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Julie joined in, laughing longer and harder than the joke warranted. Her laughter was fueled by the sense of relief and satisfaction that she'd pulled it off.

No one would ever know.

Chapter Seven

"Thanks for coming, guys, it was a blast!" Julie waved to Nicole and Keri as they left. Tracy and Kim had already gone, and Mindy was just finishing packing her bag.

Julie couldn't wait for to leave so she could go upstairs and take a nap, she hadn't slept much last night, and now that this was said and done, she felt like she could crash for the rest of the day.

"Bye girls!" Kyle had just jogged back into the yard at Nicole and Keri were getting into Keri's Mazda. "Hope you had a real good time."

"He's being a dink." Mindy told her.

"Not really, remember they don't know anything happened."

"True, but watch how he is with me."

Kyle came into the living room where Mindy was just zipping up her bag. "Hey, Mindy, you leaving?"

"Yup, have to go do something with the fam."

"Okay, well nice to see you." Kyle turned and headed upstairs without another word.

"Wow, I'm impressed." Mindy told her.

"Because he thinks it's you and I told him not to act like an ass to whoever he thought it was. He listens to me, usually."

"Cool, well I have to run and.." Mindy stared closely at her. "Hey, you're earring is missing again."

"What?" Julie put her hand to her left ear. "Fuck! Was it missing all morning?"

"No idea, it's a small stud so I just noticed now. Might have been missing all night."

"Damn." Julie stared at the living room floor. "I was all over the floor last night. Help me look?"

"Can't. late as it is." Mindy gave her a quick hug. "Later Jules, maybe we can hang by the pool tomorrow?"

"Sure." Julie nodded while moving the cushions on the couch and looking beneath them.

Mindy left and Julie spent the next twenty minutes going over every inch of the living room floor around the TV, even pushing the furniture back to look under it. They'd had a damn pillow fight, the earring could have been knocked clear across the room.

Julie began looking behind the couch, making her way over to the stair case. Damn thing could be anywhere, the kitchen, the bathroom, her room...Oh, no

Kyle's room.

He'd had his fingers in her hair more than once and she'd been bouncing like a damn jack rabbit on top of him. Her stomach sank as she pictured taking off her night shirt then putting it back on and quickly both times, yanking it over her head.

She headed upstairs trying to think of an excuse to look around in his room. When she reached the top of the stairs, she released a sigh of relief when she saw the bathroom door was closed and she could make out the sound of the shower running.

She darted into his room and looked around on top of his bureau, then on the floor around it, Getting down on her knees, Julie stuck her hand under it and fished around, but all she came up with was a quarter and a couple of candy wrappers.

"Damn it!" She stood up, smoothing her night shirt down which had ridden up to her hips while she was bent over reaching under the bureau.

If Kyle had come in he'd have gotten an eyeful of her ass in the skimpy black panties she'd grabbed to put on last night. Almost get a glimpse of what he didn't get a glimpse of last night, she added silently.

She went over to his bed which was unmade, the sheets in a heap at the foot of the bed. Julie felt something under her foot as she leaned over and lifted his pillows. She glanced down and saw it was the unused condom from last night.

The wrapper was still on the edge of the bed as well. What was he doing, preserving the scene, for Christ's sake? Julie peered under the pillows then ran her hand along the folds in the wrinkled sheet covering the mattress.

She got on her knees on the bed, working her way backwards, her hand sweeping side to side. When she reached the foot of the bed turned around and lifting the top sheet peered under it.

"What are you looking for?"

"Shit!" Julie yelped as she pulled her head from under the sheet and sat up on her knees on the bed. "You scared the hell out of me."

"I can tell." Kyle walked into the room in just a pair of shorts, a wet towel over his shoulder. "So, why are you poking around on my bed?"

"Oh, um..." Why the hell would she be looking for her earring in his bed?

"You're looking for something." Kyle went over to his hamper and tossed the towel into it, then walked over to stand next to the bed.

"I...was snooping." She lowered her head. "I'm curious myself who came in here, so I was kind of looking for..."

"Clues?" He smirked. "You Scooby Doo now?"

"No, but..."

"Clues like maybe a strand of long black hair?" Kyle crossed his arms over his bare chest.

