Secuction Ch. 03


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Nicki felt the expansion of my cock fucking up and down in her pussy and instantly knew what Joanne was talking about when she said that with experience she would be able to recognize when the guy was going to cum. The expansion and the knowledge of what it meant pushed her over the edge and she went completely rigid. I recognized the signs and hurried my pace. Nicki's eyes were wide open as was her mouth. She was muttering, "OH FUCK...OH FUCK...OH FUCK. HURRY...HURRY...HURRY."

I hurried to catch up. I was only seconds behind. As every one of my muscles clenched I knew I was gone. Cum fired up my cock and into her pussy. She screamed, "YES..YES..YES." My head hung down to rest on her chest. As she came down from her climax she lifted her head and kissed me on the top of the head. My arms were quivering and I fell down onto her chest as my head pushed up beside hers. She accepted my weight and wrapped her arms around my back and held me tight.

When my senses came back I realized that my weight was getting heavy on her so I rolled myself off to her side. Only then did my cock come out of her pussy. Nicki could feel cum drooling from her. She knew already that my load was huge and it would come bubbling out of her onto the bed. She said, "Zach, if you don't want a huge mess in the middle of your dad's bed..." She didn't need to say anymore. I knew exactly where she was going. I rolled off the bed and grabbed a facecloth in the bathroom and got it wet. I didn't wait for the hot water.

I came back in and knelt on the bed with my head at her waist. Cum was, in fact, already leaking out of her. I pushed the wet face cloth between her legs and she jumped, "Oooooo, cold, cold." When I got her all washed up I put my head down so I could kiss her clit. She jumped a foot. She said, "Stop that." She slapped my ass. She noticed that my soft dick was covered in drying cum. She pushed her head over so she could suck it into her mouth. She swirled her tongue all around until the gooey, slimy cum was gone. She swallowed and pulled her head off with a pop. She giggled and said, "I love that sound." I laughed too.

I sat my ass down and stared at her from head to toe for a long time. I softly said, "You are incredibly beautiful. My heart quakes when I look at you." Nicki smiled at me.

We maneuvered into a spooning position with me behind her. I had lifted my dick so it was trapped between her ass and my stomach. We fell asleep there on top of the covers, totally naked.

Two hours later, I woke and felt a little cold. I touched her hip and she seemed cold too. I looked at the clock. It was dinner time. I shook her lightly and she came to. She said, "What time is it?"

I said, "It's time to get up, take a shower, get dressed and go out to dinner. How does that sound?" She smiled and sat up on the edge of the bed and pushed herself to her feet. I did the same. I noticed that she was a little unsteady on her feet. "Are you Ok babe?" as I came up behind her in the hall and playfully slapped her a little too hard on her bare ass.

She said, "Owww. That hurt. I can't walk straight because you just fucked me half to death. She slapped my ass as I moved past her to turn on the shower. It took forever for hot water to arrive. We kissed and generally molested each other as we waited. There was a lot of giggling and laughing.

We restrained ourselves in the shower. It was a camp shower and there was no room for fooling around. Still, we desperately wanted to. We did at least manage to get both of us in there but just barely. We dried each other off. I took the opportunity to feel up her tits and pussy and she did the same with my cock and balls. More giggling and laughing. I chased her around the house in the nude trying to towel snap her ass. She laughed and laughed. I finally caught her in the kitchen and held her in close. She was on her tip-toes as we kissed for a long time.

We got dressed in the same clothes we came in and put the sheets back in place. I had rinsed out the cumy facecloth in the shower and left it on the edge of the bathroom sink. I locked the door behind us. We piled into the car. As I drove out of the yard I took another look back and a memory of my childhood days with my father and mother flashed through my brain.

Nicki noticed the sad look flash across my face and said, "Babe? Are you OK?"

"Yeah. I'm OK. I just had a memory flashback about my mom. We all had some great times up here. It always makes me feel sad when I think of her and how much I miss her."

Nicki leaned over and kissed me. I returned the kiss. I put my arm around her and pulled her close. Nothing more was said as I drove into the small town to the only restaurant. I had had many good times here as well.

