Nymphomania Pt. 02


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I ran the bath and added the mixture to make the water bubble up. It wasn't a normal rectangular bath ... it was oval in shape and had spa jets. I was becoming caught up in the adventure of having this student 17 years younger than me. I intentionally dropped a pair of my stockings, a black silk cami, a low-cut bra, a garter belt and two pairs of my panties as a trail that ran from the top of the stairs to the bathroom door to help the young man find where I was.

At precisely 9.30, I thought I heard a sound that could have been Josh entering the house. Then there was silence for fully a minute before I heard another sound and there he was standing in the open doorway of the bathroom. Josh was stark naked, his erection bobbing around horizontally as he walked toward me, "I left my shorts out with all of your stuff in the hallway, was that ok?"

"That is perfect Josh, just perfect. Come on in, the water's still warm."

I watched that buffed young male body, his hard-on solidly erect ... I admired its shape, its readiness, recalling how good it made me feel last week. Of course, I had had Brad since then but I had already determined that Brad was a one-off, this was the young man with the cock that I would regularly claim to keep me sane right through until Mark could return home.

He threw his leg over the side and eased his body down into the warm bubbly water. I immediately reached for him below the surface, grasping his hard-straining cock, pulling on it, needing to feel the firm texture along the shaft. Needing to have constant sex was like a drug to me. "Kiss me," I implored of him and young Josh willingly shifted his body closer, pressing parts of his against mine, his lips finding mine and instantly influencing mine to part, to allow the rite of passage of his tongue into my mouth.

We kissed passionately in the bathwater, me pulling Josh's body up over mine, wanting to feel dominated by his raw masculine power. I felt the tip of his cock brush against my spread and waiting pussy lips and I tried to have my body secure a grip on it. But Josh teasingly kept brushing it against me, then pulling away.

I broke the kiss and reached my free hand along the rim of the bath until I found the button to activate the spa. The bubbles began frothing up around us as the jets sent powerful streams of water from the six outlets. I pushed Josh to one side and moved to position my pussy and my clit right over one of the jets, feeling the blast of water hitting my sensitive parts, arousing me in a rush.

"It's instant orgasm," I smilingly told Josh and he sat back to watch me do myself by spa.

"Looks like I'm not needed," he said rather churlishly.

I couldn't tear myself away as the water jet worked sensationally on my clit and my body began humping crazily in the water. Shamelessly, I orgasmed in front of my new young lover. I turned to him, moving closer, "Oh come on, don't get all hurt Josh, I still need you more than ever. That was only fleeting, but my orgasms with you go on and on. Now it's your turn to give me one."

He kissed me again and then I could feel his cock engaging with my vagina beneath the bubbly surface of the water, easing his erection up inside me and I locked my arms and legs around him tightly. He fucked me in the swirling water as the spa jets continued to force the water flow. As good as our first time together, Josh gave me two towering orgasms, the more fulfilling kind with insertion of his thrusting cock the key. Then he came too and we luxuriated in our after-glow as the water continued to swirl around us.

Eventually, the timer ran out and the water stopped swirling. We hoisted our satiated bodies from the bath and took it in turns to dry the other off. Then, arms wrapped around each other, we moved to my bedroom where we kept ourselves amused and entertained with soft caressing by fingers and lips. We seemed to go on for hours before one final frantic fuck around midday.

Again, Josh left me to sleep while he went downstairs to attend to the pool cleaning. It seemed like a pattern that we had established.

We soon got into a routine with his visits. I was determined not to cancel any more so he came by on the following Friday, then Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the following week. Carla called to ask if I'd like to have another visit from Brad and I declined as politely as I could.

"I can't believe you don't need Brad again, the way you described your situation to me, I'd have thought you'd be going up the walls by now Lisa."

"Yes, it's not good," I lied, but in actuality, Josh had become a great tonic for me, I hadn't felt as good as I did these past few days since before Mark left for his recent overseas business trip. Josh was excelling at keeping me totally satisfied, but he would have to remain my little secret. I couldn't even bring myself to tell Carla of my bold move to engage a young stud to service my body.

"Then let Brad and I do this for you," she insisted.

"No Carla, I don't want that complication in my life and I am sure Mark wouldn't approve."

