Sharing the MILF List Ch. 11


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I called Landon. He answered.

"What do you want?" I asked, putting my buds into my ears. That was how I missed my sister's returning home, I realized later.

"Sonny. Good. Not interrupting anything, am I?"

I thought about my life at that moment but shook my head, felt stupid and said "No. Nothing much."

"Call Darlene. When I talked to her, I let it out that you knew about us. She wants to talk to you."

"What about?"

"She is a woman, how would I know?"

That always bothered me about most guys. Did they not know what their women thought because their women were mysterious or because clueless men did not pay much attention, perhaps did not even care. Paying attention made me feel vaguely superior and then sheepish.

"I'll text you her number." Landon was gone.

Moments later my text dinged and I had Darlene's number. I called her.

"Hello?" The satin purr that was Darlene inhabited my head compliments of my buds.

My cock got hard and I felt immediately guilty. Funny all the things you can do and still feel guilty about something. Maybe it is an hardwired reflex. Visions of Landon kissing her breasts and only later, to my credit I think, did I remember her bent over, taking Landon's cock at the hotel. She had great breasts for an eighteen year old. Good for business.

"Hello? Hello?"

I had forgotten to talk, so involved with my private movies. "Darlene? Hello, this is Sonny. Landon said you wanted to talk to me?"

"Ah, yes, Sonny. First, thanks for not ratting me out."

"About what?" I had to act clueless but avoid being too coy. I was tightrope walking in a stiff wind. Stiff. See, something else can be stiff besides my cock.

"You told Landon to talk to me, about, you know."

"Hooking." I said, now really glad I had not wandered downstairs to where Natasha was bound to our furniture.

"Yes. I am a prostitute. He told me that you made him realize that he had to meet that fact straight on. Sonny, he did not ask me to quit." She stopped talking.

I waited, thought I heard something (I did) but disregarded it, choosing instead to focus on the present conversation.

"What should I make of that? Does he really not care that I am fucking other men? Is that it?"

I almost said 'How could he?' but gathered my three wits before my mouth freelanced. "I don't think that is it. You are rich. Well, wait, this is my thinking and why I insisted that he be cool about that. You are rich, your family is rich. That means you are doing this for recreation, not to feed your illegitimate babies. So if it is your choice, then it will have to be your choice to stop. I told him he needed to know you better to figure that all out. But he should not drag Cro-Magnon machismo into the equation to start with." I sort of said that to Landon. Chicks like it when you insult other men behind their backs. Makes them feel right at home.

"I see. That was sweet."

I waited in her silence. Then she spoke again.

"Thank you, Sonny. I will not forget this. I remember everything."

Good for her, I thought. I wish I could remember my name after six in the evening. I searched for something to say giving her a dose of her own silence but mine was to avoid stammering and to avoid saying something inane.

"Well, good for you." I said, waiting did me no good, I guess.

"Anyway, thanks. See you later." She was gone.

I sat on my bed, nude, with a woody hard compliments of my buddy's breathy girlfriend and the woman downstairs. The woman downstairs! I got up and danced down the stairs, skidding to a halt—if you can skid on stairs—when I saw Dalia and Tawny standing just at the end of and behind the couch. Their eyes were fixed in the direction where Mrs. Rossini was tied and blindfolded.

This did not match my picture. I wanted them to see my white ass pumping away between her open legs as she gasped through an orgasm, not catch the early show my cock offered.

Tawny finally pulled her eyes away from the sight before them and looked at me. She pointed with both hands at her ears. Struck by her curious attempt to communicate, I cocked my head. She repeated the motion than pointed at me.

Duh. I got it. I took out the buds and immediately heard what she heard. I took a couple more steps down so I could see around the corner and spied the cause of the sounds.

"Oh, oh, oh my yes, right there. More. Oh yes, there. Yes, yes, yessssssssssss!" Mrs. Rossini came as I watched. Her olive breasts were bare, or would have been bare but for the pale hands covering them, manipulating her nipples. Her legs were up, dangling over Georgia's back while Georgia's head bobbed and shifted between Natasha's legs.

My sister was eating my, my, my what? My best friend's mother? Whom I was fucking? While my sisters watched? While I stood dumb and motionless on the stairs, stark fucking naked? Strangely, my cock did not wilt. It got harder. It longed for a storm so it could go seek a harbor, any harbor as cocks are wont to seek.

Tawny was gesturing but now instead of pointing at me after pointing at her own head, she was pointing and Georgia and Mrs. Rossini. Dalia's eyes clicked off the scene of her sister eating the semi-nude woman and looked over at me. Well, sort of at me; her gaze dropped to my cock and never left it. She looked back at Mrs. Rossini, singing the chorus of her present climax, and then looked back at me. Presented with two sights she did not see every day, my brilliant and decisive, ambitious sister could not make up her mind where to stare. So she alternated, avidly looking back and forth between her sister eating her brother's mistress and her nude brother's erect cock. Perhaps her indecision was understandable.

