Possessing Bella Ch. 23


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"I can see now why I needed self-defense lessons," she gave a dry laugh. "The other things too, I thought I was doing well with food, but I have so much more energy since going on a healthier plan and not skipping meals. It was the right thing for everyone, this," she fingered the pendant around her neck.

"Maybe," Stephen said noncommittally. Three weeks ago he had been ready to start his new life with Bella. Her inability to commit to him immediately had been hard to take, but the agreement to accept Rob and Kurt as Masters albeit temporarily had stung his ego. "Continue," he said as he took the corset off over her head. "It's rare you let me know what is going on in that pretty little head of yours."

"I had a crush on Master Rob when I first met him. He was the epitome of that bad boy biker that most girls fantasise about. I asked him to collar me when I came back from the beach shack, but he refused. He was smarter than me," she sighed. "He's like a father figure, and I know how wrong that sounds but..." she waved her hands around trying to find the words.

"Like Sera and Charles," Stephen offered.

"Sort of," she agreed. "Kurt is like an older brother or cousin or Uncle; they are family to me now. One day when I have learned enough to stand on my own two feet and make smart choices I will leave the comfortable home I have with them for someone I am in love with but until then I will wear and honour this."

"I would expect no less from a girl like you," Stephen slid the skirt down her legs, and she stepped out of it. "I understand what you are saying, and I appreciate the explanation more than you can know, but I love you. I want you to be mine and mine alone. I don't wish to share you, not even with Rob, so until you feel like you can come to me fully, we will remain, close friends, nothing more." He turned and faced the closet looking through the meagre and childish offerings there.

"My overnight bag is still in your car I believe it has a suitable dress in it for the drive back," Bella said sadly. It was Valentine's Day, and she had tried to reach out to him by explaining how she felt. She missed his touch and urgency of his need for her that had been such a part of their physical relationship before she took the dual collar of Rob and Kurt. She heard him re-enter the house with her bag and watched as he placed it on the bed. She dressed swiftly feeling awkward now standing in front of him naked. She wondered how he managed to turn off the feelings he had for her so completely that he didn't feel any desire for her naked body and embarrassed she hid it beneath a sensible dress and low shoes.

They locked up the house taking everything they had brought with them and began the long drive back to the city despite the fact that it was still early. She had hoped that he would treat this like the training she had been attending, that he would still want a physical relationship after she had explained how she felt about everything but each time she considered him the phrase, "We shall remain as close friends," stung her. Trying not to show that she was upset she reminded herself that things could be worse, and a girl could never have enough close friends.

"Could we go past and pick up Dorothea on the way back please, Sir Stephen?" Bella asked quietly as they re-entered the city limits.

"We could, but she is not home today, I believe Charles and Sera took her to breakfast this morning," Stephen answered. "I also believe you are expected back for lunch today, being Valentine's Day and all," he smiled.

"Nobody mentioned anything about lunch? It's not because of the mess I made of the ball is it?" She began to gnaw at her lip.

"You made no such mess, little one. I have told you that already," he chuckled. "Did you check your planner for this weekend, I am sure it would have been on there. Chelsea is very efficient and a lovely girl."

"I'm sure there was nothing scheduled for today on purpose," Bella picked up her phone and went to the calendar, the lunch date was there, and she wondered why she hadn't noticed it before. "Gosh I will need to change, would you come up with me while I change? I expect you are going to be at the lunch too," Bella asked.

"Of course," Stephen agreed with a smile.


Twenty minutes later they pulled into the parking garage of Bella's building. Stephen held the large box containing her new dress and her overnight bag while Bella cradled the dress she had worn the night before in her arms. While logically she knew Stephen's arms were full she frowned at the absence of his hand on the back of her neck while she rode the elevator with him and she felt the distance between then widen further.

Once inside the apartment, she offered Stephen the use of the guest bathroom and anything he wanted in the kitchen while she hurried to shower and change into something suitable for the club. She chose a thin vinyl lace up vest and matching micro mini in pale pink, thinking that the laces holding it together at the front may tease Stephen slightly. Gathering her phone which she was never without and the small gift for Stephen she went back out to the living room.

