Satyr Play 03 Pt. 01


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Marisa was still grinning at her mother's bewilderment when Henry took her hands in his next. Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at him cautiously.

"I believe you may have some inkling of how grateful I am that you were there when I started at VRL and for how you came to my rescue again and again. I wouldn't have made it this far without you at my side," he said sincerely and watched Marisa's mouth open and close with no sound.

Camila snorted, seeing her daughter caught in the same sincerity trap. She watched Marisa lock up when Henry leaned in and gave her cheek a sweet kiss. She felt a sympathetic tug in her own heart. She didn't know what that feeling was. She also didn't understand what it was about Henry that drew her so strongly. Succubi didn't form long-term relationships with anyone. They just weren't wired to have the emotional capacity.

Yet, there was something about him, aside from the wonderful energy he gave her. That was just food for a Succubus like herself. She and Marisa had both gone to clubs recently and brought home healthy men for a tumble in the sheets and to feed from them. Knowing they could still feel charged from regular Human men was a relief. Still, she preferred Henry, and it wasn't just for his energy.

She puzzled over that as she and Marisa slipped on their sandals and stepped out into the hall.

Siobhan was smiling up at him. "You are such a sweetie, Henry!"

She threw her arms around him and squeezed. He hugged her with equal vigor.

She tilted her face back to look him in the eye. "I need to speak to you on Monday. Think you can set aside thirty minutes for me before lunch?"


Once more, Siobhan kissed him fiercely, then rushed out after her ride.

Henry leaned out his door to see the brunette jump into the elevator with a grin.

He went back inside and closed the door as he touched his lips. He realized they were getting a lot of use tonight.

He ducked into the washroom and cleaned off a few smudges of lipstick.

A few deep breaths later, he was ready to join the others. He met Roy and Mary in the hall, putting their boots back on. He opened the door for them and got and gave another kiss on the cheek to Mary.

Once he returned to the living room, he saw the only remaining guests were residents of the building. Kali and Sandy stood by the windows, enjoying the view with a wine glass in their hands. Michelle and Dayshia were by the island, helping Tish pack up the leftovers. Yuko and Jun were sitting on a couch across the coffee table from Mahati, who was alone. He settled down next to the lawyer and gave her another smile. He knew he might be acting a little silly, but what she'd done to Queen Mab felt so good he couldn't stop smiling at her. Mahati was returning his smile, so she didn't seem to mind.

He suddenly felt the cushions on his other side drop as someone thumped down beside him, too close. He turned to see Yuko staring up at him from under her bangs. Her eyes were glassy, as if she was moments away from crying. She was also breathing a little fast.

"Are you okay, Yuko-"

"Why do you smile at the cold-blooded one all night and not me?" Yuko blurted, the scent of wine heavy on her breath. "Who is she to you?" Her voice was becoming sharp.

Henry's eyebrows went up, and he glanced at Jun, who was watching her sister in concern. He looked back and saw a tear run down Yuko's cheek. Henry automatically lifted his hand to wipe it away.

"No! You mustn't touch her tears!" Jun exclaimed, but Henry smiled at her as he cupped Yuko's cheek.

"It's okay. We discovered I'm immune to her tears," he said gently. Then Yuko climbed onto his lap to kiss him.

She was so forceful Henry couldn't brace himself and tumbled backward. He felt something soft under his back, but he couldn't see past Yuko's silky hair, which surrounded his head. Her lips pressed against his, and he instinctively kissed her. That just made her more aggressive, and her tongue came into play.

He tried to push her off, but his hands on her body just made her moan and squirm.

"GET-GET OFF!" Mahati yelled as she dropped her glamor and pushed the couple from her lap.

The push from the thick coils of muscle was a little too forceful. Henry and Yuko were thrown forward to land on the coffee table, a sturdy piece of hardwood furniture that easily withstood the impact. The glassware, wine glasses, whiskey tumblers, and dishes resting on its surface were another matter.

The shove and Henry's pained gasp from the broken glass stabbing into his back were enough to distract Yuko from her need for him. She pulled back and saw he was hurt, and Mahati was standing on her coils, glaring at her.

Her wine-addled senses told her here was the real enemy keeping her from happiness. She leapt back from the tall Nāga and moved her hands together as she recited the words. Multicolored tails flashed into sight behind her.

