Shifting Priorities


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"Thank you! Thank you! Tha-"

"Kimberly! Enough! You're very welcome! I don't need to hear you say it anymore. I'm just glad the upgrade didn't go to waste," Kyle said firmly but with a smile and the woman grinned back, nodding.

The remaining members of their group arrived and Vivian got their attention.

"Just leave your bikes with us but take your helmets with you. Your bags have been taken to your rooms. Check in with registration to get your keys. Dinner tonight is in the chateau's dining room and is covered except for alcohol. Additionally, the bar afterwards, should you choose to visit it, is not covered," she explained. "We'll meet you back here tomorrow morning at 9AM. Have a lovely night!"

They made their way inside to the reception area, admiring the décor of the huge building on the way.

Kyle somehow ended up being the first in line. He smiled at the young woman behind the desk. "Hi, Kyle MacDenny."

"Ah! Monsieur MacDenny! We have the Princess Suite for you," the woman said in a charming French accent he could have listened to all night. Then what she said about his upgraded room sank in and it all came back to him. She glanced at the screen with a curious frown then looked back to see his pained expression. "Will Mrs. MacDenny be joining you? I do not see that her bag was taken to the room."

He shook his head. "There is no Mrs. MacDenny. The woman I was supposed to be traveling with... made other plans. I don't need a suite. A smaller room would be fine."

"I'm sorry. We have no other rooms available," she said with a sympathetic expression.

He turned to see Carl and Larissa watching him. "Would you guys like to switch rooms with me, no extra charge?"

"What's wrong with your room?" Carl asked.

"Nothing. The Princess Suite is just bigger than I need," he sighed.

"Yes! We'll take it!" Larissa yelped happily, clapping her hands. Carl snorted in amusement.

Kyle smiled and turned back to the woman at the counter. They made the switch and the staff were sent to move the bags.

Once Kyle was squared away in his very nice smaller room he cleaned up and put on some nice clothes for dinner. He had time so he wandered the grounds, soaking in the ambiance. There was a small lake with swans floating back and forth. He spotted Helen and Skye going for a walk. They spotted him and Skye changed their course to join up with him.

"Hi! I heard you gave up the Princess Suite to the Burkettes." Helen said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Yeah, I thought the whole Princess thing would ruin my image as a lone wolf renegade," he said with a small grin.

Helen giggled and even Skye cracked a grin.

"Did you get a special room at each of the chateaus?" the daughter asked.

"No, not all of them offered upgrades. I called each of the chateaus on the itinerary to see what was available and booked what I could," he said with a shrug.

"Will you be surprising others with free upgrades in the future?" Skye asked.

"Skye! You're such a cheeky girl!" Helen scolded her daughter who was showing no remorse.

Kyle grinned at the mother. "Yes, she is. But she may also be right. We'll just have to see how it goes. You never know, some days I may feel like a princess."

That caught Helen off guard causing her to snort. She burst into an almost hysterical giggle at the sound he'd surprised from her. He watched her with a big grin and she swatted his arm gently as her face warmed with a blush.

"Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?" Skye asked.

Realizing he wasn't looking forward to being by himself he nodded gratefully and Helen smiled happily at him.

They made their way inside and saw some of the others were already seated at their tables. Helen informed the hostess that Kyle would be joining them and she had a place setting added to their table.

The food was excellent and Kyle splurged and ordered a bottle of wine with dinner.

Helen proved to be a bit of a lightweight when it came to alcohol and became increasingly giggly. Kyle was feeling just the hint of a pleasant buzz but Skye showed no effects at all.

When dinner was over they made their way into the bar to get another drink. They were joined by the rest of their group. The bartender smiled as he saw the customers entering.

Kyle, Helen, and Skye took seats at the bar and placed their orders.

The Burkettes stopped beside Helen. "Kyle, thank you for switching rooms with us! The Princess Suite is gorgeous!" Larissa gushed.

"Your welcome. That's great!" he replied with a smile.

"It's huge! Is your room nice?" Carl asked.

"Yes, it's perfect for me. Not too big," he nodded.

"Apparently, he has a few other special rooms booked so we'll just have to stay on his good side to have a chance to get the next upgrade!" Skye said, teasingly, bouncing her eyebrows at the ladies.

Larissa and Helen burst into giggles as Kyle shook his head with a grin.

They ordered drinks and talked a little about their jobs back home.

