Sinners Curse

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Paranormal erotica.
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This story was co-written by a good friend of mine and my roomie, and a new member to literotica. Peaches1970. Without her it would not have been possible. We hope ya'll enjoy.


Mystic Starr snuggled deeper under the covers unaware of the man that watched her from the shadows. She wished that she could go back to sleep but she knew that it was useless. Pushing back the covers she slowly got out of bed. The sight of her nude body illuminated by the moon had his cock burning with desire. She was everything that he didn't want or need in his life but no matter how hard he tried to stay away from her he couldn't. His body burned for her he could hear her heart beating see the blood pumping through her veins, as he gazed at the beauty before him his fangs grew they began to ache wanting nothing more than to sink into her tender flesh. He could smell her innocence her purity and it only made the monster in him want her more. Probing her mind he saw the only man that she had been intimate with the one that was the cause of her tears, the one that he wanted to kill for daring to touch to hurt what belonged to him. Soon she would be his and nothing or no one would stop him from achieving that goal not even those damn gypsies who had cursed him to this place. He was trapped in this dwelling for all of eternity unable to leave the grounds. They had thought that trapping him here would save lives but Sinner Black wasn't a man to be deterred from what he wanted. Using his mind he was able to call his food to him. The previous owner Damien Starr had also bought him blood for times when no one was close enough to heed his call to come to him. A single blood red tear slipped from his eye as he thought of Damien. The man had been killed not even 10 miles from Sinner, but because of the damn curse Sinner had been unable to go to him to save him. Damien's only living relative had inherited the property and since the moment that he had seen a picture of her he had been drawn to her. Since her arrival a few days ago he had been unable to stay away from her.

He knew that she knew about him but he had yet to make his-self known to her for fear that she would be disgusted by him . She stretched giving him a tantalizing view of her sex and he knew that he had to get out of there before his animalistic urges took over. He was losing control he had yet to feed which made his hunger for her body, her blood even stronger. He broke out in a sweat as he imagined sinking his teeth into her neck tasting her sweet blood trickling down his throat. It had been centuries since the need for sex and blood had controlled him. His only need had been his hunger for blood with sex mattering very little to him until now. He wanted, no he needed to feel her unraveling under him as he pleasured her sweet little cunt. Freeing his cock from the tight confines of his jeans he stroked his aching cock as he watched her. The overpowering need for release flowed through his body as she bent over to pick something up off the floor her ass so close to him that he could have reached out and touched it. The thought of taking a riding crop from the stables and using it on her as he took her from behind flooded his mind.

He could imagine her screams and pleasure mingled with the sting of the crop, afterwards he would gently soothe her kissing her pain away licking every spot that the crop had touched. His need for release was strong but he wanted to save it for the first time he made love to her. That would be something she would have to do on her own, giving her body to him.

She hated this place and she couldn't wait to get rid of it and the Vampire that came with it. Since the moment she had stepped foot on the property she had felt uneasy. She felt like eyes were following her everywhere she went and it was creepy as hell. She hadn't seen anything yet but she could feel it and it made her skin crawl. Her Brother had told her about the Vampire trapped in the house a Vampire that he considered a good friend. She hadn't met him yet and she hoped that she didn't meet him. The thought of a real Vampire terrified her. Television had glorified Vampires but she knew the truth they were pure evil and if Damien had considered this one a friend then he must have been under some kind of compulsion. She was sure that a man that had been dead for centuries had to be a horrible sight.

She had thought that her brother was delusional when he had told her about the Vampire. She had never believed that they existed until she had come here. She still wasn't sure if she believed all she knew was that something was here with her. Whether it was a Vampire or something else she had no intention of finding out. She wanted to leave here but she had no idea where she would go. Everything was lost to her, her job her home everything. She knew she was never truly alone in this place she could feel his touch whispering seductively over her body, even though she knew that no one touched her. It had to be the Vampire playing with her mind her body. The thought disgusted her as much as it turned her on. Her Dreams felt so vivid so real. She had never dreamt of such things ever until coming here it had to be connected. In her dreams she never saw him only felt him and it had made her wonder about her own sanity. How could something that she feared have her waking up in a cold sweat and soaking panties?

