock. Nicole was coming to him and straddling his lap. She was lowering her body onto his cock and...

Michael shoved the cock inside his shorts just in time. Gush after gush of warm cum gathered on the thin material as he rubbed himself frantically. His moans were lengthy and loud and his palm was sticky wet from the accumulated semen.

He rested his head on the cushion when it was over. He had to have her, no matter what it cost him.

With a similar thought in mind, Nicole wore a stunning summer dress to dinner the next day. It was perfect on her youthful frame, yet mature enough for an evening out. The neckline plunged to the point of making a bra useless and the hem flowed when she walked. Even in the dimly lit restaurant, she was the focus of attention of many men that night.

Not the least of which sat across from her, trying to concentrate as they spoke and laughed and ate.

"What do you want to be doing in five years?" Michael asked his date.

"Is this an interview?" Nicole queried.

Michael smiled. "No. Not at all. I'm just interested."

"I'm going to marry a filthy rich old man. So I won't be doing much besides laying out in the sun, sipping fruity drinks."

"Admirable," he said between bites, clearly in sarcasm.

"How about you?"

He looked up at Nicole. "I'll be mixing your drinks."

She nearly choked in her attempt to withhold her laughter. With a hand over her mouth, she swallowed what she could. After a moment, she said, "I'll need help with lotion sometimes."

"At your service, madam."

"Actually, we have this reversed," Nicole said seriously. "I'm more the submissive type."

With raised eyebrows, Michael replied, "Really. How interesting. I would have never guessed that."

He took a bite. "You like being ordered around?"

"Within reason."

"And if you don't obey?"

Nicole stared into his eyes. "Oh, spanking. For sure."

Michael's cock strained against his pants. Thank God for fancy restaurants with tablecloths. He watched Nicole's tits as she reached for a roll. They tilted in the direction of her outstretched arm, pushing against the dress in a futile effort to escape. As she leaned back, the cleavage returned to normal, which for Nicole meant a dazzling display of soft skin.

"Have you ever tried domination?" she asked casually.

Michael shook his head. "No. You?"

"Nope. Never had a guy I trusted."

"That's too bad."

"It is, isn't it," she said with regret in her voice. "But who CAN you trust these days?"

There was a moment's silence as they came down from their short-lived fantasy. Unbeknownst to Michael, Nicole's body was reverberating with stimulation. She wondered if the whole restaurant could see her throbbing, erect nipples. Or if they knew her pussy was soaking wet.

"It might not be fruity, but can I pour you a drink at the hotel before you go home?" Michael asked.

"You can," Nicole replied, her heart racing.

She thought to herself, 'How am I ever going to make it sound to Kevin as though I only did this for him?'

Michael asked himself if he was misreading her intent. It had happened to him before. But not with somebody as lovely as Nicole. He prayed he was right.

His hotel room was elegant by Nicole's inexperienced standards. It was a small suite with a separate bedroom, living room and kitchenette. He led her to the living room and asked her to sit while he got them each a glass of wine.

Their conversation was relaxed and enjoyable. There weren't any more innuendos and both seemed to be fine with that. Eventually, Nicole placed her near-empty glass on the table and Michael said, "Let me know when you need to get back."

"Thanks. I think I'll stay a while if that's OK with you," Nicole said, rising from the couch.

"Certainly," Michael said, watching her walk past with interest.

She turned the corner out of sight in the direction of the bedroom. Silence followed in the thirty seconds or so that she was gone. Then she reappeared.

Michael couldn't tell at first what she held in her hands. As soon as Nicole stretched it out, she knew. She had one of his ties.

Nicole lifted it to her face and slowly wrapped it around so that it covered her eyes. A few seconds later, it was tightly tied behind her head.

Michael stood up. Standing directly in front of Nicole, he asked, "Do you trust me?"


"Unzip your dress, Nicole."

She grinned. "No."

"Are you disobeying me?"

"You heard me," she replied.

Michael put his arm around Nicole and she shrieked with surprise. He lifted the young woman a few inches off her feet and took her the short distance to the couch. Once back on her feet, she felt and heard him sit down. The next thing she knew, she was bent over his knees.

"Don't you dare," she protested.