Finally, I understood the gesticulations Tawny was using. My mind started to work, but my cock stayed gloriously hard and lustful. Having Dalia staring at me shot me full of adrenaline and I glanced with her at Mrs. Rossini. I understood but I did not care for a moment, liking the feeling of Dalia staring at my cock. While she stared me right in my one eye, I stared into her eyes or tried, wanting her to see me as something besides my cock. Funny the things you want when you are naked with an erect cock.

Tawny wanted me to put my earbuds on Mrs. Rossini. Finally, realizing that Dalia was never going to see anything but my cock, I finished descending the stairs. I moved to the woman bound in our living room.

"Having fun?" I said as I bent over Natasha's glistening body.

Georgia lifted her face and glared at me. Then, returned to eating Mrs. Rossini.

"Oh, Sonny. Eating. Coming. Fuck, fuck, fuck me!" Natasha chanted, out of her mind with ecstasy.

I hurriedly thumbed in a playlist I used for working out and placed the ear buds into her ears. I kissed her and her mouth was urgent and demanding, lifting her torso to press her lips against mine. I could not help it. I moved Georgia's hands aside and cupped Sasha's great breasts. Mrs. Rossini bucked immediately into a new stanza of "Coming for You". She broke the kiss and her whole body convulsed, thrashing against the imperfect bonds. Her head wagged from side to side as the orgasm tore at her.

I turned on the music, placing my phone out of the way.

"What are you doing, Sonny?" Georgia asked from between Natasha's legs.

"I might ask you the same thing." I returned, siblings first, it seemed, naked man second.

Georgia struggled to her feet. "He has already fucked her." She said. "I tasted him in her. Who is this, anyway?"

"I think that is Mrs. Rossini, Brent's Mom." Tawny said.

I turned to look at my other two sisters. Dalia remained focused on my cock. I was stunned but then I clicked over into my prepared speech, the one that I was going to use to account for being balls deep in a pussy when they walked in the front door.

"What are you guys doing home? You never come home this time of day on a Friday night." It was nearly six. Mom should be home soon. I had thought to be clear of the house before she arrived. I wondered if she would be on time. The thoughts rattled through my head and I did not notice the silence answering my question till Tawny spoke.

"Sonny, its Thursday."

The shock I felt finally had a perfect outlet. I let every muscle say "this is Sonny's surprise" so my expression was perfectly shocked. "No shit? No wonder no one showed up at my classes today! Fuck I thought Friday classes were canceled and no one told me. What day is it?"

"I just told you. It is Thursday, Sonny." Tawny responded.

"Are you going to fuck her again?" Dalia asked.

"Fucking Mom has addled your brain!" Georgia growled.

I glanced at Dalia, ignoring Georgia. Dalia met my gaze with her fevered eyes.

Mrs. Rossini groaned and keened into a crescendo. I looked back and found Georgia once more eating the poor woman.

That was going to be difficult enough to explain. I thought perhaps she would forget someone ate her to multiple orgasms if I fucked her to one. I moved behind Georgia and tapped her on the shoulder. She lifted her head clear of Tasha's pulsing hips and clenching thighs so she could hear me.

"My turn, Nova. Go wash your face."

Georgia's neck got really red but she got to her feet and moved through me, grasping my cock with a hand as she pressed her tits against my bare chest. "I think she is warmed up, Sonny. Even you ought to be able to get her to come from where she is. Good luck, Sunshine." She went to stand over by her sisters. Tawny gawked at her like she had turned green and grown a beard. Dalia was staring at me.

"Fuck her, Sonny." Dalia said. "Jesus, she is hot. Fuck her. Put your cock in her!"

Something about hearing quiet Dalia say "fuck" with that voice, all tense and wound tight zinged through me. I got to my knees before Tasha's now glistening cunt. I only then discovered that she was at a bad height. Too low to stand but just barely too high to comfortably fuck her from my knees. I stood, bent over her and kissed her mouth. Tasha responded with full passion. When I entered her, lying down on her bound but pulsing body, the intensity of her kiss redoubled. I lifted my butt and rammed my cock into her. I could hear the gurgling of the music in her ears. I pulled up and dropped into her seething depths again.

Natasha exploded.

At that perfect moment, the garage door began to go up.

Knowing in minutes Mom was going to be arriving, I quickened my pace, hammering Natasha harder and harder. The increased intensity seemed to fire off her climaxes. Like the rolling clouds of a storm front, orgasms ground through her, one after the other. Each new clinching scream from the woman began when I sank home into her pussy and ground our bodies together. I lay full on her, struggling to find leverage on the foot stool with my knees. Finally, I just grabbed hard onto her ass and began to punch fuck her. She screamed right in my ear so I sort of missed Mom's arrival. Plus, I was busy, concentrating on my approaching orgasm in the context of Mrs. Rossini's pulsing hips and twitching body.

Natasha's screams together with the arrival of my own orgasm sort of blocked out the rest of the world. I grunted and poured more silken cum into her. She greeted me with her lips while her whole body lurched and strained at the ropes. I shook and jerked through my orgasm. I think I fainted.

