Pool Boy Ch. 20


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I ramped up the pace and Alexis held my cock between her tits with one arm and hand and guided the head into her mouth with the other. Alexis has very nice tits but I could envision this scenario with Olivia's massive tits or even Emma's huge tits. I continued to drive my cock up into her mouth for several minutes before my balls pulled up tight and cum burst from my cock into Alexis' mouth. As I pulled back, my cock came out of her mouth and I spewed several shots of cum onto her neck and then down between her tits. All the remaining shots either hit Alexis in the chin or up onto her face or trapped between her tits. She was trying to catch the flying cum in her mouth but wasn't very successful.

After I finished my last salvo, I sat back on Alexis' stomach being careful not to put my weight on her. She released my cock from her cleavage and scooped up gobs of cum and pushed her fingers into her mouth. There was a lot of it and she repeated her finger-cleaning several times. I bent forward and kissed Alexis tenderly on the lips. She pushed her cum tasting tongue into my mouth and giggled.

I lifted one leg over Alexis and stood up and pulled her up beside me. I grabbed my jerk-off towel from under my seat and wiped Alexis' face, tits and pussy. I pushed my cock back in my pants and zipped up. Alexis put on her bikini and then her tank top and shorts. We took our seats and continued on our way.

We stopped at a restaurant and had a pizza for dinner. We talked about Dee's and Jarrod's wedding that was coming up soon. Planning got put on hold with her dad's legal problems. We had officially heard very little but he was arraigned with no opportunity for bail. My contact with Heather was providing some information but not much. I still hadn't told Alexis or Emma everything I knew.

After our meal, I took Alexis back to their Hotel. Emma had made a lot of progress in the house and they would likely move back home tomorrow. Alexis asked me to stay the night with them but I didn't want to be too obvious with my parents. It was okay if they had reason to think I was sleeping with Alexis. They would be suspicious of that anyway, but giving them reason to think I was sleeping with her mother too was way beyond their capacity to cope.

When I got home I told my mom that I had eaten out already and went to my room. Mom had done the laundry and my clean clothes were on my bed. I opened the dresser drawers to put them away and the ring box I had bought in Las Vegas was in a different spot than I had left it. Mom didn't usually get into my dresser. She left that to me to put my own clothes away. I took the box out and opened it. Even in the low light conditions of my bedroom with the one desk lamp on, the sparkle and refraction into all the colors of the rainbow was intoxicating.

I had spent a fair amount of time since Alexis and I came back from our trip thinking about when was the right time to pop the question. My mind ran through all the pros and cons of sooner or later. Dee's and Jarrod's pending marriage was an issue. I didn't want to throw shade on their day. How long should the engagement be? I still didn't know what Alexis was thinking about college when or where. I know she loves me and she knows I love her. We tell each other that all the time. I needed to get some answers to some of these questions. I decided that I would find some way to sit down with Emma without Alexis present but that was nearly impossible lately. Since day one, I had always liked talking with Emma. She was always practical and caring and thoughtful.

I dialed Emma's cell phone to see if she was still working at the house. If so, I could go there now. Alexis was at the Hotel. She answered on the second ring and said, "What's up. Is Alexis with you?" I told her that Alexis was at the Hotel and if she was still at the house I wanted to come over and talk with her. She said, "Sure. I plan to be here another hour or two."

I told my mom I was going out for a while and not to wait up. I was at Emma's house in twenty minutes. I knocked on the rear Foyer door and Emma came out of the kitchen to open it. I wasn't sure how much I would get into my plans with Emma but I had stuffed the ring box in my pocket just in case the conversation went there. I wanted it to, but then I didn't. I was a mess with indecision. Emma had never indicated that she ever had the 'indecision gene'.

Emma led me into the living room and we sat down on opposite ends of the sofa. From what I saw the house was pretty much back to normal. Emma asked if I wanted a drink and I declined. I wanted to get into it. I sat there inspecting my hands for several moments until Emma asked what I wanted to talk about.

I said, "I need to talk to you about Alexis."

