Piper Learns to Share


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"You have fun?" I asked Danny, tousling his hair. He kissed me and, wow, I could taste the alcohol on him now.

"Anna's fun," he said, "But you're way funner." He put his head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek. Slid his hand around my thigh. Pressed his hardness into my backside. Whoah! Someone was getting friendly.

"Later, baby," I said. I put my hand over his and held it against my leg. I was feeling pretty worked up, too, but I wasn't going to play around in public like that. No matter how bad my body wanted me to. "When we get home. I promise."

"Actually, I think I'm ready to head out," Anna said, giving Colt a knowing wink. I guess everyone was thinking the same thing I was.


Outside, the air was nearly frozen, but it felt good in my lungs and I gulped it down like I'd been underwater. The music was gone, but my head still throbbed with it. Danny and I walked arm in arm down the street. I couldn't wait to get him back to the dorm room and do dirty things to him.

We followed Anna and Colt back to his apartment. But when we got there, we didn't stop walking.

"Guys?" I called out. "I think we just missed your stop."

"Colt's roommates both have dates tonight," Anna said, "So we're all going back to our place."

Danny and I shared a look of deep disappointment. For a moment, I thought about begging him to get us a hotel room again. I couldn't imagine getting home and going right to sleep. But doing dirty stuff was out of the question if we had to share my room.

"My roommate is at my place," Danny said, his mind on the same track. "He's been planning some all-night gaming thing for weeks."

"It's OK," I said, "We'll figure something out."

We got back to Comm Ave and stood shivering, waiting for the T. I glanced at my phone, hoping to hell it wasn't so late that the train had stopped running for the night. Finally, a little white light flashed in the distance.

The car, itself, was almost empty. We sat down on the benches, me and Danny across from Colt and Anna. My roommate and her boyfriend started smooching. Light, easy kisses that clearly anticipated something more. I felt strange about making out with Danny on the T with my roommate right there. Instead we held hands, occasionally glancing at each other, knowingly.

When we got to the dorm, I selfishly hoped that security would turn Colt away at the door, but they let him pass with nothing but a nod. We rode the elevator up in silence. I leaned back against the wall. I felt fine but standing on my own was a bit of an issue.

We got out of the elevator, girls leading their boys back to our room. I unlocked the door and we went inside. I flicked on the lights, but they were too bright, and I quickly turned them off again. Anna went over and turned on a desk lamp, giving us just enough to get around.

"That was fun," Anna said, "But I'm not ready to call it a night yet."

I kicked off my shoes and sat on my bed. Danny sat next to me.

"You think I should break out the special supply, hon?" Anna asked Colt. He was standing in the middle of the floor, like he wasn't sure how he'd ended up in a place so gauche as a freshman dorm room.

I had no idea what Anna meant by 'special supply.' My first thought, actually, was flavored condoms. Not that I wanted to see her suck off Colt or anything. We were all so worked up I assumed that anything anyone said had to be sexual in some way.

Instead, Anna reached under her bed and pulled out a full bottle of Jose Cuervo. I don't know why I was so shocked, but I was.

"Anna," I said, remonstrating. "I didn't know we had that in here."

Anna stuck her tongue out at me and sat on the floor. She twisted off the cap and drank straight from the bottle. Then she passed it Colt who joined her there. Danny and I both climbed off the bed. My boyfriend took a drink and passed it to me.

The tequila went down my throat like liquid fire. I coughed, hard, but held it in. I passed the bottle back to Anna. She smiled at me soothingly, not totally judging.

We went around in a circle like that a few times, not saying anything. We were all barefoot, and a bit disheveled. Even Danny's dress shirt was untucked under his sweater. Anna had put on her overshirt again, but it hung off her loosely. That white-ribbed tank was doing very little to cover up her clearly bra-less breasts

Sitting on the floor and drinking like that was strangely comforting. I knew I wasn't falling asleep anytime soon, not with how worked up I was, and sharing the alcohol felt almost communal.

Anna held up the Cuervo container, now half empty, and eyed it. "We should play spin the bottle," she said, then tittered.

"I don't think that's going to work, honey," Colt said. He gave her shoulder a squeeze.

"Well we should play something," Anna said. Her drawl was on overdrive.

"How about UNO?" Colt said in his own southern twang.