Another new week began, Josh came around for his Monday visit, it was his seventh day in my bed and he had become very habit-forming for me. It will be harder to let him go when Mark is home again, although I know I have to. After Josh left, I showered and dressed more demurely to go to visit Mark in hospital. He has been there now for 3 weeks. When I got there, he told me he had good news ... the doctors had informed him that they were releasing him tomorrow -- a Tuesday. He could come home at last.

Of course, I was overjoyed and we kissed and I snuck my hand in under the blanket to grasp his cock that was no longer restrained by the catheter. I had been attending nicely to my own personal sexual cravings by having Josh do me three times a week, but I realised when I saw the look on Mark's face as I stroked his cock that he too has felt the loss of regular sex. Of course, he is not encumbered by a similar medical condition to me, but nevertheless he's a horny guy and he's missed cumming regularly, unless he's persuaded one of the nurses to give him some relief when they were bathing him.

I turned my stroking under the sheets into a pumping, even as nurses came and went by Mark's bed. I watched his face begin to show the pleasure of my hand job and I realised I couldn't stop now. He opened his eyes to gaze at me, "Thanks, but we better keep it clean in here," he told me, but I wasn't about to be distracted.

I tugged on his erection harder, felt the pre-cum leaking from his tip, I spread that around the head, making my hand movements more silky and smooth along his shaft. It was good to feel his hard cock in my hand once more ... it would be even better still to feel it inside me soon.

His breathing came in heavy gasps now as his climax neared. Behind me, I heard a nurse come around the curtain and gasp, "Oh, sorry Mark!" as she was diverted from rendering some part of his treatment, "I'll come back in a minute!" She would have been taken aback when she saw his face contorted in that precious moment before a man cums. I watched his face, listened to his breathing and when I judged that his moment of release was now, I slid the palm of my pumping hand over to cup the head of his cock and I felt the blast of his cum splash into my hand.

I loved the look of extreme pleasure on his face as his cock spasmed his cum into my cupped hand. When it seemed I had it all, I carefully withdrew my hand from under the hospital blanket, brought it up to my lips and licked the creamy fluid off my hand and into my mouth. Mark smiled warmly at me, "Thanks! Oh, that looks sexy!"

While it had been great to sit with Mark and talk about his homecoming, planning how we would celebrate having him with us again, I have to confess that other thoughts intruded once I had left the hospital Monday afternoon. So I was getting my man back, he would be home tomorrow (Tuesday) but that meant that I needed to terminate Josh's work at the house. As good for me as he had been in keeping me sane and totally sexually satisfied in Mark's absence, there wasn't room in my life to retain Josh now that Mark was coming home. The trouble was that I wasn't due to see him again until Wednesday, by which time Mark would be home. I couldn't bring myself to coldly terminate his services by either phone or email.

I wanted to break it to him gently, I felt I owed Josh that consideration given how supportive he had been to me in my greatest time of need. I called him but his phone went to voicemail, he must be in a lecture. I had only seen him a few hours ago and he did mention having lectures this afternoon and this evening too, I think.

Josh called me back around 5pm, he sounded bright. Probably no wonder, he had enjoyed mind-blowing sex with me only this morning, "Hey, what's happening?"

"I need to see you Josh, what time do you finish lectures today?"

"Not until nine tonight."

"Oh, that's a bit late."

"What's the matter Mrs. Mitchell?"

"I have to see you, talk to you, have you with me Josh."

"Hey, sounds serious ... shit, you're not pregnant, are you?"

I laughed, "Ha ha, no Josh, I'm not pregnant, nice as it might be to have a child by you." Oh my God, why would I say such a thing? I have definitely become too involved in this wonderful young man.

"Then what is it, can't you tell me now?"

I knew I had to, even though I wanted to break it to him while his cock was inside me, "Mark's coming home."

"Oh!" he sounded disappointed and that would only make our breaking up worse.

"Yes, I saw him today and the doctors had given him the good news. I need to see you Josh, I have to see you before he comes home."

"When is that?"

"Tomorrow Josh, I get to collect him from the hospital tomorrow."

"That doesn't give us any time, I'm not due to see you until Wednesday."

"Yes I know and I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel Wednesday." I couldn't bring myself to say the words 'and every day after that too.'

"Do you want me to come by after my lecture tonight?"