She smiled and said, "Ah yes. One of my favorite subjects." I was looking at my hands again and Emma slid over closer and took my hands in hers and bent down to get my attention. I looked up from my hands and she said, "Hunter. You know we can talk about anything. You are like a son to me." She chuckled a little and then continued, "Well. It's a lot more than that. You're troubled about something and I want to help any way I can."

I smiled at her and maintained eye contact as I started. "You know I love Alexis with all my heart, right?" Emma nodded. "And I know she loves me just as much." Emma smiled and nodded again. "We have only been together this summer and I don't want it to ever end, but I have to go back to college in a couple weeks and Alexis has never said what her plans are for college or no college or what. I don't know. Do you?"

Emma grinned and said, "When Jim was here, he bullied her into applying to all the ivy-league colleges back east but she didn't want to go there even before you came on the scene. She got acceptance letters from several but to my knowledge she has never responded to any of them. I do know that she applied recently to the college you go to. I don't know if she has been accepted or not." I was surprised at this development. She had never said a thing about it.

Emma squeezed my hands and looked in my eyes and said, "Alexis wants to be with you." She squeezed my hands again and smiled at me. I grinned back. My heart was soaring and tears burst into my eyes. I couldn't have heard six words that would have as much emotional impact as those. She came closer and hugged me and said, "Does that surprise you?" I shook my head and wiped an escaped tear from my cheek. "Hunter, in your heart, you know all this. What are you so troubled about?"

I reached in my pocket and felt the velvety box and still contemplated whether to share my dreams with Emma. I made the leap of faith and pulled the box out and held in my open hand for Emma to see. She looked down at the box for several moments and then back up at my face. She was grinning so hard that it brought a smile to my face. She started to reach for the box and then snapped her hand back like it tried to bite her. She looked back at me and said,"I'm sure I know what this is. May I see it?" Rather than let her take the box, I turned it to face her and opened the lid.

Emma's eyes went wide and her hands went to her mouth as she gasped. She pulled her gaze away from the ring to look up at me. She said, "Oh my God. Hunter. That is the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen. Oh my God." I smiled. I was pleased that she thought it was as beautiful as I had. Her eyes dropped back to the box and she said, "Alexis will love, love, love it. When are you going to ask her?"

That, of course, was the sixty-four thousand dollar question. I said, "That's where I need your advice. Do you think we are too young to contemplate such a serious step? Dee's wedding is coming up soon and I didn't want to diminish her day. I was thinking about after the wedding. I thought if we were married before school started we could get a place together on campus for married students. If it's later we can get a place off campus. Oh hell. There are a million things rattling around in my brain."

Emma smiled and said, "If I didn't know either of you, I'd say you were too young but I know how much you love each other and you are so compatible it's uncanny. As for Dee's wedding, don't worry about that. Dee would be thrilled if you two were engaged at her wedding. In fact, I would predict that she would lobby for a double wedding. Hunter, there are a million questions that can't be answered before-hand because they get answered over time. These questions that are troubling you about timing are non-issues. If you want to ask her, then ask her. You know what her answer will be. Nothing else is that important right now." She leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips and pulled back. "If she doesn't want to marry you I will." She giggled and I smiled at her. I kissed her this time and she said, "You engineers think too much."

My mind was made up. I closed the ring box and put it back in my pocket. I said, "If Jim were here I would have asked him for permission to marry his daughter. He would have said no and I would have considered that I met my obligation even if it is an outdated tradition. I'll ask you instead. May I have your permission to marry your daughter?"

She laughed and said, "You are such a dear boy. Of course you have my permission." She stood up and pulled me up and pulled herself into my arms and stretched up to kiss me. I bent low to kiss her on the lips. We broke our embrace and then she threw her arms around my back and hugged me as hard as she could.

I helped Emma with some of the heavier items before I kissed her good-night and thanked her profusely for her council. She smiled and I left by the rear Foyer door and drove back home. It wasn't too late and my parents were sitting in the living room watching TV. When I came in I sat in a chair and said, "Mom, Dad. Can we talk?" Dad picked up the remote and muted the TV. I looked at Mom and said, "I know you found my ring box in my dresser."

