Sara's Choices: Montego Bay Pt. 02

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Sara samples another island man's big black cock.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 11/25/2016
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It was nearly 10 AM now and Sara had not yet left her room to get a dose of morning sun by the pool as she had intended. Her porcelain fair skin burned easily and it was necessary to introduce her body to the sun very carefully. Her plan was twenty minutes in the morning, then again middle and late afternoon on the first day. Tomorrow she would do the same for forty minutes and see how she fared before deciding what to do on the third day.

She paced slowly around the room holding a damp facecloth between her legs, soaking up the prodigious semen and vaginal mucus that continued to ooze from her still drooling pussy. She wanted to avoid an embarrassing wet spot the gusset of her bikini bottom and draw any attention while taking the sun by the pool.

It had been a longtime fantasy of hers to have sex with a tall sexy black man, and after having given up any chance to enjoy black sex by marrying a white man she was both shocked and thrilled that it had actually happened on the second day of her honeymoon. The bold young man had taken complete advantage of her, inseminating her twice, after the best sex she had ever imagined- she had no complaints.

The plan she had discussed with her new husband, Jack, was that they would start a family right away. One of the things they looked forward to remembering about having a Jamaican honeymoon was that she became pregnant with their first. She was a little worried now after having fucked the sexy man with the big black cock twice, that she would return home with a mixed race baby but was relieved in the realization that Jack had unprotected sex with her on their wedding night. His sperm had a head start so it seemed unlikely to Sara that she needed to be concerned about it. This morning had been an incredibly erotic experience for her and now she could move on with married life, staying faithful to Jack going forward.

She sat down and had a relaxing pee and was finally satisfied that she was okay to get dressed. Too bad Jack wasn't here to lick and clean her up as he often did after they had sex. She loved that he would do that for her and wondered briefly if he would be able to tell the difference between his cum and another man's. Probably. It was a wicked thought and she banished it immediately.

Donning her white bikini and a lime green sarong cover-up and sunhat, Sara went down to choose a sunny location and begin her acclimation plan. She found what the ideal spot seemed and aligned the chaise with the sun before removing the cover-up and laying out on the plush tan cushions.

She had just settled and closed her eyes when a deep masculine voice interrupted her, "Would you care for a refreshment from the bar Mrs. Porter?"

Odd how everyone seemed to know her name here. She glanced slowly at the tall black man who stood between her and the sun, casting her in an almost complete shadow. He was massive, with broad shoulders, and muscular, chiseled arms and torso. Her gaze wandered casually from head to toe, studying him the way a farmer examined a prize bull at auction.

His chest was equally impressive, two large square pectoral muscles straining against his tight golf style shirt. It was hard to tell but he probably had well defined set of abdominals below as well. His head was completely bald. Very masculine, she thought. Sara swallowed hard in embarrassment, realizing she had been staring at the man.

"Is the Bar open already? It's barely 10 o'clock." Sara enquired as she continued to study the waiter standing before her.

"Yes Ma'am. It opens at 9 AM" he replied, his deep voice stirred something primal in Sara, "Can I get you anything?"

Sara felt the flush of desire beginning to spread across her face and breast. "Nothing boozy- maybe a lemonade or an iced tea".

"Straight away Mrs. Porter". He bowed slightly then turned and walked off in the direction of the pool bar.

Sara watched him go, undressing him with her eyes. My word, she thought to herself, what is it about these black men that makes me feel this way? She could feel her heart pounding and struggled to wrestle control over the wicked thoughts and the recent memory of her morning encounter. Jack! Yes think of Jack and his little fishing excursion today. The irony of using the image of her husband to cool her desire for sex was lost on her.

He soon returned with both a lemonade and a sweetened ice tea, placing them on the table beside her. She thanked him and watched as he slowly walked away. He was tall with long legs, like the basketball players she fantasized about when she was a college cheerleader, but his upper body was much more developed, like a boxer or bodybuilder perhaps.

Sara decided the tea had too much sweetener for her liking but she enjoyed the tartness of the lemonade, sipping it gradually, over the next twenty minutes. She gradually relaxed and began to feel the heat of the morning sun penetrate her fair skin. As her body reacted with a sudden flush of perspiration, she realized that perhaps she'd had enough for her first time out.