Albert walked in with Fiona on his arm and Kyle thought they looked like the picture perfect example of a rich husband and his trophy wife. The man couldn't have looked more pleased with himself and Fiona was dazzling in that airbrushed, artificial perfection, her hair gleaming under the lights. Her blouse struggled to contain her tits and exposed quite a bit of cleavage, gold chains disappearing between the large orbs.

David and Kimberly walked in directly behind the Hollings, the petite redhead giving Kyle a big smile and a wave which he returned.

"What are we drinking?" David asked.

Helen and Skye gestured to their wine glasses.

Kyle lifted his tumbler. "Scotch."

The big man's eyes lit up. "I knew there was something I liked about you!" He gestured to the bartender to set him up with a scotch as well.

Kimberly frowned at her husband disappointedly.

Alfred ordered himself a scotch while Fiona asked for a Black Russian. Kimberly just ordered a club soda as she said she didn't drink.

Carl and Larissa decided to stick with cola as they'd had wine with dinner too and were concerned about the difficulty of the next day's ride. Apparently there would be some moderate climbing.

"I thought you two were from Boulder, Colorado. I'd have thought you were used to hilly rides?" Alfred asked.

Carl answered for them. "We stay out of the mountains for the most part. We walk the higher grades."

"Just ride at your own pace," Kyle said with a smile. He was feeling very relaxed.

"Since you're riding one of the faster bikes, are you going to join us elite racers out front tomorrow?" Alfred asked Kyle. There was definitely a challenge in his voice and Kyle just smiled at the man.

"We'll have to see how the spirit takes me. I intend to ride hard on a couple of days at least, just to see what the bike can do. Maybe it will be tomorrow, maybe not."

"Why did you get the better bike if you aren't going to use it to its full potential?" Alfred pushed with a grin.

"He got the upgrades because his ex-fiancé demanded them to punish him before she dumped him," Fiona told her husband keeping her eyes on Kyle.

Alfred had obviously missed the story when he'd raced ahead. "Ex-fiancé? Is that who you were bringing with you on this trip?"

Kyle nodded as his mood began to sour. He gestured to the bartender for another. The rest moved to tables leaving Kyle, Helen, and Skye at the bar.

Helen saw his frown and put her arm around his back to give him a friendly hug. "Cheer up! It's her loss, I'd say!"

Kyle smiled at the woman who was leaning against him in a rather familiar way. Definitely a lightweight. "Thanks Helen. That's sweet of you to say."

The woman grinned and squeezed him again before turning back to her drink.

Kyle looked over at Skye who was giving him the oddest smile.

A short time later Alfred returned to the bar for refills. "What's this I hear about free room upgrades?" the man exclaimed at Kyle's elbow.

Helen spun around to address the man. "This fine young gentleman purchased a few upgraded rooms on our trip. He generously offered the first one to the Burkettes."

Skye leaned forward to join in. "If he feels so inclined, he might offer the next one to you and your missus."

"Maybe we could race for it?" he asked Kyle.

Kyle knew Alfred was burning to race somebody on this trip. The tour they were on didn't really have too many days where the route was really challenging but there was an alternate route on day three which could be used to test their mettle. He turned to look at Alfred whose eyes were twinkling with excitement. The man was definitely fit and was an avid cyclist. Kyle was no slouch himself. It would be kind of fun pushing himself to chase the 'elite rider'. He grinned and the other matched it. "Day three, alternate route? I have an upgraded room in the chateau that evening."

"YES! You're on!" Alfred cheered and held out his hand to shake on it.

Kyle laughed and shook the man's hand. It looked like he'd just made the man's whole trip.

"Wait! You get the upgraded room if you win. What does Kyle get when he beats you?" Skye said, intentionally saying 'when', not 'if'. Her eyes flashed with challenge.

Alfred barked a confident laugh. "He has all of tomorrow to think of something. And all of the following day to realize it didn't matter. I won't lose."

Kyle just shook his head with a grin. The man looked like he had reason to feel that confident. Kyle was just going to push himself with Alfred's help and see how hard he could ride. It didn't really matter to him if he won or not.

The bartender handed Alfred his scotch and another Black Russian for Fiona. He walked away drinks in hands, gleefully chuckling.

