Orphan Ch. 13-16


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Andrew grinned. "My uncle Peter is in the watch, and he's standing just over there. Come on, follow me, follow close, for the crowd's too thick for you to take my arm."

A few moments later and Roxane was being studied by a pair of cool, grey eyes, the eyes belonging to a man of about thirty or thirty-five years. He turned to Andrew, and a smile lit his face.

"Young Andrew. What can I do for you?"

"Not me, Uncle Peter. Miss Harrison. Mr Le Tessier's niece."

The man doffed his hat and bowed. "Your servant, Miss Harrison. Peter Torrens by name." Roxane nodded, smiling. "And what can I do for you?" he said

"I believe you were warned to look out for a certain Josiah Scrogg? On a charge of attempted rape?"

"We were, but no trace of him was found." Torrens frowned. "You have news?"

"I saw him, moments ago, over there," she said, pointing.

"The crowd is thick. Are you sure?"

"I am positive, Mr. Torrens. I saw him."

"Can you perhaps give me a description?"

"I can. A head taller than I am, thin. Breeches; once white, I think, but now a very dirty gray. Blue coat, brass buttons. Again, very dirty. No hat, and his hair was hanging loose. Dark hair, almost black, and he has a scar on his right cheek, livid, from just below his ear to the corner of his mouth."

Torrens nodded. "A cogent description, Miss Harrison. Now, if you'll excuse me, I shall see if there is any sign of him, although I doubt it. Any news will be sent to your uncle's house." He touched his hat, and was away.

"Come on, Miss Roxane. Back to the gig and we'll go wait for Molly."

Le Tessier and Gilroy were both alarmed when she told them just before lunch.

"Damn him," said her uncle. "I'm pleased that I insisted Andrew stayed with you."

"Believe me, Uncle, so am I!" She frowned. "Having seen how thick the crowd can get, I begin to realise why he has not been apprehended."

"He has escaped capture before, aye, and served time in prison," said Gilroy. "He will not be easy to catch."

"He had raped before, you knew this, and - " Le Tessier began.

" - and did nothing. Believe me, Silas, I berate myself for that, many a time. He was never allowed shore leave, and in truth, was an excellent sailor." Gilroy shook his head. "I have no excuses."

"Enough, please," said Roxane. "The watch are re-alerted. Let us discuss something else over the delicious lunch which Mrs. Trevelyan has prepared for us."

"Indeed so, dear niece," said Le Tessier. "Alex? Would you escort Roxane to the dining room. I shall join you in a moment or two."

It was only a pace or two between the parlour and the dining room, and Gilroy seated Roxane before taking his own place opposite her. "You recognised Scrogg, Roxane, but did he recognise you?"

"I feel sure of it. You know how busy it gets, down by the packet office?"

"Aye. What of it?"

"It was Scrogg standing motionless that caught my eye, while everyone moved around him. He is tall, as you know, and I saw his face clearly. I feel sure that I saw recognition on his, too. I think that was why he had stopped, because he knew me." Roxane shook her head. "Had my head been turned but a little more, in either direction, I think I would have missed him altogether."

"We shall continue to exercise caution, but at least there has been confirmation he lingers here." Gilroy mused for a moment or two. "You still have that pistol pocket in your cloak?"

Roxane nodded. "I do. Not in my better cloak, no, but in that one, yes."

"Then I think you should use that cloak, and carry the pistol."

"Alex, you frighten me!"

"Nay, but I would rather have you wary, and armed, just in case."

She nodded. "Very well, I shall carry it."

"Carry it loaded!"

She smiled at him. "Aye, aye, sir!"

He laughed. "See that you do. Ah, Silas! Tell your niece not to make me laugh. It hurts my wound!"

"The cross you bear for being shot, Alex. For myself, I prefer laughter and good humour at table, rather than gloom."

"True, Silas. I should not allow a mere musket-ball wound to stop me from enjoying Roxane's company."

"Indeed you shouldn't. Ah! Mrs Trevelyan! We are ready, so please, begin serving."