"Excuse me Mrs. Porter" it was the sexy black waiter again. He was holding a bathing towel offering it to her, "I think perhaps you have taken a little too much sun and need to cover up."

Sarah looked down at her midriff, blinking as her eyes struggled to focus after being closed for twenty minutes. She had turned a soft pink. Damn, she had already started to burn. She then noticed to her embarrassment that her bikini bottom, was clinging to her in a perfect camel toe, with moisture having spread from the gusset upwards, nearly to the waistband. She must have released more cum and pussy juice once she relaxed in the warm tropical sun. She was certain she could make out the outline her recently coifed pubic mound in detail through the now sheer fabric. She wondered how much the waiter was able to discern before announcing his presence.

She took the towel and quickly covered her waist in embarrassment. "I think I'm starting to burn. Is there a cabana with a cold shower close by?" She asked slightly panic stricken. If she could cool down the burn immediately with cold water she stood a chance of avoiding looking like a lobster on the second day of her Honeymoon.

"Right this way Ma'am." He led Sarah to the nearest pool cabana.

She looked like a little girl, holding the towel tightly around her waist as she followed the much taller muscular black man taking three steps to his one. They arrived at a thatched cabana that was open along the bottom, from about knee level down, and again at the top from a height slightly above the top of Sara's head.

They quickly entered together, the waiter bolting the door behind them before turning on the water. "You can adjust the temperature to your liking with this" he indicated a standard shower temperature control lever on the wall. The water poured generously from an eleven inch diameter shower head mounted directly over head of where Sara stood above the drain.

She made the water as cold as possible, standing under it allowing her body to become completely drenched. Her eyes were closed as she slowly turned waiting for the water to cool down. "It's not cold enough! She complained

"Give it time Mrs. Porter. The plumbing is a long way from the main building and tends to heat up in the sun. It will cool down. Just take a minute." He said slowly with his rich deep voice and that sexy island accent she was beginning to love.

It finally began to cool off and Sara could feel her skin beginning to follow suit. Her nipples became rigid and her small pink areolae began to shrink and thicken. She was suddenly aware and a little uncomfortable that the waiter was still in the shower with her and was about to tell him that he could leave when she felt his warm large hands take hold of her hips, stopping her rotation before untying her bottom and carefully freeing her from her garment, placing the dripping piece of clothing carefully on a hook. She turned her back to him and asked him to remove her top as well. She continued standing there, allowing her body to relax as he released the tie and then reaching around to gently cup her pert little breasts, gently removed the top.

Here was yet another bold and sexy black man! Her lucky day. She realized that she enjoyed the forwardness of the island men. It felt natural and very feminine to submit to them. She decided to go with the flow and see just how bold he was, feeling the same lustful urges she had succumbed to earlier, when the busboy had skillfully massaged her naked body before fucking her on the hotel bed.

"Are you one of the staff my room service man mentioned that will discretely fuck me pregnant while I'm here at the hotel?" She asked without turning around

"Yes Mrs. Porter. My name is Tyson. You can have me paged at any time. I'm here for your pleasure and to assist you in any way I can." His deep voice resonated in her loins.

"This hotel gets five stars for service in my book" she said as she continued to rotate, cooling her naked body, yet feeling the warmth of Tysons gaze upon her tiny athletic frame. "Can you get me something to put my hair into a ponytail please?" she asked gazing square into the sexy man's dark eyes.

"Right away Ma'am" he blinked, caught slightly off guard. Her body was a tiny exotic marvel to him. Her snow white skin in stark contrast to her long thick raven coloured hair, excited him. He had never seen truly black hair before. Even the darkest island women's hair was more of a dark brown in colour.

He was gone perhaps five minutes returning with a selection navy blue pony tail holders that suited her perfectly. She quickly gathered her thick black hair behind her and squeezing out the water, arranged it into a tight ponytail, binding her hair again in three more places ensuring it stayed gathered before she again stepped into the cold shower. The cool water soothed her skin.

She thrilled and felt deliciously wicked at being watched over by her big black savior. She continued slowly spinning naked before Tyson, enticing him shamelessly. She made a point of inserting a couple of fingers into the opening of her vagina and tasting them to remove any doubt that she was receptive to his taking things further.