Kyle sipped at his drink as he watched Alfred telling his wife, the Burkettes, and the Wallis' about the challenge. Surprised eyes turned back in his direction and, feeling silly, he raised his tumbler in salute. They raised theirs in return. Then his eyes locked on Fiona's as she smiled and nodded ever so slightly to him.

When he turned back to the bar, Skye was watching him with a knowing smile. She leaned in.

"Are you going to ask that blow-hard for a tumble with his wife?" she whispered.

"What!?! No!" Kyle exclaimed in shock.

"It would serve him right for being so overconfident!" Skye said with a shrug and a smile.

"What would?" Helen asked having missed the first part.

"Nothing, just more cheekiness from Skye," Kyle said to nip the conversation in the bud.

They got another drink then joined the others at the tables as they talked about cycling and other ways they relaxed. Fiona tried to convince everyone how yoga would improve their lives. David asked her to demonstrate the breathing exercises three times before she caught on that he just wanted to see her blouse open with each inhalation. She shook her finger at him with a fake scowl but Albert laughed the loudest.

Kyle glanced at the clock and decided he'd head back to his room to get some sleep. He was still feeling the remnants of the previous night's binge.

"It's been a lovely night but I think I'll head off to bed," he said with a smile for the others.

Helen pouted and Skye stood up as well. "I think it's time for us to go as well." Her mother looked up at her in surprise but got to her feet at her daughter's tug.

Albert snorted. "Isn't this backwards? Aren't the young supposed to stay up all night partying and the oldsters go to bed early?"

"I'll take that as a compliment!" Helen teased. At 36, she was the second oldest in the group, second only to Albert's 56 years.

Skye moved her mother along but Helen's stability wasn't so good with the wine in her system.

"Ooo! The room's spinning a bit, dear," Helen sighed.

"Kyle, there's no elevator in this building. Would you help me get mum up to our room?" Skye asked sweetly.

He looked at her then Helen and saw the shy smile on the mother's face. He smiled. "Sure." He wrapped an arm around the woman's back and walked her down the hall to the stairs. He helped her up to the second floor, the whole time her body was pressed tight against his, hip to hip. She clung to his hand on her hip as it supported her.

As they climbed he heard her breathing oddly so he glanced over. Her eyes were half lidded and she was biting her lower lip sexily which began to wake parts of his anatomy. Seeing such a seductive expression on her lovely features was more than a little stimulating.

He glanced over at Skye and she was smiling to herself. They finally got to the room and Helen was breathing pretty hard at this point.

"Sleep well-" Kyle began.

"I think mum is going to need a little more help before that's possible, Kyle."

He looked at Skye in question and saw she had a wicked grin on her lips.

"You've gotten her all hot and bothered after all. You can't leave her in that state!" Skye said and opened the door. Helen was blushing furiously at her daughter's words but she wasn't arguing. She lifted her eyes to his hopefully then her eyes tracked downwards and saw he was showing against his pants. Her smile grew.

Kyle was out of his element here. "I don't think-"

"We'll be discreet. No one needs to know. Just a little bit of fun. A release of some pent-up tension and frustration. We could all use a little of that it seems!" Skye grinned, also looking at the bulge in his pants.

Kyle's eyes widened as Helen took his hand and Skye gently pulled on his other one. He was stunned to find himself following them into the room.

Skye closed the door and locked it as Helen led him further into the room. He quickly glanced around and saw there was just one decently large bed. He supposed mother and daughter would share it- He jolted as he realized the bed wasn't the only thing they planned to share tonight.

He couldn't believe that he was actually doing this. It was so out of character for him. The scotch had relaxed him but he was by no means drunk. What the hell was he doing?

The first thought that went through his mind was, what would Gwen think? His next thought was a hot flash of not giving a fuck what she thought! It was obvious to him now that Gwen had a roaming eye and her idea of an ideal match had more to do with a bank balance than love.

Her intrusion on his thoughts now was not welcome. He pushed her out of his mind and asked himself... what do I want?

When Helen stepped close and tilted her face up to his, there was no hesitation. He kissed her and found her mouth to be very soft and sensual. She moaned when his kiss became demanding. His hands went into her hair and their passion grew. She submitted to his need and clung to his hard body as his kiss fanned the flames of her own desire.

When he pulled back from the kiss they were both breathing hard and looking deeply into each other's eyes. Skye's hands circled around his body to begin undoing his shirt. Helen worked the buttons of her own blouse as Skye pulled his shirt off.