In the middle of it, I locked onto my sisters watching me fuck Mrs. Rossini and it fired in me an excitement I have never known before. It was like my orgasm reset and started all over again. A new thrill ran through me, marvelous and luscious. Nothing else was like it. Well, watching Mrs. Wills eat Annie while Mom sucked my cock that time came really, really close. Still, when I revived and found mom staring at me, I still felt guilty for some reason. I managed to stand, unsure I could stay upright.

"What the . . . what is going on here?" Mom said in her best Nazi Mom voice.

I know I jumped and I am sure my sisters flinched like they heard the crack of a whip.

"You girls go upstairs while Sonny and I clean this up."

"If you eat her, she won't know I did." Georgia said, a sly smirk on her face.

"Go. Now. We'll discuss, a, deal with this later." Mom said, her voice lowering to a female growl.

She grabbed a kitchen towel off the counter and tossed it at me. I caught it reflexively.

"Wipe yourself off, Sonny. You're dripping."

I did. I moved away from Natasha who lay panting, her head lifting to direct her covered eyes down her body where I used to be. Her linen blouse had blossomed open, revealing her heaving chest and contracting stomach and abdomen. Mom followed my eyes.

Together we watched the woman calm down. Mom came towards me.

"Release her while I am eating her. No sense in confusing her with why Georgia would be eating her. I am not even going to ask how that happened." She shucked off her coat, looked back at me as she knelt between Natasha's open legs. She touched Natasha's swollen pussy, stroking her gently before entering her with one of her fingers, then two, then three.

Natasha went completely still when she felt the new touch. "Eat me. Make me come some more!" She pled. She sounded like a woman out of her mind. Perhaps she was.

Mom bent over her and licked several times at her pussy before kissing it. She stuck out her tongue and swabbed Natasha high to low and back again. Natasha held really, really still. Mom inserted a finger and then went searching through the brown pubic hair for a clit. When she found it, she sucked on it and Natasha groaned.

"Oh yes, yes, like that!"

Mom's face pressed more into her crotch and after a few minutes of her attentions, Natasha began to come again. Mom ate her for twenty minutes. I heard the doors upstairs open and close several times. I had flashes of Dalia watching Georgia try out her skills on Tawny but dared not leave without permission to go see the effect of this was on my sisters. When Mom finished. She looked at me, her face smeared with goo.

"Untie her now. I'll be upstairs in the shower."

She kissed me hard on the mouth, smearing me with sex goo. When she was gone, I kissed Natasha with the same goo. Her lips sucked hard at me. I entered her again. She seemed looser, much more relaxed.

She shook off my kiss. "Oh no, not again. I need to be going. Please, oh please! No more. I'll walk funny for days. What if Brent wants me tonight?"

I ignored her. Watching my mother go down on her for so long has left me high and not so dry. My cock pierced Mrs. Rossini. She groaned, her hips bumping up at me as I sank through her slick depths. She groaned, loudly as I fucked her, punching my cock deeply into her over and over again. One moment she was supine and the next her body as wracked with violent convulsions, bucking and jerking as a new set of orgasms attacked her. She bucked, she keened, she climaxed into taut stillness. Into that stillness of her tensed body I came, ramming her body with my cock. Her legs lifted as I bottomed out and she locked them around my waist. I fucked her heard as I came once more. I poured into her, till tears came to my eyes. It was so sweet fucking her knowing that the women in my family all knew what they were hearing and that eventually, I would have them all

The orgasm flagged and moments later so did I.

"What will Brent think?" Natasha mumbled.

I got off of her and began to undo my artistry with rope and woman. I chuckled. "He can try out your ass. We did not get to that."

"We? Who's we?"

I shook my head. Some people lived in an entirely different world from me. "You and Me, Natasha. You and me."

I released her arms. She sat up, took off the blindfold. The living room smelled like aroused female and chlorine. She sat looking at me. I was till nude, my cock still hard but slick with her fluid. She shook her head. "Someday, Sonny, I want you in my ass with someone fucking me again. I confess, being the meat in a sandwich was, was . . . ah goodness I loved that." She smiled tiredly and put on her bra, taking off the loose blouse to do so. She found panties, put them on, kissed me on the mouth and left. I want up to Mom's room, found her in the shower. But when I made to join her, she shooed me away. She said "tomorrow." And that was that. I was ready for Friday, my second of the week.

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Studio8101Studio81017 months ago

Thrilling, again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Is the sister talia or dalia???

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love Sid

Sid is both sagely and a looming threat. Which is why I adore this story so much. Most in this vein are focused on a single, extremely selfish boy collecting a harem. Sonny knows the joy of sharing (even if he ends up with the sweeter deal). Then there is the conflicts. The selfish collector stories seem afraid of any true adversity. Maybe the story would not be able to unfold with such a suspension of disbelief. Conflict is.expertly woven here, as Sonny plans are foiled causing to be Johnny on the spot rolling into things far grander than he could conceive. .

Well done sir.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Great more sid and cici. I think ill go hit my fingers with a hammer instead. Get rid of this lame sid guy. His whole thread really adds nothing and ruins the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Just an fyi

Has nothing to do with the.story really but unless I am mistaken the line isn't take the gun,leave the cannoli. It goes leave the gun take the cannoli. From the first movie after Sonny is killed and they are scouting locations.

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