"This is for you," Bella held out the small carefully wrapped gift and went to kneel beside him with the gift and watched as he took in her outfit without comment.

"Thank you," he said with a small smile. "You didn't have to give me anything on today of all days."

"I love you," she said simply as if that explained everything. The fact that she used the word so loosely these days was unimportant to her as she watched his face. It was a simple gold tie clip but at its centre, it held his emblem. It was a replica of the emblem that hung around his neck and appeared over the doorway at the Abbey, his home. "I noticed you wear them when you are working in the club," Bella added as he looked at the intricately detailed emblem.

"Thank you," he said again and leaned down to kiss her forehead. He fixed it to his tie, and she realised he had been to the room he shared with Jake next to her own to shower and change. "Shall we go?" he offered her his hand to stand up, and she unfurled from kneeling to stand beside him, still hopeful of recapturing that one moment of intimacy they had shared when he had kissed her at the house.

It wasn't to be, but as they rode the elevator down to the club, she felt his hand curl around the back of her neck and felt reassured that all was not lost. When they walked into the restaurant, Bella could only see her friends, the Masters she assumed must have been in Rob's office and she stalled in her walk unsure of which way to go.

"Go and see your friends I will tell Your Masters that you have arrived," Stephen said putting a slight emphasis on "Your Masters." Stinging from the comment, Bella went to sit with her friends.

"Oh my God, Rob is so mad! What did you do?" Sera said in a stage whisper from across the table.

"Nothing that I know of," Bella lied blushing after a quick look at Dianne, who shook her head imperceptibly.

"Well whatever it is it's a big deal," Tali said, "Josie left Gian with us, and she rarely does that."

"Hi Gian," Bella said with a smile. "It's nice to see you again," Bella admitted that it was true that Gian was rarely a few feet away from her mistress at any given time.

"It's nice to see you too," she smiled. "I never get to be part of the subs group, so this is fun for a change."

"Apologies from your Master's they will not be joining you just yet," David said approaching their table with several waitresses. "Please enjoy your starters." Seafood salads were placed before them.

"My goodness it's an aphrodisiac salad," Dorothea said looking at her plate. "I thought it was pretty obvious that your Masters could get lucky any time they wanted; they don't need this." The table burst into fits of laughter, and the chatter about their masters commenced. Even Gian joined in unabashed about having a Mistress rather than a Master. It seemed they were all demanding regardless of their sex.


"Jack," Charles turned to his long-time friend. "Consider this: What if, as you say, there was no harm done, and we let this incident pass."

"There was no harm done because..." Rob began to rage again, but Charles held up his hand.

"You have spoken now let me," He said in the same calm voice. "So we let this incident pass, and he decides he has an eye for another highly prized girl. Let's say your Dusty," Jack opened his mouth to argue, but again Charles put up his hand. "Now we all know Dusty can hold her own. I wouldn't doubt that there are a few among us who would rather keep her bite at arms-length. Let's just say, for arguments sake that he doesn't have enough brain power to turn on a dim light and he accosts Dusty and there is no one around to think it is anything more than a Master disciplining an unruly pony girl. She possibly the strongest of all our girls and I would say given the right conditions he could try to beat her into submission and take her for a ride."

Jack looked at his friend in horror. Then he looked at Rob, who had sunk back into his chair to hear the old man out. A few of the other Masters were obviously reconsidering their views on the dismissal of Binatang from the membership at the club.

"Sera and, I dare say Tali, who knows him well enough, would be easy sport for a man who believed he was above the laws of our lifestyle. I have destroyed men for much less than this and I understand Rob's decision here. He has the numbers to just do it without our approval and yet he has included us in that decision for obvious reasons. He wants our support," Charles said evenly.

"It will have big repercussions," Mark said, "Not just here at the club but in many of our businesses. He is wealthy and not without influence." His lawyers brain swinging into gear as he considered the proposition more fully.

"I have weathered worse, we all have over the years," Josie said with a shrug. "Blackball the little bastard, we'll all survive it."

"What if I could come up with a way to do this where we didn't have to survive it," Kurt broke his silence. "Where we could get this incident to work for us?" The shareholders all looked at him with interest.