After they'd eaten, Le Tessier excused himself on the grounds of some paperwork that had to be attended to, leaving Gilroy and Roxane in the parlour.

"Shall I ring for some tea, Alex?"

He shook his head. "Not at the moment, Roxane. I think some gentle exercise would be beneficial, so how about we take a stroll in the garden?"

"If that is your wish, by all means, but on one condition."

"And that is?"

"If you tire, tell me, and we shall come back indoors so that you may rest. Tonight, I shall change your bandages. I think the wound is healing well, and perhaps it is almost time to let mother nature take her chance with you, but not for a day or so."

"I think the fact that the wound is clean owes much to your skill as a surgeon, Roxane."

She laughed. "Ah, yes, with those essential tools, a seaman's dirk, and a lady's little finger." She stood. "Let me fetch my bonnet, to shade me from the sun, and then let us take our stroll."

They wandered for a while, enjoying the fresh air and the sunshine. Le Tessier's garden was large, and well-tended, but he disliked formality so the walks meandered among the shrubs and flowers, and scattered trees, with occasional seats where his guests could sit to enjoy the day.

Gilroy indicated one such seat, a bench, shaded by a sycamore tree. "I tire a little, Roxane. Shall we sit a while?"

"Of course, if you are tired."

"Only a little, I promise, but I know how easy it is to over-tire. I have seen it no few times in the Navy, when a wounded officer insists on resuming duty, only to collapse exhausted and be unavailable even longer than he would if he had only listened to the surgeon." Gilroy shook his head. "That is the second reason I am pleased Mr. James has taken the Pelican beyond my reach."

"The second? What is the first?"

"You, dear Roxane."

She flushed. "Me? You jest, surely?"

He shook his head. "I do not. I truly enjoy the pleasure and stimulus of your company." He smiled absently. "That first night in France, when we shared the bed?"

She laughed. "What about it?"

He reached out and took her hand, twining his fingers with hers. "Forgive me, my dear, but I so wanted to touch you!"

She stared at him, her mind racing, but uppermost the thought that perhaps it was time to take after her mother. She caught his eye; she couldn't help it, but she flushed.

"You wanted to touch me?" She was hesitant, wondering, hoping.

He nodded, a wry expression on his face. "I did. I do."

She took a deep breath. Quickly, before she lost her nerve, and to hell with modesty. "Alex, my dear? I wanted to be touched." As he stared at her, shock giving way to incredulity, giving way to hope, she stood, and ran back into the house, and up to her bedroom. She collapsed onto her bed, her head in her hands, and groaned. Oh, Roxane Harrison, what have you done? Well, let Alex know you are interested in him as a man, that's for sure! Oh, mama, what do I do now? Stay calm, Roxane, stay calm; she could almost hear her mother's voice. She laughed to herself. Ah, well. One of two things will happen. Either Alex Gilroy will avoid you as if you had some loathsome disease, or he will let you know of his continued interest. Pray for the second, Roxane, pray for the second.

* * * * *

Chapter 16

Roxane lay for a while, trying not to think too hard about what she'd done, but she knew she couldn't hide, so washed her face and went back down to the parlour. Gilroy was there, reading, and he looked up as she came in. The broad smile of welcome that lit his face gave her hope.

"Roxane! My dear, darling, Roxane! Please don't run away like that again, not when you give me hope that we might have a future together. Do I, Roxane? Do I hope?"

Relief almost made her giddy. "No more than I do, myself, Alex, my dear."

He nodded. "Come, sit beside me on the couch, so that I may hold your hand."

She moved across and sat beside him and he took her hand in both of his.

"Roxane, my very dear Roxane, you frightened me. I thought I'd scared you out of my life forever."

She managed a smile. "Not so, but only until my embarrassment lessened enough to face you again."

He squeezed her fingers. "Best we hasten slowly, Roxane, for we have known each other only a handful of days. It feels much longer, almost as if I have known you forever. I think shared danger can do that, make one person know another so much better than in a more normal existence."