"Oh Josh, I would love you to, but my kids, my step kids actually, but they're always home at night. I can't take the risk that they would see you here."

"I can't ask you to my place because I've got two flatmates here, it would be rather awkward and a bit embarrassing for you."

"I understand Josh. What if I get us a hotel room for the night. Could you stay the whole night with me? I want to be close with you tonight, one last time."

"Yeah, I guess that might work. But won't your step-kids think it's odd if you don't come home tonight?"

"Oh, damn them! I'll think of something, I'll tell them I'm staying over with my best friend Carla, something like that. I just want to be with you one last time." There, I had actually said it twice to him, 'last time.'

"Ok, well it would be good to have one final time together, Mrs. Mitchell."

I was about to tell him to call me Lisa, but strange as it may seem, I actually liked the relationship I had with this young man where he was as intimate with me as any male has ever been, yet he always addressed me as Mrs. Mitchell.

"I'll go into the city and book us a nice hotel room and I'll text you the address and room number, ok?"

"Yeah, sounds good ... sounds great even. I can be there around 9.30."

I had some preparation to do. I ran a bath -- bubbles again -- and I allowed myself to luxuriate in it for ages. Then I dried myself, recalling having Josh dry me the last time I used this bath. I went to my bedroom and rummaged through my lingerie drawer. On every occasion that I had entertained Josh at the house, I had worn either bikinis or nothing at all. Tonight was going to be special and I would wear my sexiest lingerie ensemble for him as a special going away treat.

With my sexy lingerie, selected for Josh's eyes only, hidden beneath the slinky black dress that I had worn the night of the anniversary party, I passed through the living room to say goodnight to the kids and to tell them the good news that their father would be home tomorrow. They did both ask why I was dressed up and I told them that I was heading out for dinner with my good friend Carla, who they are both aware of and have met. I told them not to expect me home since we would be going to a restaurant near to where Carla lived and so we could enjoy some wine too, I told them I intended to stay over at Carla's house.

That seemed to satisfy the kids, so they wished me a good night and expressed how happy they were that their father would be with us for dinner tomorrow night. Then I left, got into my car and drove into the CBD, to one of the finest hotels in town. I booked in to a nice room on the fifteenth floor with a view of the city lights and the river beyond, turned back the sheets and sat down to wait for the arrival of my secret stand-by young lover and the occasion of our final time together.

At 9.35, I heard a faint tap on the hotel room door. I rushed to open it to find Josh standing there before me. His eyes looked to bug out of his head when he saw me in the sleek black dress, the one that I had worn in anticipation of Mark's return home that Saturday night of the accident. My legs encased in hosiery, standing tall in very high heels that brought me up level with him, my hair coiffured especially (as best I could -- no time to get to a hairdresser) and wearing make-up.

"Oh man, you look a million bucks. Oh God, I've died and gone to heaven."

I spread my arms out to greet him, "Oh Josh, don't be so dramatic." He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me to him. I pulled my head back from his embrace so I could look closely into his eyes, "Josh, I am shattered that this will have to end, but you and I both knew it was only ever going to be a temporary arrangement. I have become so fond of you and you have been so very good to me, giving me everything I needed over this difficult period in my life. Josh, you were so good to me this morning, as always giving me everything I needed to survive through this time. So tonight, it's not about me ... tonight is just for you ... every dream, every desire you might have, any sexual adventure you've ever thought about. I want to use my body to give you the utmost pleasure."

Well, you can imagine the look on Josh's face, he looked like a kid scanning all the lollies in the shop and trying to decide which he would choose. I pulled out of his arms and took his hand, leading him to the bed that dominated this hotel room. I directed him to sit there and when he did so I stepped back to stand a few feet in front of him.

"I want to begin by putting on a little show for you."

Young Josh gave a mock clap of his hands.

"Oh good, you look keen to see my show. Well, before I start, I will need to see a little something from you so I can watch and see how much my show affects you. I want you to unzip your flies please and lift out your penis. See Josh, I'm trying to be so ladylike, not calling it a cock."

Josh quickly did as asked and reached for his trouser zip, lowering it and reaching inside to lift out his cock. Not exactly limp and floppy, even at this early stage, just a small growth.

"Not exactly starting from scratch, are we?"