I don't know how or why, but UNO had been a big thing for us freshman year. Like, everyone played it. If you told high school me I'd be up till 3am playing competitive UNO I'd have laughed in your face. I mean, what was next, high stakes Scrabble? But it had happened, and I'd played UNO till dawn on multiple occasions.

So, of course, we had a deck or two lying around. I dug it out of my drawer and dealt out the cards. We played fast and sloppy. There's a strategy to UNO but damned if I could remember it in the moment. Finally, Colt finished the game by dropping a Wild Draw Four, leaving Anna holding a stack of cards.

"Take off your shirt," he said to her. I waited for Anna to speak up -- or Danny, someone -- I don't know why. Anna unbuttoned the rest of her flannel and tossed it to the side. Now she was just in the ribbed white tank top. Definitely not wearing a bra. I could make out the size of her areola through her tank like it was see-through. I turned to look at Danny, but he was staring at Anna, too. I couldn't blame him for that.

We dealt out the cards for another game. This time, Danny ended up in last. He pulled his sweater over his head without even needing to be asked. So, we were playing strip UNO apparently? Seemed like the kind of thing that needed discussion, but instead we slipped into it like it was nothing.

We played hand after hand. No one talked. Cards fell quickly and the clothes came off even faster. I remember a distinct point: I was wearing my pink blouse and jeans. Anna still had her tank on, but she was down to a pair of white, pattern-less panties. Danny was in his checkered dress shirt and navy boxers. Colt mirrored Danny in his white t-shirt and a pair of grey boxer-briefs.

I could tell the boys were enjoying themselves. Both had obvious bulges in their underwear. I'm sure they could see how aroused we girls were as well. My nipples poked through my shirt, right through my bra. Anna was showing the same.

The cards were stacked in the middle. The tequila bottle was empty. I had a bunch of cards in my hand and I knew I needed to discard. Not the cards, though. My clothes. I'd lost and now I had the choice of showing my bra or my panties. I glanced over at Anna, between her legs, at the dark patch slowly growing in the gusset of her underwear. The cloth now trending towards translucent.

So the shirt then. I undid the buttons and tossed my blouse aside. I had on a simple white bra with a little lace on the edges. I'm not flat-chested -- on a good day I'm the better side of a B. Next to Anna, though, I felt tiny. Not that either Danny or Colt were complaining now that my shirt was off. Both boys eyed my breasts for a good bit longer than was wholesome.

"Running out of clothes," I muttered, idly.

"Not yet, darling," Colt said, "Still got plenty left."

The implication was clear. We weren't just messing around. We were going to play till everyone was naked.

"Plus, there's lots of other stuff we can do," Anna said. I didn't catch her meaning and I was too drunk to ask. Still too bowled over by the idea that I would be getting completely naked in front of my roommate and her boyfriend.

Danny reached over and squeezed my hand. "We can go if you want," he whispered. But I was in my own bedroom, so where exactly was I going? And if Danny went home, well, that only made things worse, right? So, I squeezed him back and shook my head. "OK," he said.

UNO went onward. Reverses and Skips. Draws and Wilds. We piled the rainbow of cards one by one onto the little patch of carpet between our legs. Colt was only wearing his underwear. His chest was muscled like something out of a magazine. Bronzed skin, pronounced pecs, and a six-pack stomach. Anna played with the blond hairs on his arm.

Danny was down to just his boxers, as well. He looked almost scrawny across from Colt but still cute as anything. Tufts of brown hair on his pale skin. I liked the way Danny looked, you know, like a human being rather than a Roman ideal.

My pants were lost, as well. I had just my white bra and matching panties. That dark spot in my own underwear that I'd been so worried about was now clear to anyone who looked my way. I swore I could smell my own arousal wafting upwards.

At some point we'd opened the window, it was so freaking hot for some reason, and an icy breeze stole into the room. I welcomed it, as it chilled the sweat on my skin. Anna gave a little shiver. Her nipples grew even more pronounced. After losing almost everything in the early going, my roommate had held at a tank top and panties.

Danny lost the next hand. For the first time that night, one of us was going to get fully naked. If I'd ever thought this would end the game, what Anna said next made it clear that we were only beginning.

"Let Piper take them off for you," my roommate said, "Nice and slow."

Danny stood up. I knelt in front of him. I knew it looked like I was about to suck my boyfriend off. I knew for some reason that I shouldn't try. I pulled at Danny's waistband and slowly tugged downward. I saw the beginnings of his dark pubic hair. The start of his shaft. God, he looked as long and thick as I'd ever seen him.