I locked up the car, which seemed stupid out here in the boonies, and we walked hand in hand into the restaurant. I looked around to see if I recognized any one. I didn't. I thought that my dad may recognize someone. We sat ourselves at a vacant table and the waitress came right over with menus and asked if we wanted something to drink. We both ordered cokes. She came back a couple minutes with our drinks and we gave her our order. She wrote it all down and went back to the kitchen. We could hear her yelling our order in some kind of code that was incomprehensible. Nicki laughed and said, "What did we order anyway." I laughed too.

It was getting dark outside as we finished up our meals. I paid with a tip and we got back in the car. "Well, babe, we have a two hour drive in front of us and I can't think of anything else there is to do or see up here," I said. I put the car in drive and headed for the interstate. Music was playing softly on the radio. Nicki was pushing all the buttons trying to get some non-country music but there were not many choices. She finally gave up and settled on a station that at least came in strongly.

From out of nowhere, Nicki asked me, "Zach? What do you think of my mother?"

I was silent for many seconds as I contemplated the genesis of her question. I had to be careful with how I answered it. Finally, I said, "Wow. I like her very much. She is a beautiful and smart woman. She's...She's the mother of my girlfriend. Ahhhh...Ummmm." Nicki recognized my discomfort with the question and cut me off at the second "Uuummmmhhh."

Nicki said, "More explicitly, what is your take on her involvement in our sex life?"

"Ahhh. I see. Well, I know we wouldn't be where we are now without her help. I don't know exactly what your experiences were before a few days ago but I was a virgin and I knew absolutely nothing about sex or women. Your mother is a gorgeous woman and it wasn't very hard...well it was hard. It wasn't very hard to accept her assistance. I tried to pay close attention to her lessons with you and me."

Nicki paused and then said, "Have you had sex with my mother when I wasn't present?" She already knew, of course, that the answer was Yes.

I thought for a moment before answering. 'OK, here it is. I can lie and probably get caught and that would be catastrophic or I can tell the truth and probably get Mandy in trouble.' I decided to tell the truth, "Yes." I told her all about what happened after she had rushed upstairs in tears. If I could have read her mind I would have stopped right there but I couldn't and I didn't. I continued on to Mandy's blowjob in the men's room at the beach. Nicki's eyes went wide. She was obviously surprised by this revelation. Tears broke out in her eyes. She was quiet now.

I had a bad feeling about this. I kept my mouth shut. Neither of us spoke the rest of the way home. I drove into Nicki's driveway. She leaned over and kissed me and pushed open her door and walked up the front steps. I waited to see if she would turn to wave good-bye. She didn't.

I drove home, took a shower and got into bed. I laid there for a long time thinking about the day. It was so wonderful and then turned so wrong. How could I have better handled her questions on the way home. Clearly, it was Nicki who championed the three-way with her mother. I had requested her permission at every step. Well that wasn't true, That first night and on the beach. Everything rolled around and around in my head. I was getting nowhere and I dropped off to sleep.

My alarm went off as usual on school days. Since I had showered when I got home last night I didn't shower this morning. I dressed and went down to the kitchen. Dad was at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper he had retrieved from the front steps. He was dressed for work. It was raining and as gloomy as my mood. My dad looked up and watched me pour myself a coffee and sit down across from him. He said, "You seem down today. Things didn't go well yesterday?" I looked up from my cup and shook my head. "Anything you want to talk about?"

I said, "I have to get to school right now. Maybe later." I couldn't imagine how I could ever discuss this mess with my dad. What was I going to say? 'Hey dad, I don't understand it but Nicki is pissed at me for having sex with her mother? Yeah right.'

I didn't see Nicki at all that day. She had practice and I had swimming practice. I was in a funk all day. Some of my friends commented and tried to cheer me up. It was no use. Nicki was like a drug to me. I had to have her.

The next day I had two classes with Nicki and she pretty much ignored me in both of them. I was crushed. This went on all week. I had a travel team swim meet on the weekend so I wouldn't be able to see her then even if she wanted to. I had tried calling her at night but Mandy answered every time. I didn't know what she knew about this disconnect between Nicki and me. Every time she would say that Nicki couldn't come to the phone. On Friday night when I called, Mandy answered and gave me the canned response, I was about to hang up but Mandy said, "I'm very sorry Zach for my part in this. I'm in the dog-house too."

I said, "What has she said to you?"

