Right where You Want Me to Be Ch. 07


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David nodded his head, as his facial expression changed just enough to tell us that he was starting to slowly understand where this was going.

"There's this girl...her name is Sara. We live together and...we use to be in a relationship. It didn't last very long, because I realized that I didn't like girls as much as I do guys. When we broke up though, we agreed to stay friends. Sometimes, we would fool around together but we weren't a couple anymore."

"So... I'm assuming, this Sara is the mother of your child?"

He understood.

"Yes," Alycia said quickly. "See, when I got with John last August, Sara and I were still being intimate with each other. One of the last times that we slept together, was when she got pregnant."

"You're right," David said, with a bit of a laugh.

"That is a crazy story. I hope you didn't tell dad all of that?"

"Not all of it," Alycia sighed. "I gave him the basic run down..."

"Oh boy. I can imagine how that went."

"Well, it didn't go the way I had hoped it would."

We were quiet. David took a sip of the beer that he had sitting in front of him and nodded his head.

"So... you're going through with all of this, then?"

"All of what?"

"Having a child with this...Sara?"

"Yes," Alycia replied. "I'm going to have a child."

"In this crazy situation, though? I mean...how are you going to explain all of this to the kid, when they are old enough? What are you going to do when he or she comes to you one day and asks why they have two mothers and one of them has a penis."

I choked on my drink, having just took a sip about midway through what David was saying and looked up at him, a bit surprised at his choice of words. By his facial expression, David didn't seem to have any shame at all in the way he had asked that question.

I looked over at my girlfriend and assumed she would be pretty pissed off; she didn't look like it. Not yet anyway...

"I'm not going to lie," she said softly. "I have no idea, what I'm going to tell them when that day comes."

"Not only that," he continued. "What about John? You're going to have to explain to this kid, why they have two mothers and why one of them is in a relationship with a man. Are you ready to do something like that, Alycia?"

"Not yet," she replied, tensing up a little. "But I have a pretty long time to go, before I have to worry about it. The kids not even born yet and it'll be a good couple of years before their old enough to start asking questions like that."

"I don't know," he said, shaking his head. "I just don't think it's the ideal situation."

By now, David was slurring his words just a little. He'd had a few beers and had started before he even began cooking dinner. I didn't think he was really drunk but it was clear, he was definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol to some extent. Maybe that was why he was saying the things, that he was saying.

"And what about you John?"

I looked up at him and cleared my throat. "What about me?"

"What's your stance on all of this," he asked, calmly.

"Your girlfriend screws some chick, knocks her up...that's got to sound crazy even just thinking about it, right? You're okay with it?"

"Look...it happened at a point, where Alycia and I were only together for a few weeks. I knew her and Sara were still messing around at that point and I told her it was okay. That being said, I don't have much room to say anything negative about it."

"So do you have anything negative, to say about it?"

"No," I replied in a stern voice.

Alycia was looking at me now and I knew what she was thinking. I probably hadn't picked the best way to say what I had just said and I knew, she was probably wondering if deep down inside I did have a problem with all of this.

"I don't have anything bad to say about all of this. What happened between Alycia and Sara is over now. I know Alycia loves me and that's all that matters. She loves Sara as her friend and as the mother of their child and I can understand that."

Alycia's face softened and I knew that I was safe now...not that I had been lying or anything like that. I was telling the truth; I was okay with all of this. I was just worried that she might not believe my story.

"That's crazy," David said, with a weird grin on his face. "No wonder dad freaked the fuck out on you, Alycia."

"Excuse me?" she asked, her voice rising quickly.

"I mean; can you really say you're that surprised? You tell an old man that his son is living as a woman, has a boyfriend and she knocked up some chick. That's fucking insane!"

"I don't need you to remind me of how our father reacted, David. It's only been a day; it's still pretty fresh in my memory."

"Look, don't get me wrong; I'm happy, that you're happy. But I don't know if I really agree with all of this. It's a little...out of the ordinary, don't you think?"

From there, the conversation came to an end and everyone was quiet for the rest of the night. The tension was very thick though and I could tell that David's actions, had definitely affected Alycia in a negative way. We cleared the table and I offered to load the dishes, into the dishwasher.

As I did so, Alycia stepped outside to have a cigarette and David sat at the kitchen table...still drinking. He was on at least his tenth bottle of Budweiser by this point and it was much more obvious now, that he was definitely very drunk. As I finished loading the dishwasher, he stood up from his chair and stumbled a bit.

Looking over at me, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and laughed, leaning on the chair to keep from falling.

"You're fucking crazy; you know that?"

"I'm sorry?"