His penis popped up, bouncing warm against my cheek. I let out a little gasp and I heard Anna do the same.

"Well aren't you nicely equipped, Daniel?" Anna said.

My boyfriend looked over at my roommate and blushed bright red. I finished taking off his boxers. Anna signaled that he should do a little spin. It looked silly, his penis sticking straight out while he turned around.

Danny sat back down, his arms in his lap like he was doing his best to cover himself. Anna looked at him pointedly and licked her lips. Like Danny could blush any deeper than he was already doing.

Anna lost the next hand and pulled her tank top over her head. Her breasts bounced out, huge and heavy with brownish nipples erect like little pencil erasers. She lifted one to her mouth and gave it a kiss, reveling in the reaction that got from the room.

Where before it seemed as though everything was racing past me like I'd leaned on the fast-forward button on the DVR of my life, now every hand dragged along. Card by card. Each reveal drawn out and dramatic.

I undid my own bra. My breasts spilled out, delicate, with rose-pink nipples. I tried to lift one up and kiss it, like my roommate had done before, but I could only kind of get my tongue to the side. It was goofy, not sexy. But the room clapped appreciatively. Danny was eyeing my chest now, of course, but I could feel Colt's eyes devouring me as well. Like his girlfriend's massive mounds weren't already more than any man could ask for.

Colt was the next to lose his boxers. He stood and let Anna pull them down. His dick popped free, and she gave it a little kiss on the head. He'd shaved it completely. It was dark like the rest of his body. Long and slightly curved to the side. Slightly shorter than my own Danny's, and not nearly as thick. Still a very nice dick. Only the second one I'd seen in real life. Colt caught me staring and smirked, like he'd caught me with my hand in the cookie jar.

Two totally naked boys. Girls down to their panties. I think we all knew what was next. Just took someone to say it. Danny lost the next hand. He put down the cards and sat there, waiting for someone to tell him what to do.

"Stroke him," Anna told me, "Two minutes. But you can't let him cum."

I nodded. I grabbed my boyfriend's dick in my hands. Little pink fingers not even close to clasping it completely. God, I loved feeling my love this way. I felt so hot holding him. I slowly ran the loose skin up and over his shaft. Danny groaned, and I worried that two minutes might be too much.

Danny's breath came in short gasps. He stared at me with adoration. I could tell his body was begging for release. I was so worked up, I wanted to give it to him. I didn't care that another couple was watching. I wanted my boyfriend to cover me with his seed. So needy for his cum as if it were my own.

"Time," Anna said. I released Danny's dick. It pulsed, like trying to explode anyway. A thin drip of pre-cum leaked out, but nothing more. Danny panted, his face pained.

"I'm OK," he told me, but he looked lost behind his eyes. Idly I wondered what he'd do if it meant he'd be able to cum. I wondered what I would do, too. To be able to throw Danny down on the bed and let him fill me. Disturbingly, I couldn't think of anything in the moment that would stop me.

Anna lost the next hand. She didn't even bother with the pretense of taking off her panties. She just gave herself the same punishment that Danny had just received. Colt stripped off Anna's underwear. Her sex was bare. The labia were fat and pink and already gaping.

Colt dragged his fingers over Anna's sex. She groaned and giggled. He traced her sex, never touching any of her hot buttons. It didn't matter, it looked amazing. I shifted my thighs, trying to recreate a little bit of what my roommate was experiencing.

Danny's phone alarm went off. Anna cackled throatily and reached over to Colt. Pulled him close and kissed his lips with a wet smack. "That was lovely," she told him.

I lost the next hand and Anna didn't even wait for me to put down my cards before ordering Danny to give me my 'two minutes in heaven.'

"You can't let her cum, Daniel," Anna warned. He nodded very seriously, like she was sharing the nuclear codes. I didn't have the heart to say that it wouldn't be a problem.

As much as I loved Danny, he'd never actually made me orgasm. We'd gotten close a couple times, but I'd never actually gone over the top with my boyfriend. It was fine. I figured it would happen eventually. I was starting to think I was one of those girls that didn't orgasm from stuff like that. Even if it never happened, honestly, that was OK. I didn't need to cum to have a good time with my boyfriend.

I took off my own panties. My sex was covered in blonde hair. I tried to always trim it, but I felt particularly overgrown compared to my roommate. My lips were shiny with my juices. Slick. Danny barely touched my outer labia and I jumped like I'd been shocked.