"Get a grip Mystic, your brother was delusional. Vampires do not exist."

She yelled to the empty room. Hoping that saying it out loud would help convince her-self that she was right. Damien's stories were putting thoughts in her head frightening her.

"No need to get a grip Mystic your brother was no more delusional than you are, as you can see I'm quite real."

Sinner said as he materialized in front of her. Suddenly she was aware that she stood naked in her bedroom with the most sinfully handsome man that she had ever seen. His sky blue eyes with flecks of emerald green stared into her eyes mesmerizing her. She wanted to run to cover herself but she was unable to move away from his penetrating gaze. He had to be at least 6'4 with the body of a God with thick bulging muscles. He was naked from the waist up wearing only a tight pair of jeans. There was a tattoo of a tiger on his chest that looked ready to pounce. He had coal black hair that fell just below his shoulders, a 5 O'clock shadow that was sexy as hell. His skin was perfectly tanned. He looked wild and beautiful. There was no way that he could be a Vampire. He looked way to delicious to be dead. His deep sexy voice sent shivers up her spine making her sex feel achy and needy.

"I'm sorry that I haven't introduced myself to you before now. I'm Sinner Black resident Vampire and I know it will be a pleasure to share my home with you especially if you walk around the way that you are right now. You do look exceptionally delicious."

Shame at her nakedness burned her face warming her blood and causing desire to spike in him.

"There is no way that you're a Vampire it isn't possible Vampires are pale and ugly and evil they definitely don't have golden skin and a shadow of a beard."

His deep throaty chuckle filled the room making her even hotter.

"Darling that's a myth if a vampire is pale it's because he died that way. I just happen to have died with a really good tan and in need of a shave."

Mystic held her breathe as he inched closer to her. Her body trembled as his thumb gently stroked her cheek while his other thumb gently caressed her breast and Mystic knew that Sinner was the man from her dreams. She knew his touch so well her body burned for him. Just as quickly as his touch started it stopped and he stepped back. The air crackled with sexual tension as they each yearned for each other. Neither said a word they just stared into each other's eyes both unable to move until Mystic couldn't stand the silence any longer.

"You have been coming into my room at night touching me without my knowledge. How could you do that to me? I have felt your touch in what I thought was dreams, but I was wrong they weren't dreams at all. You were touching me for real."

Mystic wanted so badly to slap him but she couldn't move her hand in fact she couldn't move at all he had to be using compulsion on her making her feel things that she would never feel .

"I have never touched you with anything other than my mind until now. Yes you have dreamt of me but only because I dream of you. I would never touch you without you knowing. Soon you will be mine and you will submit to me of your own free will and I will fuck you in ways that you have only dreamed of and trust me you will be begging for it begging for what I can do for you. You need to get some sleep tonight and tomorrow we will spend some time getting to know each other. I will show you my home."

"That won't be possible you're a Vampire you can't go out in the sun and I have seen most of the house already."

"That's another myth Vampires can go in the sun just like humans the only thing it does is drain their power especially in direct sunlight but no they don't burst into flames .The older the Vampire the more sunlight he can handle without becoming weak. I am old enough that I can stay out all day if I want to and not feel the effects of the sun , but that's enough about that we will talk tomorrow rest my love."

Sinner said as his lips touched hers in the lightest of kisses before disappearing from the room. She could finally move but suddenly she felt so sleepy that she could barely keep her eyes open. She knew that he had put her under compulsion to sleep but she was too tired to be angry about his messing with her mind. Climbing back into bed she was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow dreaming dreams of a sexy vampire that had rocked her world with a single caress.