Julie shrugged, Kim had black hair, she was still covered, but that smirk made her nervous, it wasn't the kind of look he normally sweet brother usually had on his face.

"Hair would be a clue, sure."

"Hair and maybe a certain noise they made."

"I don't think I'm going to find any noises," she forced a weak laugh.

"Shhh!" Kyle put his finger to his lips.

"What's that supposed to..." She stopped when he extended his hand and opened it.

Her earring was in the center of his palm.

"That what you're looking for, sis?"

"Yeah, it must have fallen out when we were talking the other night and..."

"You had it on yesterday when I came home from work. I saw it. Since you keep losing it I make it a point to always look at it."

"Oh, well then maybe..."

"But I did a little snooping after I found it in my bed." Kyle reached into the pocket of his shorts and pulled out a tube of her lipstick, her hot pink lipstick. "If you take this and put it against that envelope on my nightstand? They match."

"Kyle, what are you saying? I wrote that note and put it there?" She could admit to that, just say she lied, and she was in on it.

"Bet if you puckered up your lips would match that little kiss."

"Okay, you got me." She put her hands up. "I was in on it. I wrote the note and took your lamp to cover for one of my friends, but I can't tell you who..."

"Don't lie to me!" Kyle shouted at her, causing her to yelp in surprise.

"I should say don't lie to me again. Julie that was you last night!" The look of anger on his face faded and his voice softened. " fucked me."

"No! That's crazy, Kyle and kind of sick if you think about it."

"Kind of?" Kyle took a deep breath and she could tell he was trying not to yell again. "This earring was under the sheet. If it fell out when you put the note there it would have been on the top sheet. Not underneath."

"It came out last night when you were..." He released a long breath. "When you were blowing me or riding me or...My god, Julie, you had sex with me."

"No." She shook her head, but at this point she was losing her never and her voice trembled. "I...I would never do that."

"When you shushed me this morning on the deck? I swore it sounded just like the girl last night. Then I thought, what the hell is wrong with me, this is my big sister."

"Kyle, this isn't what you think, I don't know how..."

"It was you Julie. If you want me to get graphic only one girl here last night had tits the size of yours and that's Mindy and she's blonde. No blonde hair in the bed, just black."

"Who says hair has to come out?"

"Speaking of hair, your tease friend Mindy has made more than a couple jokes around me about being baby smooth. Girl last night had a little hair down there."

"What do you want me to do, show you my damn pussy?" Now she went for offended, but she could hear how weak she sounded.

"Why not? I've already been inside it." Kyle shook his head. "Julie you look like a damn deer in headlights and there is no fucking way that stud gets under my sheet any other way. It was you!"

"Kyle, this is ridiculous."

"Fine, I'm going to call Mindy and ask her and after that I'm going to go over Keri's and I bet Nicole will still be there. I'm going to talk to all of them and ask who it was."

"Whoever did it isn't going to..."

"I'll tell mom and dad what happened and show them the note and tell them you admitted you wrote it."

"You wouldn't dare! They'd be disgusted that I'd do that and want to know which friend and Kyle you can't..."

"Then fucking admit it was you!" Kyle shouted again and this time he was so mad, she hopped off the bed so it was now between them. "Trust me, that's something I sure as hell couldn't tell them."

"Okay fine!" Julie yelled back at him. "It was me! I came in here and know what I did!"

"Holy shit." Kyle whispered. "I mean, I knew, I did, but hearing you say it. Jesus, Julie you realize what we did?"

"Know what I did? I gave my heart broken little brother the one thing he wanted!" She yelled across the bed at him. "You were hurt by Heather then that bitch, Jasmine and you were so upset, you were in tears!"

"But Julie, you're my sister, that's..."

"It was supposed to be Mindy!" Now that the truth was out, Julie's guilt about lying and the entire situation boiled over and she was telling him everything. "I pushed her to do it as a favor to me, and she was going to."

"So I wrote the note so you'd keep the light off then just before you come home she tells me she gets her friend and she can't!"

"Okay, stop yelling." Now he put his hands up. "Julie this was so wrong."

"Wrong would have been you lying in your bed waiting for someone to come up and then thinking you got pranked again and then be even more upset and this would have been my fault."

"I wouldn't have known that."

