Possessing Bella Ch. 10-11


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She had gasped her eyes flaring wide in the darkness as she felt him. Her mind raced with images of the cock she had held in her mouth and throat, it felt huge and hard and so hot against the already heated skin of her ass. Her hips rolled, she surprised herself admitting she wanted this. Her hot aroused state making her need him, she had thought of it constantly, wondering how it would feel to be controlled and fucked by her Master.

Once naked he stepped away from her, she whined in disappointment her hips bucking back toward him. He smirked at her slapping her ass hard, "So needy my little slut. Tell me what you want, what you need." He moved to her head and reaching down pulled her dress free almost ripping it over her head and arms, lifting her chin so her face was turned to him. "Ask your Master for what you need."

She felt once again the flush of ten shades of red as she stared into the darkness making out his outline grateful he could not see her colour as she swallowed hard gulping. The darkness making her braver than she could have been seeing his face she whispered. "I want to feel you, in me."

"In here?" He questioned stroking her lip and sliding a finger into her panting mouth. She shook and nodded her head all at once making it seem like it was going around in a small circle. "Words slut, tell me what you need."

Her overheated mind bent to his will as he called her slut and she let her need for him bubble forth whimpering, "Please Master." She swallowed loudly again, "Please fuck me. I want to feel you," her voice turned to a whisper, "in me."

"How could a Master refuse a slave that begs so sweetly?" Tilting her head up further, he bent and kissed her deeply as her hands pressed into the cushion below holding herself up to him. "Such a good girl," he crooned. He straightened, her face was near his groin in this position and he rubbed his cock over her lip feeling her tentatively lick out at it. He groaned and fed his cock into her willing mouth letting her taste him.

She rolled and fluttered her tongue revelling in the taste of him as his fingers laced into her hair pulling it roughly from the pins that had held it in place all night and wrapping it around his fists. He held her head where he needed moving his cock in and out of her sucking mouth, making her gag as he moved deeper. His desire seeming to drive him he growled in a low voice, "Mine, you are my slut, my slave, My Ellie, Mine." Going deeper on each phrase, he thrust into her savouring the sounds and feel of her.

He pulled from her mouth abruptly, long strands of spittle hanging unseen between them and dropping to the chair cushion as they both panted raggedly. He freed his hands from her hair and moved back behind her, smacked her quivering ass he guided his cock into her slowly enjoying the tightness of her wet cunt as he stretched her over him. Her head was lowering back down to the cushion and as he pushed the final inch of cock into her he reach forward grabbing her hair in a haphazard ponytail to pull her back up and against him.

She whimpered and gasped as he entered her, "He is too big, too much." Her mind railed at her as she felt herself stretched wide the mixture of painful pleasure rolling through her as he filled her more and more. She could feel him so deeply within and she groaned her head lowering only to be pulled back up sharply by her hair as he forced all of his cock deep into her body. The sharp pull of her hair sent thrills to meet those from her overstuffed cunt, her body singing with the waves of exquisite sensation rolling through her.

Feeling her hips roll, he entered her again slowly his body tense as she adjusted to his size. Moving slowly in and out with her whimpers singing to him, he finally gave rise to his need and lust. He began to fuck her hard using her hair to pull her back onto him as he pounded into her small body. His free hand grasped at her hip the fingers sinking deeply into her flesh, her whimpers becoming howls of need and pleasure. Reefing her head back he roared, "Cum slut cum for your Master. Give me what I want."

The roar travelled through her body the words a command as she arched her back, her body wracked by blissful waves of release as she cried out shrieking as her orgasm hit her. She could feel spasm after spasm as her cunt contracted around his cock buried deep within her body pulsing with its own release. Freeing her hair, he collapsed over her breathing as raggedly as she, murmuring to her as the blood pumped loud in her ears. "Mine."