Mahati's danger sense was flaring. This crazed drunkard was going to use a spell against her... inside the building!?! She automatically summoned her own magic and wove the energies into a weapon. It was a race to launch their spell first.

Henry felt every hair on his body stand on end as the energies flashed into being. His eyes snapped open, and he saw Mahati bringing her left and right hands together. He dropped his glamor and used his Satyr strength to leap from the table, arms stretched wide to scoop Yuko to his chest as he sailed over the facing couch, dragging Jun with them as he went.

Yuko's spell collapsed against Henry's chest, sending them tumbling in opposite directions. Yuko and Jun were immediately stunned, unconscious.

Mahati's powerful counterspell cut through the air toward the spot Yuko had been standing a split second before. Instead, it slammed into the shield surrounding Tish as she leapt into its path. She glared at the Nāga as the deadly energies fizzled out, spitting sparks left and right, lighting up the shields Dayshia and Sandy used to protect Michelle and Kali.

"No MAGIC ATTACKS in my HOME!" Tish snapped.

"I-I was defending myself! The drunk Kitsune was trying to kill me!" Mahati insisted.

Tish quickly walked over to see how Henry was doing. He was dazed by the blast, but his back was a bloody mess. The glass had cut deeply into his back muscles. "Shit, he's going to need medical attention."

Henry struggled to stay conscious. It was so hard, but he needed to heal. He felt himself reaching for the ring and its link to the Global Overlay Spell. A sweet gurgle bubbled through his mind, and the power came faster and faster until the room began to glow.

Mahati gasped as she felt the magic building. She recognized the green light as the Fae's Global Overlay Spell. "What? What's happening?"

Sandy looked out the window and saw the sky above the building was beginning to glow. "I've seen this before! It's the Aurora Borealis!" Her head whipped around as she looked incredulously at Henry. "It's Henry? He's causing this?!?"

"It's the Fae's healing magic," Mahati explained as she watched Henry. She moved closer to him and saw his body was glowing with the energy, but he wasn't healing. "He can pull the magic to him, but he can't use it?" she guessed, and the others nodded.

Sandy suddenly worried about how badly hurt he was as this was happening.

Tish looked over to Dayshia. "You're training to be a surgeon. Can you help him?"

Dayshia turned her eyes to Tish. "What? This is magic! I'm not a wielder!" She looked to Mahati. "Why don't you do it?"

"I might be able to use the magic, but I'm not a healer," Mahati said, then looked to Dayshia. "If you're prepared to use your skills, I can back your efforts with magic."

Dayshia still looked hesitant, but Tish and Sandy were begging with their eyes. When Jun made sounds like she was coming around, they all stared at Yuko, but she was still unconscious.

"Keep an eye on that one!" Mahati said, pointing to Yuko. Kesini immediately wrapped herself around the Kitsune.

"How-what am I supposed to do?" Dayshia said as she knelt next to Henry. She dropped her glamor and used her vision to peer beneath his skin. She found multiple glass shards left in his muscle tissue.

"You are a healer. Envision how you would normally heal him. I will provide your actions with the magic required to complete the actions your will defines," Mahati explained.

Dayshia nodded distractedly. She hadn't performed any surgeries on her own before, but she knew how to do it from witnessing so many. She reached out her hands over Henry's back.

When Mahati touched her back with all four hands, Dayshia squeaked in fright as she knew the giant scary snake was right behind her.

Michelle was suddenly on Henry's other side, looking into her friend's eyes. "You can do this! We all have faith in you!"

Dayshia looked around and saw the smiles on the faces around her. She closed her eyes and took some deep breaths. When she opened them again, she envisioned standing in a surgical suite next to her patient. She held out her palm and quietly asked for forceps. She felt the gentle pressure of something pressing into her palm. Dayshia was surprised to see the green light in the shape of the surgical tool in her hand. She pushed her doubts aside and used the tweezer-shaped implement and her enhanced vision to go after the glass fragments.

Henry grunted from the pain of Dayshia performing surgery on his back without anesthetic. He knew he had to remain awake to keep the energy flowing. That took everything he had.

Tish watched in amazement as Dayshia's hands moved with confident precision as she quickly cleared the shards from his back. Each one was extracted and then dropped into a dish made of the green light. She almost expected to hear a metallic ping from each dropped piece. She did hear Henry's grunts of pain and realized he was fighting to stay conscious through this. She marveled at his strength and willpower.