"But I would and god damn it you deserved to be happy, not disappointed again, so you know what? We always say we'd do anything for each other so I took that all the way and I did everything for you! I gave you a good time, gave you sex, gave you confidence, look how fucking happy you were this morning and I did that!"

Julie stopped and took several long deep breaths to try and calm down.

"And that problem you had last night? Mindy might have gotten pissed off and given up, she might have left you there feeling worse than ever because you couldn't get it up. Then where would you be with girls? You'd be so scared you wouldn't even try."

"Maybe, but..."

"But not me. When you said forget it, you sounded so upset I said fuck this shit and I took care of it. I got you hard and..."

"Hey, let's not talk about it."

"Why the hell not, we did more than talk already. I fluffed you, got you hard and then you and I had a nice little time, didn't we?"

"Wow, Julie, you're really not sorry are you?"

"Not at all." She stared at him defiantly. "If we had to do this all over I'd do it again and again. No way will I let my brother whose always been so close to me and so good to me, be in tears when there's something I can do about it."

"Kind of kills it for me." He admitted. "I made that kiss your sister joke before, and this is it to the nth degree. My first time was a pity fuck with my sister. Wow."

"It was a fuck and you came and I came and we kissed and it all felt good so know what?" She paused. "So fucking what if it was wrong. I did something wrong to make something right and you enjoyed every second of it and so did I, so it is what it is."

Julie walked around the bed and past Kyle who stood there in stunned silence. She stopped next to him and said quietly.

"I'm sorry if finding out ruined it for you. Sorry if I fucked up and sorry if I wasn't a good enough first time. I did the best I could for you to be happy, Kyle. Sorry if you're not."

Without giving him a chance to respond she stormed out of his room and slammed the door. Stalking down the hallway she entered the bathroom and locking the door behind her, stripped and got into the shower.

Standing under the hot water Julie methodically washed her body and her hair while her tears mixed with the water streaming down her face. She'd blown it big time and all over a fucking earring.

Now the question was how did this leave her and Kyle's relationship? She'd lied to him, tricked him, then had the nerve to go off on him, yelling at him when he was the one who had every right to be upset.

She had no grounds to be the injured party, but she'd acted like it anyway. The entire mess was her fault. Mindy had been right, she should have dealt with him being let down and waited a few days for Mindy to do it and risk her parents somehow catching them.

A few hours ago she'd felt so good seeing him so happy, now she wondered if things would ever be okay between them again.

Chapter Nine

"Shit," Julie mumbled when she stood on the bathroom rug and realized she hadn't brought anything in with her to change into.

She'd been aggravated and in a hurry and not closed the shower curtain right and water had sprayed out, drenching not just the rug, but her night shirt where she'd left it on the floor.

"Least of my worries." She told her reflection as she quickly brushed her long wet hair.

Grabbing a dry towel from the cupboard, she wrapped it tightly around herself, tucking it in between her breasts. Julie didn't expect Kyle to be out in the hallway and at this point wouldn't want to see or talk to her anyway.

Julie walked past the closed door to his room, and opened hers. She stepped and closing the door behind her, turned into the room and gasped in surprise.

Kyle was sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you again."

"It's okay, but I'm really surprised to see you in here. I wouldn't think you'd want to talk to me right now."

"Well, not like I got a chance to say much earlier, you just went off and kept going." He told her, then pointed to her nightstand.

"You're earring is there and it has a new back. I picked one up on the way home from work last night, but forgot to give it to you, I got distracted with all the pretty girls in their jammies.

"That's very sweet, Kyle." Julie walked closer to the bed. "Better than I deserve."

"I was thinking had I given it to you last night I wouldn't have known it was you."

"You mean, shhh! Wouldn't have been enough?" She rolled her eyes.

"You do have a distinctive shhh," Kyle grinned. "Different pitches too. Sexy, annoyed, bossy."

"I'll put that in a personal ad; capable of a variety of shushes." She nodded. "Guys will line up."

"They should be anyway." Kyle gave her a soft smile. "You're beautiful, Julie."

"Oh, please." Julie snorted. "Okay, more sex advice. You schmooz the girl before you have sex, okay?" She sighed. "Sorry, that's not funny."