"Mine," She whispered to the empty room. He had made her feel so desired, so treasured, so loved with that word. He used all those words, but none of them was as strongly tied to their relationship as that one word. Sire had made her feel valuable, treasured and she felt his pride but not love or the complete possession Mel had exuded. Hunter too had made her feel his desire and passion, but she was just a plaything to him. She knew from what she had learned of Gor that once again she would be playing a role, not seeking out her own bliss but learning how to please others and bring them pleasure.

In bringing Mel pleasure, she had found her own. Those rare smiles and the love and desire in his eyes drove her to want to do more to please him. Her pleasure was solely wrapped up in his words of praise and obvious pride at possessing her totally. It was not so with Hunter, she felt nothing but the physical pleasure he allowed her. Sire was different, she could feel his caring nature but he had been clinical in the forced exploration of her limits and kinks. His praise had been like that of a teacher and a favoured pupil.

She finally moved from the wall into the apartment. There could never be another Mel. No one who would take the time and force her to look inside herself and see that her craving for erotic pain was not only beautiful but desirable to the right man. He showed her a lifestyle where slavery was not only accepted but expected and convinced her that she was not a wrong or bad for wanting to be part of it. They had such little time to explore that together and she had wanted to know it all. She had wanted him to show her everything this lifestyle had to offer and then he was gone leaving her wanting more, more of him, more of the world he had brought her into.

She trailed a finger over a chair, the chair, where he had first taken her, and she smiled sadly. Every room held vivid memories for her even his office. She opened the door tentatively as if knowing she shouldn't be intruding on the solitude of the place where he had worked late at night when he thought she was asleep. In truth it had only happened once, they had not stayed here often. There had not been enough time for anything more than the few occasions they had here in the apartment together.

She turned on the light and went to sit at the desk. This is what she missed in her small apartment. A place to work easily, as it was she spread herself out over the dining room table or the floor of the small cosy living area. She picked up a simple double photo frame that had been hinged together by leaves of gold. Within one side sat a picture of her at her graduation from college and on the other side was a hand written letter sitting perfectly within the frame. She turned on a small desk lamp for better light and read it carefully.

"Do not mourn for me, my brother, my son, my friend. I have lived a blessed life and I go peacefully into the great beyond. I have known great joy in my life and though those who know me well would be aware, my life's joy was Dorothea. Look after her Mel she is a one in a million woman who could love an arrogant, sadistic old bastard like me with every fibre of her being. She didn't just love me because of her servitude she loved me in spite of it. Keep her close she was the brains behind all my bluster and the secret of my successes.

My wish is for you to find the one who makes your heart sing, someone who can love you as whole -heartedly as I have been lucky enough to have in my life. Share your life and dreams with that one and let her soften the edges off that hard ass persona you have. Give that one the key to your heart and all else will seem insignificant. You are more than the company and club, you are better than all of it and the small men who dwell there. You are Mel Marino my greatest prodigy and I want you to find great happiness and love.


Bella felt the sting of tears and blinked to try and keep them at bay. Mel had chosen her to give his heart. He believed she could be what Dorothea had been to James. She hoped that he had been as happy as James had been even the short time they were together. Would he tell her not to mourn for him like this? She could hear Dorothea's advice to her in counterpoint to James letter, "Life is for the living. You are young and beautiful and deserve to be loved by a man who curls your toes. Serving the one you love is the best of life's experiences for women like us."

Her mind turned to Sir Stephen and his intentions towards her. She still wasn't exactly sure what he had meant to say. If Dorothea and Dianne were right, his intentions involved a serious commitment from her. He had only mentioned having the opportunity to show her his lifestyle which to her meant getting to know each other better without any further commitments attached to it.

Shaking her head in confusion, she stood knowing that Dianne was waiting for her. It had been a mistake to think Dianne would understand her need to do this without all the fuss that went along with serving so many Master's. Dianne knew a lot about the lifestyle and had been invaluable to her when Mel was alive, she had been sweet and loving but she had also been in a position of authority in her own way. Now that things had changed their relationship needed to as well and Bella admitted that it would take time to find that balance where their friendship could flourish again as it once had.