"Ooo! You've a lovely body!" Helen sighed looking at Kyle's strong toned arms, firm chest, and tight stomach muscles.

His mind returned to him for a moment of clarity. "Wait, aren't you married?" he blurted.

"Divorced," Helen said with a grin.

Kyle suddenly felt firm tits pressing against the bare skin of his back as Skye's hands began working the buckle on his belt, then the button and zipper on his pants. This shocked him back to reality. Geezus, he was really doing this? Once more he heard Gwen's criticism in his head and his resolve strengthened to put her out of his thoughts.

Helen's blouse fell to the floor and his eyes locked onto her breasts straining to be freed from her bra. She reached back, undid the clasp, and pulled the straps forward exposing a very lovely pair of breasts.

Skye's tits slid down his back as she pushed his pants and underwear down.

"Oh my! That's a very nice cock too!" Helen gasped as she faced it. She pushed her skirt and panties down as she knelt in front of him and smiled up at him. Skye pressed her lips to his ass and he started from the strange sensation and looked over his shoulder at the young woman squeezing his ass. He gasped when he felt lips on his cock and looked forward to see Helen holding his eyes as she took his hard cock deep into her mouth.

"That feels incredible!" he moaned and Helen's eyes twinkled with joy.

"This ass is incredible! So fucking firm!" Skye purred as she squeezed his cheeks with her fingers.

After working Kyle's cock into a rock solid state Helen pulled back with a pop and squeezed the base as she admired her handiwork. "Skye, look at this! It's a good length and thickness! Better than your father's!"

"Mum! I don't want to hear about dad's privates!" Skye whined.

Helen chuckled. "Sorry, love! I'm just a little over-excited. It's been over two years since I've been with a man!"

"Again mum, too much information!"

Kyle couldn't help chuckling at that as here was a daughter stark naked before her mother preparing to have sex with a stranger. He bent and helped Helen to her feet as Skye got to her own and rushed around to the other side of the bed.

"Kyle, why don't you lie down on the bed so we can both ride you at the same time."

"Dear, he only has one cock," Helen said in confusion.

"Yes, but don't forget he has a mouth too," Skye said with a grin.

Helen's eyes flew wide as the idea hadn't occurred to her.

To be fair, the idea of being with them simultaneously hadn't occurred to Kyle either but he was quickly accepting his role in this 'little bit of fun'. The more it flew in the face of what he'd have been 'allowed' to do, the more appealing it became.

He climbed on the bed and Helen looked at her daughter in question.

"Why don't you let him use his mouth on you first?" the young woman suggested.

"I've never done that before," Helen said nervously.

"How about you Kyle, have you ever given face? Are you good at it?" Skye asked.

He flashed back to a memory of Gwen screaming through a mighty orgasm and nodded with a hot smile.

"Mmmm! I'm looking forward to my turn!" the young woman purred.

He slid down a little on the bed and Skye helped her mother get into position over Kyle's face. The woman gripped the bed's ornate headboard as she slowly lowered her pussy towards his waiting mouth. She sucked in a breath and twitched as he began to kiss the inside of her thighs. She bit her lip and moaned.

Kyle was beginning to really enjoy himself. He knew what to do here and each kiss and lick was having the desired effect. He sucked in a breath when he felt Skye rolling a condom over his cock... with her mouth. He moaned as she plunged his cock deeper and deeper.

When Helen finally settled on his face he got to work and she immediately moaned in bliss and tightened her grip on the headboard. He'd been expecting this and worked with the natural rolling of her hips.

"Oh! Oh god! Kyle! Yes! There! Right there!" Helen chanted under her breath as bliss radiated from her tingling pussy.

Kyle moaned deep into Helen's wet channel as he felt Skye's tight pussy sliding down over his cock. The sensations were a little muted by the condom but it still felt awesome! She was taking more and more of him until he felt her settle down on his body. He was fully inside. She rocked slightly side to side as she became accustomed to his size. He knew he wasn't particularly large but Skye was on the small side herself.

He went back to work on Helen with new energy and she began to gasp and shake as his tongue sent bolts of bliss through her body.

"Mum! He fills me up so well!" Skye sighed as she began to slowly lift and drop herself on his cock.

He began to thrust his hips up every time she dropped on him. This finished each stroke with a slap which had the desired effect of accelerating her pleasure.