Quiet Servitude Pt. 06a2


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I shuddered, despite the heat of the water as I continued to clean up before getting out, slipping into some rather unrevealing panties, which eased my anguish a bit, and dropping into bed where I slept through the night, dreams punctuated by scenes of nightmares. Everything I dreamt only supported the demands that Mrs. Hennessey had filled my head with the night before. I would never look at my body the same way again.

Chapter 19 - Thursday, October 7th - 9:12 a.m.

I appeared downstairs and provided Mrs. Hennessey with her breakfast, going through my obligatory show of obedience that had become a ritual of sorts. There were a million things to do in preparation for the birthday party she was organizing for herself, but fortunately my own list looked rather meager today by comparison. No doubt, there was something else on my agenda I didn't know about as I whipped through the list of duties including the dusting, laundry and some bathroom activities. I used the facilities before getting down to cleaning them but had to stifle back a gag when I caught sight of the cock swinging between my legs before I could sit and tuck it away. I don't remember the days of feeling proud or appreciative of it being there all the time and wondered why I hadn't found it's unpredictable nature revolting in the past. Either way, I didn't miss it a bit as I tucked it back inside my gaff and pulled up the panties that held it all in place.

I was emerging from the bathroom when I ran into Mrs. Hennessey who noticed my discomfort.

"Are you alright Stacy?" she asked, concerned.

"Yes ma'am." I replied, not wanting to bridge the embarrassing subject again.

"Good. Glad to hear it. Here is a list for you to fill. I wrote down the names of stores I know carry most of these items. They're all in the mall so it should be relatively easy to complete. I have some errands for Hal to fill also so he can drop you at the mall and swing back to get you after he's done. Go up and get ready and I'll make sure he's waiting for you."

"Yes ma'am." I said, turning on a heel and heading for my room to get changed into casual clothes once again. It was o'clock and I would grab a bite to eat at the mall if I had time. I hung up the still pressed uniform, grabbed my purse from the top door of my dresser and retreated downstairs.

"Hal." Debbie called to her multi-talented employee. "I have a list of things I need you to verify for tomorrow."

He turned to face her and took the list she offered, scanning the items with a scrutinizing eye.

"Something wrong?" she asked, scanning his work area in the garage for any signs of problems.

"Trouble ma'am?" he queried.

"You look troubled today."

As quickly as it appeared, the shadow pulled away from his face and the usual, happy, Australian flashed his lady killer smile.

"Not really ma'am. Must have been something I ate." He lied, trying to cover his deceit.

She looked unconvinced but he put a hand on his stomach, as though trying to physically ease the queasiness he was faking and tried to change the subject.

"But don't worry ma'am. Tommie didn't fix any of it." He lied, insinuating that her cook wasn't to blame.

He smiled.

She hesitated.

He kept smiling.

She nodded.

"Glad to hear that." She commented.

"Don't worry ma'am. You won't have to worry about Tommie's cooking tomorrow for your party."

"Good. Glad to hear you hold his talents as highly as I do."

That wasn't what he meant and was eager to get on with what needed to be done.

"You'll need to take Stacy to the mall since she has a list of her own to accomplish."

"This is quite a tight timetable if you want me to verify all this in person ma'am." He said.

"Just drop her off. She'll be able to pull it all together at the mall and call you when she's ready to get picked up. You won't have to baby-sit her today."

He smiled as he nodded, something she failed to notice as her mind wandered back to all the things that needed to be accomplished by tomorrow.

"Shouldn't be a problem ma'am."

"Good. She'll meet you out front in a minute."

He nodded, and retrieved the car keys from his pocket as Debbie walked back inside. Confident that she was gone and with no way to see into the garage, he shifted several old boxes under the workbench, and retrieved a medium-sized shopping bag sporting the logo of a store at the mall and secured it in the trunk before backing out.

The car pulled away as soon as I was squared away in the passenger seat but something was different. As I tried to study the list that Mrs. Hennessey had handed me to fill, Hal began unusually chatty although he exuded a dark mood as well.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, recognizing that something was wrong. Being Hal I assumed he would just shrug his shoulder but he was becoming more anxious with each passing mile as the mall drew closer. Instead, he started speaking and I was lucky to get a word in edge-wise.