"Done!" she suddenly announced turning off the shower looking up at Tyson, boldly with her gorgeous blue eyes.

Tyson, reached down and picked her up as though she were a small child. He then gently sat her down on a towel he had earlier stretched across the counter that lined one side of the cabana.

"I love how you sexy black men know how to take charge of a woman's body!" she announced feeling very girlish in her surrender to him as well as thrilling at the unbridled masculinity he so flagrantly displayed. I'm going to let him fuck me, she decided.

Picking up another towel, he began to gently dab her skin dry, paying particular attention to her pert little breasts and her creamy supple thighs. He studied her flawless skin marred only by tiny little goosebumps as he gently patted her dry with a soft towel. He then placed the same towel around her shoulders letting it fall down her back so that she could lean back against the wall in comfort. She loved the attention and felt so sexy, surrendering completely to him, basking in his strong, gentle, confident and dark sensual ways.

The counter was high. She could now easily see over the wall of the cabana and noticed that the pool area was much busier now as it was approaching eleven in the morning. How delicious to be naked in a public cabana about to be expertly fucked by a big black man. She was certain, by the way he so confidently and gently handled her that he was a very gifted and gentle lover.

Tyson opened his fly and pulled out an incredibly long and thick penis. How the fuck did he hide that monster, she wondered. "Holy FUCK! That's too big Tyson, I can't take a penis that big! " She swallowed hard. There was a touch of panic rising in her voice.

"It's okay Baby, I'll only give you what feels right. You just say when it's enough..." he began licking and sucking her pert little nipples, very tenderly, relaxing her and then heating her up. She could see people moving outside the cabana doing their touristy things, seemingly unaware of what the two of them were up to right under their noses.

She wondered if they could see her. Probably not she realized. It was dark in the cabana and the sun outside was now very bright. She took Tysons clean shaven head in her hands and began to guide him as he continued to tease her rosy pink nipples.

Eventually she became aroused and her breathing quickened. Tyson while suckling Sara's pert little breasts had been using the time wisely, stroking his shaft to a complete erection, as he calmed and prepared her. Eventually curiosity got the better of her, and she reached for his cock herself, needing to get a sense of its length and girth. My god, this man is a horse!

Tyson, now fully erect, released her nipples and straightened up before her. She was perched on the edge of the counter with her backside on a towel and her knees up around her shoulders, leaning back against the cabana wall. This allowed perfect access to her beautiful little white pussy for Tyson.

Ty pressed his balls gently against the opening of her moist and eager pussy. His massive erect cock, now leaning on her taught little belly reached up between her pert breasts and stopped just under her chin. She took hold of the massive shaft in both hands and felt the weight of it.

"You know I've seen horses with smaller cocks than you Tyson" she said with a smirk, holding his gaze briefly with her sexy blue eyes before returning her complete attention his monster cock.

She began by studying the tip of his penis, marvel of nature that it was. She noticed was how different in shape and colour compared to Jacks pointy purple tip. The size difference was huge. Tyson's glans was at least a couple of inches in diameter and very spherical, tan in colour, like a caramel apple.

The bulbous area around his urethral opening seemed to extend above the rest of his glans another inch. The urethral hole itself, rather than being a slit, like her husband's, was actually quite a round, and large opening, sinking into the center of his massive cock head. She imagined that she could easily insert her pinky finger inside and penetrate the giant phallus. She watched as it throbbed in anticipation.

"Your massive cock wants to fuck me Tyson" she announced rhetorically. "Your half man and half black stallion-you're a magnificent centaur!" she grinned staring devilishly into his eyes briefly before continuing to familiarize herself with his massive cock.

His shaft was jet black and silky smooth. A large thick vein ran down the top of its length disappearing into his closely cropped pubic hair. She tried to close her hands around his shaft and realized that Tyson measured at least three times her Hubby in girth. As she pulled and squeezed him, she noted the incredible hardness of it.