"This situation," he slurred.

"You're gonna go along with all of this. Living with some chick, with a fucking dick and her preggo girlfriend. You're not the child's father or something like that. Why bother putting up with that kind of shit?"

"Because, I love Alycia."

"Oh, don't kid yourself!"

I was starting to feel intimidated now...and a little pissed off too.

"Love is a load of shit John," he said, staggering across the kitchen now.

In a matter of seconds, this drunken man was right up in my face, my back was against the kitchen counter and my hands were balled up into fists at my side.

"My parents...they were never in love. They got stuck in a situation, pretty similar to this; of course, it's different since Alycia has a dick."

I turned away from him, as far as I could and tried not to breathe in the scent of the alcohol coming from his breath.

"They were just fooling around; you know? Mom got knocked up and they got married. Never loved each other, the way they tried to make it look like they did. They were just doing what they had to do, to maintain a normal appearance."

"I don't know what you're trying to get at here."

"I'm trying to say, you and my sister...you're both fucked up."

"Watch it," I snapped.

I'd had enough now. He had me cornered and I wasn't going to play along with it. I stepped forward, pushing him backwards so that he no longer had me pinned against the kitchen counter.

David looked pretty surprised, that I had pushed him away so easily. "Don't talk about her like that," I said, quite angrily.

"Or what? What the fuck you gonna do about it?"

"I'd rather not do anything...unless you make me."

"What's going on in here, you two?"

Alycia had come back inside, just in time to see me push her brother out of my face and hear that last bit of what we were saying to each other. She looked at me and noted how pissed I looked. I knew she knew, what had happened.

"Nothing," David chuckled, stepping away from me now.

"Just having a little chat. That's all."

He finished off his current beer, tossing the bottle away and looked over at Alycia, who was now standing right next to me.

"I'm going to bed," he slurred. "You two should look for a motel. I don't got enough room here for you to stay the night."

With that said, David left the kitchen and we could hear his heavy work boots, as they stomped up the wooden steps. Once he was in his room, Alycia turned to me and grabbed me by the shoulders, with tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine," I replied, calmly. "He got up in my face. But I can handle myself and I did."

"You looked like you were about to start swinging...what the fuck did he say to you?"

"Nothing," I shook my head. "It's not important."

Alycia sighed and bowed her head for a few moments.

"We should get out of here," she said. "We'll go straight home, first thing in the morning."

"Don't you want to say goodbye to him?"

"No," she answered, quickly. "This didn't go as I had planned. I mean, it did at first but it didn't last. You know how they say, the truth comes out when you're drunk? You and I both know that's what just happened. He's not as okay with all of this, as he tried to pretend to be when we talked on the phone."

I agreed. We had both come here, with the impression that David was going to be different from his father. Hell, at first that's the way that it seemed. He had come off as a pretty decent guy...until he started drinking. By the end of the night, Alycia and I both knew where he really stood.

Once again, we found a cheap motel and settled into a room for the night. As we lay in bed, side by side, I tried to think of what I could say to Alycia. There wasn't a whole lot that anyone could say, that would fix all of this.

I was surprised though. She hadn't reacted to all of this, the way she reacted to her father's outburst. Since we left David's house, Alycia had been quiet and calm...almost content. It was she, who spoke up eventually before I had the chance to figure out what to say to her.

"John...I have to thank you," she said softly.

"Thank me? For...for what?"

"For these last two days," she said.

"You mean the last two days of chaos? Well, it was my pleasure," I joked.

"No," she laughed.

"I mean...it didn't go the way either of us thought it would. Dad is as much of an asshole as he always was and David...well, he's got a good heart. But it's obvious that he also has our fathers drinking problem. Put that aside and I guarantee you, he's not the type of guy you're thinking he is."

"I guess we can't all handle our liquor, can we?"

"No... clearly, not everyone can. I'm thankful though, because even though all of this shit turned out so badly...it helped me. It's what I needed."

"You're saying, you actually learnt something from all of this?"

"Yes," she said, smiling.

"I learned where my real family is; with you and Sara. The two of you are all I need in my life. If these people gave a shit about me, they never would have thrown me away like they did all those years ago. Most importantly, I'm thanking you because I would not have gotten through all of this, if you hadn't come with me. You've been my rock these last two days. And seeing how pissed you looked back there, with David in your face...you didn't deserve any of that."

"Maybe not," I said. "But, it's what you do when you love someone. Stand up for them. Support them."

"Well, you did a very good job."

"I'm glad."

She leaned in and kissed me on the lips and within seconds, she was on top of me. As her tongue slithered into my mouth, she began dry humping me and it only took a matter of seconds for my cock to stand at full attention.