She laughed, soft. "We shared danger on that beach, I feel."

"Feel? I know it! I only need to feel the twinge of the wound to remember!"

"Indeed. What now, then, Alex?"

"I am here for another few days, at least. Depending on the winds, Pelican will take a minimum of seven days to complete the mission I asked Mr James to undertake. By then I hope - I expect - to be fit enough to take command again. Quite how long it will take my lords and masters to respond to that epistle which you dispatched for me today, I know not, but I suspect at least ten days. With your agreement, Roxane, my dear, I wish to spend as many of my waking hours with you as I can."

"You do?"

"Do you doubt me?"

She laughed. "No, I do not doubt you, Alex, and it would please me to spend time with you. Tomorrow, perhaps we can take the gig, ask Mrs Trevelyan to prepare us some cold food and have lunch somewhere in the lanes. Somewhere quiet."

"A lovely thought, Roxane. That would be very pleasant." He chuckled. "And away from others, perhaps you might let me kiss you again?"

She affected shock. "Captain Gilroy!" But she couldn't sustain it, and giggled. "A pleasant thought." She sobered. "Tonight? Well, tonight I must change your bandages for fresh. Do you need Mr Jenkins to attend you again?"

"I'll ask him to stand by, but I think it time I tried to undress myself."

"I'll stand by in my own room with the door open. If you need assistance, just call and I'll be there in a moment."

"Thank you, Roxane. For now, though, shall we just sit and read? I fear I haven't the strength yet for aught else."

"You sit here and read, while I make sure my pistol is loaded and in my cloak pocket."

Gilroy nodded. "Yes, Roxane, that you must do. If anything were to happen to you, any contact with that foul creature Scrogg, I could never forgive myself."

Roxane reached out and squeezed his fingers. "You have saved me from him once already, Alexander Gilroy, and for that you will always have my undying gratitude. I shall be with you most of the day, remember? You shall be my protector. And Alex, why did you not remind me that I am still wearing your mother's ring? It should be among your own possessions, not on my finger."

"It looks right, there, Roxane. But you're right. I have the pouch for it here, so slip it off please."

It took but a moment and Roxane handed it back to Gilroy. She glanced down at her left hand. The ring had looked so good there. She stood, and Gilroy made to stand as well.

"No! No, Alex, remain seated. I plan only to go and load my pistol, then I shall return."

Dinner that evening was just the two of them, for Le Tessier was dining with his agent, a regular monthly occasion, as much business as social, although the agent's wife and son would be at table with them. In the Le Tessier house, Mrs Trevelyan had set two places at a smaller table, not usually used.

"You'll be more comfortable there. The large table isn't needed just for the two of you."

"Thank you Mrs Trevelyan," said Roxane. "A lovely gesture."

The housekeeper smiled. "'Tis my pleasure, Miss Roxane. And this table is closer to the kitchen, so it's not so far to carry things."

"A telling point, Mrs Trevelyan," said Gilroy, laughing.

"Indeed it is, sir."

Once finished their meal Roxane and Gilroy sat for a while in the parlour with a pot of tea, but Gilroy was fighting yawns and at last he put down his book.

"I know it isn't quite nine yet, Roxane, but I think I shall go to bed. I feel rather tired, and a good night's sleep will refresh me for tomorrow."

"I may as well retire, too. My uncle is not yet returned, and I find myself poor company. I'll just let Mrs Trevelyan know, so that she may clear up."

"Would you ask Jenkins to stand by, but if he does not hear the bell within half an hour, he's free again, as I won't need him."

"Of course. Wait a moment for me, in case you need assistance on the staircase."

In the kitchen, Mrs Trevelyan, Molly and Jenkins were playing cards.

"Mrs Trevelyan, the captain is rather tired, so he's taking himself off to bed. As my uncle is still absent, I shall have an early night myself. Mr Jenkins, the captain asks that you hold yourself in readiness, but if he hasn't rung for you in the next half hour, he will not be calling for you."

Jenkins nodded. "Very well, Miss Roxane. Thank you."