Mandy explained that Nicki had come home on Sunday night and flew into a rage, "She was furious with both of us for the blowjob on the beach. She already knew about the Living Room suck and fuck as it was happening so you would have been in big trouble if you lied about that. She watched the whole thing from the Dining Room. She didn't know about the Blowjob though so that must have set her off. Again, Zach. I'm so sorry. This is on me. I keep trying to talk to her about it but she just goes to school and stays in her room."

I thanked Mandy for the information and hung up the phone. 'How the hell am I going to fix this?'I thought. Well, I wasn't going to fix anything this weekend. I would be gone from early tomorrow morning until late Sunday night. 'Maybe I shouldn't go. Hell, it's not like I'm going to worth shit to the team the way I was feeling. I was completely depressed.'


Saturday morning was a warm, sunny, depressing day for Nicki. She just lay in bed thinking. She knew her emotions were colliding with each other in her mind. She was angry because Zach and her own mother had lied to her. 'They had pulled one over on her. How could her own mother do that to her? How could Zach let her?' she thought. She knew she was complicit in all of this too. 'She had just watch Zach and her mother sucking and fucking in the Living Room. She remembered how horny it made her. She hadn't objected then. Then to top it off, she had invited her mother to join them at the beach and then watched again as her mother made herself as sexy as possible. For who? Zach? How could she have not known what her mother was up to? What was she going to do? She couldn't live this way.'

Instead of going to talk about all these conflicting emotions with her mom or Zach she decided on revenge and she had a plan set in her mind too. She knew that she may be only making things way worse.

Nicki launched herself out of bed like she had a purpose again. She took a long shower and firmed up her plan as she washed her hair and body. She put on her makeup which she didn't do often. She fixed her hair to perfection and rummaged through her closet to find the perfect outfit. She came bounding down the stairs with renewed vigor which caught her mother completely by surprise.

Mandy had been up for hours and was lounging around the house in her bathrobe reading the paper and doing some light housework when she heard Nicki come pounding down the stairs. Nicki walked into the kitchen and said, "Good morning mother."

Mandy looked at Nicki as she poured herself a cup of coffee. Nicki was dressed to the nines in her sexiest outfit. She was all made up and she was as beautiful and she had ever seen her. "You look gorgeous this morning. What's up?" she said to Nicki.

Nicki was silent for a few moments as she contemplated whether she should say anything or not. "Oh, nothing much. I'm just going over to Zach's for the day." She said. Nicki knew that Zach was not going to be home all weekend. She knew he was away with the travel swim team. She also knew that her mother didn't know that.

Mandy smiled and said, "That's great honey. You need to talk this out. What happened between Zach and me was all my fault, not his. I'm so sorry. I was out of my mind. I was like a dog in heat." She decided she had better shut up. Nicki smirked at her and finished her coffee. She grabbed her car keys and left without a word.

Nicki was feeling very nervous as she drove down Zach's street into his driveway. She was at odds with herself over this plan but she was determined. She didn't acknowledge that she was also feeling very horny.

She noticed that Zach's car was gone just as she expected. She pushed her door open and got out. Her heels clicked on the paved driveway and concrete walkway all the way to the front door. She pushed the doorbell and fluffed her hair with her hands. When Zach's dad opened the door she smiled ever so sweetly and said, "Is Zach home?"

Mike looked at Nicki from head to toe. He had never seen her look like this. She was the sexist woman he had ever seen and his dick involuntarily moved in his pants. Nicki noticed. "No. I'm sorry Nicki. He isn't here. He is at a swim meet for the weekend," he said and then continued, "Where are my manners? Please come in." He was flustered. She stepped past him into the Living Room. He caught the scent of her perfume as she went by.

"Have a seat. Can I get you a cup of coffee or something?" he said. Nicki accepted his offer and sat down on the couch. Her leather mini-skirt rode up above mid thigh. Her legs were bare and Mike noted that they were perfect with her recent tan. Nicki's pussy was bare as well. She had left her panties at home.

Mike came back with two cups of coffee and handed one to Nicki. He sat in his chair opposite Nicki and took a sip. Nicki looked at Mike and took a sip too. Mike broke the deafening silence, "Nicki. I know you and Zach are having some problems since last Sunday. Zach wouldn't say anything to me about it. I've tried several times."