Sinner grabbed a bag of blood from the small fridge he kept in his bedroom and drank deeply. He knew that he would never be able to sleep, his thoughts were to full of Mystic he wanted her in a way that he had never wanted anything or anybody. Stripping his clothes off he climbed into his bed nude not bothering to cover his-self because the weather had no effect on his body. He had to be more careful. He hadn't realized that he was projecting his fantasies into her mind. Sinner was a man that took what he wanted, no had never been in his vocabulary not even when he had been human. He knew that he would have her it was just a matter of time, and with eternity stretching before him he had all the time in the world. Failure wasn't an option she would soon be his for eternity. He would give her the gift of immortality and then spend eternity loving her. He knew that his passion for her was too strong for a mere mortal to handle. A scowl twisted his handsome features as fear coiled inside his gut, fear that he would get carried away and hurt her perhaps even kill her because his hunger for her for was so great. He couldn't wait and wouldn't wait until he turned her to taste of her delicious body.

He would just have to control his urges and pleasure her the way a human man would. He knew that she hadn't had much sleep since her arrival and dawn would lighten the sky in a few hours. He didn't want her to be too tired for what he had in store for her. The tour of the grounds could come later instead of showing her around he would compel her to sleep all day and rest, and then he would go to her and seduce her. In her eyes it would be too soon for sex, but not in his he had waited centuries to feel real passion for a woman. There was no way that he was going to wait any longer. For a minute he thought about compelling her to want him to make love to her but he decided against it because it wouldn't be real. He would refrain from using compulsion he wanted her to want him on her own free will. True he had used compulsion on her but only to keep her still and to put her to sleep. Everything else was her body reacting to his. He knew that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. Sinner could tell how much she wanted him just by the way her body had trembled at his small caress her nipples had become hard as pebbles and he had smelled the scent of her arousal. He knew that it would be easy to seduce her.

The body never lied and her body was screaming take me, and take her he would. He would take her to places that she had never been. Her beautiful luscious body had been made for loving and he was gonna do just that.

The hours seemed to pass by slowly as Sinner laid in his room, but finally dusk fell and he knew that she had slept enough. Searching for her mind he released her enough for her to wake up, but he stayed connected enough to hear her thoughts and know what she was up to. She was confused and if he was gauging her thoughts right completely pissed when she realized that he had made her sleep the whole day. He wanted to go to her but decided to wait awhile as she showered and went down the stairs to eat. He waited patiently as she grabbed a book from his extensive collection in the library and returned to her room. Sinner laughed out loud as she locked her door to keep him out.

He was a vampire that flimsy little lock couldn't keep him out besides he could just appear in her room and had been doing just that since her arrival. His breath which had ceased to exist centuries ago caught in his throat as she undressed down to her panties and bra and climbed back into her bed picking up the book to read. It was time he needed to go to her. Appearing in her room he stayed in the shadows and watched her. There was no doubt in his mind That Mystic was aroused. Putting her book on the bedside table she laid back and sighed as she began touching herself. Searching her thoughts he saw that she was thinking of him. Her sex was dripping wet with desire soaking the thin piece of lace that barley covered her pussy. Her body trembled as Sinner's image came into her mind. Her hands touched her breasts rubbing them through the thin lace material that matched her panties. Sinner's hungry gaze followed her hands as she unsnapped her bra throwing it to the side leaving her beautiful breasts bare to him. Her hands traveled down the length of her body stopping at the waistband of her panties. Sinner's cock jerked and he licked his lips as she slid her panties off. Mystic spread her-self wide her hot, wet pussy glistened from her arousal. She sighed as her finger slipped inside and Sinner almost lost it he couldn't take it anymore.

With just a thought he removed his clothes and stepped from the shadows and breathed in her intoxicating scent. Desire gleamed in his eyes as he took in the sight of her laying there open and ready for him. Her eyes opened and she saw him standing there naked and ready for her, his large cock standing at attention. Fear and desire shone in her eyes as she wondered if she could take all of him of his cock without the pain interfering with the pleasure. In an instant it disappeared to be replaced by fear as she reached for the covers to hide her shame at being caught masturbating while thinking of him. She was glad that she was spared the shame of him knowing she thought of him while doing it.