She took the frame with her as she left the study and went into the bathroom. It had been cleaned, but most products still remained. Bella resisted the urge to open any of the bottles she knew would smell of Mel and moved through to the adjoining master bedroom. Mel had not been a sentimentalist and there was little in the way of decoration or adornment. The furniture, as in the rest of the apartment, was rich and dark. This apartment, she realised, wasn't a home though, aside of the picture she had taken from his office there was nothing but the necessities here.

She sat on the edge of the bed and considered her surroundings. She laughed realising that his office at the company had been more personal than this place. She had spent more time with him there than here. She didn't know why she had been so worried about coming here, it was nothing more than a pit stop for his real life at the company and downstairs at the club. Feeling somehow lighter she let herself out of the apartment still clutching the frame to her chest.

Dianne looked up through the open door of the smaller apartment as Bella approached, and smiled. "Sir Stephen said to call him if you were ready before he returned and he would bring dessert."

"I'm fine," Bella gave a lop-sided smile, "But would you mind if I didn't have dessert. I'm exhausted."

"Of course Honey, that must have been hard to face. Are you sure you don't want some chocolate or yummy comfort food? I am sure Jake has something special with your name on it," Dianne cajoled, "You're still very thin. I will even tuck you in and leave right after we are finished."

"It was a mistake to ask you to come and sit here and wait for me, I am sorry to have been so inconsiderate. I won't be very good for company any more tonight... I just need to get some sleep and hopefully think more clearly about everything tomorrow. I will call you if you like, tomorrow," Bella tried to put off any further mistakes where Dianne was concerned. Bella had known that Dianne would need to tell Kurt, but the way she had told Stephen of the plan to go to Mel's apartment had upset her. It made her reticent to share her thoughts with her straight away. "Plus I have to be up early for a breakfast with Master Rob, and chocolate this late will just keep me up all night," she forced a small smile.

The lift door opened within minutes of Dianne making the call saving Bella from furthering the awkward conversation in which Dianne had asked about the frame she held. She was less than happy that Bella was unwilling to discuss it. "It's just something I wanted to look at again in the morning, I don't want to do a show and tell just yet," Bella said. Then she looked up at Stephen as he took in the situation but said nothing.

"Thank you for letting me do that, Sir Stephen," Bella smiled showing that she was not overly upset by the experience.

"You are quite welcome," His voice rumbled softly and he ushered the women out of the small apartment and to the elevator. "No dessert tonight?"

"No, thank you," Bella smiled. "I just feel exhausted now and would like an early night, please." He nodded and escorted them through the elevator to her apartment. He waited while Dianne and Bella hugged tightly in the doorway watching their body language and the tension between the two women.

"Sleep well, little one," Stephen bent and kissed her forehead and closed the door leaving her to her thoughts.


Bella spent a restless night going over the same things time and again. She reread the letter from James that sat beside her picture several times. She wished she could talk to Dorothea, her advice was wise but she treated Bella with the kindness and love of real friendship. She didn't force Bella to make decisions or treat her like a naïve little girl, she merely gave her the tools to make the choices she needed to make in her own time.

Mel had chosen five women to help her and be her friends, but Dorothea had chosen her and she was beyond grateful. She had felt close to Dianne but since returning the dynamic between them had changed and it saddened her to think that Dianne couldn't see that she had changed so much over the last year.

She dressed and was ready early for breakfast with Rob and knowing that he wouldn't have slept yet called him to see if he wanted their breakfast date earlier than the usual time. Surprised that she would be awake so early on a Saturday morning, he had agreed happily, he would come up from the club as soon as he organised some coffee and food.

It was about twenty minutes later when Rob arrived and knocked on her door and invited her to his larger apartment. There were trays of pastries and fruit, a large pot of coffee and a jug of juice waiting for them.

"How are you feeling after yesterday?" Rob asked gently, "I understand you went into Mel's apartment last night." Concern was evident in his features and tone.