"I have a plan to get both of us out of the mess we're in Stacy but you're going to have to take a big leap of faith and follow it to the letter."

He paused but I remained quiet, suddenly realizing that there might have been a light at the end of a tunnel I had come to believe had caved in long ago with no hope of escape.

"You've undoubtedly realized that your morning test of obedience is something more than just water?"

I nodded.

"I'm not sure why I didn't see the changes happening in my body since they're so . . . dramatic." I said, motioning to my considerably sized breasts."

He nodded this time.

"The drink is partially water but it has huge amounts of female hormones mixed in with it. A potent cocktail of various ingredients in fact. In addition to the estrogen, there were a few other special ingredients added, the identification of which I haven't learned. These helped not only in your quite pleasing transformation but kept parts of your brain in check."

"The fog I've been in." I stated, more than asked.

"Yes. Everything else in your head worked but you never really noticed the change. I didn't know she was feeding you anything until recently when the physical changes became apparent."

"I can't say that I'm disappointed in the changes but I wish I had known it was happening. I must have built up an immunity to the over the last several weeks because I felt my head start to clear."

We pulled through the intersection and he had gone quiet, only a smirk giving him away.

"I have you to thank you for that, don't I?" I asked.

He was modest but nodded before confirming it.

"I found where she was keeping the concoction and began thinning it down a few weeks ago and waited until you snapped back to normal. I hoped it would happen last week but my projections were off because she apparently upped your dose. I didn't notice this until the liquid was draining at a faster rate than it had before. I finally flushed it all and replaced it with straight water earlier this week. That apparently did the trick because I noticed changes almost immediately."

"Thank you." I said, meaning it with all my heart.

He shrugged in modest fashion as though it had been nothing. If Mrs. Hennessey found out there would have been hell to pay.

"It was a lot easier to work in the house . . . and do other things when my head was in that fog. It's been difficult faking it the past few days and I think she might be catching on."

"Not to worry." He said, swinging the car into a parking slot at the mall.

"I thought you were dropping me off?"

"I am but I have something for you in the trunk along with some other instructions."

We climbed out and he popped the trunk, fishing out a bag from a local store. It appeared that in addition to the list I was given, there were items to return. Instead of handing it to me straight away, he held on to it and looked me straight in the eye.

"For this plan to work and for you and I to be free, you will need to follow my instructions to the letter. Is that understood?"

I was going to laugh at his strange comment but I nodded, unsure of what he had planned.

"Yes . . . Master." I replied, the training at 'the factory' spilled out. "I'm sorry Hal."

"It's alright Stacy. I was hoping this would happen. I made sure to ask things of you while you were going through your lessons, hoping that I too would be set in your mind to obey. Not as strongly, but it helps me to know that you are responsive to my commands as well."

I nodded, chewing on my lip as I nervously watched Hal continue.

"Set your purse in the trunk and open it."

"Yes. . .Hal."

I did as he commanded and he fished out several items, including my makeup case and set it to the side. He then reached into the bag he was gripping and, after taking a casual look around, pulled out a thick stack of bills topped by a fifty, and set the pile in the bottom of my purse before returning the items to it.

"What is all that for?" I asked incredulously.

"That was three thousand dollars. How much do you have in your bank account?"

"I don't know. Twenty-five or twenty-six hundred I think."

"Keep the change and whatever you do, do NOT go to your bank or access your account in any way. Just leave it behind. When this is all over, you can buy me a beer." He said, standing up and casually looking around again. "Reach in there and take out your wallet. Keep it down in the trunk and pull out anything that has your name on it. Driver's license, credit cards, etc."

I wasn't sure where this was going but did so obediently. For each item I removed and handed to him he passed me another, similar item.

"Amanda Taylor?" I asked, running my fingers over the driver's license he handed me. It had a picture of me on it, the source of which I didn't recognize.

"Got it off one of 'the factories' DVD's of you." He said, reading my mind.

"But how did you get these?" I asked, realizing that he was passing me a new identity.