In her experience, the hardest cocks were usually the smaller ones. Tyson was a clear exception. She grabbed the base of his shaft with one hand and the glans with the other and squeezed both together, soliciting a low deep moan from Tyson. His cock barely gave way under the pressure of Sara's grip. A pool of pre-cum welled up from the urethral hole, reminding Sara of a volcano. She spread it over his massive cockhead using her thumb. Taking the head of the monster into her mouth, she began gently sucking gently sucking as still more of the fluid emerged granting her a generous taste.

"I do love the taste of black cock!" She announced before taking him into her mouth once again and working the top two or three inches of his erection furiously. It was all she could manage but Tyson loved her for doing it.

"That's it Baby Girl, get to know Tyson, then you'll be fine" he offered in encouragement.

Suddenly the eroticism of the whole situation overtook her. His baritone voice, monster cock, and her being pinned against the wall in a cabana, mere meters away from other tourists, awakened the inner slut from deep within the princess bride.

She began sucking his cock with abandon, stroking his meaty shaft and gently squeezing his balls, preparing him to enter her now eager pussy. His cock was thick but not impossible she realized. She'd been able to fuck the room service guy once she opened up a bit. This was just the next size up.

She was ready, "Okay go slow- you stop when I tell you!" she bit her lip and leaned back against the cabana wall. She was concerned about making noise. She had never been a quiet fuck.

Tyson took a step back and bending his knees slightly placed the tip of his penis against her dripping pussy and worked it up and down, teasing the opening for a bit, before finally breaching her silky center.

"Oh fuck me..."said Sara in a muffled squeak, biting her forearm, trying to stay quiet, "That feels so good!"

Ty worked into Sara's pussy very patiently and slowly, carefully and gently making short thrusts and then easing off as he encouraged her vagina to become accustomed to the shape of him. He clearly had a lot of experience with nervous women who had never been exposed to anything like his horse cock. He was amazed at how responsive she was. Sara soon relaxed and placed her trust in Tyson completely. The guy was obviously a master cocks-man.

This little girl is all pussy, thought Ty. Her juices flowed freely, lubricating the opening perfectly. He withdrew briefly, pulling a long string of clear mucus from her opening.

"What are you doing?" she demanded, "Put it back!"

He quickly obliged, slowly pushing his way a couple of inches past the tip. He then started fucking her in a slow steady rhythm. Sarah moaned softly and placed one hand against his torso, and the other around the base of his shaft, ready to stop his thrusts if it became too much.

They both looked down at the coming together of their sexual organs. His long thick jet black shaft, sinewy and crisscrossed with ropy veins, stroking in and out rhythmically; being sucked and squeezed by her eager opening. Sara's soft pink pussy lips, stretched and swollen around Tyson, made a perfect seal as he first entered and then withdrew from her, drawing her inner labia outwards, as they gently sucked his cock.

Tyson was now using half his length in a steady rhythm. Sara, accustomed to his girth was loving it, wanting more but she knew they had to stop. "Stop. Stop. STOP!" she whispered pushing him back forcefully with both hands.

"Oh fuck this feels good but we need to take it back to my room. I can't stay quiet much longer- I always scream when I cum! We're going to draw too much attention to ourselves." She thought for a moment before continuing. "Wait- I want you to come inside me first! Pull out and make yourself start to cum-then I want it back inside."

Sara watched Tyson closely as he stood back and started rapidly stroking his shaft, body stiff and eyes closed for perhaps a minute as he gradually approached his orgasm. Before long his hand was a blur. My God she thought, if he fucks me like that then I'll be split in two. Tyson grunted and stopped suddenly. Sarah flinched as she felt a thick spurt of semen hit her chest and face.

"Fuck me now Tyson" she whispered emphatically, spreading her legs and reaching for him.

Tyson stepped forward and deftly entered her again, plunging only half as deep as he'd been earlier. Sarah gasped as her pussy weakly resisted his thrust. He began working his hips in a rapid stroke pattern once again. She felt his ejaculate cover her inside and with her right hand pulled and squeezed the base of his cock, milking his pulsating member.

At least half of his massive shaft remained untouched by Sara's eager pussy. She resolved that she was going to make sure that at least once before leaving Jamaica, she would let him take her completely, and know what it felt like to have all of his massive cock deep inside her, exploding in orgasm, filling her with his seed.