Nicki thought to herself, 'Yeah, I bet he didn't talk about it. What could he say?' She started to get angry again.

Mike said, "Nicki, I'm worried about him. He has been so depressed. Is there anything you can tell me? Maybe I can help somehow."

'Oh there is somehow you can help alright,' she thought. Her nipples were hard and pushing against her silk blouse. She had left her bra at home too. She spread her legs slightly being very careful not to make it look like it was intentional. She noticed that he noticed and when his cock jumped in his pants she knew he had seen her pussy. She could feel the moisture growing in her crotch. She still didn't recognize the fact that she was so horny.

Nicki took another sip and adjusted herself on the couch so her legs were separated a little more. She said, "Well. I caught Zach having sex with someone else and I'm very angry about it."

Mike sat forward in his chair for three reasons: 1. to engage Nicki in conversation. 2. to adjust his rapidly hardening cock in his pants and 3. to get a better view of Nicki's pussy. He mentally chastised himself but his little head did make some decisions. He said, "Are you absolutely positive? Zach worships the ground you walk on. I can't imagine he would even look at another girl."

Nicki said, "He confessed to me on the way home last week." Tears burst out in her eyes and Mike move across the room to sit beside her. He took her hand that had been resting on her knee in both of his. Suddenly, she burst out crying. She was sobbing.

Mike moved over closer to her and put an arm around her shoulders to hug and console her. She noted his movement toward her and she threw an arm around his neck. She sobbed out, "I'm so upset. I need a hug really bad." She lifted herself off the couch and moved onto his lap and wrapped both arms around his shoulders with her head cradled against his. Mike was taken off guard as she sat down on his stiff cock. He slowly and reluctantly wrapped his arms around her back and held her to him as she sobbed and sobbed. The crying was part of the 'plan' the sobbing was absolutely real. Tears poured down her face onto his shoulder.

As Mike held her close he couldn't ignore the sensation of her weight on his cock which, unknown to him, was only slightly smaller than Zach's. Then he realized that she was aware of it as she started rolling her hips slowly. Her sobbing had stopped and now she was only sniffling. She raised her head from Mike's shoulder and kissed him lightly on the neck.

Electricity shot through Mike and his stiff shaft lurched up toward her ass which was now slowly gyrating on his lap. As she felt his cock jump hard she pulled her head back and looked at Mike. Their faces were inches apart. He recognized the lusty look in her eyes. He realized that the same look was in his. She moved her lips ever closer to his. As he moved in the final inch and touched his lips to hers, she closed her eyes and moaned as they kissed each other with raw, uncontrolled passion. Their lips and hands were all over each other pawing at clothing and gently caressing each other's faces.

Mike was in slightly more control than Nicki but he knew he hadn't experienced anything like this for many, many years. He had forgotten that this passion existed. Nicki made the next move. It was all part of the plan but the passion she felt right then was very real.

Nicki slid off his lap to her knees between his legs. She furiously unbuckled his pants and unzipped them. Her breathing was very ragged as she gasped for air. She pushed herself back so she could pull his pants off. With some reluctance he cooperated by lifting his butt up. Pants and underwear flew down his legs to his feet. Mike's cock sprang up in a Hitler salute as his knees splayed as wide as they could with his pants tangled at his feet.

Nicki launched herself back in. Her mouth was urgently searching for his bobbing cock. It was bouncing around so much she had to grab it with her hand and feed it into her hungry mouth. He didn't fight it. He couldn't fight it. He wanted this so bad even as a voice way in the back of his mind was screaming "STOP".

Nicki went crazy. She was slamming her head down on Mike's cock. She gagged every time but she didn't slow down. "Mmmmmppphhh...Mmmmmppppphhh...Mmmmmppphhh" was the only other sound in the room. One hand was flailing up and down his shaft as the other was furiously finger-fucking herself. She was so incredibly hot and wet. She could feel the heat radiating from Mike's crotch.

Suddenly, Nicki's head pulled off Mike's cock as she screamed, "OH FUCK...OH FUCK..I'M CUMMIINNGG. SO HARRRRDDDD. Nicki hung her head down and her mouth was open. Her entire body seized and started jerking in spastic surges. Mike's cock was bouncing up and hitting her on the chin but she was oblivious to everything except the rapidly expanding explosion in her core.