"It's been like this since you called me. Once you told me you were getting a hotel room for us, I got so excited thinking about it."

"That was hours ago Josh."

"That's how long I've been half stiff."

"It's nice for me to know that a woman of my age can have that effect on you Josh. I want you to leave it out but don't touch it. I want to see what effect I have on you as I take my clothes off."

I dropped both hands down to the side of my hips and began shimmying the palms firmly upward against my little black dress. The hem began to rise, revealing my thighs, inch by inch up from my knees. I watched his half-hard cock the whole time, never taking my eyes off it while Josh avidly stared as my thighs slowly came into view. His cock twitched in reaction.

I had positioned myself in such a way that as well as putting on a show for Josh, I could see myself reflected in the wardrobe mirror directly behind Josh. So when I could see the dark band at the top of my nylon stockings, I knew he was seeing that too ... his cock hardening and twitching more when my garter straps came into view.

I paused with my dress hem about two inches below the very top of my thighs and twirled around for Josh to see most of my thighs from both front and back. I still wore my high heels and that made my legs stand out and pushed my arse out prominently.

"More?" Josh nodded affirmatively. My hands pressed on, raising my dress higher, exposing the naked flesh at the top of my thighs between the black band on my stockings and my panties, the garter straps rising out of sight beneath the dress.

In the mirror beyond Josh, I saw the scantily covered mound of my pussy appear, then my panties as I raised my dress, knowing Josh saw what I could see. His cock twitched again where it rested in his lap. I kept tugging that dress higher still, now he would be able to see all of the brief maroon with black lace trim panties that I wore. Pushing my tease all the way, I chose to turn my back to him again, even bending forward slightly to make my arse cheeks, roundly encased in the panties, more pronounced under his gaze. My back was momentarily to Josh so I couldn't see whether glimpsing my arse caused his cock to twitch again. But when I turned completely back to face the young student, I could see his cock had surged in size, now a full hard-on.

"So what do you think Brad, do you like how tanned my legs are?"

"You've got great legs Mrs. Mitchell, they are a nice shape, very feminine."

"And my arse Josh, does my arse do anything for you?"

"Yes it does Mrs. M, it surely does. It could even do heaps more."

"Really Josh, how is that? What more could my arse do for you?"

His voice dropped to almost a whisper, speaking to me almost conspiratorially, "I've never done anal with any woman."

"Is that so Josh, so what are you saying?"

"You said if there was anything I wanted to try tonight?"

"Yes, I did tell you that I was dedicating this night to your pleasure, and that we can do anything that you want." His eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas, "So do you think you'd like to stick it in my arse then?"

"Yes please Mrs. Mitchell, like I said I never have."

"Well Josh, it's your lucky night, it just so happens that that I'm very comfortable with anal. Mark and I used to do it a lot, not so much lately. I even thought to throw a tube of lube in my purse as I was walking out the door. No lube, no anal ... so just as well I thought of that. So Josh, is that all for the requests?"

"Well, since you offered me some choices, you have started a blow job on me several times since we've been meeting, but you've never let me finish."

"No, I probably didn't. I would have had other more effective uses for your cock and your cum. Didn't want to waste time sitting around waiting for you to get it up again. So, you're keen to cum in my mouth ... and swallow, right?"

"Yes please, I'd like that too."

"Well, just as well I gave you some options. Looks like you're going to have a good night."

"It was your idea, Mrs. Mitchell."

"Yes it was Josh. I'm not reneging on my offer, I was just commenting. Looks like my vagina could get a bit lonely tonight."

"Not necessarily so, I'm sure I can get hard more than twice so we can keep every spot in your body busy."

"I sure hope so Josh. So where was I? Oh yes, I was undressing ... well, sort of. I haven't taken much off yet, have I? Why don't I get rid of the dress, then I can see what you think of my special Josh lingerie."

I turned my back to the young man and backed up to where he sat on the bed. He got the message and reached up to unzip my dress down the back. I slipped the sleeves of the top half down my arms as I turned back around to face Josh, letting the material drop to my waist, revealing my ample breasts encased in a half-cup bra that showed off the twin mounds of breast flesh. Then I took a hold of the roll of my dress at my hips and shimmied it downward until it was pooled around my ankles.