" I feel better than I have in a while, clearer-headed if that makes sense," Bella gave a half smile. "Mel and I only had a month together, it was intense and volatile and it ended so badly but it was just a month that I was his in very real sense of the word."

"I hadn't ever thought about it like that," Rob admitted. There was so much going on around the two of you at the time that..." he shook his head.

"It seemed much longer to me too but it is what it is. I have spent ten times the time we were together mourning him and I think I am done," she looked up at Rob's shocked face. "Oh, I didn't mean... I will always love him, but I don't want to be sad anymore. I want to live the life he gave me. Look at me, I have you and Kurt to love and protect me, I have so many friends now, people I didn't even know about. I am rich and could be seen as powerful by some because of my friends and position in the company. I have almost everything a girl could ever want or need."

Rob sat back looking at her as if she had suddenly grown to heads. He had been so sure that she would retreat back into her shell and possibly break down again after yesterday, that the confident young woman sitting across from him was startling.

"I was mad at him for leaving me with all this and not knowing what to do with it. For showing how good love could be without ever giving me a true sense of normalcy within it. We never had the opportunity to just do the day to day things that all couples must, even in the lifestyle people have to get up and go to work and do the every days things. It was like he picked me up and plonked me in a foreign land. He mad me fall in love with it and then left me alone and lost with the inhabitants who knew I didn't fit in," she took a deep breath.

"That is not how I meant to make you feel," Rob's brow furrowed.

"You didn't," she quickly assured him. "You gave me Sire, Billy I mean, to show me what I needed to know about limits and kinks and being safe, things you couldn't show me yourself. Thank you for that, I will always be grateful for everything he did for me and it was exactly what I needed at the time, and you knew it." She stood and went to sit on his lap feeling his arms wrap around her as she hugged him tightly. "You and Kurt have become so much more to me than I ever thought possible, friends, mentors, like family and I love you both so much."

"What brought all this on?" Rob asked still holding her close.

"Vince wasn't as lucky as me. You all blame him for his part in Mel's death, even Jenny has found it all so difficult. He has no one to hold his hand and make sure he is alright. I think that's why he needed me to forgive him so badly. I realised that the Mel I knew, the kind and generous side of Mel would have understood that he was just being used by somebody so evil as to commit murder. He would have forgiven him," Bella said seriously.

"Mel never got bogged down in sentimental emotion and living in the past. He lived life fast and passionately and he dragged those he loved along with him to bask in the glow of his bright light. I doubt he ever slept more than an hour or two a night, did you know that?" She looked up at Rob.

"I suspected as much," Rob chuckled.

"He didn't live here either, it was just a place to shower and change and move onto the next thing. I think he had more of his stuff at the company office than here," Bella smiled.

"You're probably right about that too," he nodded.

"I think I would like to move in there, please, unless you have changed your mind about letting me find a place of my own," she asked hopefully. "The little apartment is like a hotel room not meant to be lived in the way I do."

"I like having you close by, little brat. So I can keep up with all the mischief you cause," Rob's arms tightened around her again and she grinned. "The other apartment is close enough though if that is what you want," Rob gave into a compromise.

"I promise I will try and stay out of trouble," she grinned. "So it's okay if I spend a little time over there this weekend. I'll keep my phone on me the whole time."

"Don't overdo it," Rob cautioned. "Is there someone you can call to give you a hand going through the Mel's things?"

"The only one I would really want there is Dorothea. I thought about asking her because she is going stir crazy being under house arrest by Kurt for the last two weeks. I am not sure if it would be too much for her either, though," Bella said thoughtfully. "It's probably something I need to do myself, to begin with anyway. I will stop if I need to and ask for help," she said.

"Okay, but let Stephen know, he gets a bit antsy if you go missing and he hasn't been told," Rob chuckled making Bella look at him curiously.

"Does everyone know he kissed me?" Bella frowned in confusion.

"I certainly didn't know that, I merely meant that he is very protective of you," Rob had grown serious. "I think you better tell me more young lady."