Mom had a sheepish look on her face as she looked at the floor. She said, "I'm sorry Hunter. I wasn't snooping but a woman can't resist a velvet box. I swear I didn't look inside but I wanted to really bad." I smiled at her and pulled the box out of my pocket and handed it to her. Her eyes lit up with excitement. Dad was listening intently as he understood the significance of this moment. Mom took the box and lifted the spring loaded top. I watched for her reaction and I wasn't disappointed. She burst out a gasp that got Dad's attention. Mom stared at the ring for several moments and then passed the box to my Dad. He looked at the ring and whistled. He looked up at me for a moment and then back at the ring. Mom said, "That can only be what I think it is." I just nodded and grinned. Dad closed the box and handed it back to Mom. She opened it and looked at it again. She said, "You must have bought this in Las Vegas. There is no where around here that would have something as beautiful as this."

I told her about my dream that seemed more than a dream and how I didn't even know what it meant until I saw the ring in the jewelry store. "I'm going to ask her to marry me probably tomorrow. If we can get married soon we can live on campus. If not, we will have to find a place off campus. I wanted to tell you guys before. If you want to talk me out of it, you'd better have some good arguments.

Dad spoke up, "The only argument I have is that you both are pretty young but I'm sure you have weighed that argument to hell and back. Alexis is a wonderful girl and you guys are great together. We would be honored to have Alexis as a daughter-in-law." I could tell that Mom was a little fearful of what Dad was going to say and she was relieved with his response. She looked from Dad to me and nodded her head with an ear-to-ear grin on her face. I got off my chair and went to Mom and knelt down and hugged and kissed her. Dad got up and offered his hand to help me up. I took it to shake his hand but he pushed past my hand and gave me a big man-hug and kissed me on the cheek. This was an unusual show of affection for him. I hugged him back. Mom was tearing up with happiness.

I said good-night and told them I loved them very much. They both said the same to me. I put the ring box on my dresser and smiled to myself as I undressed, took a quick shower and climbed into bed. Now the only immediate detail left undecided was where and when to ask Alexis the big question.

There was a light knock on my door and after I responded, Mom opened the door. I sat up in bed and turned on the lamp on my nightstand. Mom sat on the edge of my bed and said, "We would be lobbying for a big wedding if you had been our daughter instead of our son. We are fine with whatever Alexis wants for a wedding. Okay?"

I nodded and said, "Thanks Mom. I don't have any preferences. Whatever Alexis wants, she'll get. Be thinking about who we should invite. Things could be moving fast from here." Mom smiled and stood up. She bent down and kissed me good-night and closed the door on the way out. I turned out the light and not so promptly, fell asleep.

I ate breakfast with Mom and Dad the next morning. Mom had made a full meal of eggs, bacon, sausage and toast. Everyone was in a great mood. Conversation was lively. There was extra energy radiating from all of us. Dad went to work and I followed closely behind. Mom had a smile that seemed permanently plastered on her face. It made me smile too.

I picked up Alexis at the Hotel parking lot. She had two cups of coffee that she struggled with to open the van door and climb in. She was dressed in her one piece, high cut bathing suit with a cotton gauze top and cargo shorts and sandals. I dressed as usual in my nylon shorts with the company logo tee shirt and sockless sneakers. She got situated and then leaned way over to offer a kiss and I leaned to her to press my lips on to her. I flicked my tongue on her lower lip and she moaned softly.

At the town pool we did our jobs. My mind wondered off several times as I gawked at Alexis' incredible body in that sexy bathing suit. It was cut very low in front and very high on her thighs. It wasn't a thong but it wasn't far from it. She knew what she was doing to me. I was getting hornier by the second. My cock was hard and lifting the leg of my shorts as it bobbed up and down. She was ignoring my condition to tease me. She wouldn't look at me as she stayed right on her jobs. We had extra things to do today and we finished up just as the Pool Administrator opened the gate to the public. It was particularly hot today and I had stripped off my tee shirt before I even started.

We were carrying all the cleaning equipment and chemicals back to the van when a group of girls came through the gate. I recognized most of them. They had been cheerleaders last year and one class behind me. They all waved at me and some of them wolf-whistled. The whistling was probably for Alexis though. They giggled to one another when they saw my boner pushing my shorts out even though I was trying to hide it. Alexis decided to tease me some more as she walked over to me and squeezed my cock as the last of the group went by. They all giggled and gave Alexis a thumbs-up. I pushed her hand away as I'm sure I turned a shade of red. I pulled on my tee shirt.