Dayshia loved working with tools made of light. Once she was sure she'd removed even the tiniest fragment, she handed off the forceps, which faded away, and was about to ask for the suture needle and driver. Instead, she ran her fingers through the green light, imagining how it could be used since it worked perfectly as the tools she'd needed. "Can this be used to seal the wounds?" she asked Mahati without turning to look at the snake lady.

She heard the smile in the woman's voice. "If you will it to act as an adhesive, then that's what it will be. Your skill is quite brilliant!"

She smiled at the compliment but focused her mind as she envisioned the tools she'd need to apply the thin bead of dermal adhesive. Once she had her tools, she quickly went from wound to wound, sealing the skin. When she was done, she passed her hands just above the surface of his skin and willed the energy to penetrate his skin to boost his natural healing. They were using light to stimulate tissue regrowth these days, so she envisioned it working here. She sat back when she was done. "I'm done, Henry. Rest."

They watched the green light fade as Henry finally gave in and passed out. His glamor immediately reset him to Human, but he was also naked. Dayshia smiled at his unblemished back. She knew he wouldn't have any scars when he recovered.

"Oh my god, Dayshia! You're amazing!" Tish gushed as she dropped to her knees to wrap her arms around her friend. Sandy was squeezing her from the other side, and a few free strands of Kesini also hugged her.

Once they released her, she stood, took a deep breath, and turned to face Mahati again. She relaxed as she saw the woman was back in her glamor as a petite woman in a saree. "Thank you for helping me help Henry."

"The honor was mine. I've never assisted in a surgical process before, and watching you work was thrilling!" Mahati said with a smile.

Dayshia frowned slightly. "How much of what I did was you?"

Mahati held up her hands as she shook her head. "It was all you. All I did was enable you to touch and guide the magic with your will. I believe you will be a brilliant surgeon."

"Why is Henry naked?"

Heads turned to see Jun sitting up and staring at Henry's body.

"I believe the real question should be, what's up with your sister?" Tish asked. "Why is she acting so obsessed with Henry?"

Jun looked at her unconscious sister, and her expression became both pained and sad. "I was unaware she'd attempted to ensnare his mind with her tears. That explains much. If my mother knew, she did not share that with me." She looked to Tish. "I think Yuko is soul-bound to him. I believe I heard Henry say he is immune to her tears." Heads nodded as they'd heard him say that as well. "That doesn't mean the binding between Yuko and Henry is broken. His link to her may no longer exist, but she will remain bound to him until she is pregnant with his child. It is the price of using her tears in this way." She shook her head incredulously as she went back over her sister's behavior, seen in this new light. It all made sense to her now. "Henry is a Satyr, so I don't understand why Yuko would have done this. She knows she cannot mate with anyone other than a Human. Binding herself to someone she cannot mate with only leads to madness."

The other ladies shook their heads as they couldn't explain it either.

"I need to carry Henry into the bedroom so he can rest. I'll need help," Tish said as she dropped her glamor. She was much stronger in her Faun form.

"No, Kesini. You need to keep Yuko under control," Sandy said to prevent her hair from releasing her hold on the Kitsune.

Mahati dropped her glamor. "I will assist you."

Tish gently rolled Henry over onto his back, and several of the ladies made little involuntary noises when his cock was exposed. Tish grinned as she knew they were seeing something a little different. It was one of the unique properties of Henry's glamor. From the observer's perspective, he would look and be the desired size and shape.

"Still look like an anaconda to you, Dayshia?" she asked with a sly grin as she spotted her friend's wide-eyed stare. She knew Dayshia had yet to take Henry to bed. Not from lack of interest, of course. She wasn't sure why Dayshia was so resistant to the idea.

Dayshia jerked her eyes away from Henry's groin and frowned at Tish. However, she couldn't maintain her annoyance with her friend as the woman was enjoying the moment so much. Dayshia found herself snorting in amusement, which triggered the rest of them until they all giggled, except for the unconscious Yuko and Kali. Dayshia saw the latter's expression no longer showed her smug satisfaction from the chaos she'd played a significant part in engineering.

Truthfully, the wide-eyed young woman looked shocked and more than a little nervous.

Dayshia had to admit what she saw was also a little intimidating, but it made her tummy tremble with nervous desire, not fear. Kali no longer looked confident, and that was... interesting.