Danny mirrored what he'd seen Colt do, rubbing slowly outside of me. We'd been having sex for months, yet we'd never done this. That is, Danny hadn't ever truly fingered me. We just got down to the good stuff. His touch was tentative, and a bit clumsy.

I became very aware of the fact that I was completely naked. Colt and Anna, not strangers but close enough, were staring straight at my most private parts. Watching my boyfriend do something totally intimate. I was nervous as heck, but it wasn't enough to overcome my driving arousal.

Danny's fingers dancing around my opening didn't get me going, but they didn't give me relief either. When Anna's alarm went off, right as Danny began to probe inside me, I nearly cried.

I was so distracted by my driving need, I lost the next hand as well.

"Not learning your lesson, are you?" Anna said, tutting her tongue at me. I shook my head, secretly hoping I'd get another two-minute stroke session. "Hmmm, well I don't want to keep rewarding your poor play. Why don't you suck on Daniel's dick for a while instead?"

I nodded. Pleasing my boyfriend was as exciting to me as the chance to be pleasured, myself. In fact, in some ways it was better. Danny stood up. I could see he was already trembling. I'd sucked him a few times, as I've said, but always as a lead up to sex or as a prelude to a full hand-job.

I got on my knees in front of my boyfriend, supplicant. He smiled down at me. I licked my way up his shaft, from the root to the head. Danny groaned.

"Is she doing good?" Anna asked him. Danny could only nod his head, silent. I slurped up his dick, loving the feeling of it in my mouth. The smell of pure, unfiltered masculinity filled my nose. I sucked back and forth, trying to be quiet and not succeeding. Danny rested his hands on my shoulder.

"Ah, Piper," he said. I made sure to look him right in the eyes, my mouth full of his cock. "Oh God..." he choked. His dick twitched. Oh God. He'd never cum from just my mouth before. I was sure it was about to happen, and a rush of panic hit me as I realized I wasn't sure if I wanted his sperm in my mouth.

Swallowing Danny's spend seemed super sexy but also kind of gross? Spitting it out seemed bad though. I didn't want to embarrass my boyfriend, especially not in front of Anna and Colt. What if I let him cum all over my tits? My face? God, all of that sounded awesome and awful and I couldn't decide as Danny's cock swelled on my tongue and...

Anna's alarm went off.

I let Danny's dick slide out of my mouth, dripping with my saliva. I wiped my face with my bare arm, then looked over to Anna. Like I was waiting for her to praise me?

"Very nice," she said, giving me a nod. Her compliment made me feel good, like pleasing her was as important as satisfying my boyfriend. Myself.

We played again. I lost again. I sat up on my knees like a puppy, waiting for my next command.

"You know, Piper," Anna said, "I don't think it's fair that Daniel gets all the attention while poor Colt has to sit here and suffer."

Silence filled the room. A pregnant pause that finally gave birth when my dumb mouth spit out the words before my brain had a chance to approve them. "I could stroke Colt this time?"

I looked back at Danny for approval and he nodded. Almost eager if I'm being honest. I guess he thought that if I touched Colt now, I might get to finish Danny, himself, later.

Colt smiled and stood in front of me. His cock dangled right at my mouth. I could smell it, smell him. So different than Danny, yet still manly and much the same. The sandalwood and leather scent almost sickly.

Colt clasped his hands behind his back and stood there. His cock pointed forward. For a moment, on instinct, I opened my mouth.

"You said just to stroke," I said, my brain finally regaining some sense of control.

Anna nodded, granting me permission.

I reached up and held Colt's cock. I was touching another man's penis and something about it turned me on even more. Like I said, Colt was smaller than Danny, but not by much. I drew the skin up and back.

"Spit on it," Colt said, "On your palm. For lubrication."

I nodded dumbly. Danny had never asked me to do that and I wondered if he'd like it next time. I licked my hand slick and grasped Colt's dick again. I noticed the difference in his reaction immediately.

"Aww, Pipe, that's nice," Colt said.

I was willing to do this, with some inherent promise of relief in the future, but I didn't want Colt to cum. Something about being covered in his seed felt wrong to me. Like he was claiming me as his own. So, I just held him loosely, more of a tease than a stroke. Anna's alarm went off and for the first time, I was happy to hear it.

Colt sat back down, and we dealt the next hand. By some miracle, certainly not my own play, I managed not to lose this time. But Danny did.