"Well I would need to get some real data from you during the week to flesh it out but here is the basic idea," Kurt began as he allowed his business acumen to shine through. There was a reason Mel had left the company and Bella's career in his hands and by the time he stopped talking they all had the evidence of that."

"It's ambitious," Mark said. "legally speaking we would have to tread very carefully here. Corporate law can be a bitch."

"Yeah but you're a bastard that never lets anything go unread," Mike chuckled. "I'm in if you think we can pull this off I want to be the one writing the contracts that Mike will try to find the blunders in and work out the kinks." He gave his brother a steely look.

"A lot of people will benefit from this, not just us but it's risky so let's just keep it all here in this room," Kurt said.

"I can set you all up with a private server and single operator devices," Leon said, espionage and risk were his forte after all. He may have failed Mel, but he wouldn't fail these men again.

"Sounds good," Kurt agreed. "While I share your anger, my friend, this is the best way even if it will take time." Rob grunted but nodded in acceptance. "I think we have all left our girls alone far too long on Valentine's Day so as soon as Leon gets the devices up and running we'll meet again," Kurt spoke as if he was leading the meeting which wasn't lost on Rob. Just like Mel, he chuckled to himself, always thinking two or three steps ahead of everyone else in the room.

"Josie," Rob said, "Can I have a quick word before you go?" he indicated the comfortable chairs closer to his desk.

"Sure but as I said, you have my support if you want to just blackball him," She said easily.

"This is a different matter," he smiled, "But thank you I appreciate that." He waited as the others left and Kurt came to sit with them. "It would seem you have brought out our girl's curiosity," he grinned.

"How lovely," Josie purred at the change in topic, and a slow smile appeared on her face. "She is a very sexy girl, but I am assuming you both know that and have sampled her for yourselves."

"I can tell you all the rumours about her are true," Rob gave a knowing smile while Kurt said nothing. This had been his idea but now faced with the Mistress Josie, he was unsure of whether the idea was a good one or not. "We were wondering of you would consider spending a few hours with her, upstairs in the playroom."

"Mel's playroom?" her eyes widened, and she felt her arousal rise.

"Technically, it is Bella' playroom now," Rob corrected, but we thought you could surprise her for Valentine's Day, with or without Gian as would be your preference."

"Gian could spend some time with Dianne if you prefer to meet Bella alone," Kurt added.

"Surprise gifts like this tend to be a bit lacking in thought for the recipient's feelings. Let's say we give her a choice and if she agrees I am sure both Gian and I would enjoy the experience, especially if as you say all those rumours are true," she smirked then, "So she is an Italian princess and also a witch who is a masochist into the bargain?"

"Sounds like a fair appraisal except, for one thing, she stops short of being a true masochist, she has hard limits, limits you will abide by," Rob said with an edge to his voice.

"Lighten up my friends I am a banner waving member of the SSC, or have you forgotten the early days of the club and some of the thugs I personally ejected," her voice rose with her indignation.

"I would have liked to see that," Kurt chuckled. "Don't mind him he's just got his grumpy pants on today," Kurt grinned.

"That's understandable given the circumstances. I will go and get the girls," Josie said and stood stretching her long legs and left the room.

"Interesting woman," Kurt watched her leave the room.

"What is it with you and seducing strong, ballsy women?" Rob asked.

"Dianne was never that ballsy, there was always a soft side that could be exploited," he grinned. "I have to admit though I wouldn't mind finding Josie's Achilles heel. I fully understand Bella's attraction to the woman."

"Dianne wanted to speak to Charles and asked for some time, I allowed it," Josie explained as she came back with Gian and Bella holding hands with each girl. She turned to Gian first and spoke diplomatically so that Bella could hear both her question and Gian's answer. "These Masters have asked if I would stay a few hours and allow their girl, Bella, to indulge her curiosity and attraction to me. If she consents would you like to join us?"

Bella gasped and looked wide-eyed at her Masters her lips disappearing between her teeth.

"Oh yes, please, Mistress," Gian replied eagerly.