She looked to Mahati, who was picking up Henry's legs with all four of her arms, while Tish had her strong arms under Henry's, resting his head against her shoulder. They lifted his large body carefully, and Tish walked backward out of the living room with Mahati following.

Tish was watching Mahati's expression as they slowly approached the bedroom. The woman's eyes kept finding their way back to Henry's cock. It suddenly dawned on her that Mahati's expression contained a burning curiosity. She was probably a virgin!

"First one you've seen in person?" she gently asked when they were alone.

Mahati's eyes immediately went to her, her complexion reddening, but she saw Tish wasn't judging her, so she reluctantly nodded.

"They don't get much nicer, considering his glamor matches it to your ideal," Tish said with a grin.

Mahati stared at her. "My ideal? How would it know if I've never..."

Tish looked back at her in surprise, then down at the unconscious man. "Uh, that's an excellent question. I must admit, magic is still a mystery to me."

They gently set Henry down on the low bed, then stepped back to gaze back down at him.

"I'm sorry for using offensive magic at your party. It really was in self-defense," Mahati said quietly. "I'm really impressed with your shield spell! It's exceptionally strong!"

Tish nodded. "They come in handy, being around Henry." She felt a little sad about that. Too much trouble clung to the big man.

Mahati was back to staring at Henry's privates. She looked pensive, and Tish almost laughed at her expression.

Finally, the dark beauty spoke. "Do you think Henry's glamor could actually make it possible for Yuko to become pregnant? I mean, that's her ideal, yes?"

Tish blinked at her as her jaw dropped open. "I-I have no idea. I thought it might be just the size and shape, but fertility as well?" She shrugged. "You know more about magic than me, but I do know that Henry's sperm is saturated with Wild Magic, and I've been told that it's toxic to wielders."

"Henry's glamor is unlike any I've dealt with before," Mahati admitted. "As you say, it would normally be dangerous for Yuko. However, there's still this ideal matching nature of Henry's glamor, and we don't know its true extent. A good test would be for her to be with Henry sexually, but he'd wear a condom while she concentrated on her need for Human sperm. After he climaxes, the sperm in the condom could be tested to see if it's purely Human."

Tish rolled her eyes. "So romantic! That wasn't how Mab did it. She had sex with his Satyr form. How did she avoid their incompatibility?"

The dark-skinned beauty scoffed. "You have any idea how we could ask Mab?" She shook her head as she contemplated the complexities involved. "Henry's magic is so unpredictable!"

Tish smiled as a little thrill tingle ran down her spine. "Wild Magic! It's so exciting!"

The Nāga aimed an amused smile at the woman with a raised eyebrow. Tish grinned at her. "Hey, I was once Human with no concept any of this was real! The world changed for me overnight, and this one is far more exciting!"

"I notice you've even adopted our way of saying Human, as well," Mahati stated.

"Yeah, I picked up that difference pretty quickly," Tish said with a nod.

"You switched sides quickly, too."

Tish's expression became serious quickly. "No. For me, it's never been an Us vs Them situation. I get that we need to hide from the Human population, and I completely understand why. I don't think my attitude towards this change could be considered typical. I think Dayshia's is closer to how most would react. Change can be frightening."

"I heard my name, and we're all wondering how long it takes to put someone on a bed," Dayshia said as she walked into the room. Mahati blushed, then switched back to her Human glamor. Dayshia smiled gratefully at her.

Tish turned to her friend. "Mahati had a most excellent idea! You know how Henry's glamor conforms to the observer's ideal? Yuko needs Henry to give her a baby. It might be possible if Henry's glamor includes that capability."

Dayshia's eyebrow rose and seemed to disappear into the mass of curls. "Is that even possible!?!" she gasped.

Mahati nodded cautiously. "I'm no expert in Wild Magic, but for traditional magic, it's the strength of the will and desire that shapes the capabilities of the magic. Considering her only other option appears to be madness, I think if Henry's willing, it's worth an attempt."

"I'll speak to him about it when he wakes," Tish said.

"Let's go speak with Yuko about it. She woke up, and Jun is talking with her, but I'm glad Kesini has a firm grip on her," Dayshia said.

Sharing worried looks, Tish and Mahati followed Dayshia back out to the living room. Tish noticed there was no sign of Kali.