"Don't do that," Sinner yelled hoarsely. "Don't ever hide your beauty from me. You are breathtaking Mystic Starr and I want you. I want you more than anything in this world."

Sinner reached out and moved the blanket leaving her open once more to his hungry gaze. His eyes were the eyes of a predator glaring hungrily at his prey. She was fighting with her own body not to invite him into her bed, but sadly she was losing the fight, finding herself leaving her bed and moving towards the man she wanted to touch. Standing before him in all her nakedness she could feel her core tremble as he gently traced her lips with his thumb. His cock twitched and stiffened to the point of discomfort but he tried to ignore it. Her mouth was open in invitation and he had her under no compulsion. She wanted him and so help him God, if this is what she wanted who was he to complain? He pulled her into his arms and let his mouth consume hers and the fire was ignited. She moaned into his mouth as he worked her, so soft, so insistent.

She slid her breast against his body as she let her arms embrace him, her hands roaming over his hard body as the kiss became more intense both feeling the burn coursing through their veins. His hands glided effortlessly against her skin until he cupped her ass in his hands and sank deep into her soft warm flesh. She tossed her head back in ecstasy. His hands glided over her skin touching her everywhere. It was more than just his hands he wanted to sink into her, but that would have to wait. He wanted a night of unbridled passion. He wanted her but only of her own free will. Sinner was lost in the moment and the overwhelming sensation of being a part of her. He knew relentless madness would claim him if he didn't have all of her, scooping her up he carried her to the bed and gently laid her down and stood back mesmerized by her beauty. He joined her on the bed and let his hands continue making love to her body. Her soft moans filled the room as their lips met once again in the sweetest of kisses. She let her own hands explore his body touching places that had him consumed with such desire it was hard for him not to lose control and bury his cock deep in her channel.

He wanted her to enjoy his touch and his kisses and to succumb to her need for him, only when she was begging would he fuck her until his name was spilling from her sweet lips. Warm kisses were burning their flesh as desire increased. She could no longer stand the needing hunger she had for this Vampire, all she knew was that she wanted him.

"Don't say anything," she pleaded as she covered his mouth with her own, "Just take me."

Parting her legs he slid his hand along her thighs to the slick, engorged folds of her sex. She was so wet and ready for him. He spread her juices, coating her clit, and rubbing her until she moaned. Lowering himself completely, guiding his hard shaft to enter her. She sighed into the feeling of fullness as he began rocking into her.

He needed her.

She needed him, too.

He took her hard and fast, already losing whatever doubts had been holding him back. He knew exactly the right buttons to push to make her squirm. She shoved up to reach each thrust as she reveled in the sensations coursing through her body. She opened her legs wider inviting him to go deeper. He kissed her forehead and then her cheeks that burned with arousal. Over and over, he stroked her insides with his hardness, awakening some dormant part of her that she didn't realize existed. No man had ever claimed her body in such a primal way but it was what she craved. He took complete control of her, filling her and bringing her body back to life. She begged him for every inch of his length, not wanting him to hold back.

"Turn over," he growled and though she didn't want to break the connection she complied. He grasped her hips and eased his cock into her slick opening. From his knees, he could slam into her with greater force, an animal instinct that neither could resist. She rocked against him, lifting her ass high and pushing back against him so he could plunge deeper. He reached around with his free hand and stroked her sensitive bud, until she felt as though she could no longer hold back. Mystic clawed the sheets as her orgasm claimed her. Sinner soon surrendered to his own orgasm. Breathless and glistening with sweat, they collapsed on her bed without a word. He entwined his body with hers, listening to her even breaths as she slept in his arms. Sinner had missed the touch and feel of a woman and for once it hadn't been all about him. He had wanted Mystic to enjoy it just as much.