Alexis grabbed my cock again and pulled herself in close and said, "Jesus Babe. You are in a bad way. I didn't do that to you did I?" She smiled at me. "Meet me in the ladies room in three minutes." She turned and headed into the support building. I stored the gear and buckets of chemicals and slammed the sliding door. I looked around. A lot of people were coming from the parking lot. I adjusted the position of my cock, waited the prescribed time and headed inside. There were rest rooms in each of the locker rooms and separate men's and ladies rooms in the general public area. I walked down the hall to the general ladies room. I acted like I was checking out the bulletin board and when no one else was around; I pulled open the door and stepped inside. It was totally quiet. I heard a 'pssst' coming from the last of five fully enclosed toilets. The door was closed but not latched. A sign that read 'Out of Order' hung from the latch. I pulled open the door and Alexis was standing there totally naked. My cock pushed the leg of my shorts up over the glans as it bounced up and down.

Alexis had both hands in her crotch which caused her arms to push her tits in close to create additional cleavage. Her nipples were as hard as nails and a half-inch long. She held open her labia with one hand as fingers of her other hand were working in and out of her naked pussy. Her eyes were closed and her mouth hung open. She was already breathing hard and looked like she was close to an orgasm.

When she heard me step into her stall she opened her eyes and closed her mouth. She smiled when she saw my cock sticking out the left leg of my shorts. She came to me and pulled my shorts down my thighs where they fell to the floor. She ran her vaginal juice lubricated hand up and down my shaft several times. She looked from my cock to my face and said, "Jesus Babe. You are so hard. Sit on the toilet. I'm so hot I'm going to cum soon. I pulled my tee shirt off and kicked my clothes over into the corner by the door. She kicked her bathing suit on top of my clothes.

I sat down with my knees together and Alexis hurriedly straddled my hips and sat down on my thighs. She pulled my cock down and guided the tip to her labia as she slithered forward. My glans pushed into her pussy and true to her word she heaved an explosive breath and her hips began rocking forward and back driving her pussy on and off my cock. She groaned hard and muttered, "OHHH OHHH. FUCK BABY. I'MM CCCUMMINNGG ALREADY." Her pussy was clenching hard. She buried her face in my shoulder and moaned as she furiously fucked my cock. Then she got spastic and couldn't maintain a pace any longer so I grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled her on and off. She let out a deep pitched groan that finished as a high pitched scream. She pushed her mouth onto my collar bone to muffle it.

I knew this was going to be a multiple orgasm session because I hadn't even started yet. After a couple minutes, Alexis' breathing slowed to nearly normal and I was just about to take over the fucking motion when the ladies room door flew open and crashed against the wall. At least two women came in and based on the tittering and giggling going on between them, I figured they were members of the group that I had recognized coming through the gate.

One of them said, "Go check to see if we are alone." I reached over and locked the stall door. One by one, the stall doors squeaked open as she checked each one. When she got to ours, she kicked it and it didn't open. The sign on the door seemed to be enough for her. She yelled back to the other one, "its okay."

We were totally silent waiting to see what was going to happen next. The ladies room door opened again and we could hear the first one say, "its okay. Hurry up." A third person came in and the door shut. A male voice said, "Lock the door and get out of those bathing suits. Alexis shoved a hand in her mouth to stifle a giggle but her body jiggled in my lap. I motioned for her to be quiet. We could hear clothing being shed and then the male voice said, "Now get on this."

Alexis gave another silent giggle.

The telltale sounds of a blowjob filled the bathroom. This went on for a couple minutes and then we heard what I would describe as his penis slapping on a face. One of the girls said, "Come on Loraine. Let me have some." The sounds of a blowjob and handjob combination resumed. He was groaning which accompanied the chorus of "MMMMMM MMMM MMMMM." I was getting horny and I slowly started rocking my hips to drive my granite hard shaft up into Alexis' pussy. Her head tilted forward to my shoulder again and her breathing started to ramp up again. I wrapped my arms around her back and held her in place as I slowly pivoted my hips.