"Unzip your dress."


Nicole's heart pounded with excitement at the prospect of what they were doing. It was like a dream, and she didn't want to wake up.

Michael ran his hand along Nicole's calf, past her knees, and under the bottom of her dress. Soon, it was being pulled higher and her creamy thighs were visible. Nicole squirmed mightily, but Michael never wavered. Her panties came into sight.

"I'll give you one last chance, Nicole."

"Never," she countered.

The dress was pushed with both hands above her waist. The tiny, light blue panties stretched across her delicious ass and disappeared inside the short crack. That was when Michael felt the beginning of his erection. Soon, Nicole would feel it, too.

Michael's hand came down with a smack on top of one of Nicole's cheeks.


Another slap on the opposite side got a louder 'Ouch!' out of his victim.

"It's not wise to disobey a potential client, Nicole. Didn't Kevin ever tell you that?"

"I'm just a stupid little girl, Michael."

"A bad one at that."

Two more spanks and her cheeks were turning a soft pink. Then Michael used both hands to pull down on the waistband of the panties.

"No! Don't," Nicole begged him.

But the panties were around the bottom of her ass by the time the next strike occurred. The new feeling of his hand on her bare skin sent shockwaves through Nicole's body. She felt her pussy begin to quiver. Michael felt his cock stiffen.

Between spanks, he caressed her ass. Nicole was still squirming, but it was different now. Not an attempt to escape, but an attempt to soothe something. And he knew what it was.

Michael tugged on the panties and got them to her ankles. With a few flicks of his hand, her shoes and the panties were gone. He took a few seconds to stare at her incredible, round bottom. Then one more hard slap.


He reached under her with one hand and found her tit. It was barely inside her dress and it was simple for Michael to knead the entire thing. He pulled on the nipple and got another response from Nicole. At the same time, his other hand was between her legs, searching out her clit. He felt the moisture around her cunt and got two fingers wet before finding the swollen clit.

"Stop, Michael," she pleaded. "Oh God, stop."

He was through asking her to unzip the dress. He did it himself. Her bare back was just as flawless as her legs and ass and he wasn't going to wait to see it all. His movements were fast. The dress was pulled up and over her head and arms in an instant and Nicole lay naked across Michael's lap.

Nicole had never felt so aroused in her life, and her 'blindness' only inflamed her desires.

"Now you have a choice, my dear," Michael said. "Either submit to more spankings or turn over."

The choice was easy. Nicole began to turn over. Michael assisted her and kept her from falling off his legs. When she was facing up at him, he used an arm to keep her upper body in place. The other hand skimmed over her from her thighs to her neck. He explored every inch of her and Nicole gasped with each special touch.

Suddenly, he was lifting her into his arms and rising from the couch with startling strength. He heard her intake of breath and grinned. Without saying a word, he carried her into the bedroom.

Nicole was tense during the short trip. Her self-imposed darkness added to the suspense even though she was quite certain where they were heading. It was a matter of WHAT they were headed for that made her shiver.

All of a sudden, she was dropping, free of his arms. Then she hit the bed and bounced up as the mattress recoiled.

"Don't move," Michael ordered.

She heard him open the closet. A moment later, the bed moved and a hand was around her wrist. Then the other wrist. And something was tying them together above her head. Another tie? It felt like it.

"Very bad girls deserve special punishment," he said, leaning near her face.

"I'm sorry," Nicole whined. "I won't disobey again."

"The consequences would be painful," he said. "More than a little slap on the behind."

"That was already more than a..."

"Uh uh," he said, putting a finger to her lips. "No talking back. It's time to just listen, Nicole. When I ask you a question, you can speak."

She heard a rustling. Was he undressing? She heard a zipper. And shoes hitting the floor. A short period of relative quiet and then the bed moved again. Something hit her leg. And the other one. He was straddling her body.

"Open your mouth, Nicole."

The cock hit her lips first and she poked at it with her tongue. The head seemed gigantic without being able to see it. Only the sensation of her tongue and lips let her judge it and she was thrilled. More of the shaft entered her mouth and she wrapped her lips around the hard, warm skin. He was very, very hard. And long. By the time she felt his balls on her lower lip, the tip of the cock was touching the back of her throat.