"Kind of is." Kyle looked up at her and she saw his eyes darting to her chest, then down to her legs and back again.

The towel didn't go much past her ass, and a lot of her leg was showing as well as more than a little cleavage. He'd been looking at her before last night; god only knew that was probably going to get worse after what happened.

That was another issue and one that she couldn't blame him for, but fact was her brother was now going to be having sexual thoughts of her moving forward, no way he couldn't. He might not be the only one as she noticed her own eyes lingering on his well muscled arms and hard flat stomach. Not to mention she was now aware of the fact her little brother had a damn big cock.

A big cock that had completely stuffed her mouth and stretched her pussy and felt so good, she'd cum on it. Julie swallowed nervously when she felt her nipples stiffen beneath the towel. God, what had she done to the two of them?

"If you want to talk, give me a minute to change. I shouldn't be standing here like this." She needed more than a minute, and not to just change, but get her act together. If this conversation was going to about what they'd done she had to be able to do the right thing and keep to the story it was all for him, and she hadn't shamelessly enjoyed it.

"Why? You look damn hot in just that towel." Kyle noted, proving his mind was exactly where hers was, but his could be, she was the one that needed to the right thing here. Because that had worked so well, she added, dryly. "Your hair's wet, skins still damp, showing off those legs."

"Kyle, we talked about this. I'm your sister and even after what happened between us that still means something. Last night was..."

"Amazing." He cut her off. "I told you that before I knew it was you so you know I'm not lying."

"Kyle, let's drop it, okay? Thank you for the ego stroke, but it's okay. I wasn't upset because I didn't think you considered me a good lay."

"You were a great lay!" Kyle whistled. "Sis, you can really su..."

"Don't say it!" She snapped. "Kyle, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I had no right being the one getting upset. I was just frustrated because I thought I'd played it perfect and you were happy and would never know what I did."

"Now you know and it ruined last night and the worst part is it might have ruined things between us."

She looked away from him as the last part had come out in a choked whisper. All thoughts of how good last night had felt fled her mind. Julie's eyes were filling up and her lip trembling as she fought not to cry. "I've always loved how close we were, that you were always my sweet little brother. Now I fucked that up."

"Whoa, don't cry, sis!" Kyle stood up from the bed and put his arms around her. She hesitated for a moment, then leaned into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Please don't hate me for this, Kyle," she whispered.

"Hate you? I could never hate you, sis. I was mad because, well first of all it was kind of a shock to realize I had sex with my sister. What made me really angry though was you lied."

"I couldn't exactly tell you it was me."

"But you lied about the note, about being in on it. You stood there and pretended you didn't know anything. We never lie to each other and I think that was what really got me."

"I would think your sister tricking you into thinking I was one of my friends would have upset you."

"That's part of lying, but I get why you couldn't. Hey, Kyle why don't I be your first time might not have worked."

While he spoke he slid on hand up through her long damp hair, cradling her head, his other hand was now lightly caressing her back over the towel.

"But I'm not mad anymore, Jules. Its okay." He kissed her cheek. "We're okay."

"You mean that?" She lifted her head from his shoulder, and eased back so she could look up into his eyes, but still remain in his embrace. "You still love your big sister?"

"How could I not? Julie, after you stormed out I sat and thought about it some more and what you did? It shows me just how much you love me. To do what you did? Something everyone would say is totally wrong, something you knew was wrong, but still did it?"

Julie started to reply, but he made her smile instead, when he went, "Shh!" and continued speaking.

"You did it because you didn't want me to be hurt again. You did it out of love. Not to many sisters would do that much for their brother."

"Maybe in West Virginia." Julie joked.

Their faces were only inches apart and she was aware of her breasts pressing against his chest through the towel. His hand had strayed from the top of her back, down over the towel and was hovering just over her ass.

She told herself to ease away from him, and to what she'd said she would, get dressed before they finished talking, but another part of her was enjoying the closeness far more than she should.

"Once I saw the earring and thought back to last night, you know what really told me it was you, and that the earring just didn't somehow end up here?"

"How?" Her hands had been by her side, but as she waited for his response, she slipped her arms beneath his, hugging him around his chest. Her nipples were hard again and as she lightly rubbed his back, feeling the hard muscles beneath his skin, an unexpected heat grew between her legs.