"Bella," Josie turned to her and smiled slowly, lowering her voice to a seductive purr. "Your Masters think I might be able to provide you with the perfect Valentine's gift, and I would like very much to see your playroom." Josie leaned forward and brushed her lips over Bella's and leaned close to her ear. "Would you like to play with me for a little while, we could just go upstairs right now and have so much fun," the purr in her ear almost undid Bella. There was an undeniable attraction and need that she felt to serve this woman whenever she spoke to her. Not trusting herself to speak she nodded her consent.

"Oh no that won't do darling girl, we need to hear you say it," she put a finger on Bella's chin and pulled her lip from between her teeth. "I don't want your Masters to think I am forcing you to do anything you don't want to."

"Yes," Bella said breathily, "Yes please, Mistress."

"Lovely, now thank your Masters for such a thoughtful gift, and you can show me this wonderful playroom I have heard so much about," Josie purred and straightened to her full height.

"Thank you, Masters," Bella blushed deeply.

"You will need this." Rob went to his desk and took a Master card for Josie. "You can leave it with Bella; your card will allow you access to the ground floor again."

"Thank you, I had thought the opportunity may have been gone and I was so looking forward to playing with your girl," she took the card from Rob's fingers. "This is very much appreciated." She walked towards the door and held it open, "Come girls," she smiled widely and walked through the salon bar to the elevators.

"Floor?" Josie asked.

"Three, Mistress," Bella said softly.

"Such beautiful manners, you are going to be such a delight I can tell," Josie pressed the elevator button with a long-taloned finger.

Bella walked towards the door behind Josie, and as the woman unlocked it, she sank to her hands and knees as she always had done when entering this room.

"So well trained, I expected as much with your reputation, come then," she opened the door and went into the room. "Well, well, well, so much to explore and play with, happy Valentine's Day to me," Josie said smiling as she looked around from the doorway. Taking slow, deliberate steps she went to the large leather chair and the pet basket there which to her mind seemed to be the staging area of this room. Noting the small wooden box she flipped the lid open and eyed the training collar and cuffs it held.

"How convenient," Gian help Bella with these while we have a little chat. Josie sat back into the leather armchair and studied the cute girl before her. "Stand up girl, you don't have to crawl around like a bitch for me," Josie instructed and when Bella had gotten to her feet she began to quiz her on her kinks and limits as well as preferred safe word once she realise that the rumours of her tolerance for pain seemed true. Gian Bunched Bella's hair up into a ponytail and looked at her Mistress questioning. Josie shook her head and held up two fingers, and Gian went about tying Bella's hair into two high pigtails.

"Perfect," Josie purred standing and approaching Bella. "Pigtails for a little piglet," she stroked a nail from her chin down her throat to the laces that held the tight pink vinyl covering hr breasts. "So cute and pink, she loosened the laces to allow the top to fall open slightly while holding its place around her body. Her nipples poked through the web of laces and she felt rather than saw the long taloned nail of flick over one of the sensitive buds before pinching it tightly. Bella let out a small sharp squeal as the nails dug into her flesh.

"Delicious," Josie purred bending to kiss Bella as she teased the other nipple similarly. "I imagine you taste like cotton candy when you wear that colour, piglet," Josie purred and ran a hand down over her skirt and beneath a talon pulling aside the thin lace of her G-string and parting Bella's lips to swipe along the already wet surface and graze over her clit. Flicking the clit twice before retrieve her hand she smiled and held it out to Gian. "Tell me how our little piglet tastes," she said never moving her eyes from Bella blushing face.

"She loves it," Josie smiled, and Bella flicked her eyes to Gian, who had stepped forward and taken her Mistress's finger into her mouth and sucked on it happily. "Perhaps then I should find out myself," Josie withdrew her hand from Gian and once again pushed her finger into Bella's slit cruelly scratching over her clit as she did so then pushed the taloned finger into Bella's cunt before retrieving it. She licked the length of it like a miniature cock before pushing it into Bella's mouth to have her suck her shiny residue from it. "What a genuinely sweet little piglet," she finally said. "Now we explore the room," Josie walked deeper into the room expecting the girls to follow her.