She wanted desperately to wrap her fingers around it, but they were secured above her head and she was reliant on Michael's movements. He began to slowly fuck her mouth and Nicole gladly complied.

"Isn't it much more fun to do as you're told?" he asked, not expecting a reply.

Nicole wasn't going to lose contact with his cock just to give a smart ass answer. So she continued sucking on him, wondering what he had in mind. Part of the puzzle was solved when his hands moved to her tits. He played with them tenderly and said, "If you behave, what would you like me to do?"

He pulled his cock out of her mouth and rested it on her tits.

Nicole licked her lips and said, "I'd love for you to lick my tits. And the nipples."

"That's all?"

"For now."

Michael smiled. "Greedy little girl."

But he leaned down and quickly began giving her what she wanted. He licked and sucked and bit the nipples until she was moaning loudly and arching her back up to get even more. She felt his cock on her leg now, still damp from her mouth and still very, very hard.

"What else?" Michael asked.

"Do the same thing to my clit."

Michael did. And Nicole thrashed on the bed as he expertly manipulated her to the brink of an orgasm. She'd never had a man do what he did to her with just his mouth. Then he stopped.

He crawled up and laid on her. He whispered, "My turn to choose, Nicole. I'm going to fuck you. Long and hard. Until you cum and scream for me to stop."

As he spoke he positioned his cock between her legs, which she willingly spread for him. The head split her wet skin just enough to penetrate for one inch. Then another. And he slipped inside her without effort.

"Oh my God," Nicole sighed.

He began to fuck her. No, she thought. He began to make love to her. Nothing like what Kevin did to her. This was tender and caring and considerate of her desires. He squeezed her nipples, knowing it pleased her. She tightened her cunt around him, the only response she could give. He fell back down on her and they kissed passionately; a lingering exchange of tongues. Nicole wrapped her legs around him and Michael lifted her off the bed.

Nicole brought her restrained arms down onto his back and the couple rolled onto their sides. Michael's cock pounded into her continually and Nicole muttered her approval. They rolled the opposite direction and new angles caused new sensations to shoot through Nicole's pussy. Not being able to see let her concentrate on the sensations like she never had before. She knew she wouldn't last much longer.

But then Michael got her on her back and nearly pulled out of her completely. He waited an agonizingly long time and then re-entered her at a snail's pace. He was driving her crazy.

"If your hands were free, what would they be doing?" he asked.

"My clit," she said breathlessly.

Michael put his hand there; rubbing it. Harder. Faster, with his cock plunged inside her up to his balls. He wasn't moving anything except his hand. Nicole's mouth opened, but nothing came out. Her breathing was erratic and quick. Her body twitched.

"Oh, Michael. I'm...I'm...oh God."

"That's it, Nicole. Cum for me."

"Ahhhhhhh," she cried out.

He fucked her again. Harder than before. Nicole howled with pleasure as her orgasm exploded inside her and Michael urged her on. She waited for him to cum, but he kept thrusting that huge cock without signs of stopping. Nicole had a second orgasm. Still, Michael fucked her. He stroked her clit some more and finally Nicole begged him.

"Stop! Michael! Stop! Please!"

"I told you," he said calmly, pulling out at the same time.

Then there was silence. But she felt the bed shaking. A steady, rhythmic shaking and she knew what she couldn't see. He was pumping his cock in one hand and she was the intended target of the result. His groans grew louder. They turned into deep grunts.

Then a loud groan and the first shot of cum hit her chest. Soon, a small pool of cum lay between her tits. Each breast was covered with skinny strips of white cum until she looked like a half dozen men had masturbated over her.

Michael squeezed out the last drop and leaned down to kiss his young date.

"Good girl," he said. "I think we have a deal."

(To be continued...)

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nighthawk22204nighthawk22204about 3 years ago

I'm going to look for NICOLE.v2. Hope it's there.

tnadnudertnadnuderover 10 years ago
It's been over 2 years!

When will we get more of this?! (Or is she in other stories?!)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

A great story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Very good start eroslit. Looking forward to read where this is going and looking forward to Mark getting his remaining payment(s). Thanks for sharing.

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