"Are you kidding? Who do you think got your current set?" he said with a wink. "Don't worry. No one knows who my source is for this kind of stuff so it can't be traced back."

"But why do I need a new identity . . .?" I asked, the answer striking like a lightning bolt before he could answer. "I'm not going back, am I?"


"No. Definitely not. I just wasn't ready to start on the run from the law today."

"Aren't you on the lamb now?" he asked.

I nodded looking around cautiously.

"But why now Hal?" I asked.

"I found out that Debbie was planning to tip off the police that you would be at the party and since they had your picture, it wouldn't be hard for them to ID you and drag you out in front of hundreds of people all the while providing her with deniability. I'm just glad you came around when you did because tomorrow is the party and we were running out of time and options. She won't know it, but this little shopping trip provided the perfect opportunity to make our escape."

"Come with me?" I pleaded.

"Sorry, but the plan doesn't work that way. The cash should give you a good start and I hope you're smart enough to disappear. Don't use the credit cards anywhere near where you're going to be staying and give them a few days to get activated before you try them. Social security number should hold up under scrutiny if you find legitimate work."

I nodded, realizing that I might have to turn to non-legitimate means of support if I were to survive in the short term. I wouldn't have been able to do such things six months ago but with the programming in my head, the possibility was there now if I needed it.

"Here's a sheet outlining the details of the new identity. Study it tonight and memorize the information. Once you get it down pat, flush the sheet. I've also taken the liberty to free a copy of the DVD's that you brought home for Debbie from 'the factory'." He said, turning the bag so I could see them in the bottom.

"My clothes?" I asked, seeing them in the bag.

"Yes. Didn't get a chance to do a thorough job but I grabbed what I could. You should be able to pick up some more in the coming days."

With that he handed me the bag and shut the truck on the remnants of the identity I was using over the past months. In a way, it was almost like attending my own funeral.

"Stacy?" he asked.

I looked up and stared into his compassionate eyes.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You shouldn't have looked up. You're Amanda now. Don't forget that."

I smile nervously.

"Sorry. I've been Stacy so long it's a natural response." I admitted.

"It will pass. Just be sure to look at your driver's license before you are giving out any information."

"I guess I won't be needing this then." I said, crumpling up the list that Mrs. Hennessey had given me an hour ago."

"On the contrary. This plan requires that you go in and spend the entire afternoon in the mall."

"I don't understand." I asked, confusion evident in my voice.

"Listen to me very carefully because the next few hours are going to be critical. I know that we're burning our bridges here but it is imperative that you follow the timeline to perfection. You cannot start running until this evening and it will be tough. You're going to take this bag." He said handing it to me. "And you're going to store it in a locker inside. You'll begin shopping for the items and after getting them all you'll store them in a different locker in a different part of the mall. You will find a seat on a bench just outside of the bank branch and will remain there from 5:00 p.m. until 5:39 p.m. After which, you will go to the restaurant across from it, eat a nice dinner and will then retrieve this bag from the locker, step onto the bus when it comes to this entrance and you will ride it away from here. Plane, train or automobile after that will be up to you. It will be best if you don't tell me what you have in mind but you had better get out of the state as quickly as you can and just try and disappear for a while."

"So Mrs. Hennessey can't persuade you to tell her what you know."

He nodded but it didn't look convincing.

"You'll do exactly what I said right?"

I nodded back.

"That's not good enough. I need to hear it from you."

"Yes Master. I will do what you have asked."

"Good." He said, convince of my intention. My heart told me not to comply, but rather run away. Instead, my brain started up the programming and confirmed the instruction. Hal hadn't been as strongly imprinted as the others and I felt I could disobey, but I wanted out and although I feared in doing it myself, I wouldn't find a better opportunity.

Catching me off guard, Hal stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me just as another couple walked passed. I thought he was just carrying on the role of the loving mate until the couple made it to their car and he pulled away far enough to reach up and draw me in for a passionate kiss. I had a purse in one hand and a shopping bag in the other but even if my hands were free, I wouldn't have tried to get away. A few wonderful seconds passed before he finally pulled away and smiled.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded.