"May I have some warm water, to wash the captain's wound?"

"Why, of course, Miss Roxane," said Molly. "Just a moment. Here, take this jug, for it's easier carried than a bowl."

Gilroy was waiting for her at the foot of the staircase. She took his arm and they went up together, rather more slowly than Roxane's usual pace. At his bedroom door she relinquished his arm.

"Alex? If you perhaps strip to the waist, if you are able, then I shall be able to change your bandages easily and you will not be embarrassed."

"I should be able to manage that, Roxane."

"I shall fetch the fresh bandage in a minute or two. You rest for a moment after the stairs, before you try to undress. I shall just leave this jug of warm water on your dresser. I mean to wash your wound before I re-bandage it. For the moment, though, excuse me."

In her own bedroom, acting on an impulse she couldn't define, Roxane quickly removed her clothes. Naked, she took out a nightdress and slipped it over her head. Of very fine cotton, cut low, a bridal garment, almost, the gown clung to her curves. Over it, she tied her silk robe. She pulled the pins from her hair, letting it tumble free about her shoulders. With the bandages, she went back to Gilroy's room. The door was open and she stepped inside, closing it behind her.

He was in the process of removing his shirt and smiled to see her. He gestured. "You wasted no time in changing, Roxane?"

She smiled but didn't respond. "How are you managing?"

"Well enough, if I do not make haste."

"Do you need assistance?"

He laughed. "I think I can manage buttons, Roxane. Perhaps a little help with my nightshirt, after you have changed my bandages?"

"Of course."

In a moment, he had competed the task of unbuttoning his shirt, and she helped him take it off, laying it across a chair. She turned him away from her, so that she could better see his wound in the lamplight, then untied the bandage. The wound looked clear, and seemed to be healing well. She bent close and sniffed, but could smell no taint.

"It looks well, Alex, but I shall wash it. A moment, while I wet the cloth."

"Of course."

She bathed the wound gently, fearful that she might disturb the healing, but all was well, and she dried his skin with a soft towel. "It looks well, Alex. Clean, healing nicely, and no taint."

"That is good to hear. Too often have I seen wounds go bad." He chuckled. "As well you got the ball out so quickly, my dear."

"Not a task I relish repeating, Alex, so please do not get shot again." She busied herself with tying the fresh bandages. Finished, she stepped back. "There, 'tis all done."

He turned, smiling, but the smile slowly faded. "Ah, dear Roxane, you are so lovely." They were about two feet apart, and his hand came up, reaching out to her. Her own hand reached out to his, and he drew her gently towards him, his arms going around her as she laid her head on his chest.

"Ah, Roxane. Lovely Roxane. I think it best if you help me with my nightshirt, and then leave me, dearest one, for I do not think I have enough self-control if you stay near me." His arms fell away from her.

She drew a deep breath, and took a step back, on legs that felt as if they would cease to support her at any moment. She gestured helplessly. "I think, I-I-I don't know, not for certain, but I think I could -- that I would - welcome your loss of self-control, but I made a promise to Uncle Silas, a promise that I would never embarrass him in his own home."

Gilroy smiled. "Go, then, Roxane, go to your own bed. I shall manage my nightshirt for tonight, by not donning it, so unless you wish to see me unclad again, save for your tenderly applied bandages, 'tis best you leave me." A smile quirked her lips and he laughed. "Go!"

Laughing, and she thought there may have been a touch of near-hysteria in her laughter, she went back to her own room and got into bed. She lay, sleepless, for a long, long time, thinking of what might have been, what could have been, what might yet be. That she wanted to feel Alex Gilroy's touch, she acknowledged without hesitation. More? She didn't know. Not yet.

* * * * *

Any comment that anyone would like to offer is welcome. My skin is not so thin that I cannot take constructive criticism.

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Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc12 months ago

Slow pace but excellent writing is keeping me engaged - 5*

AnnaValley11AnnaValley11about 1 year ago

Beautifully written. the last page is an absolute joy,,,,,

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 1 year ago

Another great chapter!


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