I groaned, as she broke the kiss and slid down some, pulling my boxers off and swallowing my cock whole. Leaning my head back, I started moaning and panting as Alycia bobbed her head up and down, sucking and stroking my cock.

"That feels fucking great," I whispered softly.

She didn't reply; just stayed focused on sucking my dick.

She stopped eventually though and left me disappointed for a few moments, but only to stand up and remove her own clothes. She slipped out of her panties and then she was right back on top of me, this time in sixty-nine position. This way, we could both suck each other's dicks at the same time. I loved it.

I smacked her ass, as I sucked on her cock and inhaled the scent of her ass. Next thing I knew, Alycia had turned around to face me and straddled me, lowering her ass down slowly onto my cock. I was nice and slick from her spit, so as the tip of my cock touched her tight rosebud, she pushed down hard and the head popped right into her.

Alycia gave a bit of a gasp, biting her lower lip and groaned.

"Fuck me baby," she whispered.

I moved my hands to her hips, pulling her down more onto my cock and sliding deeper into her hole, inch by inch. Finally, Alycia had completely impaled herself on my cock and was rocking back and forth on me. We went slowly at first, with her riding my dick and making out with me for a few moments...then things began to heat up some.

She started grinding harder and faster until she was bouncing up and down in my lap and teasing her own nipples. That's when I flipped her over onto her back, wrapped her legs around me and proceeded to start plowing away. In and out, hard and fast my cock drove deeper into her hole and she dug her nails into my back as she cried out in pleasure, with every thrust that I delivered.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" She begged.

I was pretty sure, whoever was in the room next to ours could probably hear everything that was going on right now. That thought alone, seemed to turn me on even more to be honest.

As we clung to each other, panting and sweating and moaning, I felt myself getting close. I gave one warning, shouting out that I was almost there and then seconds later, I had buried myself balls deep in her ass and was pumping what felt like a gallon of cum into her hole.

Feeling my orgasm subside, I slowly pulled out and rolled over beside her. As I rolled over, I pulled Alycia with me so that she was sitting on top of me once again and staring down at me with eyes full of lust. Her own cock was still hard as a rock, dripping pre-cum and I could feel my cum, leaking out of her ass and onto my stomach.

Without saying a word, Alycia slid forward onto my chest and shoved her dick between my lips. I relaxed my throat muscles, as I had learned to do in the time that we had been together and allowed her to slide as deep as she could go.

Hands above my head on the headboard, she began thrusting, fucking my throat. Her balls pressing against my chin, she shoved deep into my throat and stayed there for a few moments, then with a gasp she started to cum.

I felt the warm fluid shoot directly down my gullet and didn't even get much of a chance to taste it. When she pulled back though, I grabbed her ass and kept her from backing away completely, so I could lick her clean.

"Mmm, I fucking love you," she whispered, as I licked the remnants of her cum from her dick.

She laid down at my side and we snuggled up together. It had been a long day and we were exhausted.

We left the next day without bothering to go back and see David...as we had planned. Alycia was very adamant about not wanting to see him again, but I wondered if that would really be the last time they would talk to each other.

I also knew, her sister lived in New York. Alycia had said nothing about the possibility of meeting with her or even trying to contact her.

I figured the negative encounter with her brother and father had probably left her shaken enough, that she just wasn't interested. Maybe at some point in the future though, she would gather the courage to give it a shot.

Even though I knew she had found closure, I still felt bad when I thought about the idea of her not having any communication, with anyone in her family.

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1Martiniman1Martiniman2 months ago

WOW! This has turned from a hot shemale/male love story with great sex scenes into a dramatic novel, and the sex is still hot, but not the center of attention. It is a must read. However, I’m very sad that this is the last chapter posted and we haven’t reached the conclusion yet. It’s been a few years now since this chapter was posted, but I’m going to hold out hope that the writer will finish the story…it’s to good not to have an ending.

GingerfishGingerfishabout 3 years ago

Ah man I can’t believe you haven’t written more in this series! I have only just found your writing but have read lots of it(!) and this chapter, in my opinion is the best I’ve read on this website. Really well written, completely heartfelt and beautiful. I hope one you day you finish this! But also, thanks for all your stories!

Black_MusingsBlack_Musingsalmost 6 years ago
I need more!

Are you going to continue the story? I need to know what happens next!

dpntyguydpntyguyover 7 years ago
chapter 8?

Just read and loved it. Your stories are very nice to read. Are you still doing a chapter 8 or no? Either way it was good

OOAAOOAAover 7 years ago
A-MA-ZING story!!!


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