"Doubts?" he inquired.

"No. I will follow the plan exactly."


"Yes. I'm afraid."

"Don't be. Everything will be alright."

Somehow I believed him but I wasn't sure if it was the programming or my heart telling me that this could all work out in the end.

Without another word he rounded the back of the car and climbed in behind the wheel. I took a few steps back and watched as he pulled away into the distance wondering if I would ever see him again. It was a good thing he hadn't shared his plan with me before reaching the mall because I would never had made it to this point. Confident now to see it through, I turned on a heel and made my way towards the mall entrance. I was nearing the doors when I looked back over my shoulder and froze in the entranceway. A bus had just pulled up to the stop and three or four people were exchanged. The driver looked out and our eyes met, but I hesitated just long enough for him to conclude I wasn't getting on and he closed the door and pulled away.

I eased the death-like grip I had on the door handle and walked inside, finding the nearest available locker and stashed my bag inside. There were so many things to worry about now, I had nearly forgotten about the $3,000 I had in my purse and gripped it a little tighter as I began to navigate through various stores completing the list I had been given.

Chapter 19 - Thursday, October 7th - 4:47 p.m.

The two pretzels I had managed to eat during my shopping trip were wearing out as the clock counted down towards the magic hour. I found myself near the only bank in the mall and having thirteen minutes to kill I wandered back towards the other end but stopped short of going in the store where I had been detained on my trip here with Christa and Julie. That trip had seemed so long ago.

Shaking myself from my daze, I turned towards the nearest entrance and found a similar set of lockers. Finding three empty, I stashed the load of goods I had purchased and took the keys with me as instructed. I placed them in my purse and began a leisurely journey back the way I had come, making side trips down the branching aisles of the mall. Before I knew it, I had returned to the bank and took up a seat nearby. I was two minutes early but sat down anyway since the clock could have been inaccurate. I removed a thin paperback book from my purse and began to read, hoping the story would help the time pass by more quickly. As it were, it seemed like 5:39 p.m. local time would never arrive. I had kept an eye out for anyone suspicious but the book wasn't half bad and I found myself getting into it.

The crowds had begun to pick up as families swung into the mall. At one point, an armored car appeared at the entrance and two very serious looking men hopped out and entered the bank branch. I watched them with interest until they left a moment later, the bank doors being secured behind them. They departed without issue and the traffic around this end of the mall returned to normal.

Although my seat was in front of the bank, I could also see the row of lockers containing my closes and a rather interesting collection of DVD's that would have made anyone some money on the black-market selling them. The specific locker in question was still closed, but I had no way of knowing if it had been opened and my possessions gone. Only time would tell.

The time had passed slowly, but it didn't stop entirely. Keeping my book in hand I stood up three minutes early and walked over, taking my place in the dinner line. It looked like I had calculated correctly and exactly at 5:39 p.m. I was seated in a small booth where I placed my order and returned to my book.

Twenty minutes later I was enjoying a sizzling chicken fajita, diet coke and a chapter tingling with suspense. At first, I nearly missed it. The sound had been down on the television and only the flashing of the update banner caught my eye. It was during the normal 6:00 news broadcast so it might not have been anything out of the ordinary.

The channel cut away to a field reporter relaying the incident of interest. I nearly choked on a large piece of chicken though when the reporter stepped to the side and the camera broadcasted a clear picture of the Hennessey house, the front yard roped off and several police cars in the drive, emergency lights on. The reported must have been telling what he knew but I wasn't about to ask anyone to turn up the sound. Near the bottom of the screen, the words murder/suicide appeared and I tried desperately to calm myself. No one else seemed to notice until a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Hennessey appeared on the screen. Someone else asked for the sound to be turned up on the television closest to me and they shook their heads in disbelief. The reporter, it seems, relayed the information that the police had it down in the books as a murder/suicide. Mrs. Hennessey it seems, had shot her husband and then turned the gun on herself. Several employees were sought for questioning, including the cook, gardener and housemaid, all of who had turned up missing. It ended with a note from the reporter explaining that tomorrow was to be Debbie Hennessey's